Can you make Larcenous cancelable?
Cool change didn’t think it be two boons good stuff..
But can you make this thing cancel if you double tap so I can use Flanking again?
The new flexibility is great but because of the mechanics of chain skills certain situations are actually harder to survive now… wot?
It doesn’t feel exactly like I’ve netgained survivalbility but instead that I’ve gained conditional survivalbility and otherwise had it decreased.Tried the double tap, tried storing weapon during both animations. No dice.
Feels bad man. I can’t stay on a point as long.
I like the change, it makes it where I’m able to choose. Sorry you don’t like it.
Didn’t say anything about loosing choice.
Said “ability to cancel”.
that would be more useful in sword #2 since the second ability (shadow return) lasts for 15 long long long seconds… sometimes i even forget it is there and accidently teleport myself to the other side of the map instead of entering combat…
Please no^.
Or make it so it doesn’t go to larcenous if it doesn’t hit anything.
But then you lose the FS spikes we were doing before.
But then you lose the FS spikes we were doing before.
Hmm,i see what you mean,it sure is a tough decision.
What they did is really cool and creates some awesome scenarios but
FS not being cancelable hurts survivalbility
The 2nd hit being unblockable kind of damages counterplay against it and it does hit hard.
If they let the chain cancel with another press and improve Dancing daggers it’ll be in a better place but enjoying myself.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
Keep pressing the key for a bit -> cancel the next move.
Would that work in your opinion? I agree while i actually enjoy the rework, the loss of evade potential is a bit saddening.
^ I don’t mind. If I can get evade frames, am happy camper.