Arrogant Thief Hate

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I seriously hate thieves and I mained one when I started playing. It’s still listed as my favorite class on the pvp panel but most of the thief players annoy the hell out of me. Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier. Sure there are a few good thief players that can play the class well but overall the class is just outdone by Revenant. The difference between warrior players and thief players is that the warrior players know their class is trash. Thieves on the other hand act like you insulted their family honor for daring to ask them to change when you have more than one or if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP. Then they go on to die over and over again, meanwhile blaming the team for their deaths. Seriously, learn to play another class or stop being so kitten ed stubborn about the class being trash in most player’s hands. /endrant

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: BeepBoopBop.5403


TBF, bringing a thief can be appropriate vs a necro heavy team. Me in a yolo-Q game in Diamond Most situations though, the enemy team having a DH or good Power Rev will shut a Thief down.

Source: Thief main for 2 years that was forced to side-main 3 other classes when Thief became kitten several months back. June 23 patch brought SO many nerfs at once.

Koolgai Smurf – Thief | Dazin U – Mesmer | Whats Healing Power – Ranger|
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


TBF, bringing a thief can be appropriate vs a necro heavy team. Me in a yolo-Q game in Diamond Most situations though, the enemy team having a DH or good Power Rev will shut a Thief down.

Source: Thief main for 2 years that was forced to side-main 3 other classes when Thief became kitten several months back. June 23 patch brought SO many nerfs at once.

Lulz. The club is growing \o/ Same happened to me.
I was loltrolling with pistol whip at first then they nerfed it. After that I loltrolled with S/D teef, then they nerfed it. I was yoloing with D/P then as the only viable build. Then they nerfed it.

But hey … they buffed our dagger autoattack! How cool is that! I r8 8/8

Come to think of it. I should probably loltroll with vault teef. It’s like the only thing i haven’t tried.

PS: Good gameplay and awareness though.

(edited by Ravenmoon.5318)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


TBF, bringing a thief can be appropriate vs a necro heavy team. Me in a yolo-Q game in Diamond Most situations though, the enemy team having a DH or good Power Rev will shut a Thief down.

Source: Thief main for 2 years that was forced to side-main 3 other classes when Thief became kitten several months back. June 23 patch brought SO many nerfs at once.

Use your necro stolen skill when they’re downed – I know it takes cast time, but it’s worth it.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Crimson Shi.5047

Crimson Shi.5047

Some people tend to diss warriors but tbh I found them kinda useful. Paired up with one I was on my ele, we had 3v2 on mid against a thief/mesmer/DH. He pretty much killed em piece meal while I kept him alive. The rest were free to 3v2, and keep home. I don’t think a thief would be able to pull that off. Too squishy. So while if I do see a thief/warrior/DH I make a face, but bite my tongue while secretly hoping they do well. Only asking if anyone wants to switch to ele for sustain, and if noone does then I will.

(edited by Crimson Shi.5047)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Still appreciate a good thief on my team but it is so rare to see a good one these days.

It is definitely the hardest to play profession right now.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


1)Thieves are fairly weak – true
2)There are a lot of bad thief players – true
3)Most players (thief or not) dont admit they are bad – true

But I dont think that justifies telling thieves to change. People like to pretent so, but a s thief or warrior doesnt loose you the game if the rest of the team is ok.
I dont play my thief in ranked, but that is my choice. Not anyone else’s. You can try to ask people to change, but its their game and their choice what they want to play.

If a player is just bad, it has nothing to do with them being thieves.
A bad necro might be better than a bad thief, but that difference wont decide the game.

If they insist on being good and clearly they are not…too bad.
But dont just blame the thief. The fact of the matter is, that your team has to play with the thief in order for the thief to work.
If you dont rotate the right way the thief cant either and is forced into suboptimal scenarios.
-If the thief dies first, its the thief’s fault
-If the thief dies last, its the team fault

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Bjarkov.9751


The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

My experience on thief was great… In ruby I was able to go around wrecking face without a care in the world… In my worst games I would only get 8 kills but could get 12 to 15 in my average games…

Now that I’m in diamond… I don’t know what to say other than kittenKKKKKKKK!!!! I’m basically forced to play nothing but druid now as Diamond is a never ending flood of revenants, druids, mesmers, and elementalists all of which are terrible fights for thief…

Unless of course you get one of those bad druids where you can litterally just headshot him to death with pulmonary impacts causing him to end the game with a zero personal score…

The revs can sneeze and one or two shot me. Ele’s can just spam shocking aura while I stand there dazed. Druids will have smokescale do 50% of my hp in one attack. Lastly mesmers will just spam shatters until finally one of them lands which is all it takes to force me off point with only a few stacks of torment and confusion.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Ashamir.9574


Yes, there are a lot of bad thiefs out there. Of those at least 95% believe that they are good players. I’m not denying that.

What I hate however, is if a match hasn’t even started and people start ranting against the thief in the team like OP did here. You don’t even know how bad/good the thief is yet, but you nontheless immediately flame the player that could win you game if they know how to play their profession.

I’m mid level ruby and I only que in groups of 2 or 3, always with a thief friend of mine. He barely plays anything else than thief, and he rocks the class. I’ll always take him over any “meta” class from someone who you copied a build form metabattle and thinks that that makes them the kittenz.

Also: you usually recognize good a thief by the fact that if there are too thiefs the good one will immediately offer to relog, or do it without even saying anything the moment they see that there is a second thief. The bad ones are the ones that insult you when you ask them if they could change to something else.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Still appreciate a good thief on my team but it is so rare to see a good one these days.

It is definitely the hardest to play profession right now.

It always has been, even when people were complaining about stealth and “thief sustain” lol…and the S/D’s “mad evasions” but nobody seems to be bothered by 3-dodge daredevil and Vault these days

Double standards are such a stupid thing.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


You won’t make a good thief, If people can hear you crying miles away

Edit: typo’s where giving the appearance that i was serious.

(edited by Highlie.7641)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


accept bro that thief is trash in pvp. maybe another 50% dmg buffo n autoatacks would change that.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


trick shot should bounce indefinitely

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


After stealing several beast kills and +1ing fights like a pro all game, Thief dies at far once during a decap because of a split second mistep. -> “OMFG NOOB THIEF COST US THE GAME!”

Necro/Scrapper/Etc. manages cooldowns poorly the whole game and constantly loses team fights -> No one notices and everyone is silent.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Hanza.6872


As a main thief, you gotta be prepared to take kitten if you go the criminal route!

It’s rather sad. Been playing my thief up the low divisions for a few days now. And even fellow thieves scream at me that I should switch before the game starts or anyone has said anything..

At least some people I’ve had a few games with ask me to group up! Guess I nor the thief as a class are all that horrible. Sure once you hit ‘high gameplay’ levels the thief is probably better replaced by some rev, but until you actually hit those ranges, thief is great!

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


First of all thief role for decap and +1 is not that much effective. If your team dies its no good and u can not do anything. Thief is useless in this scenario. And it must be said. decaps and +1 can only be achived if u leave your team. Its easy pray for enemies. So your team dies and u decap one point. Its bad trade becouse enemies will recap after they wiped your team.
Well i think many bugs reyp thief at the moment. Look at dodge steal intorev with tount trait. Thief cant steal at the ned of voult.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


First of all thief role for decap and +1 is not that much effective. If your team dies its no good and u can not do anything. Thief is useless in this scenario. And it must be said. decaps and +1 can only be achived if u leave your team. Its easy pray for enemies. So your team dies and u decap one point. Its bad trade becouse enemies will recap after they wiped your team.
Well i think many bugs reyp thief at the moment. Look at dodge steal intorev with tount trait. Thief cant steal at the ned of voult.

It’s actually really good for Solo Q and if you do it well, it allows for a lot of team carry potential.

Did a teammate just YOLO far, leaving your mid group short a person? Well, you can +1 the far fight so that he can actually cap the point without taking forever and get back to mid to keep that fight going so that the enemies don’t immediately steamroll and then defend their home.

Really any bad rotations your teammates make can be accommodated by the superior mobility of thieves.

When you play thief, the enemy also has to either lose home to a decap or keep a person constantly sitting on their home (and out of the mid fight). You can easily move between fights faster than anyone else, so you win by making sure that your team spends more time present in fights than the enemy does.

In the current necro meta, any necro below 50% HP and out of shroud pretty much becomes a guaranteed kill and spike, thanks to the CC from steal and Impact Strike.

Yes, thieves can’t tank damage and they don’t offer heal/boon support, but they can shift the number advantage of fights better than anyone else. You can instant-spike to prevent enemy rallies, you can CC spam and shut down enemy heals/utility (Steal > Overload Earth prot).

Of course, in organized Pro League-type games, the advantages of thieves can be countered since there’s superior communication and a bigger focus on sustained team fights that make Revs a better choice, but in solo Q, there’s major carry potential.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Some people tend to diss warriors but tbh I found them kinda useful. Paired up with one I was on my ele, we had 3v2 on mid against a thief/mesmer/DH. He pretty much killed em piece meal while I kept him alive. The rest were free to 3v2, and keep home. I don’t think a thief would be able to pull that off. Too squishy. So while if I do see a thief/warrior/DH I make a face, but bite my tongue while secretly hoping they do well. Only asking if anyone wants to switch to ele for sustain, and if noone does then I will.

Warrior is now like the hard carry of GW2. Our sustain is low but potential damage is high. Paired with any sort of support they will be able to stay alive and pick off a target and then take advantage of the great cleave potential.

The class is in a poor state, but if the team is able to make use of them they can help carry the team to a easy win. It’s when I get put into games with only Reapers, Scrappers, and other classes that don’t bring hard support that I feel worthless. I’m pretty good at 1v1s so long as I have stances but I can’t really “carry” like I could on my Scrapper.

Thieves can also be really good if paired with a Warrior, it’s hard for any class to tank that much damage. Also, if they aren’t a mobile team the thief can focus purely on back capping and whatever PvE mechanic the map might have and be useful.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’ve noticed a few things that are required for a thief to be useful

1. They have to be GREAT players
2. Their team HAS to win fights/hold points
3. The other team has to be unorganized

If you do not have those a thief isnt going to bring anything to your team. So if I see a thief on my team and those points are met I know it’s a loss

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I’ve noticed a few things that are required for a thief to be useful

1. They have to be GREAT players
2. Their team HAS to win fights/hold points
3. The other team has to be unorganized

If you do not have those a thief isnt going to bring anything to your team. So if I see a thief on my team and those points are met I know it’s a loss

1) Yes.
2) Kinda, but not really. They just have to survive a decent amount of time in fights and get at least 1 target below 50% hp. After that, you can +1 to roll the momentum in your favor.
3) Ya, but that’s pretty much always the case to some extent in Solo Q.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’ve noticed a few things that are required for a thief to be useful

1. They have to be GREAT players
2. Their team HAS to win fights/hold points
3. The other team has to be unorganized

If you do not have those a thief isnt going to bring anything to your team. So if I see a thief on my team and those points are met I know it’s a loss

1) Yes.
2) Kinda, but not really. They just have to survive a decent amount of time in fights and get at least 1 target below 50% hp. After that, you can +1 to roll the momentum in your favor.
3) Ya, but that’s pretty much always the case to some extent in Solo Q.

For holding points I also meant holding a point neutral like mid so the thief can come in and +1.

You still get 3 to 4 man teams in solo q along with guild groups. I’ve even been on a full solo q team who faced a 3 man with a thief. The thief was a good player but we shut him down with portal plays and good rotations.

When the other team knows how to neutralize a thief that class is a liability

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

2 thiefs is fine. As long as it’s 2 good thiefs.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

2 thiefs is fine. As long as it’s 2 good thiefs.

No 2 thieves is never fine unless the opposing team is abysmal.

The 3 other players have to carry so hard its not even funny.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

2 thiefs is fine. As long as it’s 2 good thiefs.

No 2 thieves is never fine unless the opposing team is abysmal.

The 3 other players have to carry so hard its not even funny.

What’s funny is how when I play my thief and there is a second thief on my team, we usually win the match and me and the other thief have the highest personal score. You have no idea what you are talking about. Sounds like you lose with thiefs on your team, but you said you have to carry so hard with thiefs on your team. Does that mean you suck at carrying?

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP.

Looks at all of the thieves jumping in to chime in about how OP they really are

Point proven.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP.

Looks at all of the thieves jumping in to chime in about how OP they really are

Point proven.

What point? That you are a dismissive idiot? Thief is very powerful, it just happens to have a high skill floor.

All you have proven is that you’ve had this conversation before and other players told you that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Thief, like every other class, is only as good as the person playing the game. When I play thief, it’s OP as kitten!

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Let me break it down:

Mesmer – some are good, some are bad
Elementalist – some are good, some are bad
Engineer – some are good, some are bad
Necromancer – some are good, some are bad
Ranger – some are good, some are bad
Warrior – some are good, some are bad
Guardian – some are good, some are bad
Revnant – some are good, some are bad
Thief – some are good, some are bad

How’s that? kittening haters

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

2 thiefs is fine. As long as it’s 2 good thiefs.

No 2 thieves is never fine unless the opposing team is abysmal.

The 3 other players have to carry so hard its not even funny.

What’s funny is how when I play my thief and there is a second thief on my team, we usually win the match and me and the other thief have the highest personal score. You have no idea what you are talking about. Sounds like you lose with thiefs on your team, but you said you have to carry so hard with thiefs on your team. Does that mean you suck at carrying?

I think it’s time to move on to another target.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

No. I think I’ll stay. This is a nice target full of bs logic and complainers looking for a reason why they lose.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Sorry for trolling your thief hate party…. NOT!

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP.

Looks at all of the thieves jumping in to chime in about how OP they really are

Point proven.

What point? That you are a dismissive idiot? Thief is very powerful, it just happens to have a high skill floor.

All you have proven is that you’ve had this conversation before and other players told you that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Thief, like every other class, is only as good as the person playing the game. When I play thief, it’s OP as kitten!

That most thieves don’t realize your class is not that good anymore. At least warriors accept it and admit it.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


The problem isnt the one thief on your team, because one thief isnt a problem and can be good to have. but… The problem is when you have 2 thieves and none of them want to swap. 2 thieves and you can basically go afk right away. Ok, to be fair i have actually won one game where i had 2 thieves, but that was also my first and only time.

But i guess that actually goes for any class. People who cant swap to an alt, shouldnt be higher than ruby. I play 3 classes, ele, engi and necro. The least you can do is play both a support class like ele and ranger, and a high damage class like rev, nec or guard.

2 thiefs is fine. As long as it’s 2 good thiefs.

No 2 thieves is never fine unless the opposing team is abysmal.

The 3 other players have to carry so hard its not even funny.


Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP.

Looks at all of the thieves jumping in to chime in about how OP they really are

Point proven.

What point? That you are a dismissive idiot? Thief is very powerful, it just happens to have a high skill floor.

All you have proven is that you’ve had this conversation before and other players told you that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Thief, like every other class, is only as good as the person playing the game. When I play thief, it’s OP as kitten!

That most thieves don’t realize your class is not that good anymore. At least warriors accept it and admit it.

It’s not that i don’t realize it, it’s that it’s simply not true. For me at least. Thief is the most fun to play. I win matches just fine. The matches that i lose usually have someone like you…

A loser in denial blaming everyone else for their problems. You spread this hate because you suck at playing thief. Not because thief sucks

(edited by R O C.6574)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


if you say their class is trash they start going on about how you have no idea of what you are talking about and the class is so OP.

Looks at all of the thieves jumping in to chime in about how OP they really are

Point proven.

What point? That you are a dismissive idiot? Thief is very powerful, it just happens to have a high skill floor.

All you have proven is that you’ve had this conversation before and other players told you that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Thief, like every other class, is only as good as the person playing the game. When I play thief, it’s OP as kitten!

That most thieves don’t realize your class is not that good anymore. At least warriors accept it and admit it.

It’s not that i don’t realize it, it’s that it’s simply not true. For me at least. Thief is the most fun to play. I win matches just fine. The matches that i lose usually have someone like you…

A loser in denial blaming everyone else for their problems. You spread this hate because you suck at playing thief. Not because thief sucks

That must be why you see so many of them in pro leagues.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

I’m sure you’ll dismiss it but, here you go:


Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Thief is incredible to carry in soloq until you reach diamond. There it becomes harder to be useful

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: babayum.1895


I’m sure you’ll dismiss it but, here you go:

mate they had a thief too

so since 2 – 1 = 1 you only had one thief in your team which is fine of course, but 2 thieves? no man gonna lose that kitten really hard

whenever someone tells you to reroll on your thief just do it and come back with warrior its priceless

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: princode.2750


first of all I would say thief is decent and not as bad as war but given a choice I would take a ele, nerco or rev in my team rather then a thief. Like what the previous post had say
if you got a bad nero —-— at least it contribute
If you got a bad ele——- at least it give you decent healing
if you got a bad rec——-at least they are boons bot
if you got a bad druid——at lest they heal and provide some range
if you got a bad thief—— its more or less RIP
memser——it basically replace thief—-what thief can do a memser can do much better and if that memser is running mao its a 80% win 1v1.

The only class I think is worst is war

(edited by princode.2750)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I’m sure you’ll dismiss it but, here you go:

4 kills and only 4 capped points, not very OP. The other thief was the OP one, you are one of the stubborn thieves that refuses to admit the class is not very good. Also, sure I have seen double thief teams win but I’m sure your team probably hated having to carry you.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The problem with having 2 thieves and asking 1 to switch is that the one who does switch is usually the good thief.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


The problem with having 2 thieves and asking 1 to switch is that the one who does switch is usually the good thief.

Because the bad ones are the stubborn ones that think their class is OP.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Thief class is great.

Players are bad.

I agree that REVENANT is OP and should get balanced (reduce mobility or sustains) to let thieves rise again.

It don’t help to see the Magic Toker switching to REV or Caed disappearing completely.

The First Straw (mid tier team) have a thief in his comp. The win loose ratio could be better. We have the hardest matches versus all the SPAM AOE comp (double necro + ele) but as a Healer myself, I stick around him with Aura’s just fine.

Yesterday, 9 wins on 9 games, from diamond tier 5 to the last tier (average of our team) the thief played really well.

1- Decap far after the first stomp.
2- Rotate to kill 1, rotate back to decap.

He is not Caed nor Magic Token and he was dying less than other of our group.

So for a mid tier play, on the high end of Diamond, thief is still viable with a fully STACKED meta team. (scrapper, mesmer, tempest, reaper)

I wish our thief would consider playing something else in the same role like Revenant DPS roamer, but the time it take to get good seems to unmotivated him. That way we would be more sustaining and reliable versus meta change.

But thief in season 2 are way better than season 1.

As a main bunker, I always chose a thief for main dps roamer over anything else, since I really like to heals, rez or peel for them (and their godly speedy rotations).

But… bad thief is trash tier and need a hard carry from 4 to compete versus a solid 5.

All game get some easy mode (people say bunker, I say conditions builds are easy mode! :P) and hard mode. Thief like Power Mesmer, is hard mode.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


… snip …

That must be why you see so many of them in pro leagues.

When money and winning is involved the Team pressure a lot build that sustain less to switch. See Caed history…

Can’t blame the PRO to play EASY MODE, to get some wins (with easy aoe spam).

We still have great thieves in this game, they are just bad in this META of AOE spam. So, many pro team ask them to switch or kick them out (letting them saying they are taking a break by themselves).

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Warrior is now like the hard carry of GW2. Our sustain is low but potential damage is high. Paired with any sort of support they will be able to stay alive and pick off a target and then take advantage of the great cleave potential.

Warrior DPS roamer need a bunker guard to be better. Ele give more sustain than bunker guard, but the bunker guard give more protection versus burst attack.

So… warrior need a bunker guard (hp buff) to be viable again.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

I’m sure you’ll dismiss it but, here you go:

4 kills and only 4 capped points, not very OP. The other thief was the OP one, you are one of the stubborn thieves that refuses to admit the class is not very good. Also, sure I have seen double thief teams win but I’m sure your team probably hated having to carry you.

We won by over 250 pts so…. Not really a carry.

I thought personal score wasn’t an indicator of a good player. Don’t worry. I’ll give you better examples when I play tonight. This actually wasn’t that good of a match for me. Don’t take my word for it, i’ll post the scoreboard

Any requests on team comps?

(edited by R O C.6574)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I wish our thief would consider playing something else in the same role like Revenant DPS roamer, but the time it take to get good seems to unmotivated him. That way we would be more sustaining and reliable versus meta change.

See that is part of what I am talking about. The role they bring is outshined by classes that are better at it. Rev is just as good of a +1 and brings boon support and sustain to the table as well. Mesmer’s mobility is just about as good as a thief and brings portal plays and the ability to 1v1 well. That is why I say the class is bad now. What little it brings can be found in a different class.

Now, I will go on to say that there good thief players that make the class look good but most players don’t. Yet they insist they are good when they are basically getting carried by their teammates. An example would be a thief I have had in a few matches that runs a trap build who won’t change his build and insists that he is good, it’s his teammates that are bad. That is the kind of stubbornness from thieves that annoys me.

I’d just rather have a mesmer or revenant than a thief in soloque because they bring damage and more than just being good at disengaging.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: NoodllZ.8376


Come on, people are still saying thieves are still good? I’ve mained thief since launch, I love the class, I have so much fun playing it but it’s always been lacking a bit. In pve its work but hey its fun, in pvp it used to be fun moving all over, and fighting a good fight. Now however we just get destroyed, where is our super bursty dps, not there that’s where. I’ve seen some bad thieves, trait for quickness and S/P pistol whip like they’re a warrior doing hundred blades and yay they’re good, now its vault spam and this silly condi dagger crap. That doesn’t work aganist the more apex predator classes now, scrappers will destroy thieves and out stealth them (non stealth class out stealths true stealth class) Revs are revs, tanky, hit hard and have a large health pool plus monstrous sustain. We can’t even really kill the super heal eles now can we, DH’s make one mistake let one thread of your coat even have an idea of touching a trap and boom dead theify, Reapers can litterally jut ignore thieves now, hell I main necro in pvp now and I ignore thieves that try to kill me. They never do, all that dashing and jumping around and they get you to what 50% maybe force you to use your heal while you’re not even acknowledging that they’re a real class. I get that thief is a difficult class, we have pride as theives but kitten its time to realize that we’re not strong enough, why should we have to work three times harder than every other class just to be on par with them? Even friggin gunflame zerkers are wrecking thieves. Our damage could be better, we’re single target attackers why is it that other class’ aoes can hit harder than our bursts?

Problems with thief;
1) low armor and small hp pool with mediocre damage now
2) no 1200 ranged weapon (“but we have gap closers,” really? they can hit us while we’re trying to get in range, and most times once we’re in range we get hit with all their kitten #can’tdodgeitall)
3) no way to stack might, every other class has a might stacking trait and such (pop all the signets, traps or venoms – then what – still dead cuz they just blocked all your stuff and if they didn’t they used one of their heals)
4) other classes do our jobs better (engie stealth rocks, even if you see the gyro they maintain stealth while moving without having to combo field here and there)
5) most important of all for now, we have no flash, yea we look cool doing flips and kitten but hey give us some flashy skills, the twinkle effect on our hands is nice but not really noticable, the revs got our kitten spear 5 skill on land, smokescales stole it first but yea, maybe we can hold our staves differently atleast, we already got the kittenty end of the stick, dip in some glitter atleast

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

I’m surprised that people still think thief is a useless class, but then again I shouldn’t be too surprised with all the awful thieves going about in soloq. The problem with thief is that good map awareness is absolutely essential to be effective on thief, something which most of the people in soloq seem to lack in general (regardless of what class they play).

Want proof that thief is fine? Watch Sindrener win most of his soloq games on thief:
He has even highlighted videos to show thief’s usefulness in soloq:

And if your reply is going to be “but that’s only because Sindrener is one of the best thieves in the game, anyone but the top 10 thieves are useless”, then I’d have to disagree again. I’m quite easily in the bottom 5 of thieves in legendary division, I get absolutely destroyed whenever I’m forced to 1v1 another thief in legendary division (I’m sure that any EU thieves here can confirm this), but I’m still able to be effective enough to win the majority of games just with a bit of basic map awareness. I was even able to capture a recording of a win with 2 thieves while in soloq (note that we lost the first team fight, I also only had 1 duel in the whole game and I got destroyed):

Thief as a class is not useless, but most thieves you find in soloq are useless due to poor map awareness


Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m surprised that people still think thief is a useless class, but then again I shouldn’t be too surprised with all the awful thieves going about in soloq. The problem with thief is that good map awareness is absolutely essential to be effective on thief, something which most of the people in soloq seem to lack in general (regardless of what class they play).

Want proof that thief is fine? Watch Sindrener win most of his soloq games on thief:
He has even highlighted videos to show thief’s usefulness in soloq:

And if your reply is going to be “but that’s only because Sindrener is one of the best thieves in the game, anyone but the top 10 thieves are useless”, then I’d have to disagree again. I’m quite easily in the bottom 5 of thieves in legendary division, I get absolutely destroyed whenever I’m forced to 1v1 another thief in legendary division (I’m sure that any EU thieves here can confirm this), but I’m still able to be effective enough to win the majority of games just with a bit of basic map awareness. I was even able to capture a recording of a win with 2 thieves while in soloq (note that we lost the first team fight, I also only had 1 duel in the whole game and I got destroyed):

Thief as a class is not useless, but most thieves you find in soloq are useless due to poor map awareness

You just posted a pic where 60% of the game’s you played as mesmer.