Engineer Downed

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


When trying to finishing an Engineer, it is impossible.

Tried to finish…
Knocked back by “Grappling Line” according to combat log.
Tried to finish again…
Knocked back by “Booby Trap” according to combat log.
Tried to finish again…
Knocked back by “Grappling Line” according to combat log.

Most classes have ONE interrupt when downed or a “survival” skill, but being knoced back repeatedly 3 times within the space of 15seconds and they’re off cooldown again? That needs a nerf!!!

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Ant.3415


Look up “stability”. Some professions have many options for this, or other ways to avoid these abilities including blinds, evasions, aegis, and you can always dodge.

The only downed state that was ever overpowered was the rangers heal + pet heal underwater but fortunately there is no more underwater sPVP.

They have a 10 second CD on Grappling line and 20 seconds on Booby trap, so there is really no excuse.

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


Dodge? When he raises is hand for a little bit longer you dodge, and you avoid the hook.

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: miriforst.1290


If you are a ranger or other profession with melee AI, stand behind them when stomping, 100% stomp success.

Keep in mind that there is a long delay before booby trap becomes accessible, more often than not you are killed so fast by cleave not even directed at you that there’s no time for it to be available before you are dead.

But im not complaining about our downedstate, i got the best possible downedstate in the game, its n1 skill is called “personal rezbot thief”. Better not use anything else though as you then become revealed.

(edited by miriforst.1290)

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Look up “stability”. Some professions have many options for this, or other ways to avoid these abilities including blinds, evasions, aegis, and you can always dodge.

The only downed state that was ever overpowered was the rangers heal + pet heal underwater but fortunately there is no more underwater sPVP.

They have a 10 second CD on Grappling line and 20 seconds on Booby trap, so there is really no excuse.

Thief would like a word with you, pre-nerf.

Ele was pretty broken as well when it still contested points.

Oh and warrior vengeance. Literally the only answer to that was stealth.

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Erebos.6741


Normally I’d think you were trolling, but judging by your small post history I’m guessing you’re just new to PvP.

You can combo one or more abilities with stomping to improve your chances of success.
These include:

Also Warriors and Engineers first downed ability is a projectile, which means they can be obstructed by pets and players in your way.

Also if you anticipate their downed ability you can preemptively dodge it, often cancelling your stomp animation in the process. This slightly reduces the time it takes to initiate another stomp compared to eating their interrupt.

Down-state aims to counterbalance my mistakes; punishing those that outplayed me,
and snares my capability, in fairness of vantage…


Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Zach.3264


This post put a smile on my face.

Games been out over a year and you think that it’s “impossible” to kill an Engineer, but there’s been no other threads recently?


Grappling hook can be used almost instantly. Yes, a lot of the time you’ll get hit by this if you don’t take any measures to avoid it.
Booby trap however.. If you instantly try to stomp them when they go down, after a grappling hook, there’s a couple of seconds window where you can stomp them before their Booby Trap is ready. If you’re not going to stomp them fast enough, then simply melee/range them down.

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


If you stomp instantly and get knocked down by grappling line, booby trap is still on CD for like 2 more seconds (after you stand up). If you still fail the stomp after that, you have about 3-4 seconds before grappling line comes off CD again.

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


For an engineer to land that chain, it means you Stopped and auto attacked for 5s before trying to stomp again -____- Wow

if anything… engineer has the worse down state of all classes…,

Engineer Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Eng has one of the worst downed states in the game. The #2 single target interrupt projectile is countered by… blind, block, dodge, stability, reflect, projectile destruction, stealth or… standing behind another player/itty bitty rock/whatever. You can counter it without using any skills what so ever… that’s messed up. Then the #3… able to be countered by blind, block, dodge, stability.

It needs a change because it’s too easily countered and the pull cc’s the stomper for the shortest amount of time out of all of the cc’s…

Tarnished Coast
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