Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


You realize this is not a new trait right?


Browse through all those old threads, do some research.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


You realize this is not a new trait right?


Browse through all those old threads, do some research.

Well, it’s just that they’re popping up more frequently now. :p

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Well I would imagine so, condition damage in PvP is insane right now. You think Diamond Skin is bad? I play a Signet of Suffering Necro. People come at me with their condi builds all day, I just toss their conditions right back at them and let them kill their selves.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Diamond skin’s tool tip says it makes the elementalist immune to conditions while in earth. I’m assuming this works the same way resistance does in such a way that it leaves the elementalist immune even if you hit him with conditions before he goes into earth.

Now, here’s the deal. Elementalists generally revolve around attunement swapping. If he’s camping earth to keep the condis off, then his offensive pressure has just taken a big hit.

Also, 3 guys couldn’t auto attack him, a class with the lowest HP pool in the game, past 90%? Like I know some players run rabid and have very little power, but really?

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Well I would imagine so, condition damage in PvP is insane right now. You think Diamond Skin is bad? I play a Signet of Suffering Necro. People come at me with their condi builds all day, I just toss their conditions right back at them and let them kill their selves.

Yes, but you ‘kinda’ can play around that, no? I mean I can throw w/e at diamond skin I won’t get it below 90%.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Diamond skin’s tool tip says it makes the elementalist immune to conditions while in earth. I’m assuming this works the same way resistance does in such a way that it leaves the elementalist immune even if you hit him with conditions before he goes into earth.

Now, here’s the deal. Elementalists generally revolve around attunement swapping. If he’s camping earth to keep the condis off, then his offensive pressure has just taken a big hit.

Also, 3 guys couldn’t auto attack him, a class with the lowest HP pool in the game, past 90%? Like I know some players run rabid and have very little power, but really?

That is not how it works at all. It has nothing to do with camping Earth. All it is is a trait that prevents new conditions from being applied to the Elementalist while he is above 90% health. Against a single pure condi build, yes it is a hard-counter due to the Ele’s regen. Against 2-3 players, even if they were pure condi, sounds like someone was simply outplayed.

Well I would imagine so, condition damage in PvP is insane right now. You think Diamond Skin is bad? I play a Signet of Suffering Necro. People come at me with their condi builds all day, I just toss their conditions right back at them and let them kill their selves.

Yes, but you ‘kinda’ can play around that, no? I mean I can throw w/e at diamond skin I won’t get it below 90%.

No, not really. I have, at a minimum, 4 condi transfers on low cooldowns. It is a complete hard-counter. Just as I have to time my transfers right and make sure they hit, the ele has to make sure he doesn’t allow his health to drop below 90% from incoming direct damage. And trust me, 90% on an Ele is not alot of health at all.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


Diamond skin’s tool tip says it makes the elementalist immune to conditions while in earth. I’m assuming this works the same way resistance does in such a way that it leaves the elementalist immune even if you hit him with conditions before he goes into earth.

Now, here’s the deal. Elementalists generally revolve around attunement swapping. If he’s camping earth to keep the condis off, then his offensive pressure has just taken a big hit.

Also, 3 guys couldn’t auto attack him, a class with the lowest HP pool in the game, past 90%? Like I know some players run rabid and have very little power, but really?

You’re mixing up a couple traits. Stone Heart ensures you can not be critically hit while in the Earth attunement. Diamond Skin, on the other hand, works in all attunements, though only while you are above 90% health.

In 1v1s, this trait can be a bit overpowered against certain condi-only specs. This game is not balanced around 1v1s. In any sort of scenario where the ele is fighting more than one player, if the ele is being focused and you two can not get his health below 90%, something is wrong with you, not the ele.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Oho, my bad then. I can see why this would be a problem now.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Solution – don’t have one of your rabid players 1v1 the diamond skin ele, the same way you would rotate any counter builds. No team comp is going to consist of 3+ rabid builds.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Easy fix:
While above 75% HP, incoming conditions are reduced by 50% (duration). Gain 2 seconds of resistance when you enter Earth Attunement.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Learn to counterplay Diamond Skin.


Read the section on Diamond Skin. All answers are there.

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


if you all decided to go condi spec then you should be prepared for certain traits that will ruin your day.

thats the reason for variety.
all classes have access to amazing burst builds now, dealing 1-2k dmg to an ele should be no problem.

“but all 3 of us want to spam condis and watch things melt!” isn’t really a valid reason to nerf diamond skin unfortunately.

TLDR: don’t all spec for condi spam.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


Ele has lowest base HP and armor in game. If you can’t break 10% of their small healthpool. . .

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Fikule.5874


I don’t see how this is a “hard counter”

If the ele even have 23khp, you just need to manage 2.3k without conditions. If you’re playing a comp where no one can deal that much damage without needing a condition, who’s problem is that?

Even if you ARE all condi users you can auto-attack 2.3k off of someone pretty quick together.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


In some scenario, you will see Diamond Skin used in conjunction with Condi Cleansing Cantrips. It means that you’re facing a pure bunker build.

Above, Lopez’s suggestion only buffs to the trait to obscenity when used in conjunction with a Cantrip build. Having used Diamond Skin in my build for months, it has always been my only answer as a “no-cantrip Elementalist Build” that is competitively viable. You guys should consider adding Sigil of Leeching to deal with those Diamond Skin; be warned, some DS user know exactly what to do when that happens.

Also, “Don’t get fooled! It is not because you are full health that you are necessarily immune to conditions. Most abilities apply the damage first then the condition, with the exception of abilities applying Vulnerability.”

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Ele has lowest base HP and armor in game. If you can’t break 10% of their small healthpool. . .

Its easy to have a hard time breaking 1400 dmg when they have perma regen, soothing mists and protection… Is that a serious statement? Maybe if they stand still and don’t try to do anything at all.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Hard counters are no fun. Change DS to grant resistance boon when struck above 90% hp instead.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


diamond skin is the most cancerous trait in the game. combined with the stupid amount of celestial healing which ensures easily staying over the 90% threshold, it’s beyond ridiculous and easy.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I don’t see how this is a “hard counter”

If the ele even have 23khp, you just need to manage 2.3k without conditions. If you’re playing a comp where no one can deal that much damage without needing a condition, who’s problem is that?

Show me a condi class that can beat a Diamond Skin Ele.
Carrion Guardian with GS definitely won’t be able to.

Learn to counterplay Diamond Skin.


Read the section on Diamond Skin. All answers are there.

Please… Metabattle can’t keep even keep up with a live stream much less the Meta. They base all their builds from Tournaments. Tage’s hamguard play is proof of that fact.

Ele’s are running with D/F + Diamond Skin + Cele amulet. Yes, a few run staff bunk variants but the better Ele’s uses said build. The point is, the trait hard counters conditions. Period.

Ele has lowest base HP and armor in game. If you can’t break 10% of their small healthpool. . .

Its easy to have a hard time breaking 1400 dmg when they have perma regen, soothing mists and protection… Is that a serious statement? Maybe if they stand still and don’t try to do anything at all.

Exactly this ^

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Learn to counterplay Diamond Skin.


Read the section on Diamond Skin. All answers are there.

Please… Metabattle can’t keep even keep up with a live stream much less the Meta. They base all their builds from Tournaments. Tage’s hamguard play is proof of that fact.

Ele’s are running with D/F + Diamond Skin + Cele amulet. Yes, a few run staff bunk variants but the better Ele’s uses said build. The point is, the trait hard counters conditions. Period.

I told to read the section on Diamond Skin. I think it points out the weakness of Diamond Skin. The build itself is not important here. But since you’ve brought it up, you are ignorant if you think that this build is bad.

Alerie Despins

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Learn to counterplay Diamond Skin.


Read the section on Diamond Skin. All answers are there.

Please… Metabattle can’t keep even keep up with a live stream much less the Meta. They base all their builds from Tournaments. Tage’s hamguard play is proof of that fact.

Ele’s are running with D/F + Diamond Skin + Cele amulet. Yes, a few run staff bunk variants but the better Ele’s uses said build. The point is, the trait hard counters conditions. Period.

I told to read the section on Diamond Skin. I think it points out the weakness of Diamond Skin. The build itself is not important here. But since you’ve brought it up, you are ignorant if you think that this build is bad.

I never said that the build is “bad”… you’re completely missing the point of this thread.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

Earth is the weakest traitline eles have right now.
If you are trying to play 1v1s and somebody plays a hard counter into you like diamond skin, then don’t play with them again. Those exist for team play.
If you are trying to run mostly conditions on a team and somebody picks a subpar traitline that counters you, then they played the meta well and deserve to be rewarded for you picking an easily countered comp.
If you aren’t running a mostly condi team and someone has DS, rotate away from them and watch them lose for picking a weak traitline with a trait that does not affect power damage.

I agree that the trait is oddly placed, being a specialist trait on a generalist class, but what can you do?

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: XPilo.5862


In the personal I prefer stone heart, with all the increase damage now is hard to keep the 90% hp all time. And be able to negate all critic damage is just amazing.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


A cele diamond skin ele can hardcounter a single condi class as long as the condi user is below the ele level, if you insist with your statement than prove it with a video:

a cele ele with diamond skin countering 3-4 condi builds at the same time, your statement is so outrageous that only a video can prove it!

I would have maybe sympathized if you were alone and still it would be hard to believe that you can’t break through diamond skin on a cele ele with 1500 toughness and 560 healing where he can’t either maintain 100% HP or recover fast enough.

I fought a condi guardian post patch and there is no way in hell that you can’t deal enough dmg on a celestial diamond skin. A settler diamond skin maybe..and that would be a stretch already (and still lose easily when 1+), but a celestial diamond skin? against 3-4 people and doesn’t go below 90%?……that’s loads of kitten..

-note- The entire ele community agrees on the uselessness of the trait, that serves nothing more than trolling a sad condi spammer on his own and we rightly asked to change it…but your “story” is so outrageous ..that’s it’s hard to keep composure…

(edited by Supreme.3164)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Tyreal.5230


That’s why you don’t go full blown condition. If you want to run a condition type build you should go hybrid instead.

It’s not a L2P issue but more of a build issue(on the condition player’s side). If you were utilizing precision from rabid with some sigil procs or just critical hits in general you wouldn’t have problems killing an ele running DS even in a 1v1. Example: Burn Guard is built for doing heavy burning damage however it also has raw damage as well allowing it to bypass DS with relative ease. Running a bit of power and/or precision will put pressure on the ele and force them to play a bit more defensively, in a 2v1 they’d more than likely blow up the moment they went under 90% HP and passive healing from signet, regen and soothing mist won’t keep you above 90% so they have to constantly switch to water for the burst healing. So trying to get his HP down after he leaves water is the best time to get in raw damage before you apply your conditions.

I think alot of people are forgetting that we can trait into 3 lines now. Of course people are going to be tanky; when you run 3 defensive trait lines I’d expect you to be tanky as heck. All classes can have the same survivability just in a different way and DS is one of those traits that fits Ele’s play style well; especially for D/D.

Guild: guildless
Elementalist: Sheva Alamarr
Guardian: Stella Alamarr

(edited by Tyreal.5230)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Uh with perma protection a rabid life blast hits for 400-500 dmg on a 2600 target, without protection, every 1.4 second. I’m not going to go through the math, but yeah, you can outheal it. Very very easily…

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Uh with perma protection a rabid life blast hits for 400-500 dmg on a 2600 target, without protection, every 1.4 second. I’m not going to go through the math, but yeah, you can outheal it. Very very easily…

No, you can’t. People are just exaggarating. If a cele ele can get through the 10% hp, then 4 condi specs can, too. I’m not saying the trait is okay, but this is silly.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still.

this is PRECISELY why diamond skin is a ridiculous mechanic. the ease with which a celestial ele (particularly on d/f) can remain above 90% is incomparable. there is zero counterplay to their healing since they can’t be poisoned during opening engagements, and when you can poison them, they can almost immediately switch to water and cleanse it allowing them to easily return to the 90%+ threshold

either celestial ele healing is broken or diamond skin is. there is absolutely zero way around it, one of them needs a nerf.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

Dude..with current cele amulet, the signet and soothing mist are like 250 pts and 1.2k regen healing and 1500 freaking toughness, there is no way in hell that an ele can keep diamond skin in pvp against any player with a brain

If you realize the ele is using diamond skin..and you use all your CC/snare/condi dmg when the ele is full HP….you deserve to lose 100x more

I’m talking as somebody using a lightning rod build and I face condi builds on a daily basis…yes…all they do is spamm all buttons as soon as they see you, they’re not like me who need to check whether or not you have stability or protection up.

If it’d be 1vs1…maybe the fight is actually hard as a pure condi bunker and even there I’d say :“kitten you! you fully invest in condis and now you cry that you get hard-countered? well…I’ll be kitten ed if I’ll feel any pity for you”

But here we’re talking about 1vs4 in PvP! no WvW, no buffs, nothing….and 4 goons can’t deal enough dmg to a cele ele with diamond skin?…pls my friend , let’s stop the crap.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Uh with perma protection a rabid life blast hits for 400-500 dmg on a 2600 target, without protection, every 1.4 second. I’m not going to go through the math, but yeah, you can outheal it. Very very easily…

No, you can’t. People are just exaggarating. If a cele ele can get through the 10% hp, then 4 condi specs can, too. I’m not saying the trait is okay, but this is silly.

I’m not exaggerating. The difference between a rabid necro and a Celestial Ele is a.) burst damage, b.) actually having power stats, and c.) more sustain to put up with the BS.

I logged in and tested it. Life blast has a 1.4 second cast and is easily the hardest physical damage a necro will be doing consistently. 520 damage. Ele has -10% dmg in 360 range and -33% from perma protection, so we’ll say 350 damage x4 every 1.4 seconds assuming the ele never dodges once, is what? 996 damage per second?
Regen ticks about 200 HPS, 136 from Soothing mists, 230 every ~ .75 seconds with signet but we can round up. That’s 566 HPS with Cone of Cold, Healing Ripple, evasive arcana, dodge rolls, burning speed, ring of earth, cleansing wave, counter pressure, etc all not being accounded for. Even if you do break it, it’s very easy to refill it. The other thing is, Healing doesn’t require a hit, the numbers above, you can just assume will be there, while the damage was factored with leniency and assuming 100% landing.

If you don’t see a problem with this, you’re crazy… It’s Automated Response all over again, except worse…

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Uh with perma protection a rabid life blast hits for 400-500 dmg on a 2600 target, without protection, every 1.4 second. I’m not going to go through the math, but yeah, you can outheal it. Very very easily…

No, you can’t. People are just exaggarating. If a cele ele can get through the 10% hp, then 4 condi specs can, too. I’m not saying the trait is okay, but this is silly.

I’m not exaggerating. The difference between a rabid necro and a Celestial Ele is a.) burst damage, b.) actually having power stats, and c.) more sustain to put up with the BS.

I logged in and tested it. Life blast has a 1.4 second cast and is easily the hardest physical damage a necro will be doing consistently. 520 damage. Ele has -10% dmg in 360 range and -33% from perma protection, so we’ll say 350 damage x4 every 1.4 seconds assuming the ele never dodges once, is what? 996 damage per second?
Regen ticks about 200 HPS, 136 from Soothing mists, 230 every ~ .75 seconds with signet but we can round up. That’s 566 HPS with Cone of Cold, Healing Ripple, evasive arcana, dodge rolls, burning speed, ring of earth, cleansing wave, counter pressure, etc all not being accounded for. Even if you do break it, it’s very easy to refill it. The other thing is, Healing doesn’t require a hit, the numbers above, you can just assume will be there, while the damage was factored with leniency and assuming 100% landing.

If you don’t see a problem with this, you’re crazy… It’s Automated Response all over again, except worse…

You’re cleverly going around the point made by the OP and here I repeat it :* a diamond skin ele hardcounter 4 condi spammers at the same time* and I say it prove it with a video!

Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

Diamond Skin really needs another rework to be a lot less binary. Right now, if you are a condition build, you auto-lose to Diamond Skin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You just lose.

If you are a Power build, however, it might as well not exist. It’s a completely worthless Grandmaster, then.

It needs a rework to be less binary.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

What math? ….still with 100g on the line still afraid to prove your math? why?
Everybody can do math on this forum like this:

-Power build :
1) Must have above 2k power
2) Must have above 40% crit chance
3)Must have above 190% crit dmg
4)Must still have above 15k HP
5)Must have good access to vigor/blind/blocks
6)Must keep mental note of the enemy defenses: protection, weakness on you, their toughness, their HP, their block, their dodges

-Condi build
1)Must have above 700 condi damage
2)Must have loads of toughness

Spamm to win as toughness, protection, weakness, dodges, their HP or blocks…all means nothing

What about this math? A power build has full list of disadvantages …but can still easily lose to a condi build unless massively outplayed and now the condi user comes on the forum to cry of how the world is unfair because..he gets “hard countered” by a trait that works only above 90% HP

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

Diamond Skin really needs another rework to be a lot less binary. Right now, if you are a condition build, you auto-lose to Diamond Skin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You just lose.

If you are a Power build, however, it might as well not exist. It’s a completely worthless Grandmaster, then.

It needs a rework to be less binary.

Condition damage needs a rework too!

-Protection must work against condi
-Weakness must work on condi
-Toughness must work on condi

Diamond skin is a cheese counter to a cheese playstyle..sorry I feel no pity

-Diamond skin still requires an ele with above 1900 toughness and above 500 healing to be of any help against a single full condi spam user with 0 power.

Prove me wrong with a video..no with “your” math

(edited by Supreme.3164)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

Diamond Skin really needs another rework to be a lot less binary. Right now, if you are a condition build, you auto-lose to Diamond Skin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You just lose.

If you are a Power build, however, it might as well not exist. It’s a completely worthless Grandmaster, then.

It needs a rework to be less binary.

Condition damage needs a rework too!

-Protection must work against condi
-Weakness must work on condi
-Toughness must work on condi

Diamond skin is a cheese counter to a cheese playstyle..sorry I feel no pity

Well, at least you’re being honest now. That’s the first step. I agree, conditions should have to rely on more than a single stat for optimal damage, and should be affected by Protection. However, resistance should also not exist. There’s a lot of “shoulds”, but it doesn’t change the honest point that with what we have, and even if conditions were better designed, it’s a hard counter that doesn’t belong in the game. I want my “Immune to power damage above 90% HP” on my Necro. That’d be grand.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Elementalists: Diamond skin – Earth – Cele build variant.

Is this Anet’s solution to balancing out conditions in the game? The Ele can literally 1v3 or 1v4 condition classes… should such a thing even exist? Currently, no condi teams will be viable with these classes on a team. Much like a Thief vs Mesmer/Necro/Ranger pre-patch… only 10x more OP.


Let me take this straight :a celestial amulet ele user with 1500 toughness , takes a trait that become useless after taking 10% dmg, can now 1vs4 ????

1500 toughness against 4 of you? and you can’t keep the ele below 90% HP?

Even worst! the cele ele got only like 560 healing power, in real world it’s impossible for the ele to keep up 100% HP at all time. And against 4 enemies?…not even a god could keep 100% HP, basically what you’ve just stated is high caliber BS

I think it’s BS too. Exactly why i’m asking whether or not Diamond Skin’s performance vs condi builds, at this caliber, is intended.
I purposely changed your wording’s intentions because it’s Not impossible to do this in solo pvp against full condition players, with God knows what condi build types they were running. The scenario is equivalent to Condi Guard (pre-patch) able to 1v3 glassy builds. Yes, of course it’s possible and it shouldn’t be done efficiently nor even once a week on a given solo pvp game. The DS vs Condi scenario happens at every engagement… it’s not a L2P issue for condition classes who fight DS ele. If it is then please tell me how condi can beat said class.

Diamond Skin Ele builds directly hard counters condition builds. Are we suppose to ignore them like Turret Engineers before they got nerfed?

Can you explain to me how 4 condi players cannot do roughly 1.7K non condition damage to an ele? I’m really curious.

Probably a mix of dodge rolls, soothing mists, CC, regen, healing signet and… Ah, having a brain? You realize you can’t fear, chill, cripple, immobilize or poison them either, right? And if they run can trips they have access to stability. Essentially, you can’t even make them sit still. If you’re having a hard time understanding how this could be possible, you should really explore the class a bit more. I think you know that it’s ridiculous, just stop defending stupid crap and let it get changed to something useful but not broken and move on.

…but if 4 Condi Necros launch Life Blast or just auto attack with Staff at same time you will lose 10% of hp… I doubt you will dodge every second…

Uh with perma protection a rabid life blast hits for 400-500 dmg on a 2600 target, without protection, every 1.4 second. I’m not going to go through the math, but yeah, you can outheal it. Very very easily…

No, you can’t. People are just exaggarating. If a cele ele can get through the 10% hp, then 4 condi specs can, too. I’m not saying the trait is okay, but this is silly.

I’m not exaggerating. The difference between a rabid necro and a Celestial Ele is a.) burst damage, b.) actually having power stats, and c.) more sustain to put up with the BS.

I logged in and tested it. Life blast has a 1.4 second cast and is easily the hardest physical damage a necro will be doing consistently. 520 damage. Ele has -10% dmg in 360 range and -33% from perma protection, so we’ll say 350 damage x4 every 1.4 seconds assuming the ele never dodges once, is what? 996 damage per second?
Regen ticks about 200 HPS, 136 from Soothing mists, 230 every ~ .75 seconds with signet but we can round up. That’s 566 HPS with Cone of Cold, Healing Ripple, evasive arcana, dodge rolls, burning speed, ring of earth, cleansing wave, counter pressure, etc all not being accounded for. Even if you do break it, it’s very easy to refill it. The other thing is, Healing doesn’t require a hit, the numbers above, you can just assume will be there, while the damage was factored with leniency and assuming 100% landing.

If you don’t see a problem with this, you’re crazy… It’s Automated Response all over again, except worse…

Okay, so I went to test it for you and while one necro will have lots issues dealing with a diamond skin ele, there is not way 4 condi specs wouldn’t be able to get the ele under 90% hp. So what you said is complete bs. With carrion you can get up to 1K hits on life blast. You won’t even have perma protection on ele.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

Diamond Skin really needs another rework to be a lot less binary. Right now, if you are a condition build, you auto-lose to Diamond Skin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You just lose.

If you are a Power build, however, it might as well not exist. It’s a completely worthless Grandmaster, then.

It needs a rework to be less binary.

Condition damage needs a rework too!

-Protection must work against condi
-Weakness must work on condi
-Toughness must work on condi

Diamond skin is a cheese counter to a cheese playstyle..sorry I feel no pity

Well, at least you’re being honest now. That’s the first step. I agree, conditions should have to rely on more than a single stat for optimal damage, and should be affected by Protection. However, resistance should also not exist. There’s a lot of “shoulds”, but it doesn’t change the honest point that with what we have, and even if conditions were better designed, it’s a hard counter that doesn’t belong in the game. I want my “Immune to power damage above 90% HP” on my Necro. That’d be grand.

I think it has been made clear by the entire ele community that diamond skin needs a rework, to be made useful in team fights also…..but at the same time it’s hard, it’s impossible for me to sympathize with any condi abuser with the way condition damage is designed in this game.

If current diamond skin must go then current condi dmg must go too, because condi removal is simply not enough anymore, you get overloaded by condis even before you can get at 600 range. You basically need at least 2 good DPS to take down a condi tank these days, because alone you get chilled/crippled/burned/feared to death and all they do is run in circles and you call it “skill”..well kitten me!

No need to care about my dodges or anything..just staff spamm to win…BS

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Supreme should join the balance team. Seriously, this is what a good chunk of players feel and probably couldn’t have placed their thoughts out as well as this.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


What most elementalists haven’t realized yet is that the non-staff celestial elementalist top players are pretty much all using fire instead of earth.

Earth gives you marginally better damage mitigation when you really don’t need it, unless you’re a staff bunker mercy rune bot. Fire on the other hand gives you tons of damage might and burning and fairly nice access to blind.

It blows my mind how many people slap on earth without ever watching a top streamer to get a sense of what their class should actually be running.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


Let’s stop hiding behind words and let’s prove the facts..NOW! I have my friends online, prove the community how you 1vs4 condi people on a cele diamond ele, 100g if you win

Because showing the math isn’t “facts.”

Diamond Skin really needs another rework to be a lot less binary. Right now, if you are a condition build, you auto-lose to Diamond Skin. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You just lose.

If you are a Power build, however, it might as well not exist. It’s a completely worthless Grandmaster, then.

It needs a rework to be less binary.

Condition damage needs a rework too!

-Protection must work against condi
-Weakness must work on condi
-Toughness must work on condi

Diamond skin is a cheese counter to a cheese playstyle..sorry I feel no pity

Well, at least you’re being honest now. That’s the first step. I agree, conditions should have to rely on more than a single stat for optimal damage, and should be affected by Protection. However, resistance should also not exist. There’s a lot of “shoulds”, but it doesn’t change the honest point that with what we have, and even if conditions were better designed, it’s a hard counter that doesn’t belong in the game. I want my “Immune to power damage above 90% HP” on my Necro. That’d be grand.

I think it has been made clear by the entire ele community that diamond skin needs a rework, to be made useful in team fights also…..but at the same time it’s hard, it’s impossible for me to sympathize with any condi abuser with the way condition damage is designed in this game.

If current diamond skin must go then current condi dmg must go too, because condi removal is simply not enough anymore, you get overloaded by condis even before you can get at 600 range. You basically need at least 2 good DPS to take down a condi tank these days, because alone you get chilled/crippled/burned/feared to death and all they do is run in circles and you call it “skill”..well kitten me!

No need to care about my dodges or anything..just staff spamm to win…BS

I don’t agree with you on everything, but I agree with this post.

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Go clerics take the new soothing mist and as much regen as you can along with energy sigil and evasive arcana vamp runes etc now you’ve got a character that should die because it only has 11.7k hp. Except it’s regen is so crazy you barely ever get them below the threshold, and if you do they have condi clears. Basically if you can’t burst them down before they swap back to water the aren’t gonna die.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Hard counters exist in this game so Diamond Skin hard countering full condi builds is to be expected and working as intended I’d say. Just like how every zerker build is hard countered by thieves (and probably mesmers now), or how thieves themselves are hard countered by DPS guardians.

The game isn’t balanced around 1v1 and you don’t have to fight a Diamond Skin ele with your condi necro build. Simply leave the ele for a thief or other zerker class and put your condis to good use on other classes.

As a side note I’m not saying it’s a well designed trait, the opposite really, but it’s one of the few things that gives ele real defense against hard condi burst (we mostly have condi removal cooldowns that remove 1-3 condis instead of all). And of course in the end eles have the lowest health and lowest armor of all classes – and they lack blocks or reflects or stealth – so their defense stuff actually needs to be a bit better and/or harsher to survive.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

(edited by SchmendrickTheMagician.8247)

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Oh look! Sayan complaining about something again! Anyone surprised?

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Diamond Skin - Working as Intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Broken forum… New page… WHY no fix?

Rito please.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU