really bad engineer
[Discussion] Future of PvP Blog
really bad engineer
interisting plans for pvp, but here some things to think about it
prestigious cultural armor in pvp will be negated, a lot of People, dont matter if PvE or WvW have cultural armor, This armors should Keep Special in everyones eyes in pvp, i would suggest not to unlock them only u have them in PvE, they Need to represent skill and experience, its not fair when a skilled pvp Looks liked an “unskilled” newbie from pvp. i know “its just armor” but this armor represent at this Moment the love of one Player to pvp. (and no i dont have cultural armor in pvp, i am rank 36)
legendary weapons
We all know that u plan to implement this unique weapons to pvp, Thats cool and it should be last longer to get them in pvp, but pls dont do it that Players who have legendarys in pve can get them in pvp, just because they got them already. Vice versa too, legendarys are prestigious weapons, but the reality says a lot of People in lions arch have them already, pls dont let us see the heart of the mists with colourfull footprints, shiny auras and metallic armor like in LA
Other Skins
like i read in These articles, some People are against gaining dungeons armors/weapons via Gold… +1. its not fair, with that idea are dungeons less worth, even they just got runned because of Gold
But there are other Skins that we miss in pvp, like the inquest weapons, or the new weapons from Champion boxes. Dont Forget the new Ascended weapons and the coming Armor, will we see them in Pvp because we use them in PvE?
The Gold we will get from PvP is a very nice idea, but ist dangerous.
Yes we should get Gold, no we should not get too much Gold.
I personally dont wanna see that PvP, the Esport in this game, become a farm method like dolyak or Pavillon. It should reward us, but not that much that absolutely newbies run pvp én mass and ruin others the fun. That would just lead to one Thing, a new skyhammer farm. No one wants to see this.
No Player wants to see this who dont like pvp to get “farmed”, no Player who has a good rank and good skill just have the same rank like an guy who just farmed it with a new method and have no idea what he is doing in pvp
i know ranks will be removed but until that its Long time and i hope u will Change your mind regarding this theme
oh and regarding to the new healing skills…dont let them bee too OP like healing signet of warrior..pls pls
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
More rewards?
Well guess were seeing more PvE’ers splashing over.
If Anet wanted to do something like seasons, if Anet wanted to make anything that can at all referance a LoL term, they had to make the game work first…
The que system is bullkitten.
There are only ranked que matches and shenanigans SPvP…
There isn’t even a rank requirement on ‘tournies’ or a way to practice off-toons without playing for rank… that unlone makes the game impossible to take seriously (ELO hell is massive and a dozen times worse than in LoL, at least in LoL it took months of dedicated play and an actual want to play competitively at that moment to do ranked matches).
In GW2 there is no middle ground, there is no ‘solo unranked Q’… there is no social que…
The game doesn’t even have any interesting off-modes to PvP in….
It’s a mess.
(edited by garethh.3518)
As expected, they won’t deal with skyhammer farming (if u missed the exploit, well, too bad for u , next time, exploit the system as soon and as much as u can).
What they are doing makes a lot of sense if we take into account the failure of spvp. Now, spvp will be what should be, a sidekick for pve, where pve’rs will be able to spend huge amounts of gold (or buy gems and convert to gold to buy pvp skins), this will help to generate some money from pvp and will deal a bit with the stupid amount of inflation that this game has now.
In that effort gold generated in spvp will be way way way less than in pve, so if u want some pvp skins, well, u can farm gold in pve, buy gems or play for hours and hours spvp (you will miss the old ranks).
The new achievement points will lure more pve farmers to solo queue and team queue, and that is bad (yea it is). This people won’t become pvper’s because you make them play some spvp, it doesn’t work that way, they are rabbits, it doesn’t matter if u hide some carrots inside a piece of meat, they will dig the carrot out, eat it and go away, they won’t become carnivorous, it doesn’t work and you should already know it.
Question to the players: Isn’t the rank system pretty much a second acchievement system? Do we need two of them? Can’t ranks be substituted by acchievement titles?
My thoughts on whats to come are positive EXCEPT for the Gear changes and Gold as the only currency.
- So if I am reading the blog right essentially there will be no type of PvP gear that shows you are a good PvP player —-just another PvE player. Having PvE gear in PvP diminishes the value of the gear and does not let you show off if your a good PvP player. This also(rarely) works vice versa, I feel there should be some type of middle ground to this change so that gear aquired in PvP and PvE don’t devalue the “worth” of skill in acquiring them.
- If Gold is the only Currency this can be a problem. There should be a PvP specific currency that is acquired through tournaments and seasons in order to purchase PvP gear. Gold being the only currency will diminish the value of PvP gear as PvE players with butt loads of gold can just buy the gear and think they are pro now. No this shouldn’t happen.
Side thought:
I feel the new ladder system should be directly apparent in game on scoreboards like ranks are now. Also not having to go on a website to view leader board can be a plus to this. Other than that I am remaining positive to the upcoming changes.
Jade quarry, MoG
(edited by BlackhawkSOM.6401)
Legendaries/Rare Skins in PvE to PvP;
I think in order to keep these items at prestigious in PvP, in order for you to bring them to PvP, you must have a certain amount of solo q/team q wins or something to trade in order to bring it over to PvP. That way for those if it does take a while to obtain in PvP, those who played both PvE and PvP at a high level can be rewarded for both. This will require you to be extremely efficient at winning in PvP if you happen to have a legend in PvP.
Right now I think I can name 3-4 players who win consistently at a high level that have PvE legendaries to bring to PvP. Those players would win as they normally would and be able to convert it to PvE overtime. I think for cultural armor and rare skins, this should be applied as well.
“Best Guardian NA”
Not half-hearted. Those are bold changes and I love it.
Legitimately kudos.
Good steps for getting more people into PvP.
Better rewards + new game modes = more PvPing.
I can’t tolerate how you all use skyhammer as an excuse to remove the rank system. You don’t know the hard numbers behind who exploited it and to what extent.
From what I’ve seen, there were at most 1-2 active skyhammer farms at any given time, of which most players were oblivious. This means the amount of active abusers could only be a fraction of the actual player base.
These servers were only active for a few short months before Arenanet patched it (and it was patched, since glory and rank points are now only awarded at match end). Once again, this means the exploit was cut short long before it became a rampant problem.
I also doubt the players who did know about skyhammer were wasting much time on it since it’s clearly an exploit and incredibly boring to farm it.
Only arenanet knows the exact numbers behind the exploit, and they never shared that information with us. In all likelihood, the abusers are a fraction of a minority. So what if some players cheated to get where they are? That doesn’t render the efforts of the vast majority illegitimate.
This whole skyhammer thing has been blown way out of proportion and I’m sick of hearing about it. In my opinion, these complaints are likely coming from a vocal minority of WvW’ers/casuals who want pvp rewards/finishers, but who don’t have the patience to earn their rank. These are the players who have the least invested in the current system, so of course they don’t care about rank, and will make any excuse to get rid of it.
Vovin, r65 Warrior
Guild: V A E V I C T I S [HEX]
(edited by Gesamtkunstwerk.6590)
- Rank removal
- PvE skins in PvP
- Skillpoints required for new skills. I only have one level 80, the rest of my characters are level 2 PvP only characters, I am NOT going to be forced to PvE just to get new skills in PvP!
- Everything else.
I’m optimistic about this but I am completely diappoonted in the above.
- Ranks are being removed in favor of ladder divisions and tiers.
- It’s not just PvE gear in PvP, you’ll be able to take the gear you earn out of PvP. Do you want PvP specific gear rewards? Mention it in that discussion.
- The Tome of Knowledge will award skill points instead levels when you reach max level.
Regarding ranks, why does one have to exclude the other? Why can’t the current rank system remain and new emotes and titles be added for people who work their way up through the ladder.
Maybe you can’t go into much detail yet, but how would the ladder system and titles/emotes work?
Regarding ranks, why does one have to exclude the other? Why can’t the current rank system remain and new emotes and titles be added for people who work their way up through the ladder.
Maybe you can’t go into much detail yet, but how would the ladder system and titles/emotes work?
It’s not just ladder tiers/divisions replacing ranks. The future reward blog will likely cover things for people that are more interested in long term investment type rewards.
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
there Need to be Special rewards for both pve and pvp-> If they don’t start to make Skins accountbound and only optainable from a Special sector or challenge. Skins are most likely meaningless since the farmer can have the same Skin as the goldseller or the top pvp Player… soo I really hope they will make Special rewards / Skins for each category of the game (WvW and PvE included). Wich are accountbound part of a challenge and most important NOT SELLABLE!
- Rank removal
- PvE skins in PvP
- Skillpoints required for new skills. I only have one level 80, the rest of my characters are level 2 PvP only characters, I am NOT going to be forced to PvE just to get new skills in PvP!
- Everything else.
I’m optimistic about this but I am completely diappoonted in the above.
A ) That is perhaps the best misspelling if the word ‘disappointed’ I have ever seen.
B ) It’s even better if you read it in a southern accent (and now you’re hearing it in your head. You’re welcome)
C ) Skill points will be very easy to attain not having everything unlocked at the start will probably only really affect people who are newer to the game or newer to a class. For these people, it will help prevent all the choices from being overwhelming.
The introduction of gold to acquire pvp stuffs does have a downside for people like me that play pvx and do both pve and pvp. My already thin gold resources will be stretched even thinner now unless gold rewards in pvp are pretty substantial. I don’t like being holed up in one game mode. I get tired of pve and do pvp for weeks on end and vice versa. Time will tell how this plays out, but for a multitasker it has me worried. I was satisfied with the glory system (although it was kinda slow at times since I wasn’t a skyhammer bot farmer or a glory exploiter, but the grind seemed worth it). Hopefully they will release more details about it soon and clarify just how this is all going down.
You kill the pvp community if there is no unique difference between prestique pvp players and a common casual pve players. Esp if you allow pve earned material to be used in pvp (im talking about legendaries) pls make pvp legendaries skin unique to pvp earned only but tradable so pvp players can make gold from farming to make these unique pvp legendaries.
gw1 has unique recognition of pvp high or hard earned achievers which makes the game special.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
(edited by Talindra.4958)
You kill the pvp community if there is no unique difference between prestique pvp players and a common casual pve players. Esp if you allow pve earned material to be used in pvp (im talking about legendaries)
gw1 has unique recognition of pvp high or hard earned achievers which makes the game special.
Oh yea? How can you call those who tirelessly defend blazeridge gorge from scarlet’s minions every day common casuals? Does their sacrifice mean nothing to you? What of the massive zerg herders who trample other zerg herders day in and day out in PvE hoping to win the season for the server?
I am offended and appalled, sir.
There are a lot of good plans in the blog, only doubts are about ETA.
BTW you are listening us, and it’s a good thing.
MMR too need a lot of improvements to avoid to be in the same game with rank1 players (many new www/pve players) and experience people.
(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)
These are good changes, but I’m pretty disappointed that they are rolling out all the new rewards without doing anything about the skyhammer farmers. It’s sad that the pve team bans the kitten out of anyone who does anything that could even remotely be exploiting, yet the pvp team just turns a blind eye to a massive exploit that has made the prestige of the new system largely meaningless. It’s hard to get excited about anything anet does because, despite all their posts about how awesome it will be, in the end, it always turns out to be a completely kitten effort.
i’ll just copy paste my feedback here:
also, if removal of glory and using gold as standard currency, does this mean, this is a move to attract more PvE / WvW players to try out sPvP?
if this is the case, then the gold gain from casual sPvP must be absolutely higher than casual gold farming in casual PvE / WvW. and ridiculously insanely much higher for participation in competitive sPvP.
only by drastically improving the gold rewards, we will able to see a higher influx of players coming in from PvE / WvW.
the message to sent over to them PvE / WvW players must be clear, it is better, faster, easier to earn gold doing sPvP. that is the message that must be hammered into their heads.
let me use an example. first, we go by percentages.
game mode | rewards %
casual PvE | 100%
casual WvW | 100%
casual sPvP | 200%
competitive sPvP | 500%
yes, you heard (read) that right. rewards from participating in competitive sPvP needs to be at least 5 times higher than participation in casual PvE and casual WvW. or else they would simply not bother at all.
hardcore, competitive sPvP players needs to have the highest buying power in the game.
let’s look at actual numbers shall we?
casual CoF path 1, average 10 minutes completion, 1 gold +
so … for casual hotjoin game
50s for participation, another 50s for winning
5 silvers for each top stats, auto balance volunteer
25 silvers for auto balance volunteer winner
for solo arena
50s for participation, 3g for winning
10 silvers for each top stats
for team arena
50s for participation, 5g for winning
20 silvers for each top stats
yes, the gold count must be ridiculously significantly insanely higher than the gold farming available in PvE.
seriously, or else those PvE people will not bother to come over.
I must say I’m excited!
Heavens Rage
a time frame would be nice when these are going to be implemented and also a rollback for the exploiters.
(edited by Sea.5732)
I don’t understand “PvP gear shows your skill!” thing at all.
PvP gear have nothing to do with skill. Tournament gear (and champion titles) can be farmed even if you are absolutely terrible player, it’s just matter of time and patience. Same with rank gear (and i don’t even mention skyhammer farm).
25 charracters
I can’t tolerate how you all use skyhammer as an excuse to remove the rank system. You don’t know the hard numbers behind who exploited it and to what extent.
From what I’ve seen, there were at most 1-2 active skyhammer farms at any given time, of which most players were oblivious. This means the amount of active abusers could only be a fraction of the actual player base.
These servers were only active for a few short months before Arenanet patched it (and it was patched, since glory and rank points are now only awarded at match end). Once again, this means the exploit was cut short long before it became a rampant problem.
I also doubt the players who did know about skyhammer were wasting much time on it since it’s clearly an exploit and incredibly boring to farm it.
Only arenanet knows the exact numbers behind the exploit, and they never shared that information with us. In all likelihood, the abusers are a fraction of a minority. So what if some players cheated to get where they are? That doesn’t render the efforts of the vast majority illegitimate.
This whole skyhammer thing has been blown way out of proportion and I’m sick of hearing about it. In my opinion, these complaints are likely coming from a vocal minority of WvW’ers/casuals who want pvp rewards/finishers, but who don’t have the patience to earn their rank. These are the players who have the least invested in the current system, so of course they don’t care about rank, and will make any excuse to get rid of it.
Regardless of whether ranks stays or no, exploiters should never be rewarded in any shape or form.
I like all of these changes. I hope that future matches will show ladder rank in game (instead of glory rank that is being removed anyway).
As someone said in another post. My faith in Anet has been restored.
What I am really worried about are the opportunities for casual players. I’ve been playing GW2 since the beta (with some breaks) and I’m doing PVP most of the time. I achieved R42 with over 700 tournament wins.
Yet, I’m not playing everyday. When I play, I do it for about 2-4 hours max. And so is my team. We had the possibility to achieve something by being dedicated to PVP and playing very good and over a long time since the ranks are lasting. But what if there will be a ladder system and rewards appropriate to a certain rank in the ladder? How do we have the slightest chance to achieve what hardcore players do, especially when the ladder will be resetted every once a while? There will be nothing that lasts so even with playing consistently there will be no way to achieve the stuff others do, even that we’re a really good team.
lol can you feel the increase of losing team → spectate → auto-balance→ winning team?
lol can you feel the increase of losing team -> spectate -> auto-balance-> winning team?
doesn’t matter.
auto balance volunteer gets more rewards anyway.
Addressing what some people have said about the gold system. what incentives are you giving the hardcore pvp players? will gold earned be enough to buy things as easily as we could with glory? I spend 1000 glory on a chest and get 3 armor items with unidentified dyes and trash thrown in. Will we earn enough gold in pvp to actually buy the things we want or will be have to go dungeon running and farming just to earn our rewards.
Having pve players come into spvp for the first time and seeing them wear the best armor in the game cus they can afford it and we cant will just be disappointing.
Will be be able to convert our existing glory into gold? what happens to the glory we dont spend?
Logged in after a 5 month brake just to say this :
- PvP players wanted this content when the game released it’s long over due imho
- Maps like Skyhammer ruined rankings as a whole being that random 3 month people are in their rank 60’s by farming against the rules. Remove the ranks that’s a step in the right direction.
- Bring Legendaries to PVP even faster people asked for this 2 months into the game why do we have to wait 2 years for this to be implemented ?
- PvP community forever getting the shaft , can anyone actually be happy about the future of the PvP ? This game mode was trashed and called dead since last year.
- Also PvP long term goals cant wait too see what’s this about nothing can save this game mode anymore.
Too little too late anet.
Can you punish players who spectate then join the other team. OR how about once your in a hotjoin you are stuck on that team till the end of the match. This autobalance, imma spectate switch teams bs is getting real old.
I hope I’m not the only one that likes the changes.
PvE people inside PvP! Oh my god, this is gonna be hilariously fun! Free wins everywhere!
Well its been a while since ive been facerolling 1v3 in pvp ;D.
I actually cant wait to see the playerbase grow. Doing solo Q against the same people every time gets a bit annoying :P
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Logged in after a 5 month brake just to say this :
- PvP players wanted this content when the game released it’s long over due imho
- Maps like Skyhammer ruined rankings as a whole being that random 3 month people are in their rank 60’s by farming against the rules. Remove the ranks that’s a step in the right direction.
- Bring Legendaries to PVP even faster people asked for this 2 months into the game why do we have to wait 2 years for this to be implemented ?
- PvP community forever getting the shaft , can anyone actually be happy about the future of the PvP ? This game mode was trashed and called dead since last year.
- Also PvP long term goals cant wait too see what’s this aboutnothing can save this game mode anymore.
Too little too late anet.
I agree with much of what you said but I’m giving this a chance. Probably my last chance before I move back to a better pvp game. I want the new system to be what saves spvp and overall I’m trying to stay positive about it.
We need faster pvp patches in response to the community concerns.
We need more game modes! not some new reward system that scraps our old ranks
Maybe devs should ask the community what they want and actually listen to them before rolling out “here’s our new system” thoughts?
We need to be able to convert our existing glory into a substantial reward.
It’s nice to see the concept of rewards addressed in the upcoming update.
But I still don’t think the crux of the problem is being targeted.
It seems Guild Wars 2 combat is built for 1v1, but when you have pvp matches of 8v8, it’s chaos. It’s also the easiest system to imbalance; just make it 2v1, and you’ve already won or lost. I’m also going to go out on a limb and say this is what leads to so much exploit discovery; players only look out for me, me, and me.
There needs to be some connect between immediate teammates, other than displaying base objectives and charging at it. Too often I see zergs rolling over stranded players. Getting a kill at any cost is too incentivised, and that’s not very interesting. This even extends to PvE as well.
Having more mechanics than skills that act in a radius is a good start; let’s get some ally-targeting going too.
they still need to add certain requirements to be able to do tpvp
like so many games played or something
overall i see quite few good changes
question: if looks carry over from pve, do legendaries also :o ?
[Teef] guild :>
Regarding ranks, why does one have to exclude the other? Why can’t the current rank system remain and new emotes and titles be added for people who work their way up through the ladder.
It’s not just ladder tiers/divisions replacing ranks. The future reward blog will likely cover things for people that are more interested in long term investment type rewards.
I have to agree with Pixels, why does having a new reward system exclude our current ranks. Like it was said in another thread, it is a kind of Guild Wars 2 lifetime achievement and seeing it go away makes me feel disappointed.
And also, even if many hear don’t want to hear this, it remembered me of having the ranks in GW1. I know this is a different game and I quite like it, but that does not mean everything needs to be different and ranks were something nice and also nostalgic for me.
But on the pro side, I like the idea of changing the reward system, but lets see how you will work this out (especially with dungeon armor etc).
@risenlord exactly ,
But WAIT non of this is actually going to happen , since it seems the news/info for legendaries in pvp seems to be draggin’ even more , the so called new game modes ? What happened to them ? Any news ?
This happens when you separate PvP from PvE and cater to the masses , I mean cmon Heart of the Mists is a black puddle in the abyss it’s a small zone , instanced you cant even have a proper duel on the terrain.
What is there left to do in this game , WvW is blob vs blob they should have shipped this game with PvE only.
Cant believe this is a sequel to the original Guild Wars pvp game.
Mostly positive changes however i can see why some people are concerned about losing there rank , me personally im not bothered i would sooner have a champion @ r 20 than a r 40 skyhammer farmer
good changes
Oh yeah forgot this best news ever " In game Ladder " bout bloody time lol
Regarding ranks, why does one have to exclude the other? Why can’t the current rank system remain and new emotes and titles be added for people who work their way up through the ladder.
Maybe you can’t go into much detail yet, but how would the ladder system and titles/emotes work?
It’s not just ladder tiers/divisions replacing ranks. The future reward blog will likely cover things for people that are more interested in long term investment type rewards.
for myself personally, and others can speak up if they feel the same as well, that the ranks and titles and finishers and the /rank emote is what i set for myself as long term goals. though not necessariyl an investment, but i would like to hear more on the choice of taking those out as long term personal achievements or goals as well.
am very glad to see the reward systems being revamped, but i don’t see the harm in keeping the rank and finishers as well to continue to be earnable through dedicated time and play.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
PvE and PvP should not be split in the first place that is why I like the changes.
1. It is not true you can see who is good player by their armor. That worked in the first month after release or so. So even if some PvE player comes with awesome armor in pvp noone will think he is pro unless he will have “champion *” title or known pvp name.
The statement that this will destroy the pvp community is also wrong. In GW1 top PvP and PvE players had same armors and weapons and its PvP community is far better than that of GW2.
2. This will probably bring more PvE players to pvp which will result in shorter Q times.
3. Removal/replacing of ranks is a good thing. They go up very slow and the whole system was destroyed by exploits. They are not even by far representation of skill.
4. The fact that this might take months is bad because this should be already done at release of the game.
Although I like that work put into PvE and PvP are brought closer together,
I don’t really like things that somewhat seperated experienced PvPers from the rest are removed. It’s already disturbing that someone can gain rank 40 by farming with a warrior and not have any clue about how any of the other classes work and then hop on a mesmer and pick up the coolest armor and be displayed as r50 with Champion Slayer title etc.
I think sPvP needs more things that seperate good players on their main classes from the rest. Titles like Champion Phantom, Champion Shadow, Champion Hunter etc. should be titles that make people you fight kitten their pants, titles that your team recognize and make them approve having you on the team and knowing what you are good at and what role you will take, not common titles 1/3 of the population run around with and many of them who are clueless about many things.
imo the rank system, title system and gear system needs a huge overhaul, not be removed, and we need new game modes and better maps, I think many ppl agree if I say Legacy of the foefire, Forest of Niflhel, Battle of Kyhlo, Temple of the Silent Storm are their favourite maps. They are most flexible and doesn’t benefit some classes and builds a lot more than others, yeah you heard it right! We all know that annoying mesmer or necromancer standing at the skyhammer cannon who easily kick 2-3 people out of the room to their deaths or totally wrecks them with high precision areal damage which is only countered by mobility and dodges.
Mostly positive changes however i can see why some people are concerned about losing there rank , me personally im not bothered i would sooner have a champion @ r 20 than a r 40 skyhammer farmer
good changes
It stings a little more when you earned rank instead of exploiting or farming.
PvE and PvP should not be split in the first place that is why I like the changes.
1. It is not true you can see who is good player by their armor. That worked in the first month after release or so. So even if some PvE player comes with awesome armor in pvp noone will think he is pro unless he will have “champion *” title or known pvp name.
The statement that this will destroy the pvp community is also wrong. In GW1 top PvP and PvE players had same armors and weapons and its PvP community is far better than that of GW2.
2. This will probably bring more PvE players to pvp which will result in shorter Q times.
3. Removal/replacing of ranks is a good thing. They go up very slow and the whole system was destroyed by exploits. They are not even by far representation of skill.
4. The fact that this might take months is bad because this should be already done at release of the game.
It’s not that these pve players will be wearing rank 50 gear its that potentially they will be able to afford it more easily than someone who just pvps. Will our gold rewards compensate long time pvp players for their glory? will the new rewards/ monetary systems be on par with dungeon rewards? That’s what concerns me about the upcoming changes along with a bunch of other things in other threads.
There were tears of joy in my eyes when reading what’s to come. I’ve always hoped something like this would happen but I gave up that hope awhile ago. I can’t believe it’s actually happening. I love to pvp but when there’s no reward from it for PvE/WvW I get burnt out quick as if it almost feels pointless since I’m a WvW player, and light PvE’er. But now you’re telling me I can do sPvP and make gold/ buy tomes of knowledge with said gold too.
Thank you, pvp team. Just.. thank you
Concern #1; Earning gold though pvp. Won’t this be even more incentive to farm match wins?
Concern #2; Ranks for me was the only barometer to detail my personal progression. /Rank also held nostalgic value due to my time in GW1 so I enjoy having more emotes and not less. Besides, those emotes are decent imo. Why get rid of something that actually shows some connection to this games predecessor. Revamps are fine, but this game has taken away what substantially feels like more than it has given over the past year since launch.
I hope what I am hearing is that you can earn rewards in pve and then convert them to pvp and vice versa via the skin system. I hope what I am hearing is that much like GW1 we can just unlock pvp skins, perhaps then craft them and then convert to pve instead of having Rank tied to skins essentially.
Overall (For Me),
I don’t tourney. The classes are too muddled for me. The combat itself (moving and casting in movement) is what I’m looking for in future games, but with the variety that GW1 had or the defined roles that trinity games have. Even the skill setup is lacking here. The condition/boon system is totally a step down from what was in the first game. Everything here is stun or spam your entire bar. What is the point of having condition removal if as soon as you pop it you have the same condition placed right back on you?
Lack of modes is another factor, but it appears that something is in the wings for that.
I play around with pvp here extremely casually and stick to hotjoins and WvW. Spvp for me is not about the rewards at all. It’s about doing something else to break up time spent doing pve in a combat situation vs other players. Spvp in hotjoins is just enough to be fun without being serious about it. Trying to take pvp serious in this game would be very difficult because of how the classes/gear/conditions/boons are structured.
The consensus I take away from talk with guildies/friends/forum posters in general on many of the mmo sites is that pvp here just isn’t that good.
I don’t think there is going to be some huge influx of players due to a rewards revamp. I do think that rewards have little to do with whether a player will indulge in spvp at all. If it were good(like GW1) pvp, the mode would speak for itself, probably wouldn’t even need rewards.
Eh, not my game so….
Hmm, want to change rewards…fine by me. Should actually leave in the rank progression and /rank emotes though. Connect more to GW1 and not less imo.
I may like most of the changes you want to have here, although I have some reserves and am waiting for more informations.
One thing I dislike though is the new ranks. Even now I’m not a fan of the current rank system and never was a fan of ranks, leagues, etc.
I always felt like it just made a lot of people care about it too much and become angry about playing (It happened to me too, where if I lost, and lost some ranks it really upset me). The last game I had (granted it was a month ago I think), someone yelled at everyone for almost making him lose some ranking (we won 500-250).
This happened in everygame where a ranking system was visible, be it in LoL,GW2,etc.
The system I really liked the most is the one there is atm in Dota 2. Everyone plays in the same queue, there’s no visible indicator of your MMR and I find it much more enjoyable. Sure there’s always some ragers as in every competitive game, but I found that there were a lot less, people usually played for fun and you still had a MMR to play against people of your same skill bracket.
I may be oldschool with these kind of thoughts seeing most of the games implementing a rating, but I feel like it’s the best way to have fun while still remaining competitive.
Love the changes however its much too late, and Anet needs to burn conquest to the ground. Its terrible and boring, both for players and spectators.
- Rank removal
- PvE skins in PvP
- Skillpoints required for new skills. I only have one level 80, the rest of my characters are level 2 PvP only characters, I am NOT going to be forced to PvE just to get new skills in PvP!
- Everything else.
I’m optimistic about this but I am completely diappoonted in the above.
- Ranks are being removed in favor of ladder divisions and tiers.
- It’s not just PvE gear in PvP, you’ll be able to take the gear you earn out of PvP. Do you want PvP specific gear rewards? Mention it in that discussion.
So, if I wanted to have cool armor n cool weps (eg a Fem Human in Tier3 Cultural + Infinite Light and Lyss) I should have spent time in pve gettin it, so i can now transfer it to pvp? This is so stupid….
Ranks removed…. Nice, I am working towards my 60 on tournaments, so it’s going SLOW, and it will take me months to reach it, so let’s say im 59 and its removed and im stuck with bear? + rewarding all those disgusting skyhammer farmers? For thier “effort” put in ranking up? C’mon, let’s be serious?
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|