Do Something About Turret Engis.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682


Turrets engineers in ranked arena are shame, Please Anet listen to your community, stop killing your pvp, your game, with brainless specialisations.
An Engineer on a point does nothing and still he got kills from other players with normal specialisations. THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM. And sometimes the engineer is not on the point and his turrets are on it, player comes and get killed by those things.

You are killing your pvp.

This is just one more complaining about this, maybe more complains makes more actions.


Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.

There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.

So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.

1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names )

2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).

3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.

1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.

3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.

Exactly, I think the fact ESL and other e-sports facilities banning Turret Engis is more than enough proof.

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682


Nerf Turret Engineers please.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682


Nerf Turret engineers please.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682


Nerf Turret engineers please.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.

There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.

So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.

1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names )

2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).

3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.

1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.

3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.

Exactly, I think the fact ESL and other e-sports facilities banning Turret Engis is more than enough proof.

Proof that what? That the organizers don’t like turrets?

Un/fortunately, it is their tournament they can make whatever rules they want. A more logical reason is that a lot of the so called “higher” skill players usually make 5 or 6 threads a day whining about Turrets so to save themselves the QQ and whining, ESL made rules about the turrets Engineer. Less drama and QQ.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682



Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Uani.7682


Nerf Turret engineers please.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.

There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.

So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.

1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names )

2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).

3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.

1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.

3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.

Exactly, I think the fact ESL and other e-sports facilities banning Turret Engis is more than enough proof.

Proof that what? That the organizers don’t like turrets?

Un/fortunately, it is their tournament they can make whatever rules they want. A more logical reason is that a lot of the so called “higher” skill players usually make 5 or 6 threads a day whining about Turrets so to save themselves the QQ and whining, ESL made rules about the turrets Engineer. Less drama and QQ.

Isn’t it obvious when even pro players are calling it OP, it might actually be OP?

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


It’s really pathetic that people want “easy” and “effective” to stay in the game. Much like how some people wanted Spirit Ranger and Hambow to stay.

If ANET wanted casuals to play this game, they need to make Courtyard a separate que. Not through making braindead builds.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: necropha.6054


If you actually have troubles with turret engis, you need to l2p. Turret engi is fine. It is an easy target. Super easy to kill and requires little team coordination.

There should be a bot that responds to all turret threads with l2p. It is that simple.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


please nerf easy to counter build so i don’t have to adapt my playstyle

i will never run a condi build and roll them. plz nerf

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


there is no way turrets can be defended.

the current state of turret engineer is literally: go to a point, place down a few utilities, wait for enemies to come, spam all of the buttons until they die.

absurdly low skill floor AND ceiling, absurd amounts of damage and CC with full bunker build/gear.

the fact that the most common response to turrets is “go to a different point” should be enough. celestial is OP? probably, but at least they have to actually learn to play.

(that said, people should learn to break the rocket turret, it’s a 50 sec cd after broken, it’s squishy and it’s a major source of dps and cc, yet everyone ignores it)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


ya’ll just get salty because when you loose vs a turret engi it feels you are dumber than the AI. ya’ll need to overcome the psychological barrier and look at them with mirth, overconfident scrubs running an above average bunker build. start killing em’, solves your QQ problem and it feels mighty.

ya’ know how to do it. fight with a preference on range initially. don’t stand by thumper. power builds take rocket turret out then go for engi. condi builds just blast that enji down. it won’t be fast, but that’s a given- the build uses a sentinel amulet.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


What would be great is if people would stop asking for builds with huge weaknesses to get nerfs, and instead push for a reallocation of power…

Engineer is already forced into standard kit builds because the core design of the class was to have 1 weapon. That means you can’t possibly specialize your utilities that aren’t kits because if you do (say 3 gadgets, turrets, elixirs) it will always be “bland and easy”. The class was poorly designed to be forced into kits. So really, you have general design flaws to blame more than turrets themselves… They HAVE to be effective or they’re just useless like half of the other engineer skills.

What they should have done (imo) is make engineers BASELINE 1 weapon and 1 kit (on the weapon swap key) and remove the kits from utilities and add new utilities. That way they had their unique “kit-like” weapon sets, could specialize in actual utilities rather than their utilities being their other weapons, and still be perfectly unique in design.

But alas, its far too late for that. Engineer is doomed to never have any unique builds because you basically have to use a kit build with like 1 varying utility. If anything else becomes remotely usable it would instantly be deemed “OP, too easy to play” and that’d be that… Think about it. There’s no other way for engineer to possibly work without being reworked…

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


ya’ll just get salty because when you loose vs a turret engi it feels you are dumber than the AI. ya’ll need to overcome the psychological barrier and look at them with mirth, overconfident scrubs running an above average bunker build. start killing em’, solves your QQ problem and it feels mighty.

ya’ know how to do it. fight with a preference on range initially. don’t stand by thumper. power builds take rocket turret out then go for engi. condi builds just blast that enji down. it won’t be fast, but that’s a given- the build uses a sentinel amulet.

You make it sounds easier than it actually is in (Un)ranked pvp. We all can defeat a Turret Engi 1v1, I get that already, gratz. The thing is it requires 0 skill when giving 100% reward.

Don’t u see how ppl are abusing this fact currently for the Mini Llama or Glorious Armor? Don’t you see some teams even run 2-3 turret engi’s by now with roaming DPS or healing bunkers?

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


the problem is the average player just spams skills and doesn’t think about the fight. if you actually have a good knowledge of meta builds (ya should, it’s what the enemy will run) and think about the fight it’s easy. the rocket turret shoots rockets, it’s gotta die early. the thumper does aoe knockback so try not to stand by it. the engi has no stunbreak and weak condi clear, so those are your best weapons against him. it’s a logical solution.

also, cool fact a whole supply crate can be killed in seconds with aoe (like bomb kit). killing their sup crate as soon as it drops then dropping yours on them is top kek.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.6540


First of all, new daily system ruined pvp. Evrytime someone join ranked arena with some class for the daily win but they don’t know what to do with that class, so when engi daily comes, appears turret engi evrywhere. But this is not the end, now the ladder system is based on farmig, so turret engi=easy win=easy farming—→Top leaderboard, and that is why you can’t see high level pvp player in high positioin, cause they don’t farm.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


the problem is the average player just spams skills and doesn’t think about the fight. if you actually have a good knowledge of meta builds (ya should, it’s what the enemy will run) and think about the fight it’s easy. the rocket turret shoots rockets, it’s gotta die early. the thumper does aoe knockback so try not to stand by it. the engi has no stunbreak and weak condi clear, so those are your best weapons against him. it’s a logical solution.

also, cool fact a whole supply crate can be killed in seconds with aoe (like bomb kit). killing their sup crate as soon as it drops then dropping yours on them is top kek.

Ye, lets all run condi engi, lets all change class and builds around 1 single enemy. This is perfectly balanced!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


to the people saying turret engi has no stunbreak think about it this way:

turret engi is actually immune to cc: why? it will NOT die in a single stun chain (sentinel amulet, fully defensive build) and putting it under hard cc will NOT stop turrets from hitting you and those are where the damage and cc comes from.

if anything, turret engi is the least susceptible engineer build to cc.

it is also the least susceptible to conditions, why? it has exactly as many condi cleanses as every other engineer, but a lot more HP and commonly runs with generosity (can afford it, no need for dps sigils)

all in one convenient package that plays itself. so much for countering it.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.

I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.

Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.

But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


the problem is the average player just spams skills and doesn’t think about the fight. if you actually have a good knowledge of meta builds (ya should, it’s what the enemy will run) and think about the fight it’s easy. the rocket turret shoots rockets, it’s gotta die early. the thumper does aoe knockback so try not to stand by it. the engi has no stunbreak and weak condi clear, so those are your best weapons against him. it’s a logical solution.

also, cool fact a whole supply crate can be killed in seconds with aoe (like bomb kit). killing their sup crate as soon as it drops then dropping yours on them is top kek.

When something require no challenge, any type of player can spam skills and do not have to think about the fight or do not have to learn about the fight. I have little knowledge of ranger class until my other player told me to spam over and over. Other player in wvw and pvp think i am a professional ranger player even when i tell them all the time that i am only spamming the same skill over and over again.

Yes! so that is why feel i am a professional ranger player when i go wvw and pvp That is also why thief player, elementalist player engineer player feel they are professional player too because as long their class is reward first than risk/challenge after, it is ok.

Example: It is like when each time you take test, teacher come to you and give you all answer. You get A+ grade for result: every student in the class think you are the best?would you feel you are the best?

(You don’t even know nothing-anything about the subject in the test: nothing at all but why would you know anything? why would you try to know anything? why would you even try to study? because the teacher give you all the answers)

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: necropha.6054


I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.

I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.

Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.

But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..

What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.


Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.

So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.


Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


how long does it take to kill an engi turret safely? what are the chanches the enemy will not +1 on you in the meantime?

is. not. about. how. easy/hard it is to 1v1 an engi turret, you're missing the point.

denied is definitely not someone you want to go tell to l2p as aren’t the people from the videos posted in thsi very thread.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


I find it funny how ppl are still saying “l2p” while they don’t get the message at all.

I’m not even talking about 1v1. I’m talking about Conquest in 2014-2015 with it’s current PvP Community. Turret Engi is overused, too easy and braindead to be succesful in Conquest.

Who cares if u can kill it.
Ofc, u got braindead turret engi’s who I can auto attack to death.

But if even top teams are trying to proof how broken it is… I mean come on, open your eyes..

What top team out there has trouble with turret engis? None. People want LB ranger nerfed, people want mesmer gone. All because “its too hard”. Oh boo hoo, learn – get better. So yea, L2P. It is all L2P. If you seriously can’t handle turret engi, you need to go hit up the NPCs in the mist as they are just about as difficult to defeat. Go practice.


Sure turret engi is easy to play, but they only have 1 weapon and no stun breaks. Kill rocket turret, kill engi. Easy easy. I’ve done it with every class. I see a turret engi and get excited for an easy kill.

So yea, L2P. I know learning is hard, but sometimes you have to put in effort if you want to get good.


You can kill every turret engi with every class? Ok, I’m done listening to you lol. You make 0 sense. Also, judging from the amount of games u had pre-december, you have no experience in PvP yet. Or atleast, close to none. Stop pretending you’re experienced, because, somewhere, I believe you’re playing a Turret Engi yourself.

FYI: its not about being able to kill it 1v1, it’s about the Conquest as a whole with the PvP community, not just you and handful of people.

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


how long does it take to kill an engi turret safely? what are the chanches the enemy will not +1 on you in the meantime?

is. not. about. how. easy/hard it is to 1v1 an engi turret, you're missing the point.

denied is definitely not someone you want to go tell to l2p as aren’t the people from the videos posted in thsi very thread.

Thank you Adozu!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Rage.9723


I have actually rolled a turret engineer myself and they are absolutely amazing versus unskilled players. Playing a turret engineer has brought some of the fun back to PVP as the play style is very unique.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Luminarin.2301


Nerf turret engies please.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


thanks, ReaperStriker for your insightful and illuminating opinion, the form was especially exquisite.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Maybe next time, instead of using a glass build because you are somehow certain it’s a free ticket to victories so says the meta hush now and be silent, why not use a build that counters a turret engi, oh let’s say, A kittenING SUSTAIN BUILD YOU DUMB PIECES OF kitten.

TY! Any build diversity, any variations in play style, and some players just rage.

At the start of every match I screen cap the match up. Engi’s, especially turret builds, are still a small minority. I had zero interest or concern of this build until all this whining began with the new leader boards. I bought an extra character slot and rolled an Engi 5 days ago just for this build. Because I know I can aggro half the player base with it just by being in a match. Which, for me, is an absolute blast!

~ Dirty Turrets

ps, I’m also one of the happiest players in chat and always encouraging. It’s a game, let us all have fun.

Have fun winning while doing nothing. Seems fun

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


PLOT TWIST: Everyone defending turret engies main Engies, so they possibly play turret.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Akumetsu.8591


I do not actually care if turret engi’s are op or not there are good arguments on both sides. The reason I care is that they are always frustrating to play against even if you are beating the team that has a turret engi on it and not even fun to play as. Players are only playing turret engi’s because they can get easy wins. That is the part that is messed up. It is also the number 1 class I hear new people to pvp complain about and even though you may say its a l2p issue which to be fair there is an element of l2p with fightign turret engis . It is still a very toxic build to the community and deters new players because they are not even getting outplayed by a better player they are getting beaten by AI which is a lot more frustrating to be defeated by.

One hope, One dream, One Dagger Thief
K U R A Enguard [ENG], Pretty Princess Squad [MEN]

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


PLOT TWIST: Everyone defending turret engies main Engies, so they possibly play turret.

It’s not all pro or con, there are those playing condition specs or counters laughing at them and other specs calling for nerfs. Meta doesn’t
protect you from everyday encounters.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


PLOT TWIST: Everyone defending turret engies main Engies, so they possibly play turret.

It’s not all pro or con, there are those playing condition specs or counters laughing at them and other specs calling for nerfs. Meta doesn’t
protect you from everyday encounters.

But here’s the problem, at the start of the match you do see the enemy comp BUT you have no idea what they are running. So there will come a chance that you will be playing condi and some people on that lineup might eat you up too. And the engie turret will just make it worse.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Who.4651


nerf turret engis pls, build and gameplay are kittened..


Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


PLOT TWIST: Everyone defending turret engies main Engies, so they possibly play turret.

It’s not all pro or con, there are those playing condition specs or counters laughing at them and other specs calling for nerfs. Meta doesn’t
protect you from everyday encounters.

But here’s the problem, at the start of the match you do see the enemy comp BUT you have no idea what they are running. So there will come a chance that you will be playing condi and some people on that lineup might eat you up too. And the engie turret will just make it worse.

That’s happens for every match no matter whar spec, 2 shatter mesmers 1 zerker thief on one side while I have another necro with mine… I never saw GW2 as proper when it comes to PvP matching, there are 2 kind of players those who play specs others who play the mode. If we could see or switch specs before and during match everyone would just swap at the last second to a counter.

Seeing your team’s specs would be nice tough.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


PLOT TWIST: Everyone defending turret engies main Engies, so they possibly play turret.

It’s not all pro or con, there are those playing condition specs or counters laughing at them and other specs calling for nerfs. Meta doesn’t
protect you from everyday encounters.

But here’s the problem, at the start of the match you do see the enemy comp BUT you have no idea what they are running. So there will come a chance that you will be playing condi and some people on that lineup might eat you up too. And the engie turret will just make it worse.

That’s happens for every match no matter whar spec, 2 shatter mesmers 1 zerker thief on one side while I have another necro with mine… I never saw GW2 as proper when it comes to PvP matching, there are 2 kind of players those who play specs others who play the mode. If we could see or switch specs before and during match everyone would just swap at the last second to a counter.

Seeing your team’s specs would be nice tough.

Yes but only for team,. this would kinda fix that Needing VoIP problems. but here’s the deal. When you see an engie, what do you expect:

Either Normal Condi, Turrets, Cele and then compare this to mesmer and thief, 90% they will be either D/P or Shatter. And this for the higher MMRs, so yea you kinda know what to expect for those two, but for engie, its still a guessing game right? (Talking about enemy comp now)

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Glass staff elementalist player checking in. What is a turret engineer?…

Oh, that corpse down there? Those scattered bits of metal must have been their turrets.

Please, continue playing turret engineer and feeding me free wins.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Glass staff elementalist player checking in. What is a turret engineer?…

Oh, that corpse down there? Those scattered bits of metal must have been their turrets.

Please, continue playing turret engineer and feeding me free wins.

Really you will be feeding the enemy team with free kills…unless the enemy is entirely made of players who bought the game yesterday and have never played a MMO in their entire life

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Blair.3796


Just for the heck of it, I tried turret engi for the first time today after reading this thread. Wow! Run in circles and push buttons! Then everything dies!

Good codi players are a hard counter, but I agree that right now turret engi is pretty OP against power builds, especially power melee builds.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I think we’re up to 5 turret complaint threads a day.

There’s only a handful of posters that are rabidly against this build.

So, if players are playing the build and having fun, then the Dev’s must have designed it pretty well. It can’t even be as “OP” as the complaints are since it’s not a Meta Build.

1. Wrong, most of the community is against this build, even top players. (they even stream to show how stupidly OP it is. One top player even used it in NA 2v2 cup, to show how broken it is. Not gonna call names )

2. Wrong, doesn’t mean its fun to play, the devs did a good job. Playing something OP is mostly fun because you get rewarded for it in this game. Rewards equals fun (Leaderboard).

3. It’s not meta in ESL because top players don’t want to be called noobs for playing something cheesy as that. (Cele meta already showing this) I think it you get 5 top players together, let them play 5 turret engi or 4 turret engi and a thief/ele/warr doesn’t matter, they can basically win any tournament. But they don’t. It’s lame.

1. HAHAHAHA … I watched that fight. Said person was farmed so hard so he switched to turret engi. Not sure if he was really salty or genuinely wanted to show how broken turret engi is.

3. Every tourneys I know ban stacking of turret engis. I agree it’s lame and exactly opposite of what GW2 is proud of: active combat.

Exactly, I think the fact ESL and other e-sports facilities banning Turret Engis is more than enough proof.

Not trying to defend turret engineers. But I am pretty sure ESL tournies haven’t banned them. Afaik only ACG tournaments have restrictions on turret engineers. Which is only one is allowed per team.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Aniro.8017


Turret effectiveness should scale with player stats AND health. if you are damaging a turret, it should get less effective (less damage, less healing, shorter CC) the lower its health pool.

If I take 50% of a rocket turrets HP away, it should be 50% as effective.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Honestly me and my mate have quit this game after 1 team queue about 5 times recently
Often due to the lameness of turret engi and power ranger. We come back for a few games a week or two later most of the time. But its getting old. Frustrating lameness in this game

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


I just don’t want to see them ever. They do nothing but detract from the game, and the primary method of counterplay is to completely disengage from fighting them. It’s almost a hilarious definition of un-engaging gameplay.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: ASP.8093


I’ve taken a lot of breaks from this game. So, err, for reference, what was the change that brought turret engies into the solo-queue meta in the first place?

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


April 15th patch.

Though now people can get the stupid mini llama people just running ez mode builds.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Ogre.3124


I just don’t want to see them ever. They do nothing but detract from the game, and the primary method of counterplay is to completely disengage from fighting them. It’s almost a hilarious definition of un-engaging gameplay.

This. Searching near-highest mmr and if our team has no engineers and the other has 2-3 turret engineers; it’s almost an automatic loss (unless our team goes insanely HAM). The strat against turret engi is to avoid the node that they turret then win playing 5v4. Against 2+ engis, that strategy doesn’t work and the game is heavily in that team’s favor.

If you guys want people to take pvp in Guild wars 2 seriously turret engis need to either be nerfed heavily or simply replaced with something else. I’m sure in these LAN tournaments you hold the top teams can easily do better just using turret engineers. I imagine they have an agreement not to use them; but if they did use them be assured people will laugh at the game and just tune out. Turret engineer is absolute cancer and existing alone makes spvp a joke. If a team ran 2-3 turret engineers in that ESL (sp?) finals people would never take this game’s pvp seriously ever and go to another MMO remembering Gw2 for its insanely moronic “pvp”. This is just with twitch live streaming; people in pvp matchmaking right now are experiencing this and they are just not playing anymore because they have a perfectly justifiable reason to; spvp right now is a joke with turret engineers

Yeah, there are builds to counter turret engineers; however, winning that fight literally takes more than a minute because of the insane sustain turret engineers have. You could probably do something like shoutbow using both dolyak signet and balanced stance then Rampage and win a 1v1 against turret engineer after a full minutes meanwhile they’re running the scoreboard having the capped node. If farming spvp didnt give so much gold/rewards a lot of day-to-day players would just not touch spvp with the current system of “who has more turret engineers”. Understandably a fix can’t be made over a couple weeks but for the sake of the game deal with this before the expansion release by replacing the skills/traits or something more creative. In the short term have matchmaking only allow one engineer per team. If a premade has more than one engineer, well, they’re never going to find a game. They try swapping to engineer during the countdown? They get an error. Something like that would be awesome (might take a while to code and not be realistic but its an idea)


(edited by Ogre.3124)

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: bubba.2381


L2P l2P L2P L2P L2P

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


nerf turrets … message body must at least be 15

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


My friend and I decided to run turret engis today just to see if it really is easier to win as them.

I have been a warrior main since the start of the game. Got into spvp last fall and got Champion Legionnaire a couple of months ago. She has been a necro main since the beginning and got into spvp a few months ago earning Champion Phantom a few weeks ago. We aren’t great players, but we’ve worked on becoming decent with our classes. The players in our matches usually have Champ profession and Legendary Champion titles so we’ve made it past the point where we play with new players.

Engi is one of my least played classes. Besides EOTM, Mad Kings Lab, and the first couple of story missions, I haven’t played it. My friend made her engi today. We went to our guild’s custom arena to learn the build a bit. She was basically getting an idea of what the buttons do. And then we queued for unranked.

We won our first match and narrowly lost our second one (got 450+). While two matches doesn’t seem much, these were our very first real pvp matches playing engi. As mentioned earlier, we had little to no experience with the class. We should have been liabilities for our team. The build is way too easy to be effective. You just shouldn’t be able to play a class for the very first time and win 1v1s and 2v2s against pvpers who have experience with their class.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]