Defektive's tPvP Longbow/GS Warrior Build:
Just FYI, this build is still pretty nice on the new map. The immobilize on LB is great against runners, and the new bleed on it isn’t bad. Still devastating to blow up a point with, when you need to.
That longbow 3 swap greatsword 3 has some scary aoe burst damage…
Great build. Always was. Now time to fix the anti-fun and imbalanced BS ANET..
Based on the current patch, I would say this is probably the only remaining viable build for s/tPvP if the Warrior whose using it focus’s more on the LB side for burst and using GS Whirlwind to finish off an opponent (focusing less on 100b).
What about your hammer build?
What about your hammer build?
Also still viable considering it wasn’t focused around Frenzy.
You could probably even work a banner into it if you wanted to drop something like bullscharge or sig of stam (not recommend).
Here’s a link:
(edited by Defektive.7283)
I was actually playing your hammer build but with frenzy instead of bulls charge (I saw you doing the same in some of your videos) – mainly because I was playing mostly solo and needed some extra damage. Definitely not worth taking now. That build is a blast though :P
4 and 5 don’t work when fired behind you right?
Beast mode
I saw a team running an immobilize warrior whos job was to set up kills for the teams Mesmer and gren engy. (grens are easy to do a lot more damage vs a stationary target).
Bumping this because:
New changes directly benefits this build even further. New 30pt disc talent just makes this stronger.
Recommend any Warrior whose still playing this game to give it a shot and report back (if you can, I’d appreciate it).
just come back and try it by yourself.
I will never understand those ones “quitting” on a B2P game.
just come back and try it by yourself.
I will never understand those ones “quitting” on a B2P game.
he cant, he even made a video of him quiting. now he has to be all like “hrm, yeah guys, is the game better now? someone check and tell me please because i made such a fuss that i was quiting that i cant come back now without making myself look like a shallow whiner”.
Hello Defektive
Thx for sharing your build , I’m a warrior and I started playing just recently , I’ve been using GS/LB since my first day finding it the most viable too but my build is abit different from yours.
But I noticed something in your build , since it uses Bow’s F1 alot (which uses up all adrenaline) is it still wise to keep “Berserker’s Power” and “Heightened Focus” (STR , V and Disc V) ?
just come back and try it by yourself.
I will never understand those ones “quitting” on a B2P game.
he cant, he even made a video of him quiting. now he has to be all like “hrm, yeah guys, is the game better now? someone check and tell me please because i made such a fuss that i was quiting that i cant come back now without making myself look like a shallow whiner”.
No it’s more like this:
I invested a good bit of time into creating builds, testing builds, and forging friendships. If a new patch is coming out, and I’ve invested a bunch of time in the past to produce a deliverable then it only serves to followup on its progress.
Simply reminding people of its existence, pointing to patch changes and asking someone to followup should not be considered a method to get around ‘whining’.
If you have a baby and let it into the open world you don’t forget about it. You monitor, cultivate and shape to benefit the changing landscape.
Hello Defektive
Thx for sharing your build , I’m a warrior and I started playing just recently , I’ve been using GS/LB since my first day finding it the most viable too but my build is abit different from yours.But I noticed something in your build , since it uses Bow’s F1 alot (which uses up all adrenaline) is it still wise to keep “Berserker’s Power” and “Heightened Focus” (STR , V and Disc V) ?
Because when Longbow F1 crits (often and on multiple targets) you regain essentially all of your adren. Thus Berserkers Power / Heightened focus have an uptime close to 100%.
The build has Frenzy which got nerfed to near uselessness imo – do you still take it or replace with something else?
Honestly I almost think they had your builds in mind when making these buffs, they seem to directly benefit them both.
I mostly run the hammer, I wonder though, +damage to booned enemies, or -burst recharge… actually have some choices to make now, it’s an unusual feeling… well, I probably won’t, I have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll underbuff warrs again.
I have a hard time running your longbow build though tbh, I’m not very good at staying away from the fight. Hammer build on the other hand I think really screws a lot of people up, constantly interrupting will throw a lot of bunkers off at the middle point, and the mobility makes it so I can contribute a lot more in solo queue I think. Not the greatest for 1v1, but in team fights it really shines.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
I would probably drop it for signet of might actually (no blocks).
goal being pop sig of might, place F1 and do a #3, now no bunker can mitigate damage.
TBH the sig of might change is probably the biggest change to warriors out of everything.
Every annoyingly hard to kill class you can get low but then they pop some long duration block skill that just resets the fight. Think of Sig of Might like Chaos Bolt for warlocks (WoW). A high damage attack that went through shields (and at one point, invulnerability shields).
Pair it with stuns or some form of burst and I think it could potentially mitigate bunker madness.
Wait now I don’t remember if sig of might just made it so you can’t MISS or if it made it that you could do damage through a Block.
Can someone enlighten me?
EDIT: nope im correct it makes attacks unblockable.
That’s a game changer people.
(edited by Defektive.7283)
in SOTG they said it would be unblockable. So in theory it coulod miss.
Just like Necromancer Marks or Engineer Throw Mines.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
in SOTG they said it would be unblockable. So in theory it coulod miss.
Just like Necromancer Marks or Engineer Throw Mines.
Yea that could put a damper on its usefulness. I think it’s going to come down to how the dev team in the past has described things.
They could mean unblockable meaning nothing can stop it (thus mitigating blinds and blocks). Or unblockable meaning it can only go through Blocks.
The new defense trait is pretty good but it doesn’t fix any of the inherent condition problems Warriors have.
The 30pt talent for boon hate is uninventive. Warriors don’t need more damage, they need more utility. More unique things that set them apart. Thiefs already deal the highest damage, attempting to push us into that space while at the same time saying they want thieves to rule that niche is counter productive.
Hello Defektive
Thx for sharing your build , I’m a warrior and I started playing just recently , I’ve been using GS/LB since my first day finding it the most viable too but my build is abit different from yours.But I noticed something in your build , since it uses Bow’s F1 alot (which uses up all adrenaline) is it still wise to keep “Berserker’s Power” and “Heightened Focus” (STR , V and Disc V) ?
Because when Longbow F1 crits (often and on multiple targets) you regain essentially all of your adren. Thus Berserkers Power / Heightened focus have an uptime close to 100%.
This is only true in teamfights on a cap point (Foefire map not included since the ca kitten o wide). Personally I drop the Strength tree in this build, and grab the longbow range trait in Tactics – also turns your #1 and #2 into a combo finisher, reapplying that fire condition like mad. It allows me to 1v1 a lot of guardians, since they like to stand on the capture point like it’s religion.
Hello Defektive
Thx for sharing your build , I’m a warrior and I started playing just recently , I’ve been using GS/LB since my first day finding it the most viable too but my build is abit different from yours.But I noticed something in your build , since it uses Bow’s F1 alot (which uses up all adrenaline) is it still wise to keep “Berserker’s Power” and “Heightened Focus” (STR , V and Disc V) ?
Because when Longbow F1 crits (often and on multiple targets) you regain essentially all of your adren. Thus Berserkers Power / Heightened focus have an uptime close to 100%.
This is only true in teamfights on a capture point (Foefire map not included since the ca kitten o wide). Personally I drop the Strength tree in this build, and grab the longbow range trait in Tactics – also turns your #1 and #2 into a combo finisher, reapplying that fire condition like mad. It allows me to 1v1 a lot of guardians, since they like to stand on the capture point like it’s religion.
Warriors aren’t a fantastic 1v1 class, if your in a tPvP team setting you’re roaming with 1-2 other people. supporting fights of 2v2+. Longbow range isn’t going to help that much when it comes down to it.
lol there are guardians that get pressured from burning and the longbow 1 skill? I want to fight those guardians point them out to me please!!!
I kinda like the build and this goes to show how versatile and deep the War actually is, because I’ve spent hours upon hours coming up with builds, but it never occured to me that GS can simply be used as an escape and movement-weapon.
Longbow is very underrated, though I haven’t really played it with zerker, more with rampagers, but the Arcing Arrow does insane DPS – I didn’t even know that! ^^’
I can see this build work, but really only on certain Maps and with good Support to help the War when he’s getting attack, because he’ll die very fast IMHO.
really? You’ve never used the greatsword for it’s disengage potential? Seriously? Are you being sarcastic?
really? You’ve never used the greatsword for it’s disengage potential? Seriously? Are you being sarcastic?
Of course I’ve used it for that, but I didn’t make a build with a GS in it simply for that purpose and in this particular build, it will be simply for that purpose, because:
- On downed opponents, Longbow F1 and 3 on the Longbow will most of the times be better
- Without Sword F1 or the old Quickness and possibly other Utilities, you won’t do much with 100b.
- The Immobilize on Longbow iss to short, has a too long CD and is too easy to dodge to make GS viable in most fights.
- going in for a 100b with being a total glasscannon and without the necessary Immobilize/Quickness to make 100b work, it’ll probably do you more harm than good.
Yes, there might be Situations where you can use your 100b, but as the Original Poster said in his Post – it’s a Longbow-build first.
Here’s my 100b build with lots of sustain and Teamfight-Potential and enough Immobilize to get through a 100b every 10 seconds. I’ve tried building it more glassy, but it actually is much better as a sustain and pressure-build, because relying on Adrenalin-buildup for Sword F1 is kinda hard as a glasscannon and you really need to go in for a while to land your Sword-F1, so it’s better to get a bit less DPS, but much more staying-power.
It’s not a pure DPS-Class, but the amount of CC and safe pressure-DPS it puts out is amazing. Together with high moverability, decent tankyness and amazing Teamsupport, it’s IMHO one of the best Allrounder builds I’ve played so far.
I’m really looking forward toying around with some new Traits as well, because the only thing really set in stone for this build is Sword+Greatsword and at least 10% incresed Condition-duration so you can get your full 100b with one Sword F1 and that it should probably not be a pure glasscannon, because you’ll need to stay in teamfights for longer than a BS-Thief or what a 100b-War used to be to make an impact.
*Edit: It’s actually quite astonishing how well this War can roam together with a Valk-Amu Ele:
- They give each other Heals and buffs, which is very good for sustain-classes, because 2 sustain-classes with AoE-heals will become quite tanky really quick.
- They assist each other with Condi-Removal (Again, the Warhorn, “Shake it off” and the condi-removal when you switch to water are AoE to begin with, so together they have quite a bit of Condi-removal)
- The Ele can make it a bit easier for the War to hit Sword F1 with Updraft and Knockdowns and in return, the War guarantees hits from churning earth and Dragon’s Tooth, if the opponent doesn’t use defensive CD’s.
Really, try it out! ^^’
(edited by PowerBottom.5796)
Why do you use 2 Sigils with Cooldowns on your Sword/Warhorn? If You try to combine Flurry and 100b as often as possible they wont work together. And why do you use Lyssas Runes, wouldnt the soldier ones be better in a shout build?
Oh, was this a stealth buff to longbow in this patch, where you dont need Stronger Bowstrings to make autoattack a finisher? Suddenly, dropping that trait and going for Defektive’s choice of the Strength V trait is a lot more attractive. Currently I’m doing the new Defense II trait which is pretty decent.
Guardians get stronger when they are burned.