in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


I lol’d xD

Actually i dont mind getting baddies on my team as long as the other team has equally many baddies and eventually i feel i can make a difference as a player. I do have majority of wins from this season but i do feel some matches are just unwinnable due to big mmr difference between the two teams.

The other day i had to face some people from r55 dragons, while my team had no “famous” people whatssoever. We didnt lose by huge margin tho, think it was 500 to 408. Decent match. We got outrotated tho. Matches like that i like, but when i get people like that druid who dies in 1 second and is from a totally different division and honestly he played like an amber…thats when i get really annoyed. And the fact other team had more diamonds than my team and it showed.


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Why get rid of Leagues? Pvp should have a way of showing your skill level and the old ranked/ solo queue did not do that and it didn’t provide any pvp specific rewards for doing well in pvp. And again Pvp is a team game mode and people are complaining about facing teams, nothing is topping you from looking for a team to play with.


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


I would support removing all safety nets except:

The achievements require crossing divisions. I’l bet you a pretty stack of money that the first thing that would happen is players would get to Emerald, throw matches to be Ambers again. Cross into Emerald.. rinse and repeat.

Removing safetly nets would make it even more obvious that the wings are being withheld as much as possible.. turning off even more pve/casual players. This would hurt PvP which is already bleeding.

It wouldn’t solve the problem of high ranking players trolling lower ranks on alt accounts. If anything it would make it worse.

Group me with players of my own skill level? YES, PLEASE.

That wouldn’t be an issue since if you lose tiers you don’t get the awards for crossing tiers over and over


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


The old leaderboards showed the skill level the best. This new league is a joke. Anyone and their mother can get to legendary. The old leaderboards calculated all matches played. Season 3 mm is a bit broken tho.


in PvP

Posted by: Furious.1283


The achievements require crossing divisions. I’l bet you a pretty stack of money that the first thing that would happen is players would get to Emerald, throw matches to be Ambers again. Cross into Emerald.. rinse and repeat.

Group me with players of my own skill level? YES, PLEASE.

Not necessarily. A system could be implemented by just giving the division crossing ONCE. That is, if I crossed from Amber to Emerald, I would only get 1 count. Once I get that I can’t get another one. So people could just bounce up and down as much as they want. It wouldn’t make any sense to throw matches for the sake of division crossing achieves.

(edited by Furious.1283)


in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


You’d still have the problem of high ranking players trolling on alt accounts.

In addition, it would make it even harder to win the ascension.. which would further undercut any appeal it has left.

The idea that this matchmaking will ever level out is disproven by two seasons. It’s time for anet to own that it doesn’t work.

It’s not logical to reinforce losing streaks, then require wins. No serious competition venue anywhere deliberately sets up unfair matches.

In Chess, I once actually rose in rating after losing to a master ranked player. I went in knowing I was going to lose because I was heavily outclassed.

The same glicko system that anet allegedly works from awarded me a bonus as compensation for having been placed in a bad match. If it were anet, I’d have lost rating and been matched against a grand master as punishment for having lost.

Mesmerising Girl

(edited by Ithilwen.1529)


in PvP

Posted by: Furious.1283


I’d suggest, like in other mmo’s, NOT allow new players to play in level 80 pvp.

I’ve played other games and I got matched with people my own character level. By the time you reach max level, you actually know what you’re doing.

I can’t even play unranked, it’s ridiculous!


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Ithilwen try putting together a 5 man pre made and see if that fixes your problem, it’s simple enough, you haven’t tried every avenue to achieve your goal. Yes the matchmaking is flawed, but not to the extent you believe a lot of people have gone on losing streaks and recovered, I know for a fact a single person can carry a match in some cases, I have had to do it on both my Thief and my Ele so individual skill does come into play more than people give it credit for.

And again just because you play a lot of matches does not mean you do deserve the wings, I have no clue how you playing over twice as many games as me yet you cannot progress, I stop playing pvp once I notice my matches deteriorating and come back a little later since I will get matched with others, last night I was matched with a 3 man guild team, they couldn’t rotate for the life of them and I was matched with them three times we lost all three times since they would feed into a point and die within seconds on 2warriors and a Druid, I blocked them and made sure they were in matches before queueing up,

also if you are on a 2 loss streak throw the third match to gain the additional pop if you win the 4th match since the system is easy to game.

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Ithilwen try putting together a 5 man pre made and see if that fixes your problem, it’s simple enough, you haven’t tried every avenue to achieve your goal. Yes the matchmaking is flawed, but not to the extent you believe a lot of people have gone on losing streaks and recovered, I know for a fact a single person can carry a match in some cases, I have had to do it on both my Thief and my Ele so individual skill does come into play more than people give it credit for.

And again just because you play a lot of matches does not mean you do deserve the wings, I have no clue how you playing over twice as many games as me yet you cannot progress, I stop playing pvp once I notice my matches deteriorating and come back a little later since I will get matched with others.

IF you run on atleast a 4 man pre with decent players, you will win 80% of the time. This dude is right.

If you still lose this way I have no idea what to say anymore.

And.. PvP is supposed to be 5v5 anyway, you will never ever carry a team if 4 people are incompetent. NEVER.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Ithilwen try putting together a 5 man pre made and see if that fixes your problem, it’s simple enough, you haven’t tried every avenue to achieve your goal. Yes the matchmaking is flawed, but not to the extent you believe a lot of people have gone on losing streaks and recovered, I know for a fact a single person can carry a match in some cases, I have had to do it on both my Thief and my Ele so individual skill does come into play more than people give it credit for.

And again just because you play a lot of matches does not mean you do deserve the wings, I have no clue how you playing over twice as many games as me yet you cannot progress, I stop playing pvp once I notice my matches deteriorating and come back a little later since I will get matched with others.

IF you run on atleast a 4 man pre with decent players, you will win 80% of the time. This dude is right.

If you still lose this way I have no idea what to say anymore.

And.. PvP is supposed to be 5v5 anyway, you will never ever carry a team if 4 people are incompetent. NEVER.

Yeah some matches no matter what you won’t win, like when every player feeds mid individually. But sometimes it’s possible if both teams have incompetent people on them. The funny thing I’m not that great of a player I would say I’m average

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)


in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Ithilwen try putting together a 5 man pre made and see if that fixes your problem, it’s simple enough, you haven’t tried every avenue to achieve your goal. Yes the matchmaking is flawed, but not to the extent you believe a lot of people have gone on losing streaks and recovered, I know for a fact a single person can carry a match in some cases, I have had to do it on both my Thief and my Ele so individual skill does come into play more than people give it credit for.

And again just because you play a lot of matches does not mean you do deserve the wings, I have no clue how you playing over twice as many games as me yet you cannot progress, I stop playing pvp once I notice my matches deteriorating and come back a little later since I will get matched with others.

IF you run on atleast a 4 man pre with decent players, you will win 80% of the time. This dude is right.

If you still lose this way I have no idea what to say anymore.

And.. PvP is supposed to be 5v5 anyway, you will never ever carry a team if 4 people are incompetent. NEVER.

LeBron James and a little league team vs. a high school varsity team who wins?


in PvP

Posted by: Kylden Ar.3724

Kylden Ar.3724

The matchmaking is disgusting. Almost impossible matchups for low MMR players and free wins for high MMR players (see all the screenshots with 20-40+ winstreaks on these forums).

There are plenty of instances where people have allowed higher skilled players to use their so called “MMR HeLL” accounts. You know what happens?

You get banned for breaking the Terms of Service and get nothing?

Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.


in PvP

Posted by: Mewreon.8649


I managed to hit Diamond purely solo queue, I currently have under 1000 PvP games, with under 100 games this season. Matchmaking was actually fair through Ruby (for me anyway).

My best advice is that you should take breaks when you are losing (I started this season on a losing streak and stopped playing after every loss), although it may not necessarily help.

I would also advise learning more than 1 profession. Although I main Ele (typical support), switching between my Ele, Engi and Warr has allowed me to play around the enemy comp, more often than not winning games because of my reroll.

Other than that, good luck climbing the leagues.


in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

Mesmerising Girl


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Being good at the game improves MMR, which gets you better match making and you don’t have to be a social networking king, you probably know other people that want to team up and pvp, especially if you have been playing for a while unless you are anti social in an Mmo that is, finding 4 other people to play with for a bit especially with the amount of time you put in game shouldn’t be too difficult unless you are actively avoiding trying to team up.

And pvp is a team event you need a decent team that knows the basics to get anywhere, relying on random players is counter productive in a team environment.


in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367


Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

I wouldn’t take that from his post.

Finding a group is pretty easy. You can just send invites to players you see in matches (pro tip: target the goods ones). If they like what they saw of you, or like what they see in the coming match, the group remains and you can roll through a few games before it’s time for somebody to go.

Good players like playing with other good, dedicated players. Even if they’re random and don’t know them :)


in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

It’s really not hard to find players that you have good chemistry with. I’m not in a guild, don’t have many people on my friends list, but I can get a group pretty easily. I’ll sometimes get a PM asking if I want to team up, after a game.

You don’t always have to wait for a PM. You can be the one to ask others if they want to team up. A simple little thing like that can easily build you a team.


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

It SHOULD. it is 5v5, A TEAM GAME.

If you want it not be about good teamups, then play 1v1. I told you numerous times before, me, including a lot of people to PM us, we will be happy to help you, as long noone rages.

You can also use the LFG function in the game, type in map chat in HoTM, or as Ross said get teammates from a match prior if you did good.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


sooooo, i qued up to test something this evening. Why in the world do i keep getting rubys only vs almost full diamond teams? This wasnt the case in season 1 and 2. This is smth new for this season. Its like, it doesnt matter wether im diamond or not, i still get the rubys. When i hit ruby weeks ago i kept getting everything else but rubys. I kept getting ambers, emeralds…you name it vs full rubys. The result is as expected. Anet, i cant play your game when you have season 3 matchmaking. I know theres plenty of diamonds, yet i dont get them but i keep getting ruby trash vs almost full diamond.

Season 3 matchmaking must have been the most unfair system of all 3. Its seriously unbelievable and i can really see how some teams have their mmr in their favor. Worst matchmaking in your whole pvp era. Next time you might as well skip the sapphire boost for diamonds and leges and just send everyone to amber.

I feel my progression doesnt matter in this season 3 mm. In season 1 and 2 i at least got people from my own division. In this season 3 mm thats not the case. I have to say, season 3 mm is the worst pvp experience i ever had in gw2 history. Its worse in every possible way. Getting to a new division doesnt matter, i even had to take a break from pvp for 2 weeks because i never got paired with rubys after i hit ruby vs full ruby. The system favor the higher mmr teams way too much and ignore personal skill COMPLETELY.

Do i really have to take another break of 2 weeks before i get diamond players? So this sweet little system gives all the higher mmr teams the better players until theyre all in legendary? This system is trash. Im sorry anet that i progress faster than my mmr, im sorry that im better than my mmr, and yet you punish me and give me lower division players vs full diamonds. WORST SYSTEM EVER.


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


sooooo, i qued up to test something this evening. Why in the world do i keep getting rubys only vs almost full diamond teams? This wasnt the case in season 1 and 2. This is smth new for this season. Its like, it doesnt matter wether im diamond or not, i still get the rubys. When i hit ruby weeks ago i kept getting everything else but rubys. I kept getting ambers, emeralds…you name it vs full rubys. The result is as expected. Anet, i cant play your game when you have season 3 matchmaking. I know theres plenty of diamonds, yet i dont get them but i keep getting ruby trash vs almost full diamond.

Season 3 matchmaking must have been the most unfair system of all 3. Its seriously unbelievable and i can really see how some teams have their mmr in their favor. Worst matchmaking in your whole pvp era. Next time you might as well skip the sapphire boost for diamonds and leges and just send everyone to amber.

I feel my progression doesnt matter in this season 3 mm. In season 1 and 2 i at least got people from my own division. In this season 3 mm thats not the case. I have to say, season 3 mm is the worst pvp experience i ever had in gw2 history. Its worse in every possible way. Getting to a new division doesnt matter, i even had to take a break from pvp for 2 weeks because i never got paired with rubys after i hit ruby vs full ruby. The system favor the higher mmr teams way too much and ignore personal skill COMPLETELY.

Do i really have to take another break of 2 weeks before i get diamond players? So this sweet little system gives all the higher mmr teams the better players until theyre all in legendary? This system is trash. Im sorry anet that i progress faster than my mmr, im sorry that im better than my mmr, and yet you punish me and give me lower division players vs full diamonds. WORST SYSTEM EVER.

Why do you people keep mentioning the divisions?


If you are good, whatever division you are at, you will play the same, so if you suck, you can be in legend and still suck.

it could be amber vs legend for all i care, we shouldve gotten tier loss since amber.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Dude, a full legendary team is clearly better than a full diamond team. You cant argue against it. Same with a full diamond team is better than a full ruby team. If this had been at the end of the season it would have been a different story, but we are roughly halfway. Reason why i say this is, the better players progress faster. If you would have been legendary skill you have been in legendary for some time already.

(edited by sanctuary.1068)


in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


The silliest thing about this whole thing is that it’s the people who will never be able to achieve the wings are the ones who would have spent real money once they got them.
They buy gems to purchase the mats to craft the gifts to complete the wings.
It’s the casual players, not the hardcore that most support games like this.


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The silliest thing about this whole thing is that it’s the people who will never be able to achieve the wings are the ones who would have spent real money once they got them.
They buy gems to purchase the mats to craft the gifts to complete the wings.
It’s the casual players, not the hardcore that most support games like this.

The funny thing, the OP is by no means a casual if playing 8-12 hrs a day with over 400 games played this season…… That’s more than most harcore players play…


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Dude, a full legendary team is clearly better than a full diamond team. You cant argue against it. Same with a full diamond team is better than a full ruby team. If this had been at the end of the season it would have been a different story, but we are roughly halfway. Reason why i say this is, the better players progress faster. If you would have been legendary skill you have been in legendary for some time already.

No dude. A lot of my friends are in sapphire/ruby, they could prolly wreck people in legend.

Seriously, you folks need to not blame the divisions, they do not mean anything at all.

So please do tell me why do we always see noobs in diamond/ruby/legend?

Because everything here is grindable, the leagues are not a representation of skill.

I thought this was common knowledge already.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


If your friends are in sapphire & ruby and arent rly playing the game thats one story on its own. If they are playing the game and actually want to get to a higher division but are stuck then they arent that great since sapphire & ruby has tons of players in those divisions.

I know divisions on its own doesnt mean much (at the end of season). What matters during season is how fast someone progress tho. Alot of people are stuck in divisions so saying divisions on its own doesnt matter isnt fully valid either. If divisions didnt matter no one would be stuck. At the end of this season everyone whos decent will be able to get to diamond and legendary. BUT if the system by purpose match me with rubys only vs full diamond thats something else. The better players are in diamond & legendary by now.


in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480



You are not trying hard enough. I seriously mean that.

You have used your intelligence to accurately understand enough of how the matchmaking system works to beat it, but you refuse to change yourself to overcome the system. Yes, if you are giving a presentation to hundreds of people you need to wear a suit. It’s just how it goes.

Several extremely skilled players have offered to queue with you and I’ll do the same. You just need to bite the carrot to achieve your goal. My only rule is no raging allowed, no matter what happens. My f2p account has an amber LB ranger who is itching to put arrows in a few opponents and would love to queue with an ele.

GW has always had a mental component to winning. If I wanted a game that was purely coordination based, I wouldn’t play GW. Half the fight is using your head. Use yours.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons


in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364



You are not trying hard enough. I seriously mean that.

You have used your intelligence to accurately understand enough of how the matchmaking system works to beat it, but you refuse to change yourself to overcome the system. Yes, if you are giving a presentation to hundreds of people you need to wear a suit. It’s just how it goes.

Several extremely skilled players have offered to queue with you and I’ll do the same. You just need to bite the carrot to achieve your goal. My only rule is no raging allowed, no matter what happens. My f2p account has an amber LB ranger who is itching to put arrows in a few opponents and would love to queue with an ele.

GW has always had a mental component to winning. If I wanted a game that was purely coordination based, I wouldn’t play GW. Half the fight is using your head. Use yours.

Every single one of you just keep repeating that he is the problem, that he is the whole team. The other 4 are just decoration, he and his team are always up against 5 fully coordinated people and he himself needs to carry every single time because the other 4 people don’t matter. Am I reading this right?
So he should just 1vs5, I mean since the other 4 are not important, it’s him and him alone that matters.
MMR that puts these matches together is not to blame, this guy is because he can’t 1vs5. He needs to up his game to 500% to compensate the lack of team support against never ending fully coordinated teams that crush him like an insect.


in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529



Yes, GW2 is a mental game. I wish it were more so and less about “button speed.” I’ll take that offer. I’m playing on my alt, letting Ithilwen’s mmr heal ( I hope .)


I beg to differ. GW1 was and is a vastly solo game, unless you count henchies and speedbookers. GW2 can be mostly enjoyed solo. This “team game” idea rolled in with HoT. In my view it harms the game.

Witness the recent patch that had to set loot to individual players like gw1. This was in one of the Maguuma events. Players were competing so hard for the loot and unwilling to share that many were simply left out in the cold. That’s what “cooperative gaming” leads to.

Mesmerising Girl


in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678



You are not trying hard enough. I seriously mean that.

You have used your intelligence to accurately understand enough of how the matchmaking system works to beat it, but you refuse to change yourself to overcome the system. Yes, if you are giving a presentation to hundreds of people you need to wear a suit. It’s just how it goes.

Several extremely skilled players have offered to queue with you and I’ll do the same. You just need to bite the carrot to achieve your goal. My only rule is no raging allowed, no matter what happens. My f2p account has an amber LB ranger who is itching to put arrows in a few opponents and would love to queue with an ele.

GW has always had a mental component to winning. If I wanted a game that was purely coordination based, I wouldn’t play GW. Half the fight is using your head. Use yours.

Every single one of you just keep repeating that he is the problem, that he is the whole team. The other 4 are just decoration, he and his team are always up against 5 fully coordinated people and he himself needs to carry every single time because the other 4 people don’t matter. Am I reading this right?
So he should just 1vs5, I mean since the other 4 are not important, it’s him and him alone that matters.
MMR that puts these matches together is not to blame, this guy is because he can’t 1vs5. He needs to up his game to 500% to compensate the lack of team support against never ending fully coordinated teams that crush him like an insect.

All three of her screenshots Ithilwen posted so at most a duo queue on one team, so coordinated much wow, people have told her to pm them so they could help but she refuses, there is no proof showing how well she does play her self besides showing max damage done which is not a determination of skill.


in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Since I am playing on my alt, I’m not getting the PMs. I’m hoping Ithilwen’s mmr will heal or reset if I leave her inactive long enough.

I’ll see what I can do about contacting those players in-game and will gratefully accept there help.

Mesmerising Girl


in PvP

Posted by: Fay.2357


Since I am playing on my alt, I’m not getting the PMs. I’m hoping Ithilwen’s mmr will heal or reset if I leave her inactive long enough.

I’ll see what I can do about contacting those players in-game and will gratefully accept there help.

Fraid that’s not how mmr works. Your variance will go up over time, but your mmr will stay the same.


in PvP

Posted by: Archon.6480


Every single one of you just keep repeating that he is the problem, that he is the whole team. The other 4 are just decoration, he and his team are always up against 5 fully coordinated people and he himself needs to carry every single time because the other 4 people don’t matter. Am I reading this right?

No, you are not reading me right at all. I am saying Ithilwin’s MMR is tanked and she has accurately deduced that the system is stacking her on a weak team. The way to beat the system is to queue with some friends. This is equivalent to using one’s knowledge to overcome the system. I need to pay it forward anyway. FLIMPY rescued me from a 30 game loss streak last season Or did I rescue FLIMPY? I think we rescued each other.

Being good at GW is also about being smart, and making changes when necessary. Ithilwin likes to solo queue, I get that. To beat the system that will have to change for a while.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons


in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


Every single one of you just keep repeating that he is the problem, that he is the whole team. The other 4 are just decoration, he and his team are always up against 5 fully coordinated people and he himself needs to carry every single time because the other 4 people don’t matter. Am I reading this right?

No, you are not reading me right at all. I am saying Ithilwin’s MMR is tanked and she has accurately deduced that the system is stacking her on a weak team. The way to beat the system is to queue with some friends. This is equivalent to using one’s knowledge to overcome the system. I need to pay it forward anyway. FLIMPY rescued me from a 30 game loss streak last season Or did I rescue FLIMPY? I think we rescued each other.

Being good at GW is also about being smart, and making changes when necessary. Ithilwin likes to solo queue, I get that. To beat the system that will have to change for a while.

I’m sorry, I totally agree with you. Also sorry for calling she a he.


in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

Because typing “Ele looking for group for ranked” in map chat is super hard…

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds


in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

Because typing “Ele looking for group for ranked” in map chat is super hard…

It’s probably not hard getting into a group, but it sometimes can be extremely hard dealing with your group to the point that you or they stick around for more than 1 match. That’s why the majority of people rather play solo where there’s no butt-kissing expected. That’s why I usually don’t do anything in games where you are expected to make a group, it’s just way too stressful. But atm gw2 pvp is impossible as a solo player unless you have high mmr, so if you want to win you have to make a group, or just do like a lot of others have done including myself and just quit pvp.


in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Maybe I just have a great personality? Cause when I group with people, someone usually throws up a teamspeak channel and, win or lose, we have a pretty great time.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds


in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Well you’ve been lucky then, I’ve had the exact opposite experience when it comes to grouping with people, plus my anxiety disorder just makes it worse. I almost have a panic attack when I try to deal with people sometimes. ( I’ve found most people on the internet to be not so nice)


in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Yeah, but then again that is the beauty of picking my teammates. I mostly invite friends, guild mates, and people I’ve met in matches that were pleasant to play with. Then fill the rest with people from the lobby, make sure everyone is cool and on the same page, and have fun. Always much better than the people constantly typing insults back and forth in solo queue matches.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds


in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Yea well if you’re a socializing, friend making type of person that would be the ideal thing to do, but not everyone is like that, some people play alone, and that’s becoming more and more impossible to do in this game.


in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


People get stressed and sometimes unpleasant in competitive environments.
The last group I was in the founder of the group died 2 times trying to secure home when 2 members started abusing her for being bad. It was unpleasant, so I can understand people being reluctant to group.


in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


But these unpleasant people are already there, and if anything are more frequent in random teams of solo queue players. If you are playing ranked pvp then you are not playing alone, you still have a team that you need to work with. If you are ignoring them and playing alone then you are just hurting your teammates. If anything, team queue gives you a better chance of having a match where your teammates aren’t being toxic.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds


in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.


in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.

You do see some baffling stuff in this game. Last night my team managed to hold the enemy at far. The enemy Thief managed to sneak his way out to try and cap our close. I was on Mesmer, so I had a portal setup up at close and mid. The second I came through the portal and came around the corner to fight him on point, he just ran off, with no engagement. Didn’t try to damage me or force me to retreat or anything.

He tried to go for mid, so naturally I portal back to mid. Same thing happens. He just runs off without putting up any fight at all. We ended up winning by like 500 – 60 or something.


in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.

You do see some baffling stuff in this game. Last night my team managed to hold the enemy at far. The enemy Thief managed to sneak his way out to try and cap our close. I was on Mesmer, so I had a portal setup up at close and mid. The second I came through the portal and came around the corner to fight him on point, he just ran off, with no engagement. Didn’t try to damage me or force me to retreat or anything.

He tried to go for mid, so naturally I portal back to mid. Same thing happens. He just runs off without putting up any fight at all. We ended up winning by like 500 – 60 or something.

Yea he was probably very used to being killed so tried to avoid it at all costs >.< It’s very difficult to stay alive in this game, especially if you get put against an organized premade then it’s like impossible to stay alive. My teams usually drop like flies within a matter of seconds.


in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.

You do see some baffling stuff in this game. Last night my team managed to hold the enemy at far. The enemy Thief managed to sneak his way out to try and cap our close. I was on Mesmer, so I had a portal setup up at close and mid. The second I came through the portal and came around the corner to fight him on point, he just ran off, with no engagement. Didn’t try to damage me or force me to retreat or anything.

He tried to go for mid, so naturally I portal back to mid. Same thing happens. He just runs off without putting up any fight at all. We ended up winning by like 500 – 60 or something.

Considering the average level of people i play with and against, running after seeing a mesmer utilize portal correctly is likely a very smart decision. Because that mesmer is clearly several skill levels above the norm.
No, i’m not joking (seriously, for a thief, avoiding a fight they think they cannot win is way smarter that, say, charging solo headfirst into 3 opponents at mid).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November


in PvP

Posted by: Coronit.9432


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.

You do see some baffling stuff in this game. Last night my team managed to hold the enemy at far. The enemy Thief managed to sneak his way out to try and cap our close. I was on Mesmer, so I had a portal setup up at close and mid. The second I came through the portal and came around the corner to fight him on point, he just ran off, with no engagement. Didn’t try to damage me or force me to retreat or anything.

He tried to go for mid, so naturally I portal back to mid. Same thing happens. He just runs off without putting up any fight at all. We ended up winning by like 500 – 60 or something.

Wait, are you blaiming the thief there?
Based on what you described there was a team-fight on your far, so a 4vs4. The thief has nothing to do there and did the only right thing. Using his superior mobility in order to decap points. Now you had a portal on close, so controlling 2 points. Best thing he can do is forcing you to use your portal, then go mid as fast as possible when portal-time is over or forcing you to portal back to mid and go close for decap, while you are at mid.
Were you a condi-mesmer? In that case it was definitly the best for him not to engage you. Why should he? He´s not supposed to win it and it could take far to long. Thief is there for +1 and decap, not to 1vs1. Even 1vs1ing classes thief has an advantage (rev, nec, etc) is not always the best to engage them. It just needs to long.
Coould it be, that his team was snowballing at far? Most blowouts happen, cause the players can´t communicate and regroup properly. The reason why blowouts weren´t happen that much in season 1 was because of the tanky meta. Players could die and engage again easily before anything happened (and believe me, it happened in proleague —> Car Crash vs TCG I think, CC had people dying over and over in mid, still TCG couldn´t win that point).
I think you don´t really know how thief works and that team he had didn´t either.

Back to topic. I think a lot of people underestimate how much gw2 is a team-based game. You have much more fun, can train and discuss what was wrong, right, etc. I have heard from a lot of people, that playing in a team was important in gw1, too. If thats right the team-forced pvp isn´t actually new. Hell, we are playing a mmo. While I like to play sometimes alone (anet, bring back soloq!), playing the game alone forever may not give the best feelings.

I must say, I appreciate you dedication to reach your goal, especially with your hand-problems. But I think you approach the whole thing wrong. You are playing and playing and playing and playing in the hope something would change and told us that you deserve the wings cause of your effort. If I remember correctly you said you maybe would deserve it even more than all that ESL, eilitists, whatever player which were rushing through divisions with no real effort. What If I tell you that this people worked hard for that, too? Not just through playing the game over and over again but working hard on their “skill”. A lot of ESL-team (if not all) were scrimming for an ridicilous amount of time last seasons. Discussing with team and friend how to improve etc. Playing the game for years gaining experience in a lot of tournaments. What I want to say is playing and improving doesn´t have to go hand in hand. You have to want to improve. And for that you need players you can ask what to improve, play the game together, etc.
You posted a video last season and got a lot of helpful andswers. Its your task to use that now. Maybe recording and new video, so people can look if you improved?

Thief for Live – Noc
Pls more Noc-Noc-Jokes…
How to counter Unrelenting Assault… Not anymore :<

(edited by Coronit.9432)


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



This is just absurd.

Complains about MMR:

1.) People Suggest to team up = “I am not kind of person, not everyone is like that”

2.) Grind the matches = “MM is rigged, always unfavorable matches etc”

3.) People offered to be in a team = “No reply, declines, etc”

So All I am seeing here is people never run out of excuses, yes MM is bad but there are a lot of things you can do. A LOT.


Yes people can be paired at your level BUT You CANNOT control 4 other people if they unintentionally misrotated, threw a match, etc

You have to team up or BE A TEAM, This is not 1v1 dueling arenas folks. You have to act like a team to win.


I had a 25 game losing streak in season 2 in sapphire if that makes you feel any better, against Higher MMR/ESL people all the time.

But hey somehow I managed to pull it off by duo/trio/5 man queing.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


1. we used to have soloq. Just bring it back and call it a day.
2. MM is rigged, its a fact. Anet even explained how season 3 mm is shaped in this season. Higher mmr vs lower mmr.
3. I offered to help Ithilwen as well but no response, even so, shes not forced to team up just because anet cant have a fair mm system.

Wow rly 25 loss streaks in sapphire in season 2? Season 2 was the easiest season ever to progress in if you were a decent player. Season 2 never forced you into a 50% winrate. You explained it yourself, youre not good enough to soloq, that doesnt mean other people arent. I soloq in every season so far without issues. Only thing that aggrivates me is when the mm system by purpose gives me lower division players vs higher division players. The pip division + mmr doesnt work well together. I may complain and have every right to do so when the system aint working well. That doesnt mean im stuck anywhere and i never was stuck in any season ever. I never went on 25 lose streaks like you did, in any season and i had to face players of all kinds of mmr levels.

Anyhow so, when one side in legendary gets all esl players and other team gets 1 esl player and 4 random leges and that 1 esl player lose…Should that 1 esl player get gud because he lose and cant carry other 4 random legend players? Do you honestly think that 1 esl player can carry the 4 random legendary players?

Think about that for a bit and it may sink in whats going on here, because thats what happens in every division just different mmr groups. But you maybe believe that 1 esl player should get gud and learn to carry.


in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


The best thing would be to separate team and solo queue like it used to be so people can be happy to play against solo players as a solo player and against organized teams as an organized team. And yes of course we know we have to work together with our team to win… if the team is even willing to do that, some aren’t, that’s why it’s not fair to put a random team of solo players against an organized premade team. And for goodness sakes remove mmr from this game it only manipulates matches to cause 1 team to win and the other to lose before the match even starts. Oh and removing profession stacking would be nice, I can’t count how many times I’ve been on a mostly necro team or mostly engie team that totally smashed the other team to smithereens, they didn’t have a chance.

You do see some baffling stuff in this game. Last night my team managed to hold the enemy at far. The enemy Thief managed to sneak his way out to try and cap our close. I was on Mesmer, so I had a portal setup up at close and mid. The second I came through the portal and came around the corner to fight him on point, he just ran off, with no engagement. Didn’t try to damage me or force me to retreat or anything.

He tried to go for mid, so naturally I portal back to mid. Same thing happens. He just runs off without putting up any fight at all. We ended up winning by like 500 – 60 or something.

Wait, are you blaiming the thief there?
Based on what you described there was a team-fight on your far, so a 4vs4. The thief has nothing to do there and did the only right thing. Using his superior mobility in order to decap points. Now you had a portal on close, so controlling 2 points. Best thing he can do is forcing you to use your portal, then go mid as fast as possible when portal-time is over or forcing you to portal back to mid and go close for decap, while you are at mid.
Were you a condi-mesmer? In that case it was definitly the best for him not to engage you. Why should he? He´s not supposed to win it and it could take far to long. Thief is there for +1 and decap, not to 1vs1. Even 1vs1ing classes thief has an advantage (rev, nec, etc) is not always the best to engage them. It just needs to long.
Coould it be, that his team was snowballing at far? Most blowouts happen, cause the players can´t communicate and regroup properly. The reason why blowouts weren´t happen that much in season 1 was because of the tanky meta. Players could die and engage again easily before anything happened (and believe me, it happened in proleague —> Car Crash vs TCG I think, CC had people dying over and over in mid, still TCG couldn´t win that point).
I think you don´t really know how thief works and that team he had didn´t either.

Back to topic. I think a lot of people underestimate how much gw2 is a team-based game. You have much more fun, can train and discuss what was wrong, right, etc. I have heard from a lot of people, that playing in a team was important in gw1, too. If thats right the team-forced pvp isn´t actually new. Hell, we are playing a mmo. While I like to play sometimes alone (anet, bring back soloq!), playing the game alone forever may not give the best feelings.

Fair points. True, I’m not the most familiar with Thief, apart from being wary of their damage burst and that they like to push far/decap points quickly, as I don’t play the class. I think I’ve just seen too many Thieves that try to be 1v1 heroes in sPvP. The ones that seemingly just use all their CDs/Initiative ASAP, to the point I expect them to attack on sight lol.

Ithilwen, just try teaming up with the people that have offered to group up with you. If you’re not having any luck at all soloq, then they’ll increase the speed you get your wings.

(edited by Zynt.5769)


in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Ithilwen, dude, you know you have my full support. But I don’t want to offer up grouping with you because I’ve played with you in the past and it really dragged down the team.

Also, if I’m running in past mid ruby, and you feel you’re overwhelmed at mid sapphire, I don’t know how pulling you up an entire divisions worth of pips (into a division that has no tier safety net) is going to go for you. That’s really stacking the odds, and in this game there’s no additional payout for the extra gamble.

So I really want to help you achieve your goals, but I’m at a loss on how to assist you. Perhaps there’s a fundamental flaw you’re not aware of. Maybe you’re bound by your own mental shackles. If you havent, you should probably take an hour out of your gaming work day and read through the entirety of this.

If Playing to Win doesn’t help you in some way, nothing can 0.o