Don't touch the transmutes charges
I disagree with most people in this thread. I have over 500 transmutation charges. I change my armor look sometimes, but nowhere near enough times to do more than slow the constant gain of them. Tomes are at least something I can make money off of, so with the choice of replacing some transmutation charges or tomes with the new thing, I’d gladly replace the transmutation charges.
Same here lol, at this rate one day I’d have ended with 4k of them. Such a waste of reward space.
I disagree with most people in this thread. I have over 500 transmutation charges. I change my armor look sometimes, but nowhere near enough times to do more than slow the constant gain of them. Tomes are at least something I can make money off of, so with the choice of replacing some transmutation charges or tomes with the new thing, I’d gladly replace the transmutation charges.
Give them to me.
I need more of those. I’ll trade you those for my tomes of knowledge.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I disagree with most people in this thread. I have over 500 transmutation charges. I change my armor look sometimes, but nowhere near enough times to do more than slow the constant gain of them. Tomes are at least something I can make money off of, so with the choice of replacing some transmutation charges or tomes with the new thing, I’d gladly replace the transmutation charges.
Give them to me.
I need more of those. I’ll trade you those for my tomes of knowledge.
If I could sell you mine, I’d sell them all.
I think ANet should make it a chest that people can select the reward between Tomes/Charges/Shard.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
If you need remove something, remove the 2 tomes of knowledge, they are almost useless.
Some people like me, uses the transmute charge a lot.
Keep tomes, right now I use them for spirit shards. Unless they’re going to make another way to get mystic clovers that’s reliable or actually useful… and that’s not even going near the use of tomes for new(er) players.
The whole point of trans charges was so pvp players could wardrobe for cheap/free so they aren’t forced to farm pve gold.
Pvp already gives like 0 gold/hour anyway, the charges were the only worthwhile reward really. Except the brief wintersday track period, which was nice but even so less gold than mindlessly chest farming.
Also are really people who use tomes for like 20silver/tome really relevant? Compared to how many use the charges? I believe not!
pvp gives me like 1-2 gold a hour, and that n win / lost alone, not counting what I earn from auctaly reward tracks. I am not saying it a lot, but it still there. I really have no say on the charges right now, except if it not change, i guess, going to have to limit your self a bit.
I agree, we should not lose something in order for something new. It seems like we are getting less reward for actually playing the game and only spending real money will eventually matter. Next thing there will be a new expansion titled ‘Pay to win’.
Maybe make it a choice between tomes and transmutation charges. I find tomes useful when making new characters, I already have 17 level 80 characters, and I plan to make more. ^^;;
2 charges per reward track is fine. You also get charges from daily login (at least everybody who can post here gets those charges).
If you don’t like this change, well you’ve got a week.
I agree with the people who say that the Tomes are pretty useless. Hopefully anet will change this by making spirit shards more valuable (various spirit shard nerfs indicte that this may be happening).
I’m ashamed no one has done this yet.
Our thun thu thuns.
Thun = transmute charges
Can’t say that I’ll miss having as much transmutation charges, I’d be perfectly happy with an alternative reward.
Also I don’t think you guys realise how ridiculous the rate of transmutation charges is for us compared to people who don’t PvP. Non-PvPers have to grind their way through map completion to get them, whereas we just get them from doing whatever we’d be doing anyway.
Even after halving, we still earn them far easier.
You just obviously have no sense of fashion and thats why you dont use those charges :P
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
How about remove 1 transmute and 1 tome. Compromise
How about not removing anything and just add that kitten thing that they want to add…
I like both – Transmute charges and Tomes.
Or let us pick what we want…
How about not removing anything and just add that kitten thing that they want to add…
I like both – Transmute charges and Tomes.
Or let us pick what we want…
I agree.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I agree, we should not lose something in order for something new. It seems like we are getting less reward for actually playing the game and only spending real money will eventually matter. Next thing there will be a new expansion titled ‘Pay to win’.
Transmutation charges are hardly required to ‘win’ anything…
How about a reward track that focuses on transmutation charges? I’d rather play Fashion wars 2.
How about a reward track that focuses on transmutation charges? I’d rather play Fashion wars 2.
Farm some gold, buy gems, buy charges Or buy with real money. This stuff is suppose to be a premium convenience yo!
How about a reward track that focuses on transmutation charges? I’d rather play Fashion wars 2.
Farm some gold, buy gems, buy charges
Or buy with real money. This stuff is suppose to be a premium convenience yo!
Or don’t touch Transmutation charge.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I like both…I hope both drop will not be drop.