All this talk about toxicity

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Aenye.2390


In all honestly makes me feel toxic even more so.

Because I am. When I can’t even do daily in hj because of this idiotic system, I am toxic. When in said hj I am zerged with 3 people and one starts body dancing, I am toxic (chase far offpoint btw to be clear it was zerging).

And you know what? I thrashtalk him, I do.
Ofc this = maximum toxic
Whereas body dancing is not. Boasting when 3vs1 either. Refusing to l2count too.
I can’t even report that. Not like a guy with over 20k ap would got banned anyhow with this amount of gametime in pve, oh well… (they are in pvp for title/track farming, they do not care for the mode, nor they care to play pvp good; but they come in numbers so again, oh well…) He probably found it funny that someone actually cares what state of hj is and gets salty beacuse its terribad, not serving any purpose (inbf4 someone says – its ‘practice’, yeah sure buddy, believe what they tell you). He probably found critique, on his hammer bashing me in gear shield, offensive.

It is not asking for anet to do something, because they won’t. Nice start would be fixing hj, but noooo. I’m just asking all the players, new or coming from pve to be somewhat fair, before they write how toxic pvp is. What does it mean? That you write what YOU did. The TRUE story. 50% of those threads would magically disappear.

Also, fix this hj at last… It’s not like I can play this game with nothing to do or achieve, I’m only in for dailies and even this is just sick. Pure sick. State of the game is so bad that I found myself using forums recently…

Powerpuff Alex
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


What did I just read? Dude, you need to write this stuff in a personal diary or something. Not here.

Sounds like you got your butt whooped and took a hit right in the feels. I’m telling you: Diary.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


Well there’s your problem, you’re playing hotjoin.
Lesson of the day: don’t play hotjoin.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Dude, you do know that most people, in real life at least, deal with frustration politely, right? I know that this is an online gaming thing, but trash talking people is a really bad habit to have. Imaging you were doing that in a “soloq” volley ball game with strangers at the beach! Just chill out, there is no excuse for being rude.

Also, hotjoin is only here to test how well your build holds against a zerg (I test my WvW builds there). Zerglings be zerging mate! If you want to play and have fun, go to unranked. If you want to trash talk, go to ranked. Simple as that.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Lay off the jenk mate.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I have a simple 5 step program for dealing with toxic players in pvp.

1. oh look, someone is being annoying
2. don’t get upset because it’s just a vidya game.
3. block them
4. (optional) report the player if they are being especially toxic and it seem appropriate.
5. continue on with day

spreading hate isn’t the cure for hate, and neither is raging on the forums. If you want to criticize the state of hot join, it’s better to do it in a straightforward and constructive manner, rather than raging about a specific player you faced.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


Dude, you do know that most people, in real life at least, deal with frustration politely, right? I know that this is an online gaming thing, but trash talking people is a really bad habit to have. Imaging you were doing that in a “soloq” volley ball game with strangers at the beach! Just chill out, there is no excuse for being rude.

Eh, my local basketball court functions as a soloq, random 4v4’s. People can be very rude irl; pushing, shoving, and calling you out as someone who can’t play when they contributed nothing to their team, sooo kinda like our beloved HoTM soloq lol.


All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Eh, my local basketball court functions as a soloq, random 4v4’s. People can be very rude irl; pushing, shoving, and calling you out as someone who can’t play when they contributed nothing to their team, sooo kinda like our beloved HoTM soloq lol.

Really? Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. Competitive environments have this effect on people. But in general, the rudeness is toned down when you are facing the person, and you can not hide behind your computer screen.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Superform.1067


this thread needs more Michal Jackson popcorn meme

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Borvis.2486


Yesterday I killed a random ele who was wandering around in spirits, right after they told me “dont u have anything else to do” “kittening neckbeards lololol” “im sorry to tell you but go back to your mommy”

Honestly, if this is all the toxicity people can come up with I don’t mind seeing it. I laughed for about five minutes straight at those top-notch insults.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Toxic is meta

get less feels to remedy

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Gern.2978


PvP is toxic because both people like you, and the people you are ranting about, make it toxic.
You don’t wan’t toxicity in the game? Then don’t be toxic.

You don’t get to complain about toxicity in the game when you willingly admit to being toxic.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Puppet.8139


Actually, you are playing hotjoin wrong. There are Daily servers in hotjoin. Try not choosing ‘Play practice’ and actually open the hotjoin menu. I can get all 3 of the dailies on all 3 of my accounts in 20 minutes. That’s what the ‘daily’ servers are there for. Get you in and out quick. I usually only play one account a day (depending on which one I wanna play), but not going to not do the dailies on the others. Log onto them, complete and go back to the account I was playing. It is simple and quick.

If you are NA, use [MAD] Dailies. Best daily server.
If you are on EU, it’s a little more complicated since only 2 of the servers allow autobalance. Find the Kyhlo map that supports volunteering for the win/ cap / decap. If you need kills you will have to join one of the Skyhammer maps as well to get the couple quick kills in, then leave the match.

(edited by Puppet.8139)

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Just remember that this sort of thing happens all the time and it’s really nothing personal. It’s not like they were going to remember you anyways, but now they might only remember you as a drama queen lol.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Just do unranked/ranked…. at least it is not always 4v5 lol
As far as toxicity goes, after playing League comminities from any other games seem like fluffy, cute kittens to me… especially GW2 one. Everyone is so nice in comparison to toxic monsters from League.

Also, for some reason OP post reminded me on this masterpiece from years ago

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Well there’s your problem, you’re playing hotjoin.
Lesson of the day: don’t play hotjoin.

I’m actually glad people go do their DAILIES in hotjoin, eventually uranked and don’t bring classes they have no clue about to ranked. I’m also glad that people who know that they have little experience do the same. Although unranked wouldn’t be that bad in that case.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


Well there’s your problem, you’re playing hotjoin.
Lesson of the day: don’t play hotjoin.

I’m actually glad people go do their DAILIES in hotjoin, eventually uranked and don’t bring classes they have no clue about to ranked. I’m also glad that people who know that they have little experience do the same. Although unranked wouldn’t be that bad in that case.

I believe the OP is more frustrated about the outnumbered situation and toxic players behaviour than getting the dailies done. Daily should be a secondary thing that’ll get completed from playing normally anyways, especially now the class option is less limited.

Getting into unranked at an earliest start helps more than hinders their progression into PvP. Unranked creates a stable 5v5 environment, people still play to win, and less toxic than practice. Sometimes I still lash out to players not fighting around nodes/objectives, or losing a fight with more players, though this is often a learning experience for them. However I certainly don’t taunt/abuse people and I hardly see others trash talk in unranked.

New players turning to practice as a first impression will severely impact them from returning to PvP. It certainly doesn’t help when we have idiots purposely picking the winning side, abusing verbally and/or spawn camping.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: Aenye.2390


Yes, I do realize I did all wrong, yes? Kind of confession, that I did…
Also I find all the trolls flocking in, acting saints, really hilarious
And I thank anyone who tried to get through mine pile of salt to read in to the substance which is:
1. Stop the “pvp = toxic” threads, because they are lies. 90% of times both sides are equally engaged in being “toxic” – something other people omit – which I didn’t and everyone found it funny; also overusing the word ‘toxic’
2. HJ is terrible. Big point actually, because it is part of the game. Some people here bascly say to avoid this part of the game as a solution. I cannot put how wrong is this.

Look at this from perspective of new player. He/she looks on pvp browser and thinks: ‘I guess i should practice first’. What kind of practice you can get in hj nowadays? How often do you see even and fair match there? What lesson comes from 5vs3 blowouts? On winning side you learn nothing, no challenge, no real gameplay. On losing you… well this godkitten stupid.
Sooner or later such a player realizes how autobalance works, and that you can force it and how tons of people do it. The profit! Personally I do not know where the profit lies, I never forced balance. But people do it notoriously. Lesson from this? Cheat your way through for revenue. Is this fine? These people learn nothing. Then they realised that ranked/unranked have bigger rewards. And they screw you precious matches troll boys – with insta npc side objectives, wih no clue whatsoever about rotation, no clue about role of their build in conquest.

1) delete hj completely and leave unranked as ‘practice’ – it would be better than nothing, but I don’t like this solution. Hj is good for quick matches without screwing anyone with leaving etc. Some people actually care for unranked outcomes. I see unranked as place for people who already know the basics, or even for veterans, to test builds.
2) make changes to how balancing/specatate works. After joining the match you get set amount of time to join the game, lets say 15 secs; this way of joining would work like now. If you decide no to join, you are specting and excluded from joining to CREATE imbalance, you can only join to SOLVE imbalance. I would leave volunteering as it is now. Maybe even better is to have only ‘Join’ and ‘Spectate’ buttons and have random teams like in old hj – matches back then well so so muuch better and actually developing for your skills, blowouts were rare.

So, are we going to have fun from my childlish rant with even more childlish troll posts?
Or do we try to have some conversation on root of this type of problems? Like the way hj work, also matchamking solo vs. premade issue, incentive to get better, incentive to form a team etc.?

Powerpuff Alex
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


It’s actually really easy to not be a tool, just exercise some self control.

HJ works well as a clusterf***, I mean does anyone even fight on point there? Everyone I know uses it for quick buildtesting, warmups, or just for goofing off. I hope people aren’t actually trying to win there.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)