Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


Hello, a few days ago in the Warrior section we spoke about the viability off the Warriors at sPvP high levels, my team actually runs two of them and we promised to bring some footage of our gameplay and our builds, so here’s a video with my POV off one game we had against some of the top ranks Eu.

Big thanks to Kesil for the editing !

The build I was using in that game was:

wich is kind of a risky high dps build with no break stun, stability or invulnerability in the utilities.
I usually run:

To be completely honest, I don’t recommend to play as we do, i mean it’s fun and really strong against teams based on direct damage but two warriors are too much of a gamble against heavy conditions builds, wich in the current meta are for the most. So our idea is to try a second setup to counter that but still keeping one warrior. We’ll see how the game is gona change after the last patch.
With that being said, feel free to ask any question you’d like, we are going to make more stuff like this in the future. Even with games we lose of course, we are not here to claim that we never lose a game playing like this, but as any other team do, we lose when we make mistakes and the opposite team doesnt, at least most of the times.


Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

(edited by Khayn.6475)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Solid gameplay and enjoyable music/editing (the XX ftw). Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.

A few questions regarding your team composition:

  • What role does the other warrior fulfill and what does he run?
  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.
  • What compositions do you run on other maps (excluding the current necro meta)?

Any tips against wellnecros and shatter mesmers guarding a point? I have the most problem with them.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.

I’ve been running without it forever :P. Immobilize can be quite productive sometimes. Whirlwind Attack hits almost as hard as 100b when you land whole instead of just one attack. I welcome immobilizes, chills, cripples and nearby walls when fighting someone in meele range.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


Nice video

Looking at your build, in both cases you go 25 into Arms for Attack of Opportunity (10% dmg on crit). Perhaps consider switching Arms V (vuln. on crit) for Arms III (50% bleed duration). The more they bleed the higher your dmg.

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
Du spielst auf Kodasch? Besuche doch mal die Kodasch Community Webseite! :)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Eight Limbs.8015

Eight Limbs.8015

Neither of the build links work…good job.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


Neither of the build links work…good job.

copy & paste are your friends.

@OP: use to redirect those links

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
Du spielst auf Kodasch? Besuche doch mal die Kodasch Community Webseite! :)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


Mmm, XX Intro

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Loved every bit of this. I am not qualified to comment on the gameplay however … I know far too little in depth about warriors.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


A few questions regarding your team composition:

  • What role does the other warrior fulfill and what does he run?
  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.
  • What compositions do you run on other maps (excluding the current necro meta)?

About the second Warrior, Bimbz, he runs the 1 second root build in the video and we usually run the same, basically the role depends on who of us get focused first.
About Mobile Strikes we are currently testing this one: and so far it’s doing pretty well.
We play the same setup in every map but in Khylo is pretty hard due to the fact that CT is really hard to win against ranged, they can abuse all the edges around and the thief has double the mobility of us, so we are force to basically hold sides bases witch are more hard to keep. Actually at the moment we are testing a new composition with Necro and Engi instead of the second Warrior and the Ele.

To answer to Beefcake, since we are 2 warriors i simply prefer to double stack vulnerability instead of making bleeds last longer, you gain 1% more dmg for every stack of it

Any tips against wellnecros and shatter mesmers guarding a point? I have the most problem with them.

Against mesmer is all about your whirwind, if you use it correctly you can avoid the shatter burst, but is always hard to find the right time to burst them with all of those invulnerabilities..

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

(edited by Khayn.6475)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Playing with 2 Warriors isn’t easy at all :\

Decided to go Shouts build on my Guardian just to support them non-stop since they’re very susceptible to conditions, that’s basically our Achille’s heel, but the burst they provide is just awesome.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Naito.5693


Thick, solid, tight.
<3 dual war <3

A Lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: smug.3895


Thanks for the interesting video. I was really impressed.

Basically, all the warrior does is whirlwind attack and run around until it comes off CD. This is how a lot of warriors play, and it is one of the reasons they are passed on for another class. Yet, you guys still dominated. The warrior had no stunbreaks and cc removables, but it was not focused and burned down like in most team fights. I think it says a lot more about your teamplay than it does about the class. It makes one wonder if the team might have been even better with another class. Let us know if the new team experiment turns out to be a success. Again, thanks for the vid.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


That’s can’t be high level spvp, because your warriors were killing people with Hundred Blades, and only bad players get hit with that.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Uhhh…I’m sorry? What video did you watch? As you can CLEARLY see, he gets a full 100b like 3 times during the whole video, most of the time he uses Rush End and Whirlwind because he’s forced to do so against heavy conditions teams least he gets his kitten smacked in a matter of seconds

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


Thanks for the interesting video. I was really impressed.

Basically, all the warrior does is whirlwind attack and run around until it comes off CD. This is how a lot of warriors play, and it is one of the reasons they are passed on for another class. Yet, you guys still dominated. The warrior had no stunbreaks and cc removables, but it was not focused and burned down like in most team fights. I think it says a lot more about your teamplay than it does about the class. It makes one wonder if the team might have been even better with another class. Let us know if the new team experiment turns out to be a success. Again, thanks for the vid.

That’s because i wasn’t theyr main target in the first fight, again as i said that was just a test i usually have at least a second break stun but in this case it just went well cause they focused the second warrior.. and that’s also one of the reason because the composition is quite strong, if you let one Warrior to just dps for free he will put out some crazy dmg.
With another class like what? the thief is the only other one able to take a solo kill on a a burst but he cant stay in the middle of the fight like I did, and other burst classes simply doesn’t have the mobility to solo roam for a decap. Also a thief doesn’t have an istant ress or that aoe power. And your welcome btw we are glad to help.

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

(edited by Khayn.6475)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khalifahaze.6045


Glad to see others running warriors, my team runs a war in tpvp and its pretty devastating in team play.

QT Khalifa [Cute] – Necromancer

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


please come to NA



Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


please come to NA

lol why?

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


hype warriors hurt


Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Vayyy.5420


Nice video, the xx too goooood

i know the cuts were supposed to speed up the video but it kinda felt choppy (fast foward would’ve been better)! btw only radom, purie and me (ava) are CN though, others were pugs (we still lack guard and mes!)


Ava – Chieftain Ninjas

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


Hey thanks

I know, i remember one epic game we won when you still had Naita and Breaking in team, that ended like 500-499 ! Unfortunatly i wasn’t recording that time

p.s. You’re Svanir Runes owned my 100b so bad!

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Solid gameplay and enjoyable music/editing (the XX ftw). Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.

A few questions regarding your team composition:

  • What role does the other warrior fulfill and what does he run?
  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.
  • What compositions do you run on other maps (excluding the current necro meta)?

Any tips against wellnecros and shatter mesmers guarding a point? I have the most problem with them.

You don’t know how to deal with a non-stun break Necro, yet you mained Warrior for months? Khayn just proved it. It is a learn to play/pick/build around issue and is NOT for low-skill cap players. And sorry to say, but I’m beginning to believe even more that the people who complain about Warriors being “bad” are just low skill.

LEARN TO CHAIN STUN BRO WITH A MACE. LEARN. Activate balanced stance the moment you land a stun so you don’t get feared off and try to dodge marks while approaching. In-fact, you don’t even need to show yourself you can just gank them from the top of the roof. Daze them with a mace, force them to dodge, catch them in the end of the dodge.

Even better when you have someone to immobilize for you, immobilize + chain stun = NECRO DIES even with a stun break.

Would like to visit EU one day because of people like you Khayn, keep up the good work.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Even better when you have someone to immobilize for you, immobilize + chain stun = NECRO DIES even with a stun break.

That’s why I use Scepter with 2 Warriors, the instant Immobilize is just so godlike that even if they get out of it, they still get tons of dmg in that 1 second.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

(edited by Adwila.1392)

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Solid gameplay and enjoyable music/editing (the XX ftw). Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.

A few questions regarding your team composition:

  • What role does the other warrior fulfill and what does he run?
  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.
  • What compositions do you run on other maps (excluding the current necro meta)?

Any tips against wellnecros and shatter mesmers guarding a point? I have the most problem with them.

You don’t know how to deal with a non-stun break Necro, yet you mained Warrior for months? Khayn just proved it. It is a learn to play/pick/build around issue and is NOT for low-skill cap players. And sorry to say, but I’m beginning to believe even more that the people who complain about Warriors being “bad” are just low skill.

LEARN TO CHAIN STUN BRO WITH A MACE. LEARN. Activate balanced stance the moment you land a stun so you don’t get feared off and try to dodge marks while approaching. In-fact, you don’t even need to show yourself you can just gank them from the top of the roof. Daze them with a mace, force them to dodge, catch them in the end of the dodge.

Even better when you have someone to immobilize for you, immobilize + chain stun = NECRO DIES even with a stun break.

Would like to visit EU one day because of people like you Khayn, keep up the good work.

And you obviously haven’t fought any good necros.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Hersir.6824


Hi Khayn, what you think about the new lock changes? and how it affect Warriors in tPvP.

Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Solid gameplay and enjoyable music/editing (the XX ftw). Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you.

A few questions regarding your team composition:

  • What role does the other warrior fulfill and what does he run?
  • How do you deal with not using Mobile Strikes? I can’t imagine running glass without that trait.
  • What compositions do you run on other maps (excluding the current necro meta)?

Any tips against wellnecros and shatter mesmers guarding a point? I have the most problem with them.

You don’t know how to deal with a non-stun break Necro, yet you mained Warrior for months? Khayn just proved it. It is a learn to play/pick/build around issue and is NOT for low-skill cap players. And sorry to say, but I’m beginning to believe even more that the people who complain about Warriors being “bad” are just low skill.

LEARN TO CHAIN STUN BRO WITH A MACE. LEARN. Activate balanced stance the moment you land a stun so you don’t get feared off and try to dodge marks while approaching. In-fact, you don’t even need to show yourself you can just gank them from the top of the roof. Daze them with a mace, force them to dodge, catch them in the end of the dodge.

Even better when you have someone to immobilize for you, immobilize + chain stun = NECRO DIES even with a stun break.

Would like to visit EU one day because of people like you Khayn, keep up the good work.

And you obviously haven’t fought any good necros.

necros running hybrid spec can’t do kitten to warriors with stability, unless they want to get an rng fear with well of corruption.


Double Warrior HyperactiveVsChiftainNinjas

in PvP

Posted by: Khayn.6475


Hi Khayn, what you think about the new lock changes? and how it affect Warriors in tPvP.

Actually i think it’s a good change, Warriors mobility now are a key in games, finally our roaming skills serve a purpose while before it was just a comfort.

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]