Can you explain your fail?
you need to understand one thing. ANET doesn’t care about balance. They don’t care about the fairness of the league system. They don’t care whether the leagues are set up correctly.
The only care about the total number of players who are taking part and the total time they are spending playing.
By their metric, I’m sure leagues are successful even if as a player it is a complete fail.
By their metric, I’m sure leagues are successful even if as a player it is a complete fail.
I’m pretty sure a lot of PvE heroes are farming their way into Ruby every season for the Legendary backpack – giving Anet an illusion of success and growth in the PvP community.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
I hope everyone leaves this game, today I just realized, that after 3 soulbound of backup armors of mine are missing, The thrill of Battle is missing to… that’s a f-ed up bug, and lucky me… only these things are deleted from my bags, how the f I don’t know, but this is very very very f up!
So no mater what, I will get diamond division, in year of ascension 3 progression, and never will get the legendary backpack… I’m so out of here that never will be back, ever! I’ve said it some times, but this is irreversible!
Lost a pip for going 435-500 with full soloQ against 4man premade. What the actual kitten
If all Anet cares about is numbers, lets show them who controls their fate. Just stop logging in. Simple, You will thank me
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
[Teef] guild :>
It’s ok. We faced a full premade of (iv)+ tier , had a dc for like 3/4 of the game, and got put with a tier (ii) as one of our pugs (we were trio-queueing ( all ruby/diamond)).
Lost 2 pips for it…
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
I’ve beaten teams who had DC and gained 3 pips, and lost with a DC and lost pips.
Yesterday my friend DC’d and came back 3/4 of the match later. We actually managed to win. It came to a lord rush which we defended against - I’d solo’d there’s to keep us in it incase the mesmer came back. Points were close. We won a match we were 4v5 for 75% of.
We gained nothing.
DC aren’t supposed to affect your pip gain/loss, are they ?
DC aren’t supposed to affect your pip gain/loss, are they ?
It has been stated that they are, and it makes sense that they do.
DC aren’t supposed to affect your pip gain/loss, are they ?
It has been stated that they are, and it makes sense that they do.
It shouln’t affect it, otherwise it would be too easy to abuse.
DC’s don’t happen that often, when it does you just have to suck it up.
There’s not a single competitive game that has a system against dc, and it’s because there can’t be one that wouldn’t be abused easily.
DC aren’t supposed to affect your pip gain/loss, are they ?
It has been stated that they are, and it makes sense that they do.
It shouln’t affect it, otherwise it would be too easy to abuse.
DC’s don’t happen that often, when it does you just have to suck it up.
There’s not a single competitive game that has a system against dc, and it’s because there can’t be one that wouldn’t be abused easily.
except for the 4-5 times I lost 2 pips because one of our guys never connected, even had a 2 pip loss with 4 solo queuers (and a full time dc) vs a 5 man premade and the score diffrence wasnt even that big.
The Amber would only make it into that match if he was in a party when he queued up. He must have found a way to break party between then and when you posted that screenshot.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
see all im saying is we can all do the same thing. For instance my last 4 matches i dont know how this 4 man premade got to diamond but i accept they are there and simply we were out played. 2 of my next 3 where with a thief and if you see him let it be but in both of the matches he was on my team someone from the other team asked if he was doing it on purpose.
I lost 4 pips and i literally just did these matches. Sometimes you have to accept your not gonna make it to the next tier.
(edited by kdaddy.5431)
The Amber would only make it into that match if he was in a party when he queued up. He must have found a way to break party between then and when you posted that screenshot.
Nope, I asked the party and they didnt know him.
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
Of course you have never heard of smurfs every post by you makes it clear your a simpleton. You do have some kind of bizarre naive semi charm though you almost cant believe someone can be so trusting and dumb. Smurfing doofus is someone running with a low alt account to get easier matches and advance faster. Im sure in your little world that never happens. Too bad in the real world its rampant genius. You understand now Dawg lol.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
Simple, You will thank me
I thank you for sharing the good taste in music. Did not keep up enough with Blue Stahli lately and did not even know he made another awesome track
Fail? You call this just a fail? It has long since gone beyond fail.
kitten it even shames me to ask friends to even come pvp with me in this game while we’re playing CS,LoL or Dota.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
Of course you have never heard of smurfs every post by you makes it clear your a simpleton. You do have some kind of bizarre naive semi charm though you almost cant believe someone can be so trusting and dumb. Smurfing doofus is someone running with a low alt account to get easier matches and advance faster. Im sure in your little world that never happens. Too bad in the real world its rampant genius. You understand now Dawg lol.
alright thank you
Loosing 2 pips against this kittened exploiters.
Thats, kitten up. Clearly abusing the system.
However you might want to cover up your toxic rant in your team chat next time….tut tut.
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
Of course you have never heard of smurfs every post by you makes it clear your a simpleton. You do have some kind of bizarre naive semi charm though you almost cant believe someone can be so trusting and dumb. Smurfing doofus is someone running with a low alt account to get easier matches and advance faster. Im sure in your little world that never happens. Too bad in the real world its rampant genius. You understand now Dawg lol.
Its quite possible he knows what it is but didn’t know to tie this term to it….? Also, while trying to dump on someone for being dumb, be sure to check your writing. There’s a mistake after almost every second word.
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
Of course you have never heard of smurfs every post by you makes it clear your a simpleton. You do have some kind of bizarre naive semi charm though you almost cant believe someone can be so trusting and dumb. Smurfing doofus is someone running with a low alt account to get easier matches and advance faster. Im sure in your little world that never happens. Too bad in the real world its rampant genius. You understand now Dawg lol.
Its quite possible he knows what it is but didn’t know to tie this term to it….? Also, while trying to dump on someone for being dumb, be sure to check your writing. There’s a mistake after almost every second word.
Thank you and yes i knew of what people were doing but i didnt know it was given the name “smurf”.
lol vlad i really dont know what you are complaining about. The scores maybe but your in the division area of one another. It makes sense, the question is whether or not someone didnt really belong in there and has a rank they really shouldnt.
I mostly feel bad for that amber guy, seriously who did he make mad that when he solo ques he has to face people in ruby/diamond/legendary division right out the box?
ever heard of smurfs?
actually no
Of course you have never heard of smurfs every post by you makes it clear your a simpleton. You do have some kind of bizarre naive semi charm though you almost cant believe someone can be so trusting and dumb. Smurfing doofus is someone running with a low alt account to get easier matches and advance faster. Im sure in your little world that never happens. Too bad in the real world its rampant genius. You understand now Dawg lol.
Its quite possible he knows what it is but didn’t know to tie this term to it….? Also, while trying to dump on someone for being dumb, be sure to check your writing. There’s a mistake after almost every second word.
Thank you and yes i knew of what people were doing but i didnt know it was given the name “smurf”.
The term as widely used in LoL. Sometimes people wanted to have clean account with really good w/l ratio or just play with friends (or carry someone for money<<<this happend a lot) since in league in ranked you can only team up with someone max. 1 division under/above you, so they created new account and skyrocketed on it quite fast through divisions since there skill does matter a lot and 1 high ranked player can carry entire games by himself. The downside is ofc if you are low/mid division player you stand absolutely no chance vs those player and might as well forfeit match, not to mention you lose a lot of points for such matches since system thinks the smurf is new player and shouldn’t have won.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
DC aren’t supposed to affect your pip gain/loss, are they ?
It has been stated that they are, and it makes sense that they do.
It shouln’t affect it, otherwise it would be too easy to abuse.
DC’s don’t happen that often, when it does you just have to suck it up.
There’s not a single competitive game that has a system against dc, and it’s because there can’t be one that wouldn’t be abused easily.
Clearly you’ve never heard of DOTA2.
Have I won this thread now?
I have to say its really hard trying to stay positive
you need to understand one thing. ANET doesn’t care about balance. They don’t care about the fairness of the league system. They don’t care whether the leagues are set up correctly.
The only care about the total number of players who are taking part and the total time they are spending playing.
By their metric, I’m sure leagues are successful even if as a player it is a complete fail.
If the system is addictive and keeps people playing, I’m sure there are those at ANet who see that as successful and consider everyone else to be the typical complaining crowd you get with any release.
I would give them more credit, but this is the same ArenaNet who ignored pleas from myself and others pre-HoT launch to keep the Elite Specs out of ranked sPvP. So., given what we have to go with I would say you are correct. It’s a simple numbers game to them… The thing I doubt they are factoring in are all of us who keep playing because we miss what the game was. When we sign in it’s more like a trip to the cemetery to visit those we’ve lost. We are simply playing more as we go though the denial, acceptance process. I’m sure a good number just walk away cold turkey, but for those of us who once really loved the game (the veteran players who they stabbed in the back with this release), it’s a lot more difficult to let it go. By reason end I suspect those numbers they are looking at will give them a better snapshot of the damage done.
Then it’s too late to fix things. sPvP players tend to devote themselves to a few games. When we leave one we don’t come back to it. This is one of the very different aspects of PvP vs PvE. I can’t stand the typical PvE gamer. I can’t relate to someone who enjoys spending 30, 40, 60+ hours in game doing very repetitive task to build a Legendary. Or would spend 6-10 hours in game several nights a week working on a Raid. It’s not that I couldn’t spend my time that way, it’s just I don’t find the fun in it. I despise repetition.
This ranked sPvP season has been all about repetition.
Repetition on a meta that is no fun to play whatsoever. Combined with paranoia of hackers, MMR tankers and a mixed solo/team queue that makes luck a huge part of the process and leaves the resulted league division rank with no integrity or respect at all.
There is no prestige to be earned in this system. It’s a complete joke to those who desire for sPvP in game to model real world sports and for rank to be indicative of something earned by skill on a even playing field. With little fear of cheating thanks to success audits and policing by the organization keeping things going.
(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)