(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Fix ranger pets - revisited
You sound upset. Unfortunately, pets being a thing has been around for quite a while. People just didn’t know how to use them. Now, even the most casual of player can learn how to use pets! Isn’t that great? I for one, love cats. Cats are good, and fluffy, and lethal. Did you know that there is an estimated of 2,912,000,000 cat kills of varying species every year? That’s a good number, considering how lethal they can be. Guild Wars 2 just accurately portrays their lethality.
Buzz off back to your kennel @troIIville.com =P
And yea, that cougar (or was it panther) is kittenedly OP, critting me for 2k while their master is jerking off behind some rock/waterfall in spirit watch.
Only lions should be able to hit dat hard, seriously. The same goes for that stupid tweety.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
If you’re going to demand pet fixes that screw rangers, we have to get some fixes our way. For instance, the pet rez bug where a pet keeps rezzing even after death happened to me only ONCE, and while underwater. And i play ranger a lot.
Did you know that 40-50% of the times the pet won’t even rez you because the terrain you’re in is not perfectly plain so he’ll just teabag you? You probably didn’t, you just stomped him thinking to yourself “what a noob he didn’t use his OP rez”
Pet’s chase is a class mechanic, if i put him to attack you, for what reason wouldn’t he follow you until the end of the world?
Don’t be silly pets don’t outclass warriors, if you want to make a real thread with real complaints don’t put this stuff.
Most of the pet buffs were small, like 2k health here and there. To a pet it doesn’t mean anything, trust me. The big numbers like in the bear are actually bug fixes where the pet didn’t have the correct value.
Honestly i don’t know how ANET puts up with this crap. This is probably why they aren’t posting anymore. You guys get a tiny issue, and you make it like it’s the end of the world, while completely disrespecting ANET employees. I remember seeing a thread where someone said that skill queuing ruined his game and that he would never played guild wars 2 anymore. Overreact much?
This last paragraph is more aimed at this thread https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Petition-New-direction-for-PvP/first#post1970824 than yours.
It’s destroying gameplay when a pet can solo the treb and its owner standing on the node defending it. Same goes for defending the node while the pet is engaging at the orb, interupting players, which try to capping it. The split from a ranger into two players is a game-breaking issue.
Mesmer illusion for e.g. dissapear after a while, when the mesmer moves on.
In conclusion: reduce the range of the pet and fix the pet-rezz in downstate (so the pet can reach the player, stop rezzing when its dead or interrupted)
It’s destroying gameplay when a pet can solo the treb and its owner standing on the node defending it. Same goes for defending the node while the pet is engaging at the orb, interupting players, which try to capping it. The split from a ranger into two players is a game-breaking issue.
Mesmer illusion for e.g. dissapear after a while, when the mesmer moves on.In conclusion: reduce the range of the pet and fix the pet-rezz in downstate (so the pet can reach the player, stop rezzing when its dead or interrupted)
Do you guys just make this up as you go?
I have NEVER seen a pet solo a treb. Ever.
Nor would it be effective, nor possible (unless the other team member isn’t wearing any armor, nor amulet nor traits and doesn’t react to the pet attacking him)
Edit: I suppose you guys think it’s as simple as pressing F1 and forgetting about everything. Play a ranger for one day, then you’ll know what i’m talking about.
If you’re going to demand pet fixes that screw rangers, we have to get some fixes our way.
On the opposite I think. Rangers are buggy like hell after last update. For better and for worse. Pets are even more buggy – I hate when rangers are using those bugs for their advantage, and I hate when my ranger (when I play one) is messing up wrong way. Why fixes should screw rangers instead fix them? Taking exploitable bugs and fixing hurting bugs ain’t screwing at all O_o’
Did you know that 40-50% of the times the pet won’t even rez you because the terrain you’re in is not perfectly plain so he’ll just teabag you? You probably didn’t, you just stomped him thinking to yourself “what a noob he didn’t use his OP rez”
That’s what I’m talking about. One of the issues to fix.
Pet’s chase is a class mechanic, if i put him to attack you, for what reason wouldn’t he follow you until the end of the world?
For same reason it’s hard to warrior or guardian to keep up with running enemy. Now pets can be kitten fast, go far beyond bound that link ranger and his pet. Like last time, when I was fighting with cat in Altar on Temple of the Silent Storm map, while my teammates killed only ranger on map close to Ferocity. That was fun (not that it was more than slight annoyance)
Don’t be silly pets don’t outclass warriors, if you want to make a real thread with real complaints don’t put this stuff.
Pet over warrior jokes is new thing in community. If You play a ranger as a main PvP class, switch to warrior. You will see that yeah, that’s only jokes, but what makes them funny is fact they are not so far away from truth…
I remember seeing a thread where someone said that skill queuing ruined his game and that he would never played guild wars 2 anymore. Overreact much?.
I don’t understand Your surprise. Skill queuing is gamebraking addition for PvP players. Heck – it killed me twice in WvW already. Guys make valid point, that it should be erased or just we should be given option to turn it off. While give no answer, people go ragequit. That’s the internet, it’s PvP – it’s what (unfortunately) to be expected. If You add something gamebreaking to Your game and try hard not to acknowledge it, it will upset a lot of people. And only 2 classes I can think off that should have no problems with skill queuing is ranger and necro (not sure about necro – didn’t play him after patch yet), so heh. I think it doesn’t concern You much, but I understand why people go berserk about this.
Do you guys just make this up as you go?
I have NEVER seen a pet solo a treb. Ever.
Nope. After patch I’ve seen thing like You know – dead people. Nah, never seen pet soloing trebu, but it wouldn’t surprise me after last update. Before, I’m sure it was impossible, but now? I love exploiting things like this with ranger
, but still I know it’s bug and not pleasant one on top of that (tarantula or other big spider depict it great)
Honestly i don’t know how ANET puts up with this crap. This is probably why they aren’t posting anymore. You guys get a tiny issue, and you make it like it’s the end of the world, while completely disrespecting ANET employees.
Completely agree with that ;D.
(edited by Wizzlock.3492)
It’s destroying gameplay when a pet can solo the treb and its owner standing on the node defending it. Same goes for defending the node while the pet is engaging at the orb, interupting players, which try to capping it. The split from a ranger into two players is a game-breaking issue.
Mesmer illusion for e.g. dissapear after a while, when the mesmer moves on.In conclusion: reduce the range of the pet and fix the pet-rezz in downstate (so the pet can reach the player, stop rezzing when its dead or interrupted)
Do you guys just make this up as you go?
I have NEVER seen a pet solo a treb. Ever.
Nor would it be effective, nor possible (unless the other team member isn’t wearing any armor, nor amulet nor traits and doesn’t react to the pet attacking him)Edit: I suppose you guys think it’s as simple as pressing F1 and forgetting about everything. Play a ranger for one day, then you’ll know what i’m talking about.
I’ve sent my cat out to solo trebs. It only works when the person on the treb is a moron and doesn’t attack.
Also in my experience the leash range isn’t large enough for me to reach a point. I have to stay withing the courtyard area.
I’m not ‘making it like its the end of the world’, I’m simply pointing out a couple of bugs which STILL haven’t been fixed and which happen to be a fairly frequent occurence when fighting pets. The pvp here won’t ever fully recover anyway, and I’m not a tryhard esport competitor either, but it is annoying when such things persist almost a year into the game’s release.
I dont recall any pets soloing trebs, but given how they can follow you across half the map, I can imagine it is very doable, probably because of another bug with range.
Try imagining guardian, ele, necro or mesmer pets pulling off that kind of bs.
Also, if rez/aggro bugs aren’t game breaking, then idk how massive a bug must be for it to warrant fixing.
It’s destroying gameplay when a pet can solo the treb and its owner standing on the node defending it. Same goes for defending the node while the pet is engaging at the orb, interupting players, which try to capping it. The split from a ranger into two players is a game-breaking issue.
Mesmer illusion for e.g. dissapear after a while, when the mesmer moves on.In conclusion: reduce the range of the pet and fix the pet-rezz in downstate (so the pet can reach the player, stop rezzing when its dead or interrupted)
Do you guys just make this up as you go?
I have NEVER seen a pet solo a treb. Ever.
Nor would it be effective, nor possible (unless the other team member isn’t wearing any armor, nor amulet nor traits and doesn’t react to the pet attacking him)Edit: I suppose you guys think it’s as simple as pressing F1 and forgetting about everything. Play a ranger for one day, then you’ll know what i’m talking about.
I’ve sent my cat out to solo trebs. It only works when the person on the treb is a moron and doesn’t attack.
Also in my experience the leash range isn’t large enough for me to reach a point. I have to stay withing the courtyard area.
Yep, but if the treb is free its an easy job. Other players have to be on the treb themselves to destroy it, the ranger not. In general I have no problems with ranger, its only the pet range that should be reduced a bit.
I guess facing 3 rongers on a single team twice in one day on spirit watch must be karma’s way of getting back at me for this thread.
Ha ha. I also had this problem. One of these teams was a premade with 3 rangers. Also a lot of random teams with 2 rangers.
I checked that patch notes again and it does not seem that much of a buff(the ranger players complaining about our “whining” already mentiond only a few more hp).
I think the problem is that rangers always have been a bit strong(someone said this in another thread) and now more and more people are playing rangers because of the last patch and that’s why we only notice them now.
Someone said they are not good at teamfights… but that is also a reason they are that strong cause a lot of people play tPvP in random and the only teamplay there is is rezzing sometimes.
Timed uses of combo field or other skills that give conditions to allies… don’t think some random team can do this. Strategy is possible if you know where to go(now even better cause you can see where your team members are at the minipap). But more micro management of skill… premade teams will be at an advantage there.
Also I don’t know why but if I play glass cannon and want to kill other glass cannon it only takes a few hits but the pets that are supposed to be “dps” pets usually can take a lot more hits… maybe there base toughness is strong despite being good at dealing damage? Or it is just the build the ranger is using giving that pet a huge increase in stats.
Ha ha. I also had this problem. One of these teams was a premade with 3 rangers. Also a lot of random teams with 2 rangers.
I checked that patch notes again and it does not seem that much of a buff(the ranger players complaining about our “whining” already mentiond only a few more hp).
I think the problem is that rangers always have been a bit strong(someone said this in another thread) and now more and more people are playing rangers because of the last patch and that’s why we only notice them now.
This, and all the new whining on the forum here for sure must have caught the eye of many players to try out the ranger now. For the not so bright, going by quantity of changes in the patch notes, it would seem that rangers and their pets got buffed to god-status. Anyone that have played a ranger since release and/or beta before that, knows nothing really changed in pvp.
The same thing happened with engineers, was it last patch or the patch before that, and all of a sudden a crapload of HGH engineers were seen all over the place.
People are going by the quantity of changes to a class and thinks “heck, that class got some crazy buffs, I must play one”, while they have NO actual knowledge of what’s really going on.
All the things I hear ppl complaining about rangers now, I did months ago, just as effectively. The only change in the last patch that benefited me in a very minor way, was the 2k health buff to my cats, and by the sound of all the whiners here, that change alone have made my cats go from dying when you sneeze on them to being invincible now.
It’s laughable.
Not quite, I hated rangers long before the random buffs they got, and also knew how strong some of their specs are.
But many players rerolled to rongers now (probably also because of the update), so the annoyance of having to face them behind every corner has in effect been multiplied.
Sad thing is all these posts are just going to get lost without a decent answer form devs or something, sure many rangers still claim they’re fine (Even knowing they’re not…at all, i have a ranger…i don’t know how to play it and i can still own lots of ppl, and i KNOW and ADMIT it’s just broken).
Ppl are just asking for an explanation from staff….yeah yeah i know you don’t give a kitten to pvp…but just an answer…3 lines of text…even 2…anything…do you remember we paid for this game, right? Don’t want one of those 1 hour and half sotg youtube videos, just a simple and clear answer about how you’re going to fix those obviously broken mechanics..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
I love playing ranger. There are many of us. I’m sorry you don’t like it. It sounds like you need a hug, in fact, my Lynx wants a hug. She said she’s hungry for treb and warriors…
(edited by Chopps.5047)
Rangers needed buffs no doubt. Did the devs take it too far? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m encountering a buttload more rangers in pvp these days. That tells me that something is up. Must investigate more.
Rangers needed buffs no doubt. Did the devs take it too far? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m encountering a buttload more rangers in pvp these days. That tells me that something is up. Must investigate more.
Ranger is in a good place. I have been playing since beta and it hasn’t changed deastically from December. The fact is it took this patch to change perceptions about the profession. If anything, the pets live a little longer in aoe but, yeah, it’s the flavor of the month. I think necros are the next OP profession but that’s just my personal opinion.
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Read the whole thread before throwing random questions in. In general it’s the range of the pet, which is abnormal. Second thing is broken pet-rezz underwater in downstate, which is on temple a gamebraking issue.
I’ve still been waiting for them to fix that bug. I find it hilarious when it activates and keeps rezzing me when the pet is dead, but it also makes me shake my head, because I know I’m SUPPOSED to be dead there.
Also they really just need to fix the pet’s F2 thing. If they are attacking in any way, it won’t go off at all, which can get you killed. Do you know how annoying it is when you die in downed state because the Wolf you just switched to refuses to use its F2 to fear away the people trying to finish you?
And Rangers OP my kitten All you need is two or more people focus firing on the ranger himself and dodging the pet, and you can take out a ranger, regardless of their spec (they’re that way the same as Guardians).
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Read the whole thread before throwing random questions in. In general it’s the range of the pet, which is abnormal. Second thing is broken pet-rezz underwater in downstate, which is on temple a gamebraking issue.
Passive aggressive comments? In a forum? :O This is new.
I did read the whole thread, i just can’t see how a broken pet rez that has a rare 1% chance of occurring (and is a bug) is a “gamebraking” (nice spelling) issue.
The leash range isn’t as big as you guys think, and is working as intended. But what do i know? I probably just press f1 on warriors and trebs, and i’m such a noob that i think i’m actually good by pressing one button.
i play ranger too and i think its fine, but range from pet is to high
i can stay outside on mines and just need a target on keep and can send my pet – thats broken and op. range from pet should be max 1500 and than despawn back to the ranger
i testet my pet full on dmg can easy solo kill berserker mesmers warriors eles or whatever – just put pet on them and it will follow for ever they have no chance to lose the aggro from pet or kill it fast enough – ppl should have a chance to lose the aggro
Yesterday i was watching tp scrimming against a team and their ranger went underwater right before phantaram downed him..then phantaram used his underwater elite to damage the ranger till he dies..
Funny thing is that the (dead) pet managed to outheal the whole elites damage and after 15 sec ranger was up and rolling.Tbh this is one of the most broken things ive seen in this game.And they didnt bother to fix it even after they introduced water inside the temple map
If you send your pet to attack someone and it solo kills them, that says more about the other player than about your pet.
1v1 pets are useful and fairly good. I’ve heard people complaining about them, but mostly because they are actually good. This is the first time I’ve heard someone say they are OP. Though even in 1v1 avoiding a pet isn’t that difficult, they can’t attack while moving so just step away at the right time.
i play ranger too and i think its fine, but range from pet is to high
i can stay outside on mines and just need a target on keep and can send my pet – thats broken and op. range from pet should be max 1500 and than despawn back to the ranger
i testet my pet full on dmg can easy solo kill berserker mesmers warriors eles or whatever – just put pet on them and it will follow for ever they have no chance to lose the aggro from pet or kill it fast enough – ppl should have a chance to lose the aggro
Let’s just rethink that scenario for one second, person that never actually played a ranger.
You “magically” get your target from the mine, you send your pet there, it takes about 15 seconds to reach the keep. It reaches the keep. It dies in 10 seconds or less, or you swap it out. It takes another 15 seconds for him to reach the keep, he dies in 10 seconds or less, or you swap it out. Then you send your pet out again. Then someone attacks you in the mine, you have no pet! You’re dead.
it is not important how much dmg it can do or how long it have to walk there
it should not be possible to make dmg on keep while being afk on mine – simple
And theres no magic to get the target on keep – teammate mark it – done
AND my pet do 1k dmg per hit non crit – 2k crit – easyfor it to kill glasscanon ppl when they slowed stunned or whatever
(edited by Romek.4201)
First off, if you set your pet to go kill something without doing something yourself, you’re now a sitting duck who can be ganked easily.
Second, nobody who is actually competent at Ranger will do that, since our pets are the things that are keeping enemies either off us, or moving where we want them to move.
Third, if you’re playing GC, you have no right to complain that you’re getting taken down by something that is being buffed by a BM build (meaning it’s a plastic cannon vs your GC self).
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Lick Wounds (And not only underwater where is obviously bugged and still not fixed), F skills while downed, pet recovering full life on swap even without the ranger getting out of combat, birds critting like thieves while owner runs bunker spec, able to defend point while pet dpsing somewhere else (Orb just for example)….should i go on? There’s a pretty long list….
(edited by Archaon.6245)
it is not important how much dmg it can do or how long it have to walk there
it should not be possible to make dmg on keep while being afk on mine – simple
And theres no magic to get the target on keep – teammate mark it – done
AND my pet do 1k dmg per hit non crit – 2k crit – easyfor it to kill glasscanon ppl when they slowed stunned or whatever
Oh it is magic, because even marked you won’t get the target from mine, so please stop making stuff up. And even if you do get a target (you have to be near the river, which is nowhere near mine) it says out of range.
Again. Please. Stop. Making. Stuff. Up.
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Lick Wounds (And not only underwater where is obviously bugged and still not fixed), F skills while downed, pet recovering full life on swap even without the ranger getting out of combat, birds critting like thieves while owner runs bunker spec….should i go on? There’s a pretty long list….
You know nothing of balance if you’re complaining our pet healing up when we swap him. Birds don’t crit like thieves. Lick wounds bug underwater rarely triggers, but yes, its a BUG. The pet isn’t dead, why shouldn’t i control his F abilities while downed?
Please, go on.
Rangers needed buffs no doubt. Did the devs take it too far? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m encountering a buttload more rangers in pvp these days. That tells me that something is up. Must investigate more.
I’d like to know which buffs are these that have gone too far.
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Lick Wounds (And not only underwater where is obviously bugged and still not fixed), F skills while downed, pet recovering full life on swap even without the ranger getting out of combat, birds critting like thieves while owner runs bunker spec….should i go on? There’s a pretty long list….
You know nothing of balance if you’re complaining our pet healing up when we swap him. Birds don’t crit like thieves. Lick wounds bug underwater rarely triggers, but yes, its a BUG. The pet isn’t dead, why shouldn’t i control his F abilities while downed?
Please, go on.
My phantasms and clones aren’t dead if i go down…and necro’s minions neither….so why shouldn’t we control them too? Maybe because this would be imbalanced and stupid since a downed player have just to try to survive with his downed bar..
Please, go on..
I don’t understand what’s so broken about it. Claiming it’s so “broken” and not giving any real explanation won’t do. What’s broken about it?
The healing power? Condition damage? I understand people complain a lot about traps, but honestly it’s so easy to avoid i’m surprised they still do.
Lick Wounds (And not only underwater where is obviously bugged and still not fixed), F skills while downed, pet recovering full life on swap even without the ranger getting out of combat, birds critting like thieves while owner runs bunker spec….should i go on? There’s a pretty long list….
You know nothing of balance if you’re complaining our pet healing up when we swap him. Birds don’t crit like thieves. Lick wounds bug underwater rarely triggers, but yes, its a BUG. The pet isn’t dead, why shouldn’t i control his F abilities while downed?
Please, go on.
My phantasms and clones aren’t dead if i go down…and necro’s minions neither….so why shouldn’t we control them too? Maybe because this would be imbalanced and stupid since a downed player have just to try to survive with his downed bar..
Please, go on..
Necro’s minions aren’t controllable by default, and i think that’s wrong.
However, comparing the pet to a clone is ridiculous.
Clones have a short life span and are spawned just as quickly. You even explode or shatter your clones on the enemy. Hardly what you call something permanent like the pet. You don’t see me sending my pet to his death with a bomb strapped around him.
In that case, i want a pet to spawn on my every evade, and to be able to explode my pet on the enemies.
Oh by the way, your “please go on” didn’t make sense.
This is what makes rangers rangers. Mesmers have portal and are essentially in 2 places at once. Let us have our pet. Besides trap we have no aoe damage so we don’t contribute much to team fights so we have to be tactical with what we do have. Pets are one of those things where we can send pet while we go do something else. This is the only reason why I play ranger so that on maps like kyhlo I can send pet to kill treb while I distract far. Without these mechanics the ranger is kinda worthless to the team. The only REAL issue I see is keeping someone in combat. The leash range shouldn’t be shortened but keeping someone in combat should be changed.
Am I good?… I’m good.
There are some very good players, people that probably blame themselves first 99 9 times out of 1000 when they lose before making balance excuses, giving valid input on some of the things wrong with rangers pets in this thread its ludicrous to dismiss them. Pet range is too much and the water rezzing is a joke and has been a joke. It was ignorable until they added a tournament map with water. The game is better when people can put aside there personal interests when something is clearly imbalanced for competitve play. You can’t mention changing any thing on any class without the self interested pouring out of the wood work in droves to make nonsense arguments in there own self interests.
Necro’s minions aren’t controllable by default
Wrong. Even without playing necro i know minion skills turn into minion actions when they’re up, like golem’s kd…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
There are some very good players, [people that probably blame themselves first 99 times out of 100 when they lose, giving valid input on some of the things wrong with rangers pets in this thread its ludicrous to dismiss them. Pet range is too much and the water rezzing is a joke and has been a joke. It was ignorable until they added a tournament map with water. The game is better when people can put aside there personal interests when something is clearly imbalanced for competitve play.
It’s not ludicrous to dismiss players when they flat out lie just to make a point. Check it, it’s not possible to get a target from mine to keep. NO one sends a pet just to solo a treb, it’s not effective nor doable due to leash range.
I agree with you, that water rez bug is a joke and HAS to be fixed, but really it doesn’t happen very often.
it should not be possible to make dmg on keep while being afk on mine – simple
i have a big problem with this argument in general, because a pet accomplishes the same role as a mesmer portal, except it is weaker in its impact. greater defense, less offense, less utility.
that being said, they are braindead to manage atm so i do see changes needed.
potential changes:
- let the pet’s target drop combat if the pet doesn’t hit him for X seconds outside of 1,200 range ( in addition to other combat flags ), & combat break would send pet back to ranger. revert AI change so stealth also sends pet back.
- reduce pet leash range to 3,000 ( long enough to harass runners, short enough to force ranger off node if they want to support team fight )
the pet mechanic is designed to keep a player on the move. in essence, it is a damage proc that your team receives on the assist target for applying CC. ( chill a target, get rewarded with a pet hit ) but the ranger needs to take more responsibility for the pet’s performance than at present.
Necro’s minions aren’t controllable by default
Wrong. Even without playing necro i know minion skills turn into minion actions when they’re up, like golem’s kd…
… with the exception of one skill, not being possible to tell him to auto attack something, to stop, to come back. The necro pets run around aimlessly until you tell them to use that skill.
When i say control, i mean real control.
Necro’s minions aren’t controllable by default
Wrong. Even without playing necro i know minion skills turn into minion actions when they’re up, like golem’s kd…
… with the exception of one skill, not being possible to tell him to auto attack something, to stop, to come back. The necro pets run around aimlessly until you tell them to use that skill.
When i say control, i mean real control.
So they’re already way more stupid than ranger’s pet (And we all know this) so it’s fine they can’t manage them while downed while rangers can? Makes no sense to me…
Ur tears feed me Archaon.6245 :P
Ur tears feed me Archaon.6245 :P
Many eles said that too a month ago…
There are some very good players, [people that probably blame themselves first 99 times out of 100 when they lose, giving valid input on some of the things wrong with rangers pets in this thread its ludicrous to dismiss them. Pet range is too much and the water rezzing is a joke and has been a joke. It was ignorable until they added a tournament map with water. The game is better when people can put aside there personal interests when something is clearly imbalanced for competitve play.
It’s not ludicrous to dismiss players when they flat out lie just to make a point. Check it, it’s not possible to get a target from mine to keep. NO one sends a pet just to solo a treb, it’s not effective nor doable due to leash range.
I agree with you, that water rez bug is a joke and HAS to be fixed, but really it doesn’t happen very often.
dude, my pet solos treb like its his job—because it is. you are right in that you cannot target treb or a keep target from home point. but as long as your team sets a target, you absolutely can. then the pet can assist. this is an expected part of the ranger’s role as home point D. if the opposite team doesn’t want their treb taken down, they can come fight me at home node. the range will force the pet back immediately unless i allow a decap.
heated arguments ranted about mesmer portal for months. i’m sure pet leash range will get tweaks just like portal was adjusted.
Necro’s minions aren’t controllable by default
Wrong. Even without playing necro i know minion skills turn into minion actions when they’re up, like golem’s kd…
… with the exception of one skill, not being possible to tell him to auto attack something, to stop, to come back. The necro pets run around aimlessly until you tell them to use that skill.
When i say control, i mean real control.So they’re already way more stupid than ranger’s pet (And we all know this) so it’s fine they can’t manage them while downed while rangers can? Makes no sense to me…
I never said it’s fine. I actually think necro pets NEED buffs and NEED control. And the necro SHOULD be able to use the pet knockdown while downed.
But the fact that our pets are smarter and stronger than necro minions is completely acceptable to me, given that our class no matter what has 1 pet and is dependent on the it.
There are some very good players, [people that probably blame themselves first 99 times out of 100 when they lose, giving valid input on some of the things wrong with rangers pets in this thread its ludicrous to dismiss them. Pet range is too much and the water rezzing is a joke and has been a joke. It was ignorable until they added a tournament map with water. The game is better when people can put aside there personal interests when something is clearly imbalanced for competitve play.
It’s not ludicrous to dismiss players when they flat out lie just to make a point. Check it, it’s not possible to get a target from mine to keep. NO one sends a pet just to solo a treb, it’s not effective nor doable due to leash range.
I agree with you, that water rez bug is a joke and HAS to be fixed, but really it doesn’t happen very often.
dude, my pet solos treb like its his job—because it is. you are right in that you cannot target treb or a keep target from home point. but as long as your team sets a target, you absolutely can. then the pet can assist. this is an expected part of the ranger’s role as home point D. if the opposite team doesn’t want their treb taken down, they can come fight me at home node. the range will force the pet back immediately unless i allow a decap.
heated arguments ranted about mesmer portal for months. i’m sure pet leash range will get tweaks just like portal was adjusted.
I see what you mean, though for this to work, you need:
-To cap the enemy’s point
-For the enemy to not be on the treb, and if he’s not on the treb then the treb doesn’t mean a lot to him (aside from extra 15 points)
-You can’t stay on point defending otherwise your pet will come back, so that means if enemies attack you’ll get your pet back.
-It took 45 seconds for my panther with 30 points in BM to kill a full health treb, + the time it takes for the pet to get there.
With these 4 restrictions, it becomes very situational, and the enemy team’s fault for not reacting to the “CLASS MECHANIC” of the ranger. I can’t really see how OP that is.
(edited by AlexRD.7914)
Want to nerf rangers? Buff them…
Make it so all of a pet’s stats scale based off the wearer. This would be an enormous buff in some circles, but for the current meta, would actually be an enormous nerf but one that most rangers would probably welcome. If pet damage actually scaled off the Ranger’s power, crit, and dmg rating they’d do next to no damage because everyone is running Shaman’s and Rabid. Same with WvW where most run Apothecary.
Fix the longbow so it’s actually the power/crit alternative to the shortbow’s condition. At min range the longbow should still do the same dps as a shortbow, not less. At upper ranges it should hurt. While a buff outright, it would actually encourage Rangers to consider non-condition builds.
Fix the Ranger’s skills so some of the options actually deal damage at range with the bows. An ‘long shot’ skill that causes critical damage. Explosive tipped arrows. Etc. Something so a Ranger actually had a choice that wasn’t 100% useless other than lightning reflexes, signet, and flametrap/zephyr.
Part of the problem we’re seeing is nearly every single class that has a bunker build is also condition based. Since conditions are based solely on one stat it’s easy for them to ignore everything including power and crit chance in favor of toughness, vitality, and healing power.
Nerf condition damage for all classes across the board by 30% but allow them to crit and you’ve probably solved the whole bunker problem in one fell swoop.
And yes, it seems reasonable for pets to leash at 2000yards.
i play ranger too and i think its fine, but range from pet is to high
i can stay outside on mines and just need a target on keep and can send my pet – thats broken and op. range from pet should be max 1500 and than despawn back to the ranger
i testet my pet full on dmg can easy solo kill berserker mesmers warriors eles or whatever – just put pet on them and it will follow for ever they have no chance to lose the aggro from pet or kill it fast enough – ppl should have a chance to lose the aggro
Pet range should be the same or longer in wvw and pve though.
Forgot one thing, as some mentioned already:
- pets hitting like a truck while their masters are bunker-specced
Also relevant: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/The-BM-Ranger/first#post1984921
Forgot one thing, as some mentioned already:
- pets hitting like a truck while their masters are bunker-specced
But pets can hit only 1 target. What’s the problem with the bigger damage compared to every mele weapon that have cleave attaks?