1. I feel like LFG is a severely underused tool, and it may be even more so with the new megaservers. Is there any chance you may have something in the works that could perhaps increase the viability of LFG or make it more used?
2. Since you didn’t hint that the mega server system will be used for WvW, isn’t the new megaserver going to create a lot of problems with WvW? Some concerns I have are loyalty problems with guilds (multi server guilds may become more prevalent than before, and could cause some drama issues with Guilds), spying, and other dirty tactics.
3. Do we have any word on when Commander tool updates will be coming out? I feel a more depthful/useful Commander system can do wonders for WvW.
4. When can we start seeing those experimental features in Edge of the mist be put into place into the current WvW maps. I’d love to see things like special objectives, bridges, weather, and the unique/cool looking structures be put into place. Any word on when we may see these?
5. Something I notice in WvW (for my tier atleast) is that the match is usually decided by the end of the weekend. Many times another team is in a high enough lead that morale and general care level of players drop. Is there anything you’re doing to address the issue of how hard it is for players to comeback? Many times the losing teams will just attack one another because they don’t get steamrolled. My server (yaks bend) has about triple the score of the second place server and we’ve been dominating them like this since sunday, the two losing servers have resolved to fight one another more often than teaming up against one another, are there any plans to perhaps reduce the snowball effect of a teaming dominating?
6. Borderlands- something I notice in BL is that the “defending” server of each BL is usually winning/dominating the map. Only in situations like mine where we are dominating the other servers do we see a break from this pattern. Are there any plans to perhaps make BL more balanced for all the teams involved?
7. A while ago I remember a developer mentioning how they’re looking into the Nightcapping problem, though they didn’t have anything concrete to talk about. Do you perhaps have an update on this?
8. Plans on further expanding the usefulness/importance of Guilds in WvW?
9. More siege? I’ve seen a lot of good ideas for future siege things. Things like easy to build timed bombs to blow up bridges/do large scale dps to an area. Building barricades to stall enemies. Though we haven’t really heard or seen any hints if Anet has any plans to add in more siege to WvW. So do you have anything you can tell us about adding in more siege/traps?
10. Any plans for more WvW maps?
11. Any upcoming features/content you’ll be adding to EotM?
12. What in the world is the middle area of Edge of the Mist for? Where the aetherblades are (top part). I know it was for the living story at some point, but there are like shields/portal looking things in the middle top part and I’ve always wondered what those are for.
13. Have you guys ever thought about adding more importance to supplies and supply caravans. Supply Camps and Doyaks are rarely cared about. Many times I see keeps/structures just stockpiling supplies and never use it, so the nearby supply camps become borderline useless. I’d love to see supplies be a more important part of the game aside from building siege.
14. Any plans to enforce/encourage more tactics in the battlefield? Especially taking structures? It’s always siege the front gate and charge in, gets very predictable.
15. Any plans on defense in general? Making it more rewarding, perhaps easier against huge zergs, more importance on defending, etc.
16. WxP upgrade lines. Any hints at future lines you’ll be adding? Perhaps expanding on current ones (like adding the ability to repair siege for repair mastery).
17. Guild Claiming seems mostly useless now a days. Sometimes Ill find keeps and castles unclaimed. Any plans on making Guild Claiming more useful?
18. What is the most thing you’re most excited for in WvW’s future?