Dev vs Community - The Challenge

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


After reading Dev answers in community post about balance and how they try to defend they balance philosophy I thought how awesome it would be to see them in teamQ playing as a Dev team with they fancy new traits and builds!

I suppose it would be good for both sides – community wouldn’t whine so much after getting OWN by the new fancy builds and the DEV would learn something about their own game (especially what isn’t funny to play against).

If the spvp and skill and balance team would give 5 men team a 3h run every second day in tpvp (one day NA and the next for EU servers) this would be the best thing ever!

How do you think – can we see soon some devs in TOP 1000 !?

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


If they do I’ll use a decap engi and show them everything that is wrong with the game.

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I do occasionally see devs in PvP, mostly I see them playing hambow or automated response engineer very poorly, which is why they must think these specs are balanced.

Grouch/Powerr are the only two competent PvPers on the team. One is going to be out of contract too, the other got moved to a different area of the company I guess.


Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


They would get pwned everytime by random semi-competent rabbits team. They push the untested things and expect the game to repair itself.
1 decap engi + 1 hambow + 1 thief/bunker guard + 2 randoms and they lose no matter what. They don’t have the slightiest idea about pvp.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


This should be great for they PR if they would try something like this.
You don’t need to be pro to win few matches, but I wonder if they would get even a chance, after two weeks of playing – against random team from 95% leaderboard marker.

I would love to see some streams from players playing against them and what strat would they play against decap engi, or what OP builds would they use.

Bump if you want to see Devs playing. I hope they accept the challenge and show some cojones.

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


Yea, especially Allie, show us your cojones xD
They won’t accept the challenge. It would mean they admit that they are incompetent when it comes to balancing things in pvp.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


If they do I’ll use a decap engi and show them everything that is wrong with the game.

We can run 3 decap engineers on all 3 points and say go on then, try to move us…the other 2 can be speedy thieves to help out were needed, almost certain to leave the devs scratching there head on how to beat it!

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


All devs I played with or against are very good at pvp. I don’t think a random community team would have much chance.

Also, keep in mind that not all traits are just for pvp. Some of them are more focused towards pve and wvw.

(edited by Rezz.8019)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


Also, keep in mind that not all traits are just for pvp. Some of the more focused towards pve and wvw.

And THIS is why traits/skills should be split into pve and pvp versions, like in Gw1. Because they will never balance something so that it will be equally good vs monsters and vs players.

(edited by Oulov.7913)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


All devs I played with or against are very good at pvp. I don’t think a random community team would have much chance.

You must have very low expectations when it comes to “good”.

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

All devs I played with or against are very good at pvp. I don’t think a random community team would have much chance.

Either the level of NA-PvP is horribly low or you’re defnitely not an experienced player. Besides Powerr and Grouch, noone of them can be considered “good”.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: OhMyTaeyeon.5831


All devs I played with or against are very good at pvp. I don’t think a random community team would have much chance.

Either the level of NA-PvP is horribly low or you’re defnitely not an experienced player. Besides Powerr and Grouch, noone of them can be considered “good”.

Plot twist: He only played with or against Powerr and Grouch.

Naña (Mesmer)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


Also, keep in mind that not all traits are just for pvp. Some of the more focused towards pve and wvw.

Sure sure, I believie that we can tell what change was designated for spvp purpose and which not (most of the time) but…

“People still say most of them is trash
So let them (with Devs) clash”
Gw2 Haiku by Mr Mooo

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


i think the dev team needs more input from high level pvpers. stop this community collaboration. i don’t want some random guy contributing to a balance discussion by saying HEARTSEEKER OVERPOWERED. i think if they listened to people who play at the highest level and maybe create an invite only test server to test new changes so garbage like diamond skin and berserker stance and healing signet don’t make it to the live servers the game would improve in a month. the people who still play gw2 pvp competitively obviously love the game and i am sure they would happily volunteer their input if anet would only listen.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


Don’t you think letting THEM play by themselves they would learn a lot more and be more objective about the game than some high level players that can hate other professions that they don’t play or don’t like play against?

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

If they do I’ll use a decap engi and show them everything that is wrong with the game.

Please do,

drown the devs in their own cheese.

Run 1 Decap Engineers, 2 Bunker Guardians, 1 Hambow and 1 Pistol Whipper.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Seisyll.5914


Yes pls. Also I wonder if any of them would even dare to try playing LB Power Ranger

80 Ranger | 80 Thief | 80 Ele | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior | 80 Engineer | 80 Necromancer
Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

This scene adequately describes my enthusiasm towards said idea.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Yea, especially Allie, show us your cojones xD
They won’t accept the challenge. It would mean they admit that they are incompetent when it comes to balancing things in pvp.

Allie was willing to play some superpug teamq with us, this week. We had a decent approximately ‘top 50’ group and we faced another ‘top 50’ group, there abouts’.

3:53:30 and on, Allie did team queues for a good chunk of time!

She was worried about not being experienced enough to play against coordinated teams, but she showed she was interested in learning and listened well!

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

(edited by Chaith.8256)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


“…our mid is neut, shyt! How that happen?…”

Entertaining stuff.
Gratz Ally on r20 yeah, keep it comming

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


get a team of 1 decap, 2 hambows and 2 thieves.
put the devs against it.
await the long overdue balance changes.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


“…our mid is neut, shyt! How that happen?…”

Entertaining stuff.
Gratz Ally on r20 yeah, keep it comming

Lol, yeah. Times were had. You should have seen when Genyen was new to tPvP /Shots. I kid, I kid.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Didn’t they have a dev vs community match in the stream? And caed was on the community team along with some other top level players. I know powerr played on the dev team. The devs won. Although I’m not 100% sure that it was dev vs community but I thought it was

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

IDK. This mentality of “us vs. them” is pretty bad. Also, calling out the devs because you think they are inferior players is lame too. Look at Michael Jordan. He is a terrible front office guy in the NBA but was a great player. Most great coaches and GM’s were fairly “journeyman” like in their playing quality like Rudy T., Phil Jackson, Coach K., Steve Kerr, Danny Ainge etc. All the great players couldn’t hold a candle to those guys when it came to tactics.

Game design has zero to do with how good playing ability is. Look at Seth Killian. Really good Street Fighter player, but the best players own him. Doesn’t matter. He does some of the best balance work in all of gaming for Street Fighter.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Don’t you think letting THEM play by themselves they would learn a lot more and be more objective about the game than some high level players that can hate other professions that they don’t play or don’t like play against?

And have you seen how that’s been turning out over the past two years?

Game design has zero to do with how good playing ability is.

It’s all about understanding, and that’s the core of the issue.

People are annoyed because the devs don’t really help this game, they don’t seem to understand it’s issues or at very least how to fix them.
Beating them down with the bullkitten they’ve ‘fixed’ this game with could only serve as a push in the right direction.

The ‘us verse them’ mentality, you can’t say you didn’t see it coming.
When devs always run by their own rules to balancing a game, when they ignore the population when it comes to how to fix things and end up pushing a game constantly into a worse and worse direction…
That’s bound to get a playerbase against them.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517

Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Solo Arena:

  • Hugh, 178
  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Hugh, 91%,
  • Evan, 91%

I have seen Tyler and Hugh much higher (<500), they must be slacking. I’ve also seen Evan get into the top 1000 before as well.

Me, I suck… only in the 80%s, so :P

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Above numbers are probably lower because of decay. They should be even higher ranked once they play another match.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


Solo Arena:

  • Hugh, 178
  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Hugh, 91%,
  • Evan, 91%

Nice stats – but as saw Allie playing with GF she didn’t have a tag. People would aprecieate if they would see dev playings they game.

IDK. This mentality of “us vs. them” is pretty bad. Also, calling out the devs because you think they are inferior players is lame too.

My bad, maybe I made opening not clear enough and got carried with the excitement about the idea.
The main purpose in my mind was cool PR stunt that would help realize people that dev know they game and there is meaning behind every change they made – not some “dry” theorycrafting ideas and skill new skills or traits that will lock cool and bring more people to spvp becaus they would be OP. Community as it is mainly don’t know about this and have pretty horrible ideas in that matter.

@Justn ODell
Those team arena stats – are they only from NA ?
It would be nice if the NA share Devs with us in EU
Don’t hug them all to your self!

Guys – don’t write about stomps, be nice
Bump, show your suport if you want to see more Devs playing – thats all.


“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

(edited by monochrome.9841)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Grouch and powerr are both pretty good players and I’ve played vs them before when they were with the likes of Ostricheggz. Definitely top 1000 NA material (not that the bar is very high).

I think I also met powerr in solo q before where he wasn’t too happy with the bunkery bunker bunker compo our solo q team had when he was on his mesmer (yes they play something that isn’t hambow or decap engy).

Having said that though, it would sure help if there were more devs that were dedicated to just playing the game and relaying feedback constantly.


Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


If they do I’ll use a decap engi and show them everything that is wrong with the game.

this game is perfect, dont make up gibberish now!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Ok assuming those ranks are actually true and reflect your personal skill-level then I have no idea how you can sit back and do NOTHING again for the next 6 months.

You may not have realized this, but there ARE other games out there. And if this patch doesn’t at least move in the right direction with some bolder changes than what you’ve shown then I won’t be around to see them when you eventually do realize that we were right all along.

Because in the long run, we the community are always right. You just need too long to realize that.

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Solo Arena:

  • Hugh, 178
  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Hugh, 91%,
  • Evan, 91%

I have seen Tyler and Hugh much higher (<500), they must be slacking. I’ve also seen Evan get into the top 1000 before as well.

Me, I suck… only in the 80%s, so :P

Yeh in NA dude. So in EU none of your players are even top 1000. I have played NA and there was massive amounts of badies even semi high rated. Not saying there aren’t good players there. But there is no depth. If anyone isn’t top 50 na in team and solo q then they are probably not even top 1000 eu

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: RusShiro.9241


Hey, I’m only 88%. I thought that was doing pretty good. lol

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock


Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator


I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Is there anyone who has some sort of influence to the balance playing on eu or are you all just playing on us? (except the <10 times grouch played with helseth and co and got obliterated)

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

play a high mobility spec and kite those fools, itll be free wins!

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

play a high mobility spec and kite those fools, itll be free wins!

^ This, you’ll be in the top 100 before you know it!!!!

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


^ remember to record it
I would love to see the “rage train” that runs on whole map or camp spawn and lose the whole game
In soloQ – I get it, devs are like fresh meet and the hungry hienas (community) just want it
Thats why team made of Devs would be perfect – you can’t choose only one Dev to target, this would be normal match.
Even pug team in teamQ wants to win (soloQ isn’t as serious as teamQ imo) – I doubt that they would run after you whole game “just because” (I wouldn’t sacrifice a game just to get one or two kills on Dev). If they still would focus you this means:
a) you are playing as the weakest link in team – easies to dispose off
b) your profession is a threat – they need to dispose off you
So if they focus you – deal with it; if you can’t – think about rebalancing this class.

That’s the whole purpouse of Devs playing the game

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock


Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator


We team up and play every Tuesday with our tags on. We swap between WvW and PvP, and will swap servers occasionally as well.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

Also, keep in mind that not all traits are just for pvp. Some of the more focused towards pve and wvw.

And THIS is why traits/skills should be split into pve and pvp versions, like in Gw1. Because they will never balance something so that it will be equally good vs monsters and vs players.

Or they could just make a lot of different skills for both PvP and PvE.

There’s entire mechanics which just won’t work in both PvE and PvP on a core philosophy level.

For example, Retaliation. When the whole of high-end PvE is about trying to not get hit, a buff which works on you getting hit just won’t work no matter how you modify it.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Enzo.2784


I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

I’ve seen Hammon (I think it’s Tyler not sure though) use this to his advantage. He plays a very tank Engi build. And as people try to focus kill him and fail, he will lock them down and make it easy for the rest of the team to kill the people trying to kill him.

IGN: Dantes Night /u/DantesS_P

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

Play bunker guard then you want to be the main target xD → easy wins :P

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I don’t like playing with my tag because it’s a beacon for targeting.

I’ve been in solo arenas, turned my tag on, and become the instant target for coordinated play. I’d play more with my tag on if this wasn’t the case.

Play bunker guard then you want to be the main target xD -> easy wins :P

You’re forgetting that Anet doesn’t play Guardians.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Atiar.5469


Hate to be the Bearer of bad news. BUT, we DID come across a BUNKER GUARD anet Employee with their tag up in TEAM QUE.

and Yes, every single person on the team focused him Every.Single.Time he spawned. Instant locked and burst down
we still won the match.

Our team took moa in case we saw his team again.
We did, and they cycle repeated, except with him being moa’d constantly.

I felt quite bad for him by the end – I would have rage quit after the first few matches but he kept at it.

A anet employee having their lonely tag up in Team Que isn’t going to ‘teach them the meta’.

That’s silly.

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


You’re forgetting that Anet doesn’t play Guardians.

I don’t know if they play guardians or not, but those that I’ve seen play very useful builds.

Hammon = really good engi, I remember him from over a year ago. He beat me couple times when I had quite a strong team.
Nightmare = hambow, I remember him from solo arena I think. Good to have as a teammate and very tough as an opponent.
Allie = very good mm necro and a very good player in general, always at the right point at the right time and always makes right in-match decisions.

I don’t know about others, but these 3 are very good players and any team could benefit from them I think. And they play useful things instead of some random mesmer stuff!

(edited by Rezz.8019)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: monochrome.9841


Sooo… it looks like Dev quietly teamQ and soloQ and can stomp some people caugh*OnNA*caugh ^^ …but where in this mix is our balance God Karl?

PS. The “NA” thing is a joke for those who didn’t get it, don’t get worked out over it.

“Professionals… are predictable; the world is full
of dangerous amateurs.” Murphy’s Law
Mr Mooo → Piken Square

(edited by monochrome.9841)

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Isn’t Dev vs. Community already what the Forums are about?

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Solo Arena:

  • Hugh, 178
  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Hugh, 91%,
  • Evan, 91%


Can you cull out the ones that are not playing Warrior, decap engie or Thief as their main?

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Solo Arena:

  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Evan, 91%


Can you cull out the ones that are not playing Warrior, decap engie or Thief as their main?

Done. Hugh plays a Hambow, but he played it before it was cool. I’m pretty sure he’s been using that same warrior (Nightmare) since launch.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

Dev vs Community - The Challenge

in PvP

Posted by: eleshazar.6902


Solo Arena:

  • Roy, 272,
  • Evan, 428,
  • Grouch, 876

Team Arena:

  • Grouch, 67
  • Roy, 309,
  • Allie, 353 (wut?)
  • Tyler B, 92%
  • Evan, 91%


Can you cull out the ones that are not playing Warrior, decap engie or Thief as their main?

Done. Hugh plays a Hambow, but he played it before it was cool. I’m pretty sure he’s been using that same warrior (Nightmare) since launch.

In all fairness pretty sure Allie plays warrior and mm necro. We still love her anyway though!


All professions level 80| Champion Paragon, Phantom, Genius
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80