GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


X3 DH stack. Lets goooooo

btw we lost. So glad its all about what op build/stacking team comp you make in this game lollolololololol

Stack them DH!


GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Every time I see 1m+ damage from any profession, it makes me think that the fight’s weren’t that “good”… I rarely hit 500k+ in some wins.

If you end the fight quickly, there’s no need for an absurd amount of overall damage done

I have things like under 250k worth of damage dealt and 16 kills XD with the win.

20 kills, under 200k condi on a rabid ammy XD

Is that a hybrid build? Is the direct damage coming from shatters?

Not a hybrid build but you can run a hybrid ammy (you just become super squish). The direct damage will be from a collection of shattering, chaos storms, iMage, GravWell, Blurred Frenzies etc.

This would be what a Hybrid ammy (destroyer) running a similar setup (chaos instead of Illusions) would look like for damage

Viper works well too.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Opc.4718


The damage stats is quite misleading, the amount of damage you do is going to be doubled or tripled when you fight against anyone with AI pets, especially MM necros and mesmers.

Why is there always an excuse? A guard can do 2x the damage he showed and probably all the guards on forums will come and say “well, erm. actually its because blah blah”

No other prof can get away with it but guards can? Nah man. Tired of DH/burn guards ruining this entire season. 100-0 nearly anyone in one rotation while blocking everything their way.

I can get 1m score on any DPS class as long as you give me a bunch of mesmers to bash on over and over. But this only happens in exceptional games where the fighting has been drawn out into long battles of attrition, regardless of whether or not a DH was involved, so this is hardly an arguing point.

A number of classes can take someone from 100-0 with absolute impunity given the right opportunity. Examples: warrior stunlock, mesmer cc lock with wells or moa bomb, and thief perma evade. Classes like rev engi and ranger are just straight up sustain bruiser monsters and should beat DH 1v1. The fact that DH can chain cc with blocks is neither game breaking nor unique, and like every other class, has its counters.

There may or may not be merit to this thread but lets not sidetrack it with pointless stats and strawman arguments.

The PRIMARY issue DH has is its low skill floor – anyone can pick it up, learn to drop traps in a minute straight and be quite effective especially in the lower tiers. Class stacking compounds the issue and inexperienced players find themselves unable to effectively counter even if they may technically be better players than the DH players. At upper tiers though, it drastically loses its viability and the glaring issues of the class shine through.

This has been a balancing problem since the days of classic street fighting games when people have discovered that spamming one button over and over again will more often than not completely lock down their opponent and win the match effectively (and cause an inordinate amount of salt in the process). Calling for pitchforks, mobs and nerfs across the board is not the solution.

Personally, I’d

- nerf procession of blades damage by shaving off its duration from 10x to 8x hits or lower
- shorten the duration uptime of test of faith by 1-2 seconds, remove the initial damage component, but add it back to the crossing damage by making each subsequent crossing deal even more damage
- shrink the size of test of faith (or even all the traps)
- make the F3 shield slightly smaller so its easier to hit the guard from the sides and back.
- increase scepter immob time from 2.25 to to 2.75 or even 3 to make successful decap plays more punishing

It might not seem much but this makes trap spam and area denial drastically less powerful in team fights although you’ll still die by walking stupidly onto a point with all traps stacked on top. The viability at upper tiers is maintained because no one takes procession of blades and good players cc through test of faith extremely fast anyway. Test of faith now better rewards good play, the smaller size further encourages well positioned cc plays while reducing passive area denial effectiveness. F3 is now also effective only if you maintain actual good positioning. The slight buff to scepter ensures that if you are able to bait out condi clears before knocking back, you’re more likely to score a decap against the opponent.

Burn guards are a complete non issue.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

(edited by Opc.4718)

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


gonna keep bumping this thread until DH is nerfed.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


gonna keep bumping this thread until DH is nerfed.


GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


The problem isn’t the guard that much, it’s that the balance in general across the board is just terrible and the conquest game-type doesn’t promote interesting gameplay.

When traps that insta-kill players without stability cover the entire objective of your game-mode you know you’ve failed. The original Guild Wars 1 team would never have let something like that happen.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751




GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


you killed a beast at least. gg you

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


you killed a beast at least. gg you

One of my teammates ACTUALLY left because of the DH stack.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Menyus.4610


you killed a beast at least. gg you

One of my teammates ACTUALLY left because of the DH stack.

After DH nerf DHs be like omfg Anet ruined DH it took me more then 2 seconds to kill someone….

Also dont even answer to Kuya he is that l2p dont get into traps if u see a DH u should range dps him guy i think he was the guy once who told me thief always hard countered thieves…

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


The problem isn’t the guard that much, it’s that the balance in general across the board is just terrible and the conquest game-type doesn’t promote interesting gameplay.

When traps that insta-kill players without stability cover the entire objective of your game-mode you know you’ve failed. The original Guild Wars 1 team would never have let something like that happen.

I have to disagree because i find WTS 1 and WTS 2 super fun to watch and decent balance. I mean you have 3-4 players running cele amulet but all classes are shown and all of them been played well.

D/D ele meta and HOT hit and boom the roof collapsed. I do find conquests super fun to play and watch before HOT.

Like in before HOT you saw good portal plays, crazy movement from thieves as well as huge power and what other teams did to counter it. Even in the NA qualifiers you saw tarcis survive a 1 vs 2 vs never lucky. Then he got the stomp and storm and huerix where on the fight and off the fight and back to the fight. It was some pretty good stuff.

I mean its not conquest fault that Anet is trolling players with these HOT specs. With guardians having cap size traps that do alot of damage, removing all bunker/support amulets, killing off any support builds, and most of the HOT weapons being OP for the classes. Thats Anet being Anet and if you want to say GW1 PvP wasnt like that i would have to disagree. I have many guild mates who said if they did every thing right they could kill the enemy team in 25 sec. Plus there is videos on youtube of imbalance like any game but obviously since HOT and slightly before it Anet has eaten all the cake at the party before even lighting the candles when it comes to PvP.

Question why do you dislike conquest so much?

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Question why do you dislike conquest so much?

I didn’t say that. I said that the conquest gameplay doesn’t work with the current class balance.

The nodes circles are too small and do not leave space to fight or dodge out of insta-kill traps. It’s a completely unfair advantage when a class can just force you out of the objectives. No wonder why I’ve seen games with 7 DH! That’s all you need really.

Perhaps druids to counter and a necro to corrupt. That’s about it.

I don’t dislike conquest, but I could imagine a game mode and new maps that would be more dynamic and interesting where you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the objectives mechanics using a specific builds.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


you killed a beast at least. gg you

One of my teammates ACTUALLY left because of the DH stack.

After DH nerf DHs be like omfg Anet ruined DH it took me more then 2 seconds to kill someone….

If i could solo que to legend with DH with like a 80% win rate in season 2/season 3, I doubt I’ll care much if they nerf DH after season 4.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: abaddon.3290


you killed a beast at least. gg you

One of my teammates ACTUALLY left because of the DH stack.

After DH nerf DHs be like omfg Anet ruined DH it took me more then 2 seconds to kill someone….

If i could solo que to legend with DH with like a 80% win rate in season 2/season 3, I doubt I’ll care much if they nerf DH after season 4.

if you were able to do that with a dh through all those seasons then good job.

im bad at sarcasm

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Question why do you dislike conquest so much?

I didn’t say that. I said that the conquest gameplay doesn’t work with the current class balance.

The nodes circles are too small and do not leave space to fight or dodge out of insta-kill traps. It’s a completely unfair advantage when a class can just force you out of the objectives. No wonder why I’ve seen games with 7 DH! That’s all you need really.

Perhaps druids to counter and a necro to corrupt. That’s about it.

I don’t dislike conquest, but I could imagine a game mode and new maps that would be more dynamic and interesting where you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the objectives mechanics using a specific builds.

I stand corrected then, I apologize.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


you killed a beast at least. gg you

One of my teammates ACTUALLY left because of the DH stack.

After DH nerf DHs be like omfg Anet ruined DH it took me more then 2 seconds to kill someone….

If i could solo que to legend with DH with like a 80% win rate in season 2/season 3, I doubt I’ll care much if they nerf DH after season 4.

Dont act like getting to legendary S2/3 was some majestic force. I basically got a free ride into legendary S2 after the grind of S1 and i rode a full trap ranger into it.

I even posted unfair matches where 7-8 games in a row my team won 500-100 and i running a build with 1 condi clear and no stun breakers in a meta where everything is running at 100 X GW2 core level.

S1/4 is not fun for the grind, season 2/3 wasnt fun because it was unfair.(either way- for players getting smushed and for players doing the smushing) To top it all off balance is god awful. There is balance between the classes in 1 vs 1 situations and 5-6 classes are very similar. Then there is balance between classes in a 5 vs 5 situation and right now we are the Washington Generals and Anet is the Globetrotters.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


LOL. GW2 become a no brain game.


GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Well the answer is play ele… Oh wait …

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


The problem isn’t the guard that much, it’s that the balance in general across the board is just terrible and the conquest game-type doesn’t promote interesting gameplay.

When traps that insta-kill players without stability cover the entire objective of your game-mode you know you’ve failed. The original Guild Wars 1 team would never have let something like that happen.

+1 conquest game-type just a joke since gw2 begin.
