First post on gw2- pvp
inb4: l2p
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Are you trolling?
PvP Gameplay Programmer
Not a troll post, let’s be friendly here.
Looks like you are mainly playing thief. Maybe some people could give tips on how to play against the classes you mentioned.
Here is a good place to get some builds to try:
Welcome to PvP!
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
Not a troll post, let’s be friendly here.
Looks like you are mainly playing thief. Maybe some people could give tips on how to play against the classes you mentioned.
Here is a good place to get some builds to try:
Welcome to PvP!
Can you join my party and carry me?
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Unfortunately, this game isn’t balanced around 1v1. And both most used guardian builds/warrior builds(shoutbow and meditation) hard counter your profession, so there is nothing you can do against them unless they are incredibly incompetent. Against these, you should probably engage them when they are weak or in teamfights where you are able to finish them off or gank them. You are a thief, time to start acting like one :p
As for rangers, you probably talked about the power variant, and this one is a bit tricky, you will need to abuse your teleports,stealth and blinds to get in and go for the kill before they kill you first. If you manage to stealth wait their stone signets or blind the knock shot or the roots, you have a pretty high odd of winning since the GS is often incredibly slow and the blind spam. Just be sure to keep circle straffing and try to avoid the longbow rapid fire and aoe spam. Don’t be greedy, wait for them to be vulnerable
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
The good thing about pvp is that the cost of learning a new profession and build is fairly low as long as you have the patience to practice.
Here are counters I’ve had success with against the classes you thought were impossible:
warrior – fresh air zerk ele, cele rifle engie
guardian – dps ranger, mesmer, terrormancer
ranger – mesmer, thief, fresh air ele
Playing thief?!… tough luck mate… you better change profession asap and save yourself the frustration of playing thief.
Thief is the most unforgiving profession in this game, you you commit half a mistake you are dead! the other professions are much more forgiving, even if you make a couple of mistakes you still have a chance.
so yeah… jump profession wile you are still new to the game!
Fighting rangers you need to kite and avoid the first rotation of his shots. Then scare his toughness skill with a bit of burst damage as he takes no damage for around 6 seconds. Then go in for the kill. Their strength is taking you by suprise so always be on the lookout for them. Guardian an warrior im not the best at taking on although i do get quite a bit of success(main is a mesmer) however all i can say for them is applying pressure but its a team game so if theres a class you struggle with which is normal as some classes counter harder than others try find an alternative target or fight until you find support to help take on that specific class. Hope this helps a bit!
- Ethereal Phantom
Playing thief?!… tough luck mate… you better change profession asap and save yourself the frustration of playing thief.
Thief is the most unforgiving profession in this game, you you commit half a mistake you are dead! the other professions are much more forgiving, even if you make a couple of mistakes you still have a chance.
so yeah… jump profession wile you are still new to the game!
Actually true. If you are just starting in PvP, I’d definitely recommend trying a different class.
Dont listen to those who tell you to avoid the thief. When you get through the tough learning curve you will of mastered the thief 4 times over than if you started somewhere else. The guy didnt say he struggled playing thief, said he’d been playing 3 months. He had a problem with facing bunker classes. I started really getting into PvP as a mesmer an it was hell starting out now i sometimes feel OP and its like playing piano with the keyboars but i wouldnt have it any different! I use ‘he’ but could be a her, better than saying it however so apolagise if ive got it wrong!
You are going to have to learn how to abuse blinds. should be helpful.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Ty for the posts ._. good to see a active forum hehe. Ok so when i was posting this i was using a ranger..but i also had the same problem with thief.. that was first char… i mean ofc im going to lose alot of battle win some it is a gamble …and i guess im new so i dont really have much of a idea about builds,classes etc since that whole 2 month was pre much on thief on pve but pvp seems a whole new kettle of fish for me… had some luck today i may end up sticking to ranger for pvp because of the space it gives me just while im starting out …and thief pve.. ill take a look at some sites later on and try and come up with a plan of attack before i rush into conclusions maybe change my traits. any ideas about a build is very welcome doesnt matter if its costly.. because i can easily get gold…any tips or tricks very welcome as well!!!!!!!!! ty all!!!!
Oh ill take a look at that link later today choovanski ty
Hi my name is Harley i have been playing gw2 for about….2-3 months i think and ive found 99% of this game extremely enjoyable the devs did a amazing job in my honest opinion its one of the best games of its kind… however when trying pvp i found a lack of balance for example… Guardian,ranger and warrior classes i have noticed when versing these they almost seem impossible to kill on a 1v1… warrior super tanky cant scratch them, guardian just heals to full as soon as they get low giving a super unfair advantage over others… ranger.. i dont know exactly why maybe its the first few hits they get or something but imo they seem overpowered even when using melee…. so that leaves a couple of really under powered classes left that just get destroyed completely from this making pvp not really fun for these classes.This is in no way a hate speech or a troll post its just how i feel about this area in the game and i hope they balance pvp at some stage to make it a little more fair until then i will stick to the story and farming goods
…i cant wait for the new expansion >.< come on!… ok thats enough from me thankyou for your time please let me know what others feel about it.
Glad you want to get into PvP!
If I were you, I would head to your Profession specific sub-forum here (in this case, Thief I suppose) and ask for help. You will surely find many experienced people willing to help. It’s tough to start indeed, but Thief is rewarding profession to play and always needed in PvP.
If you want to learn how to 1v1 with your specific profession or against specific opponents, I will point you to one of custom “1v1 King of the Hill” servers. To find one, open your PvP panel, choose “Game Browser” on the left and find a server with similar name.
When you get in, go to Spectator mode and click on one of the names on left or right. You’ll be able to spectate, observe Player’s actions and access to their builds. If you find a person whose gameplay you like, feel free to /whisper them. There are many Thieves playing on such servers and even more are willing to help new player when asked.
Have fun!
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Yo. Evan you must say welcome to nomansland….. Pvp is stopped sinces 2 weeks we have no news about leadderboard or seasons….
Welcome guy
Hi there!
I would like to share this with you:
Look at the comments too there are some incredible useful information.
I started to play serious PvP since a month and as a meditation guardian I can tell you that a thief is a gamble for me. Fighting on a point: sure I can chase them off or kill them but if they catch me unaware or without cooldowns I’m as good as dead.
Oh and one more suggestion: do not play hotjoin! Play unranked instead!
And find some friends/guilds. A good thief in a coordinated team has no counter…
(edited by Aggrostemma.1703)
Jebus digging your own grave just wasn’t enough? Have to buy the coffin jump in it and scoot your way into the grave like a canoe too rofl.
Why? What’s your problem with the Metabattle? It has some very nice guidelines and useful information.
Also an ANET employee suggesting outer source of information of their own game tells that they aware of the existence of these and they sort of respect the work invested.
A much bigger MMORPG’s admin would never mention or askmrrobot for instance.
Hmm lets see – every single beautifully crafted build that has ever been put on there has been reduced to disgusting passive cheese, a lot of its “tips” are borderline exploits and it has destroyed build diversity.
I mean pirate bay has some nice movies but…
I see your point. Please get it like this:
Metabattle is NOT a full collection of the builds or tactics. It is a good starting point for a beginner to understand the concept of some professions and also ease the learning curve.
You can find some very unique, well thought and entertaining build options on
(Anyways I think if somebody completely copy a metabattle build has no imagination or unique playstyle. But this is a completely another topic and should not be mentioned here)
(Anyways I think if somebody completely copy a metabattle build has no imagination or unique playstyle. )
Or maybe that person wants to be effective. :P Usually these “tweakings” that people do to builds after copying them drastically reduces the potential of the builds just to make it easier to play.
Hmm lets see – every single beautifully crafted build that has ever been put on there has been reduced to disgusting passive cheese, a lot of its “tips” are borderline exploits and it has destroyed build diversity.
I mean pirate bay has some nice movies but…
You can pretend that those builds don’t exist but you’ll keep losing to them. “Destroyed build diversity” – metabattle has more builds listed under PvP than the average gw2 player knows of, imo that’s promoting diversity. Ofc most people will want to go with the best option but you can’t blame them for that.
But let’s not derail the thread.
That topic should be mentioned here because that’s why I think it’s unbeleivable that a dev would endorse metabattle…
It’s not just used by beginners. The vast majority run exact copies of those builds and destroy diversity, it is killing the game and will continue to do so until there are just 5 viable lumps of cheese any skill level can play with ease, and it seems anet are fine with this.
I can blame them… But that’s not what I’m doing here I’m blaming metabattle for handing them builds on a plate. At least before they had to do some digging and then end up with old or competing versions of the same build to weigh up for themselves. Metabattle is “play this its better” and now a dev is “helping” a new player by essentially saying “don’t even try do things ur own way here have this and you never have to think for yourself again”
Sometimes I take IceBow as my third utility. Or ArcaneWave.
Sometimes I use Rage runes over Traveller.
Sometimes I slot double Doom sigil instead of Air.
Sometimes I use Sword over Scepter and traited PurgingFlames over SmiteCondition.
Hell sometimes I even slot ResoluteHealer! Blasphemy I know!
These little things help me to get better understanding of the PvP game AND abuse the weakness of the other professions. And these are not mentioned on the metabattle homepage.
But I fully understand what you mean.
Can you please try to understand me?
Can you please try to understand me?
Request denied.
(…)Fighting on a point: sure I can chase them off or kill them but if they catch me unaware or without cooldowns I’m as good as dead. (…)
er… this is true to ALL professions… if » insert random profession here « is caught unaware or without cooldowns will surely die to » insert random profession here «
The issue here is that Thieves will die to a bunny if they miss 1 skill or press a wrong button unlike other professions.
All you people saying metabattle is a horrible thing your wrong and meta builds will kitten you up. There’s a reason for them. At least let the op try some of the normal pvp builds before trying to create his own.
However I’m not convinced ever build on there is the best of the class. I’m not in agreement with the powermancer build. However I’ve been told my changes aren’t enough of a change to even be considered a change….. air fire on dagger, air fire on staff, vamp runes. I call it a procmancer. It’s possible to proc both vamp rune procs, air fire and spinal shivers in one hit =) I’ve only done it a few times but they usually just die.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Welcome to PvP, here’s how you win those matchups as thief.
Guardian: the skill you get from stealing them is a daze, save it to interrupt, steal their boons. If you ware playing s/d you can basically just spam 3, if playing d/p it kind of depends on their spec. If they are playing medi guard (they are hitting you with scepter) and you are playing d/p -you’re gonna have a hard time, just spam blinds as much as you can and get ready to evade when you see a big blue shield surround them. Vs bunker as d/p, switch to shortbow and widdle them down patiently with poison and auto attack until they blow their heal, then swap to d/p and backstab them, use the skill you stole to start a daze lock, then auto attack x2 – pistol 4 on repeat until you run out of initiative or they die. The key to killing a bunker guard is maintaining pressure, if you give them any room to breath they will reset.
Warrior: Open by precasting pistol 5 into steal then whirlwind in the smoke field on top of them. The key to beating warriors as thief is keeping them blinded and staying on top of them with d/p 3. Shadowstep out of the fight if you see them pop berserkers stance (it will make them immune to blinds). This is generally an easy matchup, just be sure to auto attack and keep poison on them (their passive heal is strong). Thief is kind of made to deal with warrior.
Ranger: LB ranger is built to exterminate other zerkers, if they see you before you see them it’s going to be a bad time. Your job as a thief is to pressure the hell out of this guy, you’re the only one that will be able to deal with his kite. Always watch for him in fights and stay on top of him with d/p 3 (interrupt his heal with headshot). An LB ranger in GS is essentially just a subpar warrior to his team, so keep him in melee.
Other than that, like everyone else said; check out metabattle. They have some good stuff on there.
I can blame them… But that’s not what I’m doing here I’m blaming metabattle for handing them builds on a plate. At least before they had to do some digging and then end up with old or competing versions of the same build to weigh up for themselves. Metabattle is “play this its better” and now a dev is “helping” a new player by essentially saying “don’t even try do things ur own way here have this and you never have to think for yourself again”
I think your perception of builds is meant for PvE, not PvP. Gw2 sPvP is all about equal opportunity and low barrier of entry, someone coming from PvE shouldn’t have to spend years getting destroyed by players with decent PvP builds in order to learn how to build for sPvP. The builds on metabattle are like general templates, unoptamized for personal playstyle, but they give newbies a really good place to start from in sPvP (and introduce playstyles that are actually relevant, eg; learn these d/p thief rotations rather than wasting time figuring out p/d sucks).
(edited by Zodian.6597)
Are people upset that there is a list of functional builds on the internet and people can go there and see them? xD Wow.. Almost as bad as the “TS is unethical” guy.
I put together a resource after I got into PvP, lots of thief specific stuff. Links, vids, some matches to demonstrate things.
Are people upset that there is a list of functional builds on the internet and people can go there and see them? xD Wow.. Almost as bad as the “TS is unethical” guy.
Ur sidelining my argument.. My problem isn’t so much metabattle as it is the fact a dev would sooner reccomend the website rather than balancing the game so newbies don’t have to play passive cheese to feel as if they are playing well…
Are people upset that there is a list of functional builds on the internet and people can go there and see them? xD Wow.. Almost as bad as the “TS is unethical” guy.
Ur sidelining my argument.. My problem isn’t so much metabattle as it is the fact a dev would sooner reccomend the website rather than balancing the game so newbies don’t have to play passive cheese to feel as if they are playing well…
Yeah, or just maybe the devs are actually in the middle of a huge transition but even in the middle of that one of them took the time to help inform a new player where to obtain information that’s been gathered by PvP players.
If you’ve played any other pvp games you’ll see every single kittening one of them has a meta. The meta changes.
If your build ain’t working it’s probably because the other players outplayed you or your build is complete kitten In the game you were in.
If you think throwing a newbie to pvp without any knowledge is good for anet your not a very nice person.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
TIL getting outplayed is fighting a celestial running in circles on the point spamming random buttons 1v1 until the group shows up to kill you with random sigil procs.
Also it’s you’re not a very nice person.
(edited by shadaux.5192)
TIL getting outplayed is fighting a celestial running in circles on the point spamming random buttons 1v1 until the group shows up to kill you with random sigil procs.
Also it’s you’re not a very nice person.
I deleted what I original said in the last line as I’m sure SOMEONE would have been a little kitten and reported me for it.
I was unaware you were a member of the grammar police.
hands up
did you not see the part where I said every game has a meta and every games meta changes?
If you think a newbie can just show up go to metabattle and go pvp with a cele build and be able to do a kittening thing with it your not the brightest bulb in the box.
Also if you think that cele ele or that cele engi is just spamming everything they can then clearly you don’t know how to play one, if you can play one decently then your just full of poop.
even shoutbow, yes it’s easy but it’s also really easy to tell a good one from a bad one.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Oh so you’re resorting to questioning my skill are you now? You have no idea how lucky you are that you’re on NA.. I have probably played every common and less common build in existence on all classes for multiple hours. What do I destroy the most with? The three celestials and the common zerker builds (shatter mes, medi guard, thief). Yes OFC you can play them skillfully but the problem is you can still play them badly and get away with it. The difference between a shoutbow who can properly use his intelligence sigil and one who can’t is minimal. But the difference between a scepter dagger fresh air ele who can pull off a full, proper rotation and one who can’t even tell when his air is off cooldown is MASSIVE. One will one shot, one will get oneshotted. If you really think you are a good player cos u can weapon swap on cheese bow before your bow 3 hits I feel sorry for you. Anyway I knew I was derailing this thread a bit but this has gone way too far and I need to sleep. Have fun indoctrinated meta worshipper cheeseplays!
(edited by shadaux.5192)
I feel like this turned into some kind of political statement and there is that guy who is calling people sheep for not believing some conspiracy. Personally I think the way a game will ever be truly balanced for the kinds of players that always harp about balance is having one class with all the same stats and skills but then those same people would complain about the lack of diversity then.
OP if you ever want to run some matches together you can add me and message me IG. I know the game has a steep learning curve and don’t mind running with someone new to help them out.
Are people upset that there is a list of functional builds on the internet and people can go there and see them? xD Wow.. Almost as bad as the “TS is unethical” guy.
Ur sidelining my argument.. My problem isn’t so much metabattle as it is the fact a dev would sooner reccomend the website rather than balancing the game so newbies don’t have to play passive cheese to feel as if they are playing well…
I’m not sidelining your argument, I’m belittling it. Metabattle is a resource that changes with the meta – what youre saying is “Don’t tell them about the library until it stocks books I like.”
Not a troll post, let’s be friendly here.
Looks like you are mainly playing thief. Maybe some people could give tips on how to play against the classes you mentioned.
Here is a good place to get some builds to try:
Welcome to PvP!
To be fair to the OP the ranger Longbow dps is way to rewarding according to the skill required. Buffing the longbow wasn’t a good idea, instead the ranger should have been buffed in other lackluster areas (team support – traps).
It’s not normal that on some classes you have to perform complex combos just to dish out what another class does on autoattacks.
Meta is one reason I don’t like PvP. Meta builds suck. I don’t want to play them.
For example, Warrior. Warrior meta builds use a bow. I’m a kittening warrior, I don’t want to use a kittening bow! If I wanted to use a bow I’d play Ranger.
Oh so you’re resorting to questioning my skill are you now? You have no idea how lucky you are that you’re on NA.. I have probably played every common and less common build in existence on all classes for multiple hours. What do I destroy the most with? The three celestials and the common zerker builds (shatter mes, medi guard, thief). Yes OFC you can play them skillfully but the problem is you can still play them badly and get away with it. The difference between a shoutbow who can properly use his intelligence sigil and one who can’t is minimal. But the difference between a scepter dagger fresh air ele who can pull off a full, proper rotation and one who can’t even tell when his air is off cooldown is MASSIVE. One will one shot, one will get oneshotted. If you really think you are a good player cos u can weapon swap on cheese bow before your bow 3 hits I feel sorry for you. Anyway I knew I was derailing this thread a bit but this has gone way too far and I need to sleep. Have fun indoctrinated meta worshipper cheeseplays!
I can play on eu.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Metabattle is great. Without it I probably would have given up on pvp and maybe the game as a whole again.
Are people upset that there is a list of functional builds on the internet and people can go there and see them? xD Wow.. Almost as bad as the “TS is unethical” guy.
Ur sidelining my argument.. My problem isn’t so much metabattle as it is the fact a dev would sooner reccomend the website rather than balancing the game so newbies don’t have to play passive cheese to feel as if they are playing well…
I’m not sidelining your argument, I’m belittling it. Metabattle is a resource that changes with the meta – what youre saying is “Don’t tell them about the library until it stocks books I like.”
I’m saying it’s wrong if the librarian is going “oh ignore all this complex stuff all you ever need to be successful is right here”. And then showing them a kids’ section which is what is making the library unpopular because all the little brats go there and disrupt the intelligent people in the other sections with their annoying kitten. Yet it’s effective in making their parents and themselves think they are studying and getting good.
Oh so you’re resorting to questioning my skill are you now? You have no idea how lucky you are that you’re on NA.. I have probably played every common and less common build in existence on all classes for multiple hours. What do I destroy the most with? The three celestials and the common zerker builds (shatter mes, medi guard, thief). Yes OFC you can play them skillfully but the problem is you can still play them badly and get away with it. The difference between a shoutbow who can properly use his intelligence sigil and one who can’t is minimal. But the difference between a scepter dagger fresh air ele who can pull off a full, proper rotation and one who can’t even tell when his air is off cooldown is MASSIVE. One will one shot, one will get oneshotted. If you really think you are a good player cos u can weapon swap on cheese bow before your bow 3 hits I feel sorry for you. Anyway I knew I was derailing this thread a bit but this has gone way too far and I need to sleep. Have fun indoctrinated meta worshipper cheeseplays!
I can play on eu.
Great counter to my argument there… Cos I totally wanna see how amazing you are at celestial ele.
But if you insist… Where and when?
(edited by shadaux.5192)
I hate jumping puzzles coz I fall and die all the time. No guide can ever change how terrible I am at those. Maybe it has something to do with being afraid of heights.
But wait, why are people offended that a dev recommended metabattle?
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
I hate jumping puzzles coz I fall and die all the time. No guide can ever change how terrible I am at those. Maybe it has something to do with being afraid of heights.
But wait, why are people offended that a dev recommended metabattle?
Because some forum people are bad at the game and if their opponents start using legit builds they won’t win any matches.
I hate jumping puzzles coz I fall and die all the time. No guide can ever change how terrible I am at those. Maybe it has something to do with being afraid of heights.
But wait, why are people offended that a dev recommended metabattle?
Because some forum people are bad at the game and if their opponents start using legit builds they won’t win any matches.
Are you the owner of metabattle?
It’s the best, most organized resource for all 3 game modes.
I, I think I love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
I hate jumping puzzles coz I fall and die all the time. No guide can ever change how terrible I am at those. Maybe it has something to do with being afraid of heights.
But wait, why are people offended that a dev recommended metabattle?
Because some forum people are bad at the game and if their opponents start using legit builds they won’t win any matches.
Are you the owner of metabattle?
It’s the best, most organized resource for all 3 game modes.
I, I think I love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Glad we could help ^^ But I’m just one of the admins not the owner.
Erm I eat meta builds for breakfast on a regular basis it’s just it gets boring after a while cos once I beat them once in a match they all start running away from me unless it’s 2v1 or greater, fgs such skill yea. Keep telling yourselves ur good players not at all being carried by passive easy to play builds.