It’s in my nature to be really rude about issues that are seemingly obvious to go blindly ignored but I’m gonna to my best, pinky promise.
Lets start with your design philosophy of GW2, and the “destruction” of the holy trinity. It’s been stated numinous times that you all intend to design a game in which you can play what you like to complete fill a roll that is needed. This is a pretty idiotic claim in my opinion, here is why. Unless everyone has the exact same skill, on skill will be better than the its counterparts in a roll. From a PvP perspective, the more opportunities something has to work the better. Or in another way, lets say you have to classes/builds that fulfill the same role. X, has a skill that does 800damage and will hit your target every time. Y, has a skill that does 950 damage but requires help to set up from your team. Y deals more damage but it’s not significant considering it’s less applicable than X.
Here’s some proof. Lets look at the witch hunt surrounding Mesmers. Double range shatter was a Mesmer build played long before the June23rd patch, and despite the increased amulet stats available shatters were about in the range they were before because the ratio on shatter dps is low…anyways. Pre-patch Mesmer COULD do very good damage, but all of a shatter Mesmers damage is front loaded into one combo. And because all you had to do to basically ignore a Mesmer power build in the past was to dodge mirror blade. Phantasms are highly unreliable and die to unfocused aoe on point, and don’t even get started on iZerker, which hits for only one tick regularly. Now the June23rd patch comes around and with a combination of a trait confounding suggestions and daze mantra/daze shatter Mesmers were able to RELIABLY land their damage. So while Mesmers could land an 8k rotation before and after the patch with an almost identical build, it was never reliable before, it was like Y in the example. Now that Mesmer has become more self sufficient and the damage has shifted more towards X, now omg Mesmer is popular and has gathered fair-weathers from far and wide.
So back to the argument at hand, different skills =/= same roll, and how this ties in. Almost no build in PvP does one thing, therefore it is not pigeonholed into limited uses or scenarios. Example? Oh idk maybe the class/build that can do it all??? Ele D/D can: 1v1, teamfight, deal with condi builds, deal with power builds, escape outnumbered fights, move quickly on the map, etc. Gezz I wonder if anyone plays that class… Oh what’s that? People put two on almost every team? Huh, so a build that can do almost everything is strong enough to take the spot of a more focused class/build? Wonder why…
I’m not here to trash talk the balance team, but lord knows I’d love to. I’m here in hopes after three years of gameplay it can be admitted not all class skills are created equally. Infact their diversity should allow growth of different team comps because the differences allow you to combo in unique ways. But this will never happen if there are more “X’s” in the pool, in a way of saying.
Limit teams to one of every class in competitive play. This will force players/teams to utilize their class in different ways. Arguments against this, “well if you say that one class is better at something than the others wont everyone run the same thing?”. Answer, yes, until they are balanced teams will idle around picking the same class for a role, but as the classes are tweeked and new builds come into play. For instance what if you wanted to run a cele d/d, then you wouldn’t have access to a staff ele. But what if you wanted to combo your staff ele with something, then no d/d. This give and take would increase the viability of different builds and hopefully start us on the right track in attempts to provide a balanced pvp environment.
Examples of this working? How about the MobA community. Both Dota2 and League of Legends, even Smite do not allow for mirror matchups. If someone picks/bans something away a comp is changed in some way but not always the focus. Protect the AD carry is a popular team design in League of Legends which can be done with a variety of AD carries and a variety of team designs. I am NOT suggesting a ban phase but I think it would be another huge improvement to add a pick phase to competitive events. For example if people learn to multi-class (WHICH HASN’T BEEN NEEDED BECAUSE ONE THING ALWAYS DOES SOMETHING BETTER THAN SIMILAR BUT DIFFERENT ABILITIES!!!) a draft could change depending on the team. In the current setting there’s nothing stopping teams from swaping classes over and over before a match. This does NOT mean one class per map, as in you can pick away a thief then the other team could not have one. Only that per team, one of each class.
So wall of text in one sentence.
1. Limit one of every class to 5v5 structured tournaments play
2. Consider the implementation of a “captains” mode draft style.
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)