Custom League, who else will do this?

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Me and denshee honor ele’d against eachothers teams tonight quite a few times and the rest of our teams are playing pretty old school stuff like back stab thief, mesmer, engi, guards, etc, BASICALLY NO S/D THIEF OR WARRIORS and I don’t even think anyone had necro.

Basically, we had fun, not something you can experience every day in this game.

So I came up with the idea of having maybe 1 scheduled day a week where a bunch of players meet up on a private server and play by our own rules. We could even have a tournament or make it scheduled more often and of course people can organize it amongst themselves you know I’m just kinda ranting at this point. You get the idea.

Anyways, we’d come up with a list of things we want to ban to make the game more fun. Obviously everyone has different opinions on this so I may just talk to some people I know and we’ll come up with a list ourselves but I’m curious what everyone would have on their lists so I’ll start off with some things off the top of my head for every class.

Thief: No Sword
Warrior: No signet, no longbow, no hammer, no mace, so tempted to ban other things but I dunno
Necro: No dhuumfire, maybe no Weakening shroud/Terror?
Ranger: No elite spirit, no moving spirits, I guess thats all, just stay away from this class it is no fun to play against or with in general! (just imo, obviously the class is not banned)
Ele: No Diamond Skin just out of spite! Maybe no clerics amulet? If all these changes made far point clerics amulet ele viable again I just wouldn’t wanna play against it or as it, no fun.
Mesmer: No Moa, No condi amulets, really what kinda scum just stealths all day and lets there auto attacks and AI slowly(quickly) kill there opponent with zero timing or skill at all.
Engi: No condi immunity, not even an I win button, you just select it when you create your engi for the first time ever and you can’t lose to a condi class, many skill, such finesse, wow
Guardian: The only class that can do what it wants I think. I can’t come up with anything frustrating that a guardian can do.

And the hardest rule to enforce of all: No stealth openers, No shadow refuging or smoke blast finisher comboing to go in for 3 man gank kinda crap. I can’t stress this rule enough, this kinda thing officially sucks the fun out of everything when a team fight is decided not even in the first second, it’s like the first 0.5 seconds and it’s often all down to if your guard gets a lucky dodge. It’s like starcraft cheese all over again. I didn’t scout the hidden double starport and he quadruple cloak bansheed me, what a pro, I applaud that kinda play, really.

This is obviously very opinionated like I said. The power meta was a blast for eles, thiefs and mesmers but I don’t think engis have that great of a time in it especially when the eles plays glass, but it’s far better than right now I’m sure.

I don’t even know how much longer I’ll have time to play GW2 but people should just do this without me of course, it’s just way more fun.

Going to bed I’ll check on this thread tomorrow.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


sounds good – and wanna see tournaments like this

and would add no minionmaster^^

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Me and denshee honor ele’d against eachothers teams tonight quite a few times and the rest of our teams are playing pretty old school stuff like back stab thief, mesmer, engi, guards, etc, BASICALLY NO S/D THIEF OR WARRIORS and I don’t even think anyone had necro.

Basically, we had fun, not something you can experience every day in this game.

So I came up with the idea of having maybe 1 scheduled day a week where a bunch of players meet up on a private server and play by our own rules. We could even have a tournament or make it scheduled more often and of course people can organize it amongst themselves you know I’m just kinda ranting at this point. You get the idea.

Anyways, we’d come up with a list of things we want to ban to make the game more fun. Obviously everyone has different opinions on this so I may just talk to some people I know and we’ll come up with a list ourselves but I’m curious what everyone would have on their lists so I’ll start off with some things off the top of my head for every class.

Thief: No Sword
Warrior: No signet, no longbow, no hammer, no mace, so tempted to ban other things but I dunno
Necro: No dhuumfire, maybe no Weakening shroud/Terror?
Ranger: No elite spirit, no moving spirits, I guess thats all, just stay away from this class it is no fun to play against or with in general! (just imo, obviously the class is not banned)
Ele: No Diamond Skin just out of spite! Maybe no clerics amulet? If all these changes made far point clerics amulet ele viable again I just wouldn’t wanna play against it or as it, no fun.
Mesmer: No Moa, No condi amulets, really what kinda scum just stealths all day and lets there auto attacks and AI slowly(quickly) kill there opponent with zero timing or skill at all.
Engi: No condi immunity, not even an I win button, you just select it when you create your engi for the first time ever and you can’t lose to a condi class, many skill, such finesse, wow
Guardian: The only class that can do what it wants I think. I can’t come up with anything frustrating that a guardian can do.

And the hardest rule to enforce of all: No stealth openers, No shadow refuging or smoke blast finisher comboing to go in for 3 man gank kinda crap. I can’t stress this rule enough, this kinda thing officially sucks the fun out of everything when a team fight is decided not even in the first second, it’s like the first 0.5 seconds and it’s often all down to if your guard gets a lucky dodge. It’s like starcraft cheese all over again. I didn’t scout the hidden double starport and he quadruple cloak bansheed me, what a pro, I applaud that kinda play, really.

This is obviously very opinionated like I said. The power meta was a blast for eles, thiefs and mesmers but I don’t think engis have that great of a time in it especially when the eles plays glass, but it’s far better than right now I’m sure.

I don’t even know how much longer I’ll have time to play GW2 but people should just do this without me of course, it’s just way more fun.

Going to bed I’ll check on this thread tomorrow.

Not only would I play it, I’d buy that game! You could call it the F.U.A. league. :-)

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Nerien.5412


Yeah, a tournament like this would be awesome

A suggestion for mesmers is no condies on clone death and i think there’s no need to explain why, there’s?

marnick.4305: “Just because you went down last
doesn’t mean you’re the best player in the group
it means the enemies considered you a low priority.”

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


I wish they would add an option for when you solo q, you could choose to ban certain things (stating I’ll wait longer as long as you don’t queue me with X).

Then, Anet could see what is being banned the most and then make adjustments there first.

Instead, currently we all scream out in unison “No more passives. No more AI” and the first time they add new skills via heals, they contain both.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Arken.3725


You have my backing, I have a few rules of my own but we can go over the details if you’d like.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


Mesmers ran moa from the start phantaram lol, they use the invis elite more now.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Please add: no minions for Necromancers and no spirits for Rangers while you are at it.

Hopefully this would equates to a match that is fun to watch, with the drop in screen clutter.

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Nerien.5412


Mesmers ran moa from the start phantaram lol, they use the invis elite more now.

Whasn’t it timewarp, for timed bursts?

marnick.4305: “Just because you went down last
doesn’t mean you’re the best player in the group
it means the enemies considered you a low priority.”

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


mesmers used moa for burst on mid bunker

but guess phantaram wanna ban it cause it is an stupid mechanic and ever was – people complained bout from the start but arenanet never did anything about

but since necrobuff + follow patches noone cares bout moa anymore cause necro eat the bunker alive and mesmer use lyssa + mass invis for condi remove^^

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Yeah I did moa just because it can win and end team fights cause you didn’t randomly dodge/aegis it, sorta like stealth openers. I know it’s power xeph used it all the time when helseth used timewarp lol.

People could still singularly stealth the mesmer then everyone kinda stays back until he stealth moas the guard, just wanna prevent stuff like that.

Mesmers pretty much don’t use moa anymore because if they did they would just die to a lot of things.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


gogo phanta do it – make a tournament like this

i will donate gold for the price^^

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Aria.5940


Yes please make matches like this I’d happily wait for hours in q for pvp if it meant I would never see another warrior again (I run power/hybrid ranger and always get matched against the meta builds :/ )

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Interesting idea, if it got popular, maybe it could influence future balance decisions. Anyways, I like it.

Coming from a long time warrior though: banning healing signet should be sufficient. Without full power frenzy, old school warrior was pretty bad, and it’s going to be even worse if you limit the weapons so heavily.

Think about those weapons you’re suggesting banning. Many of them at their core are very well designed, and the recent nerfs (hammer/mace) put them in a good balance place when you remove healing sig.

(edited by Brigg.6189)

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Why would a thief want to use a sword in a post Dec 10th world anyways? Haha!

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: piffdaddy.8014


Mesmer: …No condi amulets, really what kinda scum just stealths all day and lets there auto attacks and AI slowly(quickly) kill there opponent with zero timing or skill at all.

pulls out toy doll Please, show us where the condi Mesmer touched you.

How does the condi Mesmer auto attacks kill you quickly? The scepter auto attack CRITS for 400 at most with condi build. If you dodge a phantasm and don’t attack during the scepter 2 block, all their damage goes out the door. And if you are talking stun Mesmer…the stun is harder to land than you think. It does take timing….the same amount of timing landing a successful updraft would take. I’m sorry about eles, but that is anets fault. No need to blame condition amulet mesmers…

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Relentless.7023


I totally agree with this.

If anyone wants to enjoy real competition in this game, then there has to be a limit on what can and cannot be run.

What I’m wondering is why there aren’t rules in these competitive tournaments like ESL that screen out broken builds. I think this type of screening would make PvP much more enjoyable to watch.

And all of you kittens that think playing condi stealth mesmer requires any attention span, go run a shatter build and tell me which one is more challenging.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Just scout the terran refineries and count the gas used. Pretty easy to determine cheese that way. A bit of detection and AA and you got an easy win.

On a gw2 note, I don’t think I can be interested to a person’s suggestion when they have mo respect for my class.

Ranger | Elementalist

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Relentless.7023


There’s nothing respectable about it… except for Power builds

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Kugron.5128


Sooo…you only want frenzy 100b warriors?

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Why would a thief want to use a sword in a post Dec 10th world anyways? Haha!

S/D thief is undoubtedly still one of the strongest specs, just run different utilities and you can still get out of pretty much any sticky situation.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


Why would a thief want to use a sword in a post Dec 10th world anyways? Haha!

S/D thief is undoubtedly still one of the strongest specs, just run different utilities and you can still get out of pretty much any sticky situation.

D/P became the better of the two the day they cut the boonsteal by half.
I’d say yeah, the new 2 button S/D (no more #2) is extremely weak in comparison to d/p trickery.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Lévis.5489


No items, Fox Only, Final Destination.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Weakening shroud just got smacked in the face with a nerf (if you didn’t know), so I don’t think its worthy of a ban from this to make it more fun. Don’t know how non-Necros feel about the new one.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Lol this thread is just going to turn into ban this ban that, no that’s not op you’re op, etc. Might as well merge this with the necro vs ele video and more.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Mesmer: …No condi amulets, really what kinda scum just stealths all day and lets there auto attacks and AI slowly(quickly) kill there opponent with zero timing or skill at all.

pulls out toy doll Please, show us where the condi Mesmer touched you.

How does the condi Mesmer auto attacks kill you quickly? The scepter auto attack CRITS for 400 at most with condi build. If you dodge a phantasm and don’t attack during the scepter 2 block, all their damage goes out the door. And if you are talking stun Mesmer…the stun is harder to land than you think. It does take timing….the same amount of timing landing a successful updraft would take. I’m sorry about eles, but that is anets fault. No need to blame condition amulet mesmers…

Please, show us where the bad op touched you.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I really like this idea, a tournament without LAME stuff.

Do it

Btw for warriors, banning healing signet is enough, but fresh air for Ele too is very powerful with double arcana. No fresh air imho.

Rangers only ban spirit ranger builds, traps and power builds are fine.

And in general ban every IA builds.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


For one, I can understand peoples frustrations on the way the game is becoming, and personally I don’t have too much of an opinion, at the current moment I’m really indifferent. But on the other hand, don’t you think it would be a wise move to try and make suggestions that would improve the game as a whole?

Instead what you’re trying to suggest would only divide up the community even more than what it is currently. And while I understand why, but it seems this idea is just giving up on the game and more or less severing your own arm before the rest of your body gets infected type of mentality haha. Iunno, just sucks that it’s come to that for some people.


Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Teckos.1305


1. I really would like to so you trying to kill a bunker guard without all the classes/builds you just banned(will be a lot of fun for the guard).
2. no stealth openers come on this is the only way we can have surprise attacks.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: KarsaiB.9475


Aww man, that sounds great.
As mentionned above, ban fresh air and focus alltogether for ele. Drastic !

55 HP Monks // Random scrubadub

(edited by KarsaiB.9475)

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: lollasaurus.1457


Sounds really fun. Would definitely like to watch/participate.

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: Aria.5940


Actually as an addition to this idea, when entering a tournament, it would be fun to have the choice between anything-goes and 1-class banned. Anything-goes would be like the usual, while in the other you could select 1 class you didn’t want to fight with or against (and obviously you wouldn’t be allowed to enter with that class either).
Meaning that you’d be matched in a team that had none of that class. It might slightly increase q times, but would at least also make it less worthwhile to roll fotm class as ppl could select out on fighting against it.

Just a suggestion for making pvp a more fun experience

Custom League, who else will do this?

in PvP

Posted by: lollasaurus.1457


For one, I can understand peoples frustrations on the way the game is becoming, and personally I don’t have too much of an opinion, at the current moment I’m really indifferent. But on the other hand, don’t you think it would be a wise move to try and make suggestions that would improve the game as a whole?

Instead what you’re trying to suggest would only divide up the community even more than what it is currently. And while I understand why, but it seems this idea is just giving up on the game and more or less severing your own arm before the rest of your body gets infected type of mentality haha. Iunno, just sucks that it’s come to that for some people.


Becoming? The game has been like this for 6 months and its only gotten worse. Unofficial tournaments banning the cheesy garbage that is 90% of tpvp is something I thought would have developed a while ago.