Do Something About Turret Engis.
Personally I don’t like running turrets, problems for me are 1) all other heals bar turret are meh… It gets instainsta-blasted anyway and 2)elites just suck…
As an experienced engi, when I see a Turreteer, I grin malevolently and take him to pieces…
It’s not just l2p, you need the tools (traits/utilities) for the job.
Massive issue atm is the floating turret… A frankly full blown adult cat of a mechanic flaw.
let’s all pray together: god of videogames free us from turrets
let’s all pray together: god of videogames free us from turrets
I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day. Think about it anet, someone is coming here 5 times a day to say they HATE turrets. And you aren’t hearing the community. It needs hotnerfed like asap.
Why are people not complaining about OP celestial cheese anymore? Turrets are annoying, but nothing compared to that.
Voodoo Gods of Gaming: Lets screw with the gw2 community a little…. /mind controls anet staff.
Anet: Hmmmm…. maybe we should give turrets wheels and see what happens….
Why are people not complaining about OP celestial cheese anymore? Turrets are annoying, but nothing compared to that.
Because at turrets and celestials are both equally annoying. However a cele engi has one source of damage at a time. IE themselves. Also If you are in a soloque. Turrets require more coordination than is possible in soloque. Not to mention the stackability of turrets. Just sayin.
They will fix that in HOT by adding actually flying turrets/drones. New turret meta will be only flying turrets/drones and you will no longer see abusing placement of turrets.
Personally I don’t like running turrets, problems for me are 1) all other heals bar turret are meh… It gets instainsta-blasted anyway and 2)elites just suck…
As an experienced engi, when I see a Turreteer, I grin malevolently and take him to pieces…
It’s not just l2p, you need the tools (traits/utilities) for the job.
Massive issue atm is the floating turret… A frankly full blown adult cat of a mechanic flaw.
It’s not about if its fun to play or not, or if you can kill it 1v1.
It’s about being way too OP for being inexperienced vs experienced and too rewarding for doing literally nothing. (in the overall pvp community, not only the exp one)
On a more serious note, if there is one turret engi camping: avoid that node.
If there are 2: gg. (well maybe burst them with shatter/teef, but even taht might not work…)what if there is 4 + spirit ranger (spirits affect turrets wth D8)
There will be not. Nobody plays Spirit Ranger anymore.
If you spot one, just kill the Sun Spirit. GG.
Of all AIs in the game, Turrets are the only ones classified as objects. Very tough, healthy objects. Necro Minions, Phantasms, Pets, rune spawn pets, spirits – they all can take critical damage, proc crit effects, take condition damage and have travel time/spawn time. They’re all cursed by pathfinding.
Turrets have none of these issues. They just lack mobility.
If Turrets would get the same treatment like other AIs, taking crits and suffering from condition damage, there would be no problem. In fact, they could bring Epidemic Necros back for a short time.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.
Of course there is when you are the one making threads about it. There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build. Probably because it fills the semi fills the hole on your builds. As I said in another thread, it’s never fun fighting the counter build to ones own. Learn to rotate target’s and adapt to the environment.
For the rest of us, which according to your own post there’s a huge overabundance of, there must be something really fun about this build. So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.
Though whatever this air bug thing is, any bug should be fixed.
1. Scale Turret Damage with Amulet/trait (eg if u take bunker amulet, you shouldn’t be able to do equal amount of damage output from turrets as with Power Amulet)
2. Make a set amount of CC available per period set of time. (eg 1 pushback/knockdown every 5s) This would actually force the turret engi to think
3. Make turrets vulnearable to bleed/burn/blind and CC’s
Every other AI works like this, turrets should do too.
Thank you.
when i see 2 eng in my opponent team usually i do 2 things : i play as condition engineer with nades ( and with them i have not great problem in taking turret engs down, it takes me only a little of time to establish where to sit for condispam the engi with nades ) or i play ele celestial cantrip with dagger focus ( armor of earth helps a lot for stability ) . Even with this second setup usually i can win in 1 vs 1 against turret engi. I hate playing turrets and sometimes friends ask me to do that ( but i refuse) becouse i find it boring . Turrets are strong but in my opinion they have more counters than other builds like celestial ele which have no really counters
Make turrets able to be burned.. that’s actually genius. Cause logically a machine can’t bleed and doesn’t have eyes but machines can burn.
Just that I don’t think the system will allow it to a non-organic target though. Sad days.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
This is not surprising. Engi’s have notoriously always been one of the more troll players. From pushing far in Skyhammer all game stealth magnet pulling you to death, to the OP AR days of Decap Engi and of course turret engi. Engi is indeed really great at finding those special ways to troll.
I play my turret engi if I do not want to have to pay too much attention to the game. The biggest issue I see with Turret engi’s is that their turrets have some stupidly long range and health. I have seen warriors and thieves wail away at my thumper turrets for ages.
My bunker turret engi can sit amongst his turrets for ages against three other people. If I set up my turrets well (rifle and rocket overlooking the point but no where near it) then I have a LOT of reliable damage coming down.
I fold to actually coordinated teams though. If my turrets get destroyed I have a good 30-40 seconds of only having my numbers 1-5.
But keep in mind, this is what bunkers do. I get very few kills but I deny point capture.
So we solve thw problem by flooding 5 player turrett teams in the test leaderboards, the one thing gw pvp devs are looking at right now. If the top x players are all turret engis that will highlight the issue? Turret2win.
I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.
There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.
So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.
1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names )
2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).
3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.
Make turrets able to be burned.. that’s actually genius. Cause logically a machine can’t bleed and doesn’t have eyes but machines can burn.
Just that I don’t think the system will allow it to a non-organic target though. Sad days.
A machine can bleed, actually.. Losing oil. I meant they need to have same effect as bleed aka losing oil.. Maybe even change all kind of DoT’s into bleed/burn on machines.
I play my turret engi if I do not want to have to pay too much attention to the game. The biggest issue I see with Turret engi’s is that their turrets have some stupidly long range and health. I have seen warriors and thieves wail away at my thumper turrets for ages.
My bunker turret engi can sit amongst his turrets for ages against three other people. If I set up my turrets well (rifle and rocket overlooking the point but no where near it) then I have a LOT of reliable damage coming down.
I fold to actually coordinated teams though. If my turrets get destroyed I have a good 30-40 seconds of only having my numbers 1-5.
But keep in mind, this is what bunkers do. I get very few kills but I deny point capture.
That’s exactly what I mean, a bunker shouldn’t be able to bunk vs 3 enemies at all, it’s just way too imbalanced.
especially if all it involves is flailing around a point while activating turret cc every time the cooldown is up.
I play my turret engi if I do not want to have to pay too much attention to the game. The biggest issue I see with Turret engi’s is that their turrets have some stupidly long range and health. I have seen warriors and thieves wail away at my thumper turrets for ages.
My bunker turret engi can sit amongst his turrets for ages against three other people. If I set up my turrets well (rifle and rocket overlooking the point but no where near it) then I have a LOT of reliable damage coming down.
I fold to actually coordinated teams though. If my turrets get destroyed I have a good 30-40 seconds of only having my numbers 1-5.
But keep in mind, this is what bunkers do. I get very few kills but I deny point capture.
That’s exactly what I mean, a bunker shouldn’t be able to bunk vs 3 enemies at all, it’s just way too imbalanced.
Thats exactly the point of a bunker…to sit impervious on a point and wait for his team to come and wipe the enemy. Thats exactly the definition of the role. Like I said, I do nto get many kills, I can dish out enough damage to push the enemy away but nothing to finalize any kills. Turret engis are bunkers. They sit and defend.
I am not going to complain about going against a 5 premade turret engi team, when we weren’t premade. Its whatever, but Anet please fix the ability to put the turrets in the air. All of them put their turrets in the air…and with my cele rifle engi build I couldn’t grenade the turrets down.
This just happed: 4/3/2014 1:15 cst if you want to see the turret placements…so not only it is going up against 5 turret engis but with turrets i couldn’t destroy.
I rifle down turrets in the air all the time, and it does not take that long. The rocket turret is the main one you need to focus on and it gets destroyed really fast. I think turrets could always be placed in the air, it is just recently that everyone has learned how to do it. Also, it is easier to be a full team of 5 turret engis than a team of 3 or 4 turret engis with one or two others with good mobility.
For the record turrets are absolutely poppykitten and ruin my otherwise fun pvp experience. If i wanted to face an overpowered opponent or multiple opponents i would play PvE…
3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.
I honestly believe highly organized teams steamroll turret engis. but anything short of decent organization it’ll shine and wreck teams.
(edited by Glyph.7805)
Turret engis have been so broken for a long while that I thought why bother with forum posts if a ton of ppl cry there already and then… BOOM sentinel amulet. Wtf?! Instead of the expected nerf they got even more powerful. Noone else can utilize it well.
Agree with u guys about turret engis that:
-no risk, high reward
-boring gameplay
-can beat all other classes while afking and spamming 1(too much dmg, too passive)
-U cant outrange them coz they have the highest range ingame (1500)
-well placed turrets are too tanky to destroy(not like u need a brain to place them separately or midair)
-no counterplay in fight: u cant outplay 5turrets and an engi at the same time
-PvP should not be PvE
-leaderboard is full of turret engis – it should show player skill, not your build
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
Make turrets able to be burned.. that’s actually genius. Cause logically a machine can’t bleed and doesn’t have eyes but machines can burn.
Just that I don’t think the system will allow it to a non-organic target though. Sad days.
Going by logic revenant should be immune to blind (in b4 GM trait) and see invisible players (in b4 GM trait again) as he dont rely on sight. Turrets should be threated just like any other Al in this game. That alone would solve a lot of problems with them if we could crit them and apply conditions
Not every class has the luxury of high structure damage though sadly.
Condi builds basically.
Please just nerf turret engis to the ground its not a good part of pvp in any form (passive, boring, op)
6k+ PvP games
I went up against the same team earlier, it’s absolutely ridiculous. they had one double kit condi the rest were turret.
For the record turrets are absolutely poppykitten and ruin my otherwise fun pvp experience. If i wanted to face an overpowered opponent or multiple opponents i would play PvE…
3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.
I honestly believe highly organized teams steamroll turret engis. but anything short of decent organization it’ll shine and wreck teams.
Funny, I saw top players lose vs Turret Engi team just a few days ago on stream..
I play my turret engi if I do not want to have to pay too much attention to the game. The biggest issue I see with Turret engi’s is that their turrets have some stupidly long range and health. I have seen warriors and thieves wail away at my thumper turrets for ages.
My bunker turret engi can sit amongst his turrets for ages against three other people. If I set up my turrets well (rifle and rocket overlooking the point but no where near it) then I have a LOT of reliable damage coming down.
I fold to actually coordinated teams though. If my turrets get destroyed I have a good 30-40 seconds of only having my numbers 1-5.
But keep in mind, this is what bunkers do. I get very few kills but I deny point capture.
That’s exactly what I mean, a bunker shouldn’t be able to bunk vs 3 enemies at all, it’s just way too imbalanced.
Thats exactly the point of a bunker…to sit impervious on a point and wait for his team to come and wipe the enemy. Thats exactly the definition of the role. Like I said, I do nto get many kills, I can dish out enough damage to push the enemy away but nothing to finalize any kills. Turret engis are bunkers. They sit and defend.
Bunker/Support guard can’t even take 2 ppl for quite long.. While they’re GUARDIANS.. You see my point? Turret Engi bunks better and deals more damage (can actually kill in low to average bracket, which is pretty much 60-70% of the pvp community)= Imbalanced
This is an old thing.
People were simply not using it for a really long time since turrets were a buggy mess back then.
But since their AI got fixed around a year ago, more and more turret engis spawned in PvP (as you’ve noticed) and also the old ways of abusing their placement system started to become popular again.
I asked for this being a exploit or not around a year ago from a-net as well. Never got an answer, and never got fixed as well. Basically you start the turret placement cast and jump in the same second from a high ledge so you finish the cast mid-air. the turret then will be placed mid-air.
I was using it for quite some time myself when I was playing around with turrets, but gave it up since turreteers have no way to be made viable (even tho they are not bad as well for a organized group, they definitively have their flaws, and big ones as well). During that time I got reported multiple times by salty people but never got a warning or ban from a-net itself.
Basically you do nothing but starting a cast on the ground and finishing it mid-air, which many builds on various classes utilize to increase their effectiveness, so the process in itself is common and not a exploit it seems. the outcome however is unfair for the enemy, even tho you still can target and dmg the turrets with direct attacks.
And I guess that is how a-net thinks about it:
“Welp, these guys found a way to protect their turrets from heavy aoe-dmg, but the turrets itself are still vincible if targeted directly, so I rather not waste my time with changing mid-air casting – a mechanic basically everybody has access to. Can’t see an unfair or broken advantage here.”
I personally think it smells heavily like exploit and is borderline fair, still it is fun to use yourself and does not utilize anything that is not already possible for other classes. So unless they bring a fix for turret-placement directly, the way how they are placed in the air is not an exploit in itself.
Additionally floating turrets cripple the engi itself since he takes away the option to pick them up, which forces full cooldowns if he ever decides to switch position, so their mobility is impaired even more. Just avoid the node he’s on to out-rotate the enemy team and keep an eye on his position. If he moves, send one out to intercept and snipe him between the nodes, and cap the one he’s coming from. Perfect way to deal with them. Also, if you see more than one engi in the other team, make sure to bring at least one ranged guy with power-gear to deal with their turrets fast and effectively.
A possible fix would be to force turrets to spawn on the ground, regardless where the engi was to the time casting them. Then again “ground” is something simple, yet so complicated in Gw2, so like meteor-shower bolts can only spawn above valid player positions, a similar behavior for turrets would bug them out often and take away a great deal of placement control from fair-playing turreteers.
So yea, even if a-net suddenly decides to fix it soon, don’t expect such a change to be released anytime soon, since it is way more complicate to implement it correctly than you might think.
I personally continue to run my s/d zerker engi, and the few times I’ve seen floating turrets, I just sniped them out of the air.
(edited by Arantheal.7396)
Thats exactly the point of a bunker…to sit impervious on a point and wait for his team to come and wipe the enemy.
Any bunker that can damage soak three people, and deny them capture, even if he is dealing next to squat damage is not balanced for conquest.
And they don’t deal next to squat damage besides. They just cant kill because they cant leave the point under lockdown.
One of the selling points of GW2’s combat system was the existence of active defense. Turret engies reward the opposite.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
remember skyhammer, the mothership of all threads? take a guess how long it took anet to remove skyhammer from ranked….
yeah…. i have a feeling turrets gonna take as long if not longer~
[Teef] guild :>
This should be bannable if not suspendable.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Please just nerf turret engis to the ground its not a good part of pvp in any form (passive, boring, op)
No build that relies on AI should be so popular and abusive to sPvP. kitten like this is just going to drive people away from sPvP.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Funny, I saw top players lose vs Turret Engi team just a few days ago on stream..
Everytime I quote Ark on this a thread gets deleted – but you mean these?
enjoy cancer
The kitten is that?
Also, is it just me or is Decap Engineer slowly creeping back? O.o
is called esports…
helseth enjoyed it too
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
this is my impression after playing this game for almost 2 years:
engis are still one of the least played classes in gw2 overall so anet probably would give them even more turrets if they could fit it on the spell bar so ppl reroll engis and improve statistics…
turrets set mid of air? i honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it was intentional
devs are not interested in balance or risk/reward correlation, our opinion isn’t worth junk to them
[Teef] guild :>
this is my impression after playing this game for almost 2 years:
engis are still one of the least played classes in gw2 overall so anet probably would give them even more turrets if they could fit it on the spell bar so ppl reroll engis and improve statistics…
turrets set mid of air? i honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it was intentional
devs are not interested in balance or risk/reward correlation, our opinion isn’t worth junk to them
To be fair, Engineer is the least played because it is the least appealing – because it is certainly not the least succesful profession…
If it looked as sexy as a Guardian who strikes foes down with blue flames and wears heavy armour – you would see a lot of people flock to it…
… Like a Revenant…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
this is my impression after playing this game for almost 2 years:
engis are still one of the least played classes in gw2 overall so anet probably would give them even more turrets if they could fit it on the spell bar so ppl reroll engis and improve statistics…
turrets set mid of air? i honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point if it was intentional
devs are not interested in balance or risk/reward correlation, our opinion isn’t worth junk to them
To be fair, Engineer is the least played because it is the least appealing – because it is certainly not the least succesful profession…
If it looked as sexy as a Guardian who strikes foes down with blue flames and wears heavy armour – you would see a lot of people flock to it…
… Like a Revenant…
tell that to anet devs who think apprently that overloading engi spell kits gonna make them popular for majority of players….
[Teef] guild :>
This doesnt happen in ESL tournament therefore its not a real problem -anet.
Or should i say skynet perhaps?
I read that as “torrents”, and was confused as to what the OP was on about….
But either way, turrets are not OP, a bit annoying sure, but certainly not OP.
Don’t charge into the middle of them and you’ll be fine. Try to take out the thumper and flame turrets first with AoE, and you’ll be fine.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
tell that to anet devs who think apprently that overloading engi spell kits gonna make them popular for majority of players….
To be fair, I think the Engineers have been crying for years now to make Kits look appealing – and I think it could solve a lot if they looked kitten rather than hobo-sacks :P
Though I agree… They are trying to attract people to it in an ambiguous way… Or so it seems
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
tell that to anet devs who think apprently that overloading engi spell kits gonna make them popular for majority of players….
To be fair, I think the Engineers have been crying for years now to make Kits look appealing – and I think it could solve a lot if they looked kitten rather than hobo-sacks :P
Though I agree… They are trying to attract people to it in an ambiguous way… Or so it seems
That is my point:
- make engi spells look epic, something like asura style for example (they have plenty of cool looking tools, turrets etc.)
- make pve rotation not so hard to execute so engis are on par with wars/eles and co. in dungeons rotation wise
there would be more ppl playing engi
Handling engis iwin buttons just causes other players quiting pvp/game… what is so hard to understand about it? /facepalm
[Teef] guild :>
Funny, I saw top players lose vs Turret Engi team just a few days ago on stream..
Everytime I quote Ark on this a thread gets deleted – but you mean these?
enjoy cancer
The kitten is that?
Also, is it just me or is Decap Engineer slowly creeping back? O.o
is called esports…
helseth enjoyed it too
Just this. That’s more than enough, honestly. As for all people acting like: “turrets killed ya? l2p.” – stop lying that you defeat turretts, because we know you can’t
Ah and yes, the most important proof on how op is turret engi. What is the most common tactic? Outrotate it, it’s simple! l2p! Yeah sure, I outrotate 2+ turret engis.
P.S.: I also love this: "That turret engi is even worse then average. I can handle him. Engage. HE INSTA CRATED, THAT PVE %$^@ (ad infinitum) french (sorry, that’s what i personally meet the most often, that one is completely biased) and %^## (ad infinitum again, oh the paradox) and towards the end that’s enough, kitten this game
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
(edited by Aenye.2390)
I read that as “torrents”, and was confused as to what the OP was on about….
But either way, turrets are not OP, a bit annoying sure, but certainly not OP.
Don’t charge into the middle of them and you’ll be fine. Try to take out the thumper and flame turrets first with AoE, and you’ll be fine.
Take out thumper
We got the winner here!
also, turrets are op, it just became tabu topic to falsly identify noobs
it’s not like everyone runs cele or soldier to whistand that dmg with big part of it being 1500 range, it’s not like turrets have more passive defense then thief, it’s not like turreter has perma protection and retal, it’s not like world champions like Rom use adjectives like “hilarious” or “insane” on this build (live stream, 2 days ago for your convenience) and two really golden:
it’s not like it takes WAY TOO MUCH TIME/RISK to even afford fighting it
it’s not like there is only one on enemy side, because there are more, and they even dare to offend you when you 2vs1 them
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
(edited by Aenye.2390)
just wait until expansion when turrets can now move with target.
Bad Elementalist
I read that as “torrents”, and was confused as to what the OP was on about….
But either way, turrets are not OP, a bit annoying sure, but certainly not OP.
Don’t charge into the middle of them and you’ll be fine. Try to take out the thumper and flame turrets first with AoE, and you’ll be fine.Take out thumper
We got the winner here!
Thank you!
I’ll be here all week, and am accepting donations for my insight and brilliance into dealng with turret engis. Gold is preffered, although exotics, precursors, and T6 mats are also acceptable. Thank you!!
(on topic)
I find thumpers to be the most annoying as a necro. The others I can tolerate, but those thumpers…..Thats why I try to target those first if I can. If I can get rid of that, then I can stand a chance, otherwise I bounce around more than a ping pong ball in a pachinko machine.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Things to keep in mind couter specs are not common, if conditions and crits can affect turrets get ready for them getting boons and getting healed by players, turrets is doing it’s job of defending a point it’s conquest and for conquest only it look MOBA like to me, people complained of turrets being useless it used to be as bad as current guard SW, most dondon’t know how to handle them even after countless encounters.
Complaints come and go but so do buff request. If they didn’t want turrets to be a thing they shouldn’t have made them, every spec should have a place. AI is terrible in pve and wvw, pvp may not be the suited place for them from our view but they chose it.
The Dhuumfire thread
I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.
There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.
So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.
1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names
2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).
3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.
1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.
3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids