Arrogant Thief Hate

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


my prob with most thiefs is their ego. Just had a match where a thief followed me around the map trying to 1v1 me for 5 mins. When he lost (he only lost) he’d go “condis beat real skill” or some such. So few thiefs are team players and actually play the mode. They just treat it like a dueling server. And then get upset when they lose.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

I’m surprised that people still think thief is a useless class, but then again I shouldn’t be too surprised with all the awful thieves going about in soloq. The problem with thief is that good map awareness is absolutely essential to be effective on thief, something which most of the people in soloq seem to lack in general (regardless of what class they play).

Want proof that thief is fine? Watch Sindrener win most of his soloq games on thief:
He has even highlighted videos to show thief’s usefulness in soloq:

And if your reply is going to be “but that’s only because Sindrener is one of the best thieves in the game, anyone but the top 10 thieves are useless”, then I’d have to disagree again. I’m quite easily in the bottom 5 of thieves in legendary division, I get absolutely destroyed whenever I’m forced to 1v1 another thief in legendary division (I’m sure that any EU thieves here can confirm this), but I’m still able to be effective enough to win the majority of games just with a bit of basic map awareness. I was even able to capture a recording of a win with 2 thieves while in soloq (note that we lost the first team fight, I also only had 1 duel in the whole game and I got destroyed):

Thief as a class is not useless, but most thieves you find in soloq are useless due to poor map awareness

You just posted a pic where 60% of the game’s you played as mesmer.

That’s all you notice…

Thief hate is a mental disorder. No rational logic can convince haters to stop hating.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


The thing is it’s not the class itself that is bad, it’s the players and the bad ones tend to be really stubborn. They refuse to admit two thieves is a bad comp. When they are bad they refuse to change. That’s why so many people hate thieves. Which if you notice my OP, that is really what I am complaining about.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


The thing is it’s not the class itself that is bad, it’s the players and the bad ones tend to be really stubborn. They refuse to admit two thieves is a bad comp. When they are bad they refuse to change. That’s why so many people hate thieves. Which if you notice my OP, that is really what I am complaining about.

I hope you realize that this makes no sense.
“Personally I don’t think Scrapper is an overpowered class, it’s just that Scrappers are good players.”

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I hope one of you thief people can help me with this one.

I’ve been noticing some thieves have been running a build using D/P and Staff. I’m confused as to why a thief would run such a build w/out SB?


Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

If you rated all the classes in order of how good they are thief would be in the worst three in this meta. That pretty much makes it trash right now. If it was so OP why are so many thieves whining about how Anet screwed the class in the thief forums?

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

If you rated all the classes in order of how good they are thief would be in the worst three in this meta. That pretty much makes it trash right now. If it was so OP why are so many thieves whining about how Anet screwed the class in the thief forums?

That wasn’t my problem, my problem was that you called the class ok but the players bad.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

You just posted a pic where 60% of the game’s you played as mesmer.

That’s because thief is not one of my main classes and I didn’t have 10 games in a row on thief. You missed the fact that I won all the thief games and lost one of the mesmer games. This however just further proves that you don’t need to main thief to be useful with it.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You just posted a pic where 60% of the game’s you played as mesmer.

That’s because thief is not one of my main classes and I didn’t have 10 games in a row on thief. You missed the fact that I won all the thief games and lost one of the mesmer games. This however just further proves that you don’t need to main thief to be useful with it.

It depends on team honestly and really nothing to do with class.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

If you rated all the classes in order of how good they are thief would be in the worst three in this meta. That pretty much makes it trash right now. If it was so OP why are so many thieves whining about how Anet screwed the class in the thief forums?

That wasn’t my problem, my problem was that you called the class ok but the players bad.

Sorry I didn’t add the 9/10 players that play thief play it badly, that’s what I meant. Though I thought from the flow of the thread that was implied. To add to that they are typically stubborn and insist on playing thief in Ranked matches when they could probably perform much better with a different class.

RWG and Jord are right about their bad map awareness. It really irritates me when I’ll be playing on reaper and have to keep rotating from mid fights to go stop backcaps while the thief is hanging around shooting his SB or rotating to mid from home because that should be their job, not the job of a class that puts a lot of pressure in teamfights and is quite possibly the least mobile class in the game.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

If you rated all the classes in order of how good they are thief would be in the worst three in this meta. That pretty much makes it trash right now. If it was so OP why are so many thieves whining about how Anet screwed the class in the thief forums?

That wasn’t my problem, my problem was that you called the class ok but the players bad.

Sorry I didn’t add the 9/10 players that play thief play it badly, that’s what I meant. Though I thought from the flow of the thread that was implied. To add to that they are typically stubborn and insist on playing thief in Ranked matches when they could probably perform much better with a different class.

RWG and Jord are right about their bad map awareness. It really irritates me when I’ll be playing on reaper and have to keep rotating from mid fights to go stop backcaps while the thief is hanging around shooting his SB or rotating to mid from home because that should be their job, not the job of a class that puts a lot of pressure in teamfights and is quite possibly the least mobile class in the game.

Shadow I saw you post in another thread admitting that YOU are a bad player.

So why do you think you can tell someone what they should play and how they should play it. In this thread, you say you used to main thief and now you hate the class. What exactly is it that qualifies you to make all these negative statements about thief? Because you used to play as thief? But you were one of these bad thiefs that you hate so much. You said so yourself. What is it? You loved thief, you sucked at playing thief, now you hate thief. Just be cool. Stop acting like an idiot.

(edited by R O C.6574)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


It actually makes perfect sense and other have said the class is ok, most of players that play it are bad.

Pretty much everyone knows thieves and warriors are pretty much trash tier.

Ah, ok.

If you rated all the classes in order of how good they are thief would be in the worst three in this meta. That pretty much makes it trash right now. If it was so OP why are so many thieves whining about how Anet screwed the class in the thief forums?

That wasn’t my problem, my problem was that you called the class ok but the players bad.

Sorry I didn’t add the 9/10 players that play thief play it badly, that’s what I meant. Though I thought from the flow of the thread that was implied. To add to that they are typically stubborn and insist on playing thief in Ranked matches when they could probably perform much better with a different class.

RWG and Jord are right about their bad map awareness. It really irritates me when I’ll be playing on reaper and have to keep rotating from mid fights to go stop backcaps while the thief is hanging around shooting his SB or rotating to mid from home because that should be their job, not the job of a class that puts a lot of pressure in teamfights and is quite possibly the least mobile class in the game.

Shadow I saw you post in another thread admitting that YOU are a bad player.

So why do you think you can tell someone what they should play and how they should play it. In this thread, you say you used to main thief and now you hate the class. What exactly is it that qualifies you to make all these negative statements about thief? Because you used to play as thief? But you were one of these bad thiefs that you hate so much. You said so yourself. What is it? You loved thief, you sucked at playing thief, now you hate thief. Just be cool. Stop acting like an idiot.

Yeah I was and I don’t hate the class. I hate the bad players that refuse to accept they aren’t good nor do anything to improve. I accepted I was bad and changed, others on the other hand remain stubborn while costing their team due to their stubbornness.

As far as what qualifies me to make all these negative statements? I didn’t realize I needed qualifications to make statements based upon experience and perspective. What qualifies you to make these positive statements? Is it the fact that you play a build that still uses an outdated Shadow Refuge instead of Shadowstep because you need it to carry you when you kitten up?

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Yeah I play shadow refuge. It’s not outdated for me. You saw my daredevil build, huh? That build actually works really well for me. Super fun to play, that is, until some loser gets on my team and won’t shut up about how horrible thief is. Those are the matches I lose. The ones were some idiot thinks he already knows the outcome of a match based on class comp and spends the whole match complaining instead of pulling together as a team.

(edited by R O C.6574)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Roleplay: you are a thief

1: Is your team clearly superior? You got the eles? the scrappers? They have a warrior? They have been carried by mmr and are now facing the cold reality of a fitting opponent? You got carried by mmr and still are?
-If yes: proceed to 2
-If no: proceed to 4

2:Is your team able to work with a thief on it? Do they know how to rotate and when not to rotate? Do they know you dont have to go support the thief if the thief flees from far? Do they know you have to hold out if you want a +1?
-If yes: proceed to 3
-If no:proceed to 6

3: You won. Be it you or your team, you did it. No wait. it wasnt your team. Obviously not. Your awesome skills of running around saved the match. You should go to the thief forums and tell everyone their class doesnt suck. Yeah! Thats what you should do.

4:Is your team clearly inferior? You got close and when you prepare to move in for mid they are all dead? A dh sits on far the entire match and they still loose the teamfight?
-If yes: proceed to 5
-If no, proceed to 6

5:You lost. Nothing more you can do about it. They will probably blame you, rightfully or not. ‘If only you had rerolled’ they say. ‘You are there to save our kitten if we mess up a 1v1, where were you? Deffing close? A thief shouldnt do that. I dont care if you were successful. You should have rotated more. Rotated where? We all died before you got there? Yes. Because we had a thief that is!’

6:Are you the best player in the match? Can you skip 2 enemies on one point for minutes? Can you 1v1 the easier classes like necro? Can you deny a cap and still escape alive? Can you down and stomp an opponent before they are done cleaving your teammate? Can you travel from close to far in seconds and undetected?
-If yes: proceed to 7
-If no: proceed to 8

7: Are you making one vital mistake or miscalculation? Are you +1ing the fight that would have been won without you whilst anotherone dies? Are you decapping far when you should have saved close? Have you been wasting you dodges and yre now downed by a 10% health revenant? Have you retreated 2 seconds too late and now lie bleeding out in a critical moment of the game?
-If yes: proceed to 9
-If no: proceed to 3

8:Are you putting your all into it, are tryhard and move at least twice as much as anyone else?
-If yes: proceed to 7
-If no: proceed to 5 (edit)

9:Is anyone in your team getting upset, starting to put all blame on you and trying to tell you what to do, based on what they see on the minimap? ‘Thief dont close’ ‘Why the hell is thief not on close?’ ‘Why is thief deffing close? Go far!’ ‘Why is thief skipping at mid where we all just died, thief should be far’ (note: all of this has actually been said to me in a single match and with a lot more insults)
-If yes: proceed to 3
-If no: proceed to 10

10: Stalemate. Youve screwed up and you cant afford it. But if your team stays focussed and doesnt throw the game because you ‘cant win with a thief’ you might still have a chance.

I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you realise its satire and not salt. ^^

(edited by Asrat.2645)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: bluri.2653


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


I do hope some devs sit in terror while reading threads like this: this was your doing – and yeah it will be a hell lot of work to sort it out.

(and with that I don’t only mean the state of thief – I mean it is funny, right? “Yo, stop playing your class you just can’t handle it – look at me facerolling my keyboard like a pro”)

(edited by Jana.6831)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

When I see that i’m out matched in teamfights, I spend the match roaming for free-caps and soloing beasts on forest of nifhel. Usually works for a win.

You need me on your team shadow. I can restore your faith in thiefs

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Speaking of forest of nifhel (best map for thief btw) bad players think 4mid 1 home means 2 kill beast first. Except when the get to mid they are the 2nd chain is 2v4 for the enemy

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

(edited by Shadow.1345)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

… so when are you going to edit your thread title to “bad player hate” ?

Or do you just hate bad players that are thiefs?

Do you hate good players that are thiefs? A lot of people do. It just seems so unfair to them that I appear from nowhere and burst away all their hp before they can do anything. Now with impact strike, they don’t even get a downed state.

Seriously though, you’ve changed your argument since the beginning of this thread.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


The beginning was just me ranting because of a couple of games in a row with thieves that the players may as well have been clicking skills. The last was a match where I had 3 thieves and none of them changed and I didn’t even bother to ask because if they don’t change on their own they won’t change at all usually. Hence why I put “/endrant” at the end.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Some people tend to diss warriors but tbh I found them kinda useful. Paired up with one I was on my ele, we had 3v2 on mid against a thief/mesmer/DH. He pretty much killed em piece meal while I kept him alive. The rest were free to 3v2, and keep home. I don’t think a thief would be able to pull that off. Too squishy. So while if I do see a thief/warrior/DH I make a face, but bite my tongue while secretly hoping they do well. Only asking if anyone wants to switch to ele for sustain, and if noone does then I will.

War/ele is actually a pretty useful tag-team.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

I have no clue what he was doing because when he wasn’t at home he was sitting on a ledge at mid shooting his shortbow like he was a ranger or something. It was on legacy and he kept playing like he was a ranger instead of a thief.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

I have no clue what he was doing because when he wasn’t at home he was sitting on a ledge at mid shooting his shortbow like he was a ranger or something. It was on legacy and he kept playing like he was a ranger instead of a thief.

Maybe b/c he was the only one watching HOME?

idk but i do know that i’ve seen A LOT of ppl who don’t understand how to play with a thief

forgot to add when i have a thief i usually drop my portal on home or near it to watch

(edited by Azukas.1426)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

I have no clue what he was doing because when he wasn’t at home he was sitting on a ledge at mid shooting his shortbow like he was a ranger or something. It was on legacy and he kept playing like he was a ranger instead of a thief.

Maybe b/c he was the only one watching HOME?

idk but i do know that i’ve seen A LOT of ppl who don’t understand how to play with a thief

If I was rotating to home from mid then he wasn’t the only one watching home, but at the same time I’m not gonna camp home. Then again from your responses it seems that despite him not intercepting people on the way to home you’re just going to take his side. It seems like you are saying thieves are infallible, it is everyone else that is wrong. Then again, what did I say about thief players being stubborn and not accepting their own mistakes?

But in your grand wisdom of playing thief in order to play with a thief while I was playing Legacy map as a Corruptionmancer Reaper should I have camped home the whole game or rotated between mid and home, which is what I was doing all game because that is how I saw him keep missing people coming through that passage way to get quarry node? I mean do I have to be his eyes for him to?

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

I have no clue what he was doing because when he wasn’t at home he was sitting on a ledge at mid shooting his shortbow like he was a ranger or something. It was on legacy and he kept playing like he was a ranger instead of a thief.

Maybe b/c he was the only one watching HOME?

idk but i do know that i’ve seen A LOT of ppl who don’t understand how to play with a thief

If I was rotating to home from mid then he wasn’t the only one watching home, but at the same time I’m not gonna camp home. Then again from your responses it seems that despite him not intercepting people on the way to home you’re just going to take his side. It seems like you are saying thieves are infallible, it is everyone else that is wrong. Then again, what did I say about thief players being stubborn and not accepting their own mistakes?

But in your grand wisdom of playing thief in order to play with a thief while I was playing Legacy map as a Corruptionmancer Reaper should I have camped home the whole game or rotated between mid and home, which is what I was doing all game because that is how I saw him keep missing people coming through that passage way to get quarry node? I mean do I have to be his eyes for him to?

From the beginning of the match y’all should have set up who keeps an eye on home. I don’t know what your comp was but i bet 4 other players should have watched home over that thief

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


I got to Legend with Berserker Amulet on Thief. Pretty sure the class is fine.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I got to Legend with Berserker Amulet on Thief. Pretty sure the class is fine.

Pretty sure Anet has already stated players are being carried by MMR. Not taking anything away from you but it’s a fact anet has confirmed it.

That being said if thief is so fine then how come you are no longer in the pro league after being kicked off Spoookie b/c you refused to not play thief. Also all pro thieves are playing Revs?

Nothing personal or against you as a player just you state things w/out having any facts to back it up.


Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


I got to Legend with Berserker Amulet on Thief. Pretty sure the class is fine.

Pretty sure Anet has already stated players are being carried by MMR. Not taking anything away from you but it’s a fact anet has confirmed it.

That being said if thief is so fine then how come you are no longer in the pro league after being kicked off Spoookie b/c you refused to not play thief. Also all pro thieves are playing Revs?

Nothing personal or against you as a player just you state things w/out having any facts to back it up.


I was kicked? I left the team because they were too stubborn to see logic and decided to counter comp themselves against a team who had experience with it. So your “facts” aren’t facts, they’re your interpretation of something you have no idea about. If you also want to bring up the fact that I’m not around I go to school with a full course load and work full time. The game isn’t very complicated, and most the players in Pro League are there because others have moved on (speaking for NA).

Next time you bring up your fact book you might want to make sure it’s accurate first.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

A thief has no business saving your team from decaps unless it’s an enemy thief

It was an enemy thief.

And even if it wasn’t and was only going to rotate back to home after it gets backcapped, which he kept doing, he could have at least turned around and used his mobility to get back on the point to contest it until I came on the point and then left. The whole match this particular thief never went for a decap on far.

Why didn’t the rest of your team stop the decaps on home. The simple fact that your thief had to tells me that everyone on your team BUT the thief was the reason you lost.

The thief didn’t have to, it was the fact he wasn’t decapping and just letting people run past him and not doing anything about it. The fact I saw him do it twice in a row.

kitten it who am I kidding thieves are infallible and it is the rest of us players that are losers if only we had 5 thief teams.

The thief should not be watching home at all except to intercept someone before they can get near the point.

Now during a wipe or the need to regroup a good thief can run home to stall the decap until a respawn arrives but that’s it.

Lastly in your scenario that the thief ran by someone pushing home I have to ask the question. Why was that thief even at home in the 1st place? Your team should have been there

I have no clue what he was doing because when he wasn’t at home he was sitting on a ledge at mid shooting his shortbow like he was a ranger or something. It was on legacy and he kept playing like he was a ranger instead of a thief.

Maybe b/c he was the only one watching HOME?

idk but i do know that i’ve seen A LOT of ppl who don’t understand how to play with a thief

If I was rotating to home from mid then he wasn’t the only one watching home, but at the same time I’m not gonna camp home. Then again from your responses it seems that despite him not intercepting people on the way to home you’re just going to take his side. It seems like you are saying thieves are infallible, it is everyone else that is wrong. Then again, what did I say about thief players being stubborn and not accepting their own mistakes?

But in your grand wisdom of playing thief in order to play with a thief while I was playing Legacy map as a Corruptionmancer Reaper should I have camped home the whole game or rotated between mid and home, which is what I was doing all game because that is how I saw him keep missing people coming through that passage way to get quarry node? I mean do I have to be his eyes for him to?

From the beginning of the match y’all should have set up who keeps an eye on home. I don’t know what your comp was but i bet 4 other players should have watched home over that thief

Azukas, we never told him to watch home, we asked him to cap it at the start because thieves have good mobility. Why is it that you are so focused on that while completely ignoring the facts that…

1.) He wasn’t decapping far, aka his job.
2.) He was letting people go by to backcap, aka bad awareness.
3.) He was trying to play like a teamfighter at mid, aka not his role.

But please tell me again how it was everyone but his fault?

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.2798


I dont mind a theif who knows their job and is good at the class but it seems like most thiefs play in constant downstate with all the ele, necro, and rev aoe flying around…good thiefs win games tho

Big Papa Chase – Warrior and Guardian
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


A good thief is worth their weight in gold, a bad thief is also worth their weight in gold…for the other team.

With a good thief, your team can feel like you’re playing 6v5. A bad one however, is like you’re 4v6ing.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


A good thief is worth their weight in gold, a bad thief is also worth their weight in gold…for the other team.

With a good thief, your team can feel like you’re playing 6v5. A bad one however, is like you’re 4v6ing.

Yeah, earlier we had a match with each team having a thief. The other thief was good and ours was not. The rest of us in chat had made comments about wishing we could have their thief instead. Theirs made us have to leave someone at home and ours was just a rallybot at mid.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


I don’t complain at the start of a match or decide we are going to lose because of a thief. What bothers me is when you have a thief that keeps dying at mid fights, won’t decap or rotate to help stop decaps, tries to win Skirmisher of the year award while we keep losing home. I wait to see how they perform. 9/10 of them will act indignant when you ask them to do their job. Like I said in a previous post that you glossed over is that it gets really annoying when you have a thief that tries to be a teamfighter at mid or 1v1 for far against a class they have no business fighting instead of doing their job. Like earlier I had one on my team that tried and died 1v1ing a druid at far. The other day I had one that kept rushing from home to mid on legacy and just letting someone run past him to backcap home as I was running past him on a necro to stop it from happening. That complete lack of awareness is annoying and when I said “Theif could you please pay more attention” even using the word please I got a string of insults from said thief for asking him to not let enemies decap us while not doing anything to decap the enemy nodes.

On the other hand I had a thief that was doing stuff like this and I asked him to work on his skills some and instead of being an kitten he whispered and asked me how to improve. I pointed out he needed to stealth up when he wants to decap so he doesn’t just pull enemies with him and die off point and that when he came to +1 a fight he attacked the tempest on point at henge node instead of the necro on the ledge freecasting on us since I (on engi) and someone else (can’t recall what he was on) were trying to hold on to the point at a clutch moment at the end of a close game that could win or lose it for us. He was cool, thanked me for the advice and now when we see each other we are friendly to one another.

So I don’t hate thief, it’s the stubborn players that play it that refuse to change their bad habits or pick a new class that is more suitable. Someone once told me that if I wanted to fight in teamfights to change classes because I wasn’t playing the role correctly plus I’m old now and my reflexes aren’t what they were once so thief is a bad pick for me. Some players who play thief can’t accept that the class is bad for them and continue to insist to play it. Which if they do want to, then fine, do it but please not in ranked.

WHY do you Think its up to you to tell thief players how to play. They dont tell you how to play do they.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: princode.2750


hate to say that but thief had been totally replace by a memser heres why?

1.thief use to be very good at 1v1. lets be honest here a good thief verus any good
player playing other class the chance of thief winning is pretty low and even if the
thief win it will take very long

2.Memser will double moa can take down any class almost instantly. hell ya they could
even take down a bunker druid or ele which is impossible for thief

3. Thief is very good with decap its already a yesterday myth. Mesmer portal totally
replace thief decap role

4. Thief bring nothing to group fight whereas memser can condi spam and double
moa a target for the team to focus him down

5. Maybe the only class can take down without a issue is warrior

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Shadow.1345


Even though I posted this rant and stubborn thieves that are playing badly really annoy me, I will defend a thief that is playing well and doing their part. Like last match we had an engi that was blaming our thief who was helping me in a 2v2 to defend home saying that thief was at far and leaving them in outnumbered fights which was impossible considerring we were in an even fight and at one point was 2v3 for just long enough to put me in the downed state. By the time I came back the thief had managed to disengage and then come back to backcap home while they went for gate.

Edit: The pic is a little cut off at the top but it was me asking someone else besides the thief to help me defend home. No disrespect to the thief but the thief shouldn’t have been having to defend home when the engi should have been.


(edited by Shadow.1345)

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


Just won a game in diamond with 2 thiefs, just sayin

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I got to Legend with Berserker Amulet on Thief. Pretty sure the class is fine.

Pretty sure Anet has already stated players are being carried by MMR. Not taking anything away from you but it’s a fact anet has confirmed it.

That being said if thief is so fine then how come you are no longer in the pro league after being kicked off Spoookie b/c you refused to not play thief. Also all pro thieves are playing Revs?

Nothing personal or against you as a player just you state things w/out having any facts to back it up.


I was kicked? I left the team because they were too stubborn to see logic and decided to counter comp themselves against a team who had experience with it. So your “facts” aren’t facts, they’re your interpretation of something you have no idea about. If you also want to bring up the fact that I’m not around I go to school with a full course load and work full time. The game isn’t very complicated, and most the players in Pro League are there because others have moved on (speaking for NA).

Next time you bring up your fact book you might want to make sure it’s accurate first.

They switched to the only comp viable. You were too stubborn to realize that. The fact that every single pro team switched to it including the best teams and players confirms that statement. Was it favorable to abandon a comp for another during a season…maybe not but the alternative solution of staying with a significantly weaker comp was worse.

Also I never said anything about you not being around nor does your busy life sway any feeling of cares in me….we’re all busy fyi. The shot at all the players in NA pro league was uncalled for though.

Have a nice day.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


They switched to the only comp viable. You were too stubborn to realize that. The fact that every single pro team switched to it including the best teams and players confirms that statement. Was it favorable to abandon a comp for another during a season…maybe not but the alternative solution of staying with a significantly weaker comp was worse.

Also I never said anything about you not being around nor does your busy life sway any feeling of cares in me….we’re all busy fyi. The shot at all the players in NA pro league was uncalled for though.

Have a nice day.

“Only viable comp” – They switched to the easiest comp. Players make the game, not classes. The only exception to that would be warrior, which provides nothing over another class.

Staff Thief kills clones as fast as they’re produced, cleaves downs, and had more than enough survivability in Season 1’s meta. Impact Strike also would have ended fights instead of letting the same person get ressed over 5 times in a single fight. There’s always more than 1 viable comp, despite how efficient that comp may be. You can call me stubborn all you want, I play more than one class and had no issue swapping if I thought it was necessary for a win. The majority of the player base swaps to the easiest class to play because it has the least room for error – but that doesn’t mean it has the largest payback when played optimally. The issue arises when their reluctance towards challenge inhibits their ability to comprehend the game from a strategic standpoint.

Don’t expect people to know better since there’s a large assumption that everyone in Pro League knows what they’re doing.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: BeepBoopBop.5403


Staff Thief…had more than enough survivability in Season 1’s meta.

We playing the same game?

Koolgai Smurf – Thief | Dazin U – Mesmer | Whats Healing Power – Ranger|
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: TehHobNob.4687


Staff Thief…had more than enough survivability in Season 1’s meta.

We playing the same game?

If I remember correctly that last match he was in with Spoookie during S1 he did get unanimous mvp with staff. It was fun to watch. I can’t play staff well. It’s so different from the usual d/p playstyle. But there is video proof out there that it is viable in high tier play. It was great.


Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


They switched to the only comp viable. You were too stubborn to realize that. The fact that every single pro team switched to it including the best teams and players confirms that statement. Was it favorable to abandon a comp for another during a season…maybe not but the alternative solution of staying with a significantly weaker comp was worse.

Also I never said anything about you not being around nor does your busy life sway any feeling of cares in me….we’re all busy fyi. The shot at all the players in NA pro league was uncalled for though.

Have a nice day.

“Only viable comp” – They switched to the easiest comp. Players make the game, not classes. The only exception to that would be warrior, which provides nothing over another class.

Staff Thief kills clones as fast as they’re produced, cleaves downs, and had more than enough survivability in Season 1’s meta. Impact Strike also would have ended fights instead of letting the same person get ressed over 5 times in a single fight. There’s always more than 1 viable comp, despite how efficient that comp may be. You can call me stubborn all you want, I play more than one class and had no issue swapping if I thought it was necessary for a win. The majority of the player base swaps to the easiest class to play because it has the least room for error – but that doesn’t mean it has the largest payback when played optimally. The issue arises when their reluctance towards challenge inhibits their ability to comprehend the game from a strategic standpoint.

Don’t expect people to know better since there’s a large assumption that everyone in Pro League knows what they’re doing.


Instead of just saying I rest my case I’m going to address a few things to fully end this.

First I will agree with all the teams/players BETTER than you who I base that FACT off. I trust I don’t have to list them?

Impact strike while a great skill means very little with all the blocks invulns passives etc that are out there. Thus its not a reason to thief a game up.

Again you take more shots at pro league players. I dunno what your issue is with them but like I said the best teams/players disagree with you. I’ll put stock in the actual people who are winning and not quitting/getting kicked.

May your day be glorious

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739



Instead of just saying I rest my case I’m going to address a few things to fully end this.

First I will agree with all the teams/players BETTER than you who I base that FACT off. I trust I don’t have to list them?

Impact strike while a great skill means very little with all the blocks invulns passives etc that are out there. Thus its not a reason to thief a game up.

Again you take more shots at pro league players. I dunno what your issue is with them but like I said the best teams/players disagree with you. I’ll put stock in the actual people who are winning and not quitting/getting kicked.

May your day be glorious

Ignorance is bliss.

Arrogant Thief Hate

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


The thing is it’s not the class itself that is bad, it’s the players and the bad ones tend to be really stubborn.

Why do you stubbornly refuse to take responsibility and queue as a 5 man which would solve your “thief hate”/composition issues?

(edited by zinkz.7045)