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Ventari & condi thief… Woooo weeeeeeeeee!
I make PvP & WvW videos
Because they have over 9000 knockbacks.
Sure absolutely, if I have a competent premade who knows rotations and could actually 2v1 quite quickly then I agree.
SoloQ/DuoQ…? It’s not that they can’t be killed, it often takes too long to do so. Almost every game I’m in, it’s taking way too long to down a vent Rev to the point where the rest of the enemy team snowballs other nodes.
Sure you competent duo with a half-ass decent Mesmer or Thief partner can either rotate around him or burst him down quickly enough (moa OP). Other team comps? Good luck with that.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
There is no viable build in the game with enough damage to kill a competent (~plat 1 level) Ventari rev 1v1. I honestly think they’re not the worst, but the knockback spam is just a bit too obnoxious, easy to execute, and difficult to deal with in solo q.
There are builds
I run condi or power depending on how I feel
If I can kill 1 with my power necros, why cant anyone else?
I mean yeah they have knockbacks sure
But just about every class has stability, and invuln period, or blocks they can use
(i don’t feel like warriors even have an excuse)
Youre best bet to kill them off really is like i said, make them burn their energy and if needed cc them (cc’s really the best way to deal with any bunker build tbh, maybe not eles but the rest are screwed, its just like trap guard, cc them and kite them at range and they go down pretty easy right?)
I mean, rn part of pvp is the over use of cc, why not use it?
Maybe it’s different in lower divisions, but from my experience in plat (over 50 games this season) those I know in plat, and all the top players I watch on twitch, I have yet to see a decent Ventari rev die 1v1. I hate to say it, but maybe all the decent Ventari revs are rated high enough you aren’t getting in games with them. Fits with the theory that the build carries players to divisions higher than they deserve.
Heavy condition application counters the kitten out of Ventari Rev
Not all classes or builds. And these specific classes are not always condi.
If they have an Ele, you’ll never take mid efficiently enough unless they are of lower skill level.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Ventari Rev is the new turret engi. Easy to play for how effective it is and it craps on people at lower skill levels who cant coordinate.