Crashes HOW do you do this every patch?
I’m not sure how you could miss something like this unless you simply did not bother to do a test game of PvP before releasing the patch. It’s a complex process so there are things we do not understand.
Computers are complex. That’s pretty much what it boils down to.
All this is in my opinion, is that they are not checking their versions and keep reintroducing the same bug from old data.
Not following the process of rolling out updates to software.
1 error/mistake, in syntax or logic, in a line of code can make a client crash
1 error/mistake, in syntax or logic, in a line of code can make a client crash
Compilers do that for you.
Software is extremely complex. Cut anet some slack.
I give them the benefit of the doubt on updates causing crashes, but not so much on only doing balance passes every 6 months or so when they promote this as a serious PvP game :P
Compilers will tell you where syntax is wrong, but when you have a fault in logic with perfect syntax it can compile perfect but still crash when a certain situations are occuring
All that’s cool but once you fix what you think is the problem, wouldn’t you play a game of PvP first to find out if it is working before issuing the fix?