Change 'ranked win' daily
The daily is actually called ‘Rated Match’
Rated refers to a pvp match you queue for, this daily can be completed in both ranked and unranked matches. You don’t ever need to touch ranked pvp to complete any daily challenge in the heart of the mists.
The daily is actually called ‘Rated Match’
Rated refers to a pvp match you queue for, this daily can be completed in both ranked and unranked matches. You don’t ever need to touch ranked pvp to complete any daily challenge in the heart of the mists.
Huh, I must have misread it. Although a lot of people I talk to in ranked matches say they’re just there for the daily, maybe they think a win is quicker in ranked.
Ranked and Unranked both count as “rated” matches so if you just want to fish for a daily win you can queue Unranked with a premade. It’s a mad world out there.
Ranked has pips for the reward boxes, and although not always, the matches tend to be more balanced with similarly skilled players, and thus some would prefer it and find it fun.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
Ranked and Unranked both count as “rated” matches so if you just want to fish for a daily win you can queue Unranked with a premade. It’s a mad world out there.
Ranked has pips for the reward boxes, and although not always, the matches tend to be more balanced with similarly skilled players, and thus some would prefer it and find it fun.
Not if the player is farming the 3 Ranked daily matches required for The Ascension. This absoultely requires ranked.
Ranked and Unranked both count as “rated” matches so if you just want to fish for a daily win you can queue Unranked with a premade. It’s a mad world out there.
Ranked has pips for the reward boxes, and although not always, the matches tend to be more balanced with similarly skilled players, and thus some would prefer it and find it fun.
Not if the player is farming the 3 Ranked daily matches required for The Ascension. This absoultely requires ranked.
Yes, but that wasn’t what this post was about. It was specifically about the daily. You can 100% get the daily through unranked matches.
The daily is actually called ‘Rated Match’
Rated refers to a pvp match you queue for, this daily can be completed in both ranked and unranked matches. You don’t ever need to touch ranked pvp to complete any daily challenge in the heart of the mists.
Already lead to mistake anyway, specially non-english natives easily mistake it for “ranked”.
i have trouble on some achievments cuz of this, i was thinking “rated” mean same as ranked. i have asked ppl on chat many of them was confusing as me.
No native english tends to think “rated” as same way some products has a “classification rate”, classification = rank = ranked. its lead to many noobs goes on ranked match.
(edited by ugrakarma.9416)
Part of me thinks that you shouldn’t be able to get achievements in ranked, to keep daily farmers out >.>