BetaWeekend PugQuest#12
Physicks is too gud
Not Throwny is literally Not Me.
Aspect GG Admin.
Just to clarify: the EU Pugquest will allow the Elite Specializations and Revenant as well. Make sure to sign up for the Pugquest appropriate for your region.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
What is the average time that it takes before the rewards are distributed? Please be honest.
What is the average time that it takes before the rewards are distributed? Please be honest.
They say 2-3 weeks, but expect them 4-5 weeks.
It was like that once, Slin. Rewards usually take 1-2 weeks, and every so often three. I’d expect it to be closer to the 2 week mark because of Gamescom, though.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
A big thank you to everyone that works to put tournaments like this one together. Hopefully some more teams can form through these kind of community tournaments.
Is this pugquest being streamed or recorded? I’d love to see how the elite specializations fare in an actual tournament play, even if it is free agent teams. Like for instance, if tempest has a shot of being competitive with fire D/D ele and whatnot.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Is this pugquest being streamed or recorded? I’d love to see how the elite specializations fare in an actual tournament play, even if it is free agent teams. Like for instance, if tempest has a shot of being competitive with fire D/D ele and whatnot.
They usually stream them. The last one I remember was streamed by Backpack.
We’re currently having trouble maintaining a consistent caster because of real-life schedules. I’m going to try to get a caster for the NA one if I can. I’m working on the EU one in the future, but I don’t have many contacts in EU. If anyone is interested either in casting or local recording the matches for later posting, contact me in-game.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
“I T ’ SkittenN ! ! ! " – Winners of PugQuest
“I T ’ S FUN ! ! ! " – Winners of PugQuest