Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


I have been using the Mists and sPvP to test out level 80 characters to see what I want my next alt to be. I dont do any tournaments and I usually only do around 25-30 matches on a single class to figure out if I like it or hate it. Im not there to rank up Im just there to find out if I enjoy a class I have never tried. All I read is Warriors are horrible at PvP…bugged charge and other utilities, no escape, no real swiftness without blowing elite signet, yadda yadda yadda

Yet Hammer warriors just global me no matter what class I have tried. Now Im sure most of that is a L2Play issue on my part as Im not really sticking with a single class long enough to really master them. I usually try 3-4 builds per class and If I keep getting owned I will move on to another class. But so far the only class I really stand a chance with is a Mesmer and only if get up all my clones and phantasms ASAP and then hope he sucks. I have noticed some Warriors just going around destroying everyone but when matches are over I can see they were mostly low ranked people like myself so again its probably a L2play issue on our parts as we havent done enough to understand our classes fully and also understand how to use each map to our advantages.

TLDR: If not doing tournaments and just going up against PuGs filled mostly with other people like myself who are probably in there just testing out new classes or builds are Warriors fine?

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: King James.2659

King James.2659

Glass cannon warriors are decent in hot joins, but the class is lacking alot compared to others.

Bam Bam

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Miko.5726


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Warriors are fine everywhere except for the highest level of PvP where they seem to be lacking compared to other classes. But this is as much due to some professions being overpowered as well as Warriors being a bit shallow.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

What makes rangers so good? they keep owning me no matter what class I try.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lowellollipop.5817


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

We don’t use rangers and only 1 ele. We do use a warrior. I’m not sure what point you were trying to make, but you failed.

And overall warriors are still “underpowered” compared to the rest and due to what is played at the moment, our warrior just happens to love warrior and has no reason not to play it.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Yet Hammer warriors just global me no matter what class I have tried.


wait, wut?!

Hammer warriors


Not sure if srs

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


this thread was here for a week. now they moved and same old questions reappears.
oh you users

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kylex.5962


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

And overall warriors are still “underpowered” compared to the rest and due to what is played at the moment, our warrior just happens to love warrior and has no reason not to play it.

Its underpowered :o?
the damage it gives out is extreme. the only problem is.. almost every class is “overpowered”
buffing warriors will only further ruin the game.

Wannabe Thief – Chieftain Ninjas

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lowellollipop.5817


Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

And overall warriors are still “underpowered” compared to the rest and due to what is played at the moment, our warrior just happens to love warrior and has no reason not to play it.

Its underpowered :o?
the damage it gives out is extreme. the only problem is.. almost every class is “overpowered”
buffing warriors will only further ruin the game.

Isn’t that what I wrote with different words? Yes it is!

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yep, nerf Elementalists and Guardians boon rolling/bunker abilities, slightly nerf Mesmers utility and clone spam and make Thieves a little more defensive and less bursty and Warriors should be fine again.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kellhus.8071


If you die to a hammer warrior, you’re asleep at the wheel.

They have the slowest gd swing animations I’ve ever seen, and one of their KBs roots them to swing in a frontal arc.

If you had said GS, I might have believed this wasn’t a troll.. But hammer? C’mon now.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Vgman.4019


Basically dab If your going to play warrior your going to go glass cannon. If your loosing to hammer war then it pretty much IS an l2p issue. Hammer builds are for team fights and aoe controll/nockdown bla bla bla. Generally far more usefull in WvW and almost never use full in 1v1.

And the main reason that war right now is all about the glass cannon is because war has the weakest built in defenses in the game. Think about it, Mesmers have clones to confuse players, Mesmers and thieves both have stealth (which is very op in this game). Rangers have tons of abilities that cause them to evade attacks while still attacking others as well as being ranged. Ele’s have crazy healing good control crazy mobility and can have crazy passive defense on top of all that. Engineers have lots of control and while thats the only real thing they have unless you have stability ready to go you WILL spend the entire fight flying through the air or with your face in the dirt vs a good engi. And gaurdians? High armor high healing and crazy defensive abilities and probably the easiest access to the protection boon (which is a pretty big deal).

Warriors? Well we have high armor and high hp. And thats pretty much it. And when I say high hp i mean like 5k more in our bunker build than most others in theirs. Which simply doesn’t begin to make up for the huge amount of damage we take compared to other classes and their abilities to avoid it out right, simply heal through it, or reduce it by an insane amount.

Not to mention our profession skill (the f1 abilities) is so terrible most of the time your better off not using it depending on how your traited which means every other class in the game has extra utility on us.

Warriors are fine, both in tournaments and in hotjoin.

Thats why you play ranger and ele …

What makes rangers so good? they keep owning me no matter what class I try.

Rangers have very few viable builds however the ones that are viable are extremely potent. However the best way I can answer this is to simply tell you to go to the ranger forums and ask around for good builds.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Yep, nerf Elementalists and Guardians boon rolling/bunker abilities, slightly nerf Mesmers utility and clone spam and make Thieves a little more defensive and less bursty and Warriors should be fine again.

That will never happen, warriors got armor and HP, other professions got boons, healing and clones…deal with it or change game, devs already confirmed that bunkers are not going anywhere, slighty changed maybe but they’re here to stay; boons and healing are there as compensation for the low HP…

As far as I know only this game got professions with 45% more HP than other and in your mind how that 45% difference should be justified ? Superior dmg?Control? Support? If not for any of the three option why a player should pick the profession with 45% less HP? Just to look pretty?

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Vgman.4019


Yep, nerf Elementalists and Guardians boon rolling/bunker abilities, slightly nerf Mesmers utility and clone spam and make Thieves a little more defensive and less bursty and Warriors should be fine again.

That will never happen, warriors got armor and HP, other professions got boons, healing and clones…deal with it or change game, devs already confirmed that bunkers are not going anywhere, slighty changed maybe but they’re here to stay; boons and healing are there as compensation for the low HP…

As far as I know only this game got professions with 45% more HP than other and in your mind how that 45% difference should be justified ? Superior dmg?Control? Support? If not for any of the three option why a player should pick the profession with 45% less HP? Just to look pretty?

Where did he say to completely remove the advantages of those classes? He simply said to tone them down ie nerf them. As it stands the hp a warrior currently has over other classes doesn’t make up for the huge benefits of said classes.

But still Id rather see warriors beefed up rather than other classes nerfed.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.2478


Arheundel is god naive. Even worse than most people that I called out.

His solution: abuse a broken class to make Warriors viable. Get double Ele + Mesmer to bait out stun breaks for a Warrior just so Warrior can burn HB, Bulls Charge, Frenzy, Balanced Stance and instantly down + finish a target.

Come back to me if you can make a Warrior work vs. enemy Eles without having allied Eles to carry you.

No one likes preachers (Like you), no one likes to play Mesmer and Ele just so they can have a fair match. Prove to me that Warrior is fine without an Ele or Mesmer carrying him against a team with an Ele and Mesmer. Because chances are you’re all talk and words without worth.

You don’t even have videos or detailed proof, you only used numbers and didn’t even put jack to practice.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


If you die to a hammer warrior, you’re asleep at the wheel.

They have the slowest gd swing animations I’ve ever seen, and one of their KBs roots them to swing in a frontal arc.

If you had said GS, I might have believed this wasn’t a troll.. But hammer? C’mon now.


The ONLY warrior builds that are semi-viable involve GS.
The off-hand weapon changes up, hell even LB and GS. But GS nonetheless.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: daoz.6153


built an axe/shield bunker warrior last night.. it was fun and i can survive for a long time versus guardians/ele/ranger and take them down. i think the balance in the game is ok. just dont expect to rule everything with a single build which is what i think most peoples problem are. otherwise whats the use of having traits/setups

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


Yep, nerf Elementalists and Guardians boon rolling/bunker abilities, slightly nerf Mesmers utility and clone spam and make Thieves a little more defensive and less bursty and Warriors should be fine again.

That will never happen, warriors got armor and HP, other professions got boons, healing and clones…deal with it or change game, devs already confirmed that bunkers are not going anywhere, slighty changed maybe but they’re here to stay; boons and healing are there as compensation for the low HP…

As far as I know only this game got professions with 45% more HP than other and in your mind how that 45% difference should be justified ? Superior dmg?Control? Support? If not for any of the three option why a player should pick the profession with 45% less HP? Just to look pretty?

45% HP is 1 or 2 auto attacks dumby… So we can absorb MAYBE 3 extra hits with NONE of the escapes or utility. You’re living in your own little world.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

good in team fights, bad in 1v1.
You have 5 sec immobilize with sword, 100b, frenzy, stun/knock. Should be enough to be competitive (if played well)

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


Respectfully, I don’t see what all the fuss is about Warriors. They have an attack that can do over 16,000 damage to my bunker who is specced full toughness and is wearing all toughness gear. Yes, it’s difficult to land the attack for full damage on experienced players, but if they don’t have any skills up to mitigate the damage, they have to move off the point when you use the skill- so again, you have another advantage.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.2478


Again. I am NOT going to L2P until they fix the inherent imbalanced between Ele and Warrior.

Warrior to Necro is kinda balanced.
Warrior to Guardian is kinda balanced but isn’t clear.
Warrior to Ranger is balanced.
Warrior to Thief is balanced
Warrior to Engi is balanced
Warrior to Ele is imbalanced
Warrior to Mesmer or ANY CLASS to Mesmer for that matter is imbalanced

The only thing that’s imbalanced right now is Warrior compared to Ele.

Why do Ele + Ele + Warrior for a DPS roaming set-up when you can do Ele + Ele + Ele.

And why the hell is Warrior only viable vs. an Ele if you have another Ele carrying your kitten Same concept with Mesmers honestly.

Point being is, if Eles and Mesmers were more balanced, then Warrior wouldn’t be so “underpowered.”

(edited by Nier.2478)

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: showatt.9413


Guys guys clearly rifle + banner warriors are the best…

I wet myself on my guardian everytime I see a warrior holding a rifle.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Guys guys clearly rifle + banner warriors are the best…

I wet myself on my guardian everytime I see a warrior holding a rifle.

Icwutudidthar. And I lol’d.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Guys guys clearly rifle + banner warriors are the best…

I wet myself on my guardian everytime I see a warrior holding a rifle.

Did you play this game? Rifle can kill you only in real life, in GW2 rifle is useless (unless ur target is afk).