Chronomancer is disgusting

Chronomancer is disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


For my three cents, we already have way too many mesmers in wvw and pvp. Why? because the class is unbalanced, and people are playing it because it wins the game.

Regarding pvp no comment it will reach deaf ears.
in wvw they are too squishy to push trough the zerg and they lack the aoe to tag players and even get any bags they only take them for veil and occasionally portals
if they have golems or driver sniping but actually killing the blob
its one of the worst classes and i dont see them everywhere like you do i dont know what server you play i used to see like 2 now i see 5 out of a zerg which is nice but it dosent change the fact that wvw is dominated by heavy classes and ele + nec
So basicly the profit from playing mesmer in wvw is worst of all classes staff bounce dosent do enough damage to tag always unless you are in full group.