For those of you who played guild wars 1 on release, I was in a guild called The Morning After. For a brief time we were rank 1 in the beginning of GvG taking down the likes of Esotaric, Frost etc. I gotta say Guild Wars 1 GvG was the most incredible gaming experience I’ve ever had, and for a competitive gamer that’s saying a lot. I know GW2 is in kind of a slump right now, but I want to get the ball rolling for a competitive scene. It’s not enough to expect Arena Net to do something about it.
A great example is League of Legends and Riot Games. Riot was a tiny company that created a MOBA that people started to enjoy. The PLAYERS started forming tournaments, leagues, ladders, etc. Solo Mid was the new place for players to go for competitive League of Legends advice, guides and tutorials. Riot saw this, saw the viewer numbers and went crazy, eventually forming league seasons, the LCS, Worlds and now sponsored salary pro-gamers. The thing that sets League of Legends apart from a normal e-sports game is the accessibility. You can download the game for free, and boom, you get to jump right in.
This is where Guild Wars 2 shines as well. Aside from the cost of the game, you get to jump RIGHT into the action in any pvp you want, and play and learn and be competitive. With Guild Wars 2 having that kind of accessibility, I see huge potential for a competitive scene. The problem I see right now is the casting of tournaments, and lack of prize pools. It takes people to step up to do this sort of thing. People don’t want to watch tournaments cast by people who don’t know spell names, or who cant use the camera properly.
On the other side of it, the way that Guild Wars 2 works is hard to cast for, so I think for future player-held tournaments, we really need point cameras on the streams, so that you can see all 3 points on the stream plus whatever action is going on. Then, the casters would have an easier time seeing whats going on and commentating as such.
I want to get the ball rolling because GW1 was such a huge step in the right direction for team-oriented competitive MMO PvP, I want to see GW2 flourish. I need a few like-minded people to get things going. High-level people who can start streaming, taking donations and using the donations to fund properly held tournaments. GW2 isn’t going to take off if the viewers aren’t as passionate about it as the players are, and you don’t get that without solid streams and casters. So if you’re interested in helping me set up what I think could be a pretty big thing let me know! Get a hold of me, reply here and lets get things started.
On the other side, lets get a discussion going. Why do you think GW2 hasn’t taken off? Give me some ideas so we can set it up the right way.