People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Statistically, the chance of Capricorn coming up is less than 50%. Even with a full team, you’re looking at getting one out of four games on the map you actually want.
Now, it’s likely that the others will be Coliseum so it won’t be all a loss, but we’ve got fourteen weeks to do Coliseum, and only two for Capricorn, and some of us are close enough that we have sunk costs we’d like to recoup.
new tag line:
“Guild Wars 2 – Making players find ways around our systems to enjoy the game since 2015”
And something needs to happen quick because we’re already just 12/13 days from deadline when this category goes away.
I’d suggest extending it till the start of the next season. As well as doing something to make Capricorn more available, because as it is now, i don’t see getting even one match in the time i have available every day.
I’d also like to ask devs for any quick response. I’d rather know now whether i will still have a chance of finishing up on the achieves, or should i give up on them already.
Also, i find it really interesting, that the way Anet introduced Colosseum made me, instead of being interested in seeing a new map, have a completely negative reaction to it. Before i even could see it, at that.
Marketing at it’s best.
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Ok, just tried my intention from earlier, team up with 3 other Capricorn players (couldn’t find a 5th) and on 1/3 maps Capricorn showed up, and the vote was tied 5/5 for it or Coliseum and ofc, it ended up on Coliseum… group fell apart because no one likes being so kittening triggered by a stupid design flaw that renders you unable to complete achievements that still last another 2 weeks…
Come on!
We want to reward players for playing the map while it is in Beta and give a cool title to represent that you were there during its beta phase. The beta tag will not be there forever as we will make changes to the map to bring it up the level of other conquest maps. The achievements are in for around 3 months, going from an entire off-season into a full active season.
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
We want to reward players for playing the map while it is in Beta and give a cool title to represent that you were there during its beta phase. The beta tag will not be there forever as we will make changes to the map to bring it up the level of other conquest maps. The achievements are in for around 3 months, going from an entire off-season into a full active season.
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
Thank you for listening to us.
Huge improvement, thank you!
Let the salt flow from the Coliseum crowd
Better, but still going to be rough. People voting for coliseum outnumber those for capricorn. And by the small chance you get in, you still have to win and still at the mercy of GG matchmaking. All morning I’ve only gotten into 1 capricorn, and of course it was a blowout match.
Just saying Anet, it won’t hurt to extend this beyond this season through the offseason. By the way, you devs created this problem by introducing Coliseum (which is an awesome map, but that’s beside the point). Do the right thing and extend it please, thanks.
(edited by gavyne.6847)
Yea, it helps a lot it’s pinned but I still have to play so many Coliseum matches where Capricorn had 6-7 votes…
edit: which is fine, because now at least Capricorn shows up, but I know that getting a group together I’m just as likely to get Capricorn selected as the other. Time-limited achievements are not a problem here, the deadline was always October 3rd and if you didn’t pay attention, you’re missing out. But the addition of the Coliseum map 2 weeks ahead of that date changed the mechanic of map selection and made it impossible to finish the achievements. THAT was what all the commotion was about.
(edited by Dondarrion.2748)
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
Thank you very much Hugh Norfolk for giving us this last chance to finish the ap, I will be sure to pay more attention to future achievements
ahhh.. lots of farming grinning in the next two weeks If I know this achievement going to be removed I would have done something before so we are not under pressure now.
was there any warning prior to this that it will be removed?
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
I appreciate Anet pinning Capricorn to the selection, and it does seem to be helping: Currently people seem to be almost exclusively voting for either Coliseum or Capricorn.
But that’s only a minor help vs a fundamental problem. Time-limited achievements combined with random map voting/selection really sucks, and especially when most of the time overlaps a PvP season.
For all the reasons people have already explained this design eventually leads to a frustrating, stressful, and even toxic environment. I’ve seen people hating on each other for their map selection vote, and to an extent I’ve never found before in this game’s PvP. I’ve seen people AFKing when they end up on a map that’s “useless” to them, which then makes it pointless for the rest of their team to bother trying. I’ve seen people straight up leaving matches as soon as the map loads. Heck, just a little while ago I played out a lovely 4v5 loss on Capricorn! because a teammate left immediately – I guess he wanted Coliseum…
Having the maps and achievements available for multiple months doesn’t really help when it takes much less than that for the Unranked player base to hit a critical mass of people tired of the beta map and consistently voting against it. It happened for Capricorn, and I expect not too long after Coliseum is the only beta map then it’ll happen for that one too.
Thanks for pinning Capricorn – I don’t really pvp that much and didn’t realise the two map achievements were on a timer – even so ive just played 8 matches and only got Capricorn once ;( meanwhile having only started Colosseum yesterday im well on my way with it – really hoping this is extended – even better, is there no way to implement putting people together that want to only do the Beta maps?
It’s just amazing how many hate and toxicity can be generated by overlapping these two beta maps and adding short countdown until achievements will be unavailable. Please, almighty Devs, before your playerbase get a stroke from a rage or bans for hate speeches do something. At least prolong Capricorn until next season start or add separate queue for different betas.
I’m confused how the devs think that having 2 limited time achievements at the same time is a good idea.
you know whats really fun, 1 or 2 people picking neither of the limited time achievement maps “lol get trold”
Yet again, PvP devs doing werk…
Just gonna afk in every map thats not either of the 2.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
ahhh.. lots of farming grinning in the next two weeks
If I know this achievement going to be removed I would have done something before so we are not under pressure now.
was there any warning prior to this that it will be removed?
Yes, it was always the case it would go away at the end of PvP League Season 4, October 3rd. All the discussion now arose because the new PvP map (Eternal Coliseum) got added 2 days ago and suddenly Capricorn never got selected in the map rotation any longer.
The Capricorn Achievement will be removed at the end of season 4. Coliseum Achievements will be removed at the end of season 5.
Should have learned from Living World Season 1 and temporary achievements. Especially given the fact that even if these maps are in rotation by chance or because they’re pinned, there’s not a guarantee you will play that map on every match.
I’ve seen a few suggestions to add more achievements to PvP, and these map specific ones are a great idea, why remove them? Why not add more for the other maps with their own titles?
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
Got two games in on the map tonight, and won both of them, so just one more to go now!
cue getting terrible luck for the next fortnight and ending up stuck on 24/25 permanently…
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
Got two games in on the map tonight, and won both of them, so just one more to go now!
cue getting terrible luck for the next fortnight and ending up stuck on 24/25 permanently…
Lucky !!!
I still need 12 game to win ..
With only 1-2 hours of gameplay time each day. I don’t think I will be able to suceed.
We want to reward players for playing the map while it is in Beta and give a cool title to represent that you were there during its beta phase. The beta tag will not be there forever as we will make changes to the map to bring it up the level of other conquest maps. The achievements are in for around 3 months, going from an entire off-season into a full active season.
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
Same reply from previous beta pvp map
Make a kitten separate queue if you want ppl really test something
One of the poorest implementations of achievements ever GG. Play unranked during season. Try to get the map you want. When you do get it well, hope your team is good. And still why time limited? This means you are actively letting some players get more achievement points while others who can’t play all day or weren’t aware these achievements were time limited to lose out in the long run. Very bad decision and for me at least, I barely get into Capricorn, no to mention winning. Just another reason to quit this game in the near future.
One of the poorest implementations of achievements ever GG. Play unranked during season. Try to get the map you want. When you do get it well, hope your team is good. And still why time limited? This means you are actively letting some players get more achievement points while others who can’t play all day or weren’t aware these achievements were time limited to lose out in the long run. Very bad decision and for me at least, I barely get into Capricorn, no to mention winning. Just another reason to quit this game in the near future.
I tried this week (3hours of pvp each 4 days) , even with the pinned I was only able to play Capricorn 1 time. I’m giving up …
To keep reiterating the point of this setup being a problem:
I managed to get another Capricorn game today where someone left immediately. Fortunately for my own sake it was someone on the other team, but it certainly meant the rest of them had a bad game. When the game design is provoking people into that kind of behavior, there’s something wrong with it.
And despite most people voting for Coliseum or Capricorn, there’s already often one person voting for a different map… and too often succeeding. In a game tries to pride itself on community and bringing people together, this design stands out as causing a lot of needless conflict.
one of the issues with this is still the fact that the map choice window pops up right where the queue accept window was… multiple times i have accidentally selected one of the non-beta maps purely because i went to hit dismiss and it changed as i was about to click so selected the bottom right one… i would have been kittened if that map got selected as the only non-beta choice made
The achievements have been available since July. If you’re all waiting until just now to do them then well…
The achievements have been available since July. If you’re all waiting until just now to do them then well…
I agree but there is a few things i want to add in.
1- Its the PvP season
How can you throw in a title for 2 unranked maps and a ranked season title? Ive played alot of games since the new map came out and its so frustrating to get 3-4 capricorn maps and 1 skyhammer/spirit watch thrown in there.
2- Time
You say the maps been here for awhile and i agree but then you throw in a new map and the ranked season. How many games are people suppose to play? You have people on this thread saying they are spending 1-2 hrs trying to PvP. Lets say they have a 50% win rate and they need 25 on coliseum and 5 on capricorn. That means they will need 60 games to get the titles. Which will take 3-4 weeks given the time of matches per play a day. Then to top it off they cant even play in the ranked season.
I see what you are saying but i also see what everyone else is saying and it hard to ignore that anet just kind of threw water in mud and said still thirsty
Well I guess they had to find some way to add RNG to pvp?
Basically this sucks. We have less than 2 weeks left to finish the Carpicorn Achieves yet almost everyone is voting the new map as it has new achieves for them. They have their Capricorn but what do they care? If only they wait until Capricorn is gone from the vote then they will be able to get their new map easier but no…
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Well I guess they had to find some way to add RNG to pvp?
Basically this sucks. We have less than 2 weeks left to finish the Carpicorn Achieves yet almost everyone is voting the new map as it has new achieves for them. They have their Capricorn but what do they care? If only they wait until Capricorn is gone from the vote then they will be able to get their new map easier but no…
Ill tell you why no one wants to wait and its because you will get games like this. Its hard doing games like this over and over. Its because we have had to play alot of PvP lately and everyone is on edge from capricorn players to coliseum.
Now i dont blame the players for this at all but when you have the 4th PvP season. 2 unranked maps, a new PvE area and for some of us like me. Have over 8k games played, your kind of looking to get stuff done.
(edited by kdaddy.5431)
Well I guess they had to find some way to add RNG to pvp?
Basically this sucks. We have less than 2 weeks left to finish the Carpicorn Achieves yet almost everyone is voting the new map as it has new achieves for them. They have their Capricorn but what do they care? If only they wait until Capricorn is gone from the vote then they will be able to get their new map easier but no…
Ill tell you why no one wants to wait and its because you will get games like this. Its hard doing games like this over and over. Its because we have had to play alot of PvP lately and everyone is on edge from capricorn players to coliseum.
Now i dont blame the players for this at all but when you have the 4th PvP season. 2 unranked maps, a new PvE area and for some of us like me. Have over 8k games played, your kind of looking to get stuff done.
Well yes of course I understand that. I mean I started the PvP season like everyone else with every intention of pushing hard to get into legendary. I got burnt out and then fed up with the MMR system so I took a break and started on the Capricorn map. I soon got burnt out on this and was not aware it was a limited thing for the achieves.
I went on to other things with every intention of going back for those achieves. Such as running my main and 8 alts through the Bloodstone map and story. Then came out the latest map and story and again I am running my alts through it. However I just heard about the limited time on these achieves and so I thought I better get a move on.
But nope, anet were very wise and released another “new map” and expect us to run both of these “new maps” at the same time. So, shot down. But here is my thought. The newer map will be around a lot longer and will have an extra whole other season for people to get achieves on them, yet people don’t care. They are just rushing to get them done and are moaning that other people are choosing the Capricorn. Of course they only think about themselves.
I am not blaming them for this SNAFU that is on ANET of course but come on why rush? Just wait for Capricorn to be unpinned and you should have 100% chance to get that map and those achieves will come smoothly. But nope – I MUST HAVE THEM NOW is the attitude.
Sure yes I COULD have got all of the Capricorn achieves very early like everyone else. But how was I to know the achieves were limited time thing? How was I to know that they would release another new map on top of that one with new achieves attached to it?
I guess Anet expects that everyone here rushes to get everything done or should? Yeah okay…I thought that this game was catered towards casual gamers even when I am not a casual one. So if I am struggling or having issues over this when I am not a casual, I really feel sorry for the casuals – who remember, this game is designed for.
I tried (7 matchs) to create a Capricorn team with the map chat.
Was a chore..
Anyone want to team-up ?
I need only 2 victory !!!
Seriously.. It were not hard to wait until the end of this season before adding Coliseum..
(edited by TheArtOfMouts.7468)
We want to reward players for playing the map while it is in Beta and give a cool title to represent that you were there during its beta phase.
Plenty of people are here during the beta phase but will be unable to get the achievement because you overlapped the two maps.
As far as limited time achievements goes, just take a look at the massive amount of community criticism for Living World Season 1 that was so commonly focused around limited time achievments. Players hate limited time achievements. It influences us to play on your time and not ours, it makes us feel obligated to play content we didn’t want to play that day (logging in and refusing to play with your friends doing achievements in Ember Bay or not going to your weekly WvW/PvE raid because you need to play roulette to get into the map before the achievement is retired) and that’s a crap feeling when managing your game time.
The beta tag will not be there forever as we will make changes to the map to bring it up the level of other conquest maps. The achievements are in for around 3 months, going from an entire off-season into a full active season.[/quote]
After talking with the team we do agree it will be hard for players to get their Capricorn achievements so we have gone ahead and pinned both Coliseum and Capricorn for the next two weeks. Thank you all for you feedback and we will see you in the mists.
This is a big help but the situation is still incredibly frustrating for a lot of people, including people who are only in PvP right now to get the Coliseum achievement. With only a few days left the most control a player can have to get into the map is a 50% chance (and getting a group of four other people isn’t always the easiest thing). Too often I’ve played for two straight hours where even with five people voting for Capricorn not once has it rolled the map. Not only that but people are specifically voting non-beta maps and taunting in map chat before the match begins because they only voted a non-beta map to upset people trying to get the achievements.
I’ve attached a screenshot of one of my recent matches where I finally got Capricorn to roll (after about 30 mins of waiting for my party to fill, giving up with only one other and then waiting for the queue) and one person on my team idles before the match even begins because they don’t need the achievement. They are only in unranked for the Coliseum achievements atm and the PvP team has orchestrated a situation where they are literally wasting their time if they roll into a Capricorn map.
Map votes these days look mostly like 6-7 for coliseum, 2 for capricorn, and 1-2 trolling for random old map. As to be expected, I get mostly coliseum. And on that point I’ve finished eternal gladiator, which proves it. I’m getting almost as many random old map as capricorn, and when I do get capricorn, there’s this pressure to win and you know how unranked games go… What’s rage inducing is when I finally get a capricorn only to face a full premade, while I’m on a team with all soloq’ers.
This, along with forcing soloq players to play against premades, are generating lots of hate & toxicity between players & the game. I really hope you devs have learned to not create such things in the future that get people to hate each other. It’s counter productive. Your job is to create a fun game where people would want to login to play, have fun, and progress towards something. People have enough stress in rl they don’t need it ingame.
I know I could have started earlier – but wait, there was the last season to be able to get the legendary backpack and living story happening at the same time too. Now I lag behind with the Capricorn wins: I still need eight.
My fault perhaps, but it could be easily fixed by ANet to extend the time until the Halloween patch (two weeks longer?), especially as we now compete with the Coliseum map.
A quite hostile PvP environment is even more toxic these days, which is nothing that should be even enforced with creating such a pressure in the first place.
Make them permanent!
Add an achievement track for old maps as well, just one for each upcoming PvP season and you give people goals and a reason to go unranked for the next two years. Super easy way to make players happy in general. Not even very Dev time consuming I assume, too.
Think about it Devs…
No wonder why there’s so many afk people…
Anet. please reconsider this. There were tons of other ways to make players want to play that wasn’t through yet another timegating.
If you can make players play raid by temporarily increasing rewards, I really don’t see what’s the problem with pvp.
Edit: Did a few hours of pvp and only got capricorn twice. Whoever made this decision need to be actually play this and realize how broken this is.
(edited by Deihnyx.6318)
ANet, please extend the time limits for Capricorn and Coliseum achievements. They already overlap with each other and the Ranked PVP seasons. Also, some of us want to enjoy the new PVE maps while they’re still well populated with players. With limited playing time plus time limits, you almost have choose one over the other. Thanks.
Temporary maps, temporary achievements, temporary events. For me that is a horrible game design. In fact I decided to quit GW2 after I got tired with trying to keep up with LS Season 1 and grinding daily achievements. I came back one year later when Arena redesigned their daily system and they admitted that temporary nature of LS1 was a mistake.
And now we start getting that temporary kitten back again? I despise this design same as korean P2W or WoW endless gear treadmill. I hope they will not drive me away again.
Anyone at Anet – a.n.y.o.n.e – please see sense!
This is ridiculous, ive spent the last 2 weeks not doing anything but trying to get the kitten Capricorn map and win some games – ive stopped watching TV, reading, and yet somehow im 10 games off getting the full Coliseum meta whilst still failing to break the back of Capricorn.
It makes no sense you doing this, I don’t even pvp that much but a pvp season and TWO temp map achievements at the same time as LS?
Then to top it off, only Capricorn (when I actually get it) seems to ONLY have premade professional teams in opposition that really shouldn’t be slumming in in unranked with muppets like me – we are being annihilated.
Ive broke my back trying to get this godkitten achievement after I specifically remember you saying you were stopping with temp content apart from festivals.
Please – save sanity of people and correct what has frankly become a very toxic environment to play in ( which you caused really) by extending Capricorn until Halloween.
Or at least come on here to explain why you arnt…..
They won’t admit it, even though what you can see in pvp right now is truly pitiful. The toxicity starts in map chat even before the match already started. It’s on the players to be immature, but it’s on Anet to not have seen that coming.
I also agree: While I’m perfectly fine with temporary discount on rewards (aka Ascension) temporary access to stuff is like cancer. Everyone lose.
What’s the point of even limiting daily AP reward to “let new players catch up” if you block some achievements after a while?
@Rococo: LFG for people looking after the achievement as well, that’s really your best option.
Thanks for the tip Deihnyx – to be honest ive only been able to play in the evenings most of the time and when I last checked LFG there were none – now its daytime and im off work for the day I may give it a try – but ive basically lost the will to live with it.
I managed to get Capricorn last night but ive been having lag issues in the game since the last patch – when I finally managed to tab out and back in again and get the game moving I had a stream of whispered and public abuse from not one but two different people in my team ( the game had started 10 seconds before I could move)
Yep this is pvp for you.
But lots of people also afk cause they don’t get the map they want and are there for the achievements. And it’s irritating for people who just want to play.
If a group doesn’t exist, create one. Also map chat in the pvp lobby to ask for people who are also looking for capri achiev (there are people).
Finished Coliseum achievements before getting last two wins missing for capricorn.
Congrats Anet.
You constantly surprise me with your new and innovative ways to absolutely FRUSTRATE your playerbase. You really should get a reward for “least thought out achievements”.
(edited by Yasi.9065)
Currently working on getting the capricorn achievements since I didn’t have time for PvP before and… it’s pretty hellish. If the map gets picked, there’s usually a person or more afking (my last four games, all losses, had an afk or two on my team) and the amount of hate blindly directed at anyone who might’ve picked the map in chat is ridiculous going to the point where I had people saying “Everyone who voted this map, kill yourself or I’ll do it for you”
Timegated achievements are bad enough, having two timegated achievements at the same time sharing the same queue in a PvP-environment is even worse. I know what you wanted to achieve, but I can’t even give feedback on the maps because what good does feedback do from someone who constantly plays in 4v5. All the feedback I can give is that those temporary achievements cause a lot of genuine toxicity and are giving me a huge headache (so to speak) instead of enjoying the new maps.
It was nice to find out 2 days beforehand that capricorn stuff will be removed. Without a random player in map chat I would still not know about it. Maybe it is my bad for not reading forums/reddit often enough, but in my opinion Anet could have done better and informed players inside the game about the content going away soon…
80% of my matches are coliseum right now even though I vote for capricorn every single time. Feeling hopeless and frustrated. You sure know how to take all the fun out of your game :s
Capricorn is the most beautiful PvP map in the game, no contest. Is also nice in gameplay albeit is far from being the best.
On the other hand, I hate Colliesum: has the worst skins by far, and I think that it’s a really boring and ugly map. I do expect that never reaches the status of ranked map. I do skip it at sight.
It was nice to find out 2 days beforehand that capricorn stuff will be removed. Without a random player in map chat I would still not know about it. Maybe it is my bad for not reading forums/reddit often enough, but in my opinion Anet could have done better and informed players inside the game about the content going away soon…
80% of my matches are coliseum right now even though I vote for capricorn every single time. Feeling hopeless and frustrated. You sure know how to take all the fun out of your game :s
Always try to read the patch notes. Not only will you see the dates, if they release them, but you’ll keep yourself current with other changes made to the game.
Always try to read the patch notes. Not only will you see the dates, if they release them, but you’ll keep yourself current with other changes made to the game.
I do read but those are often lenghty and contain alot of information, cannot remember everything.
Talked with some friends and it seems they actually did not know either about the achievements going away. They read the patch notes too as we sometimes discuss about them.
Whenever there is ongoing the pvp events players are well informed about it, getting the buff and ads on screen. Would have been nice to get any kind of message saying something like “we are removing this content in 2 weeks, play it while you still can!”.
Was believing they added it to stay “forever”, especially after all the talk about the other content they added and then removed (LS1). Well, so wrong I was
Please make stuff like achievements being temporary more clear IN GAME not on a forum hidden away in a section 90% of the people will never read it. I just by accident stumbled upon this thread and will not get any of the achievements I have only played the map one time since it’s basically absent in normal game routines. I’m getting a bit tired of you guys hiding important game information outside the game we are playing a game, not a forum! put it in the game that is where we are!
Always try to read the patch notes. Not only will you see the dates, if they release them, but you’ll keep yourself current with other changes made to the game.
I do read but those are often lenghty and contain alot of information, cannot remember everything.
Talked with some friends and it seems they actually did not know either about the achievements going away. They read the patch notes too as we sometimes discuss about them.
Whenever there is ongoing the pvp events players are well informed about it, getting the buff and ads on screen. Would have been nice to get any kind of message saying something like “we are removing this content in 2 weeks, play it while you still can!”.Was believing they added it to stay “forever”, especially after all the talk about the other content they added and then removed (LS1). Well, so wrong I was
People can read the sections that are relevant to them then.
People can read the sections that are relevant to them then.
I don’t want to argue with you about this more. I said I had read notes, but I don’t remember everything, especially if it was said month(s) ago.
I know many players now share the feeling with me, like the poster before you. I gave Anet suggestion that possibly could in future save players from frustration. I have now said all I have to say to this, have good evening
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