GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Lol where is the pvp community goiing to go? The mmo market is pretty small. Those who want WOW pvp are probably playing it already.

Back to their previous MMOs, if they feel the GW2 PvP has not met expectations, or new games like Planetside 2 and I’ve noticed in the case of many “pro” teams, seem to hold the competitve element above all else and many can be spotted playing games like LoL or DOTA 2 now.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Isn’t the PvP dead already? … Thank God Assassins Creed 3 for Comupter is coming up close and Halo 4 arrived … so I don’t need GW2 anymore and thank god this is no P2P Game so that I can simply come back and look into the PvP in 3-4 months when it will hopefully be better and if not then for sure the game will die like all the other hyped MMOs before.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Ecliptica.7509


Great post. 100% with you…

Said that, I have to add my personal priority:

1st. Class Bugs: Fix all the important bugs that ALL class have.
2nd. Balance: No more burst/bunker thing.
3rd. This post.

Oh, and I would like to said to Arenanet, take this posts seriously, and take the forum seriously. Making post like Raid on the Capricorn saying:

“How about fewer sharks, please!

Coming soon(about 2 weeks) to a game near you…"

Its like if you guys are making fun of as.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


PvP in this game is crap.Cheap, superficial pre – beta stage crap.Will it get better? No.I do not think that those who made it put it out on the market in this sorry state are capable of fixing it.Plain and simple.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


I’ve been meaning to make a post about this for a while, to combat the ignorance that simply having a ladder system with “MMR” would fix anything. The problem is so far removed from a ladder system that no one seems to understand. The real issue is the population interested in PvP as a whole. Everyone who has a decent PvP team knows eachother, and the amount of which is probably countable on your fingers. If a ladder system was thrown up it would become very similar to what happened in SWTOR when they threw in “rated warzones” without cross server queues, one team dominates everyone and there is the “big fish, little pond syndrome” same thing would happen here. The only thing I could see “helping” the situation would be to abandon the tournament style all-together and just set up single matches, but that is entirely debatable as to how effective that would be with our current population.

There is also the fact that implementing such a system would destroy the QP monthly and yearly tournament idea, or botch it in such a way that it would also need to be completely reworked. You cannot rewards QP to say a 1000 rated player when a tournament of 8 teams rated 2000 or higher rewards only 1 QP. Logically speaking the way the tournaments are set up currently is completely fine IF they had the population to support it, which currently is not playing the game.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I’ve been meaning to make a post about this for a while, to combat the ignorance that simply having a ladder system with “MMR” would fix anything. The problem is so far removed from a ladder system that no one seems to understand. The real issue is the population interested in PvP as a whole. Everyone who has a decent PvP team knows eachother, and the amount of which is probably countable on your fingers. If a ladder system was thrown up it would become very similar to what happened in SWTOR when they threw in “rated warzones” without cross server queues, one team dominates everyone and there is the “big fish, little pond syndrome” same thing would happen here. The only thing I could see “helping” the situation would be to abandon the tournament style all-together and just set up single matches, but that is entirely debatable as to how effective that would be with our current population.

There is also the fact that implementing such a system would destroy the QP monthly and yearly tournament idea, or botch it in such a way that it would also need to be completely reworked. You cannot rewards QP to say a 1000 rated player when a tournament of 8 teams rated 2000 or higher rewards only 1 QP. Logically speaking the way the tournaments are set up currently is completely fine IF they had the population to support it, which currently is not playing the game.

uh pvp is already region wide, so they already have cross-server queues (i.e. all north american servers are grouped and all eu servers are grouped for pvp)

and to counter the QP issue you could just make QPs only rewarded in paid tournaments.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Coopers.4376


uh pvp is already region wide, so they already have cross-server queues (i.e. all north american servers are grouped and all eu servers are grouped for pvp)

and to counter the QP issue you could just make QPs only rewarded in paid tournaments.

I don’t think you understood what he was saying. There is a region block, meaning we aren’t able to fight against the European teams and the asian teams which play super late at night. This means there could be teams with 1000 rating earning QP’s while the top 8 teams in the world could be slugging it out during prime time for a single QP.

There is currently no balance to the distribution of QP’s. My team usually jokes about the fact that when monthlies roll by there will only be 4 teams in it. That would be so fun to watch…..

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


uh pvp is already region wide, so they already have cross-server queues (i.e. all north american servers are grouped and all eu servers are grouped for pvp)

and to counter the QP issue you could just make QPs only rewarded in paid tournaments.

I don’t think you understood what he was saying. There is a region block, meaning we aren’t able to fight against the European teams and the asian teams which play super late at night. This means there could be teams with 1000 rating earning QP’s while the top 8 teams in the world could be slugging it out during prime time for a single QP.

There is currently no balance to the distribution of QP’s. My team usually jokes about the fact that when monthlies roll by there will only be 4 teams in it, and a 1 or 2 late night teams. That would be so fun to watch…..

So you add a joint qualifying tournament server like WoW did with Arena.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: merrypgm.5798


whole meta-game is broken because they are acting tough and can’t admit the “No-Heal Part” was a giant mistake

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


I fear that this thread may be closed soon…but i hope arena net sees my suggestions…

Make the capping mechanic team based aka more players = cap in your direction less you lose it etc…yes.yes.yes…dare i say it…similar to wow. I’m terribly sorry to have to mention that piece of kitten of a game…and yes i said kitten myself =P….but make it so you don’t count towards the cap if your cc’d…similar to stealth etc. That way cc / bunker classes remain in some kind of use. to hold off for a small amount of time like they were intended i believe. /shrug.

Next. I believe yes a matchmaking system is required and ideally along with changing normal spvp to 5v5 as well.

Lastly…don’t change anything more with classes UNTIL please note UNTIL…you have fixed all the bugs that plague most classes…I am of the strong opinion if you do those three things…you will see a massive turn around in tPvP…i shall add a bolded tldr at end and beginning. Thanks for reading =)

TL;DR – Matchmaking, change to team cap not 1 person can hold a node. ( more people cap goes in your favour…that will change the bunker and burst issue imo ), Balance classes AFTER!!!! you fix bugs that each class has.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: merrypgm.5798


none wants to play that crappy bunker mode, it ain’t fun. Adding those unbalanced classes make it worse period.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Monarch.4026


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.
Best regards Pray

Yes please do this and expose the imbalance in this game even more. I am already losing interest in this game because of mesemers, warriors and thieves. You put in single and duo tournaments and the ridiculousness of these classes will be more exposed than ever. I can see it now. Dual thief teams killing teams in seconds. Guardian and warrior teams being unkillable. Lol. Yeah plz do this and help me finalize my decision to leave this imbalanced joke.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.
Best regards Pray

Yes please do this and expose the imbalance in this game even more. I am already losing interest in this game because of mesemers, warriors and thieves. You put in single and duo tournaments and the ridiculousness of these classes will be more exposed than ever. I can see it now. Dual thief teams killing teams in seconds. Guardian and warrior teams being unkillable. Lol. Yeah plz do this and help me finalize my decision to leave this imbalanced joke.

he means one tournament for 3-5 man premades and one tournament made up of solo/duo queuers who get matched together to form teams of 5..

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: TrueTears.2149


I think the pvp mechanics of the game hold potential. Unfortunately, it feels like there is no incentive to play already too narrow sPvP content anymore except gaining glory and rank points (which is still not good enough, other than some cool finishers and some titles. Yeah that is all…).
It has already become boring for many pvpers in the mists playing the same game modes and 3 maps again and again with no clear purpose. On top of that, it is demoralizing to see that there exists a lot of bugs (where most of them can be easily fixed, ignoring possible software-wise challenges) just standing out there (as if the sPvP part of the game is completely ignored).

I also dont want to see spvp players completely isolated from the game. It would be nice if achievements in sPvP content meant something ( i assume mostly cosmetic) while playing in WvW and/or PvE content.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


um, how?

and that’s your only response to this whole thread?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Eddie.9143


i am so bored of this game at rank 23.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


um, how?

and that’s your only response to this whole thread?

I think he misunderstood what he was asking for. Which is kind of funny…

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


Not that you can queue as single / dual players, but that the entire queue is made up of those same people; thus, when you enter the tournament, the people you are fighting are also single / dual queuers, not pre-made 5 man teams.

If this is in, please let me know how I can stop getting eaten alive on Khylo (without joining a 5 man team).

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Asbrandr.6324


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


um, how?

and that’s your only response to this whole thread?

I think he misunderstood what he was asking for. Which is kind of funny…

Then perhaps someone should clarify what classifies as a strong matchmaking mechanic. Something similar to an ELO skill-based system was the intended suggestion, I presume?

Zevkk | 80 Necromancer | Vyhrr Sootshroud | 80 Thief
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


I’m one of those people who have set their hopes really high for Nov 15th. I am expecting a gigantic list of things. Guess we’ll see lol. There’s a lot of emphasis on being put on Nov 15th and I think they will deliver.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


You can already do this.


He was referring to a system wherein, if you queue solo or duo, you’ll get matched up against other players who also queued solo or duo. Therefore, partial premades (or solo players) would not get matched up against full premades.

Currently, you can’t do this.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


You can already do this.


He was referring to a system wherein, if you queue solo or duo, you’ll get matched up against other players who also queued solo or duo. Therefore, partial premades (or solo players) would not get matched up against full premades.

Currently, you can’t do this.

I believe this is known as a “Random Arena.”

A novel concept. Maybe some aspiring game developer should get to work on it. You know, I’m not sure if it’s ever been done.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: sheldon.3825


i think gm understood it as like.. u can register tournament single or duo than join the random team.. which originally asked for 1vs1 or 2vs2 tournament…

Valkyrie Slayer Warrior [Commander]
Shelenn Elementalist / Pink Cloak Thief / Valkyrie Templar Guardian
Member of [GR] from Kaineng Server

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord Jim.2870

Warlord Jim.2870

In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


Not to be argumentative Mr Sharp.

However, if you are going to take the time to post in a thread, please, at least also take the time to properly comprehend the meaning of the quoted text.

As others have said, he is describing a system where you will only be matched with people who are also only solo or duo queuing. The current system in the game will often match people who solo queue into paid tourneys against full premades.

What has been said in this thread is accurate. I was unbelievably excited for the PvP aspect of this game, having a great love of competitive gaming. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this, but this game is currently not e-sports friendly, nor does it have the basic features required for it to get to this point yet.

I didn’t even make it to rank 20 before I became so utterly bored with the sPVP aspect, to the point where PvE and WvW are actually more fun for me, a person who normally buys games only on their pvp value.

I think this game has a ton of potential, and I have no doubt that alot of content is in the works, but frankly MMO players aren’t known for their leniency when it comes to delays in content. Will you eventually have great pvp and e-sports features? Perhaps. Will any of us have any friends / team mates left playing before that happens? At this stage, that doesn’t seem likely.

I truly hope i’m wrong, for I love this game.

(edited by Warlord Jim.2870)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


The key thing is to face MIRROR pug compositions, which many of you have already pointed out.

PUG groups be matched with other mirror PUG groups (ie 3+2 vs 3+2 or 4+1 vs 4+1)

(edited by gwawer.9805)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


insert random rant along with the hint that mocking your community while disregarding/misinterpreting a constructive post is kind of antisocial behaviour

No, you can not already do this.

(edited by Pray.9751)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Wait up a second guys. I tihnk we are letting the argumentative side get the best of us:

Instead of clamoring for OMG REMOVE 8V8 for 5v5, why don’t we just have some 8v8, some 5v5 servers? That way people have their options.

No not 5v5 custom servers that you have to pay for, but 5v5 hotjoin along with 8v8. Everybody’s happy.

(edited by gwawer.9805)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


Again Jon, you perfectly display that you as a person are a major reason of why GW2 is going downhill and yet have the audacity again and again to openly rub your sheer (seemingly unending) amount of incompetence into everyones eyes.

The naivety you unearth day after day while being able to simulatenously mock your own playerbase… what a remarkable feat indeed.

No, you can not already do this.

Thanks for making this thread be closed -_-…yes I personally feel that answer lacked depth and knowledge but /shrug, i’m not one to judge…instead of being a dick on forums…how about you do something constructive to get the changes that we want…

Think of it this way…kitten and leave the game…post constructively and things don’t work out they don’t change it and you leave the game. Either way the result is you leaving the game…why not go without you coming across as a kittening kitten kitty kat kitten … At least option 2 makes you look less like a tool AND has the potential to see changes.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Wow, somebody is burning bridges.

No need to get nasty. :P

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: omgdracula.6345


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


Again Jon, you perfectly display that you as a person are a major reason of why GW2 is going downhill and yet have the audacity again and again to openly rub your sheer (seemingly unending) amount of incompetence into everyones eyes.

The naivety you unearth day after day while being able to simulatenously mock your own playerbase… what a remarkable feat indeed.

No, you can not already do this.

I applaud you Pray for stating this fact. Just like Pray stated No, we can’t already do this. Seeing this post has severely cut my faith in this game.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Arc.9374


Some kind of personal ELO is definitely required, but I don’t feel that enough will solve the problem, and here’s why.

What happens in other games where you have a personal ELO/MMR and queue solo? Well, you start at the average starting level, and if you’re good enough to carry your team mates then over time you’ll eventually rise to the point where you are paired with, and play against, similarly skilled players. The key point is that, at least at the start, you are carrying your team mates. Most other games allow this to be possible because skilled players can normally dispatch multiple bad players with relative ease (unless they get zerged by a silly amount of numbers obviously), but that’s not really possible in GW2, and the fault lies in the current incarnation of the downed system.

Without wanting to drive too far off-topic, the current downed system unfairly punishes players who are capable of winning engagements against the numerical odds. So I’m pretty good at the game, and 2 people jump me, but that’s cool because I’m pretty baller and dispatch one of them after a somewhat drawn out back and forth with good use of LOS/cd’s/positioning/etc/etc. So cool, one of these guys is on the floor. At this point, in almost every other game, you’re 1v1 against an opponent who was relying on his numerical advantage to beat you, and behold, your skill prevails and you emerge victorious, your slain foes lying broken at your feet.

But not this game. In this game, you down one guy, and then you’re in a position where you can’t afford to not stomp him, but you simultaneously can’t afford to stomp him. If you stop holding off his team mate and try and stomp him, you’re going to eat a big pile of damage (outside of a few specialist cooldowns) from the team mate who’s now free to use you as a target golem. There’s a good chance this will be enough damage to down you in most cases. But if you just ignore the downed player, he’s either going to be slamming 1k damage rocks at you for the rest of the fight, supplementing his team mates damage, or he’s going to be vanishing off into a corner (for those lucky enough to have movement while downed) to heal himself up in between pissing you off. In almost all circumstances, winning a 1v2 in this game is practically impossible, regardless of the skill of your opponents.

And, to return to my original point, this is why a personal ELO/MMR system in this game isn’t going to work (in it’s current incarnation). I can’t hop into a pug free tourney group and carry my team to victory based on the fact I’m a super god boss dude, because while I could 1v2/1v3 mediocre players in any other game (yes, that’s me, and that’s probably the best pvp game I’ve played since GW1), it’s just not possible here, and without providing players the means for their individual skill to shine through, the game ultimately comes down to numbers and distribution of manpower, making a personal ELO/MMR pointless.

And, as a byproduct of being unable to create a personal ELO/MMR system, the only alternative is some kind of team-based ELO/MMR, which is fine for guys who are teamteamteamteamgogogo, but basically screws the vast majority of semi-casual/semi-competitive guys who want some kind of personal achievement/rating since they’ll be pugging a large majority of their playtime.

A personal rating is much better for matching similarly rated players together in order for them to progress their individual skills without the reliance on needing 4 specific other dudes around all the time to make some progress (as you alluded to in your first post, with the ‘standing around in the mists doing nothing syndrome’, which it seems a great many people are dealing with right now).

Apologies for the long post – Congrats if you made it to the end :p


GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Marklar.2670


I think it would be cool to see some dueling going on in the Mists and maybe some new maps that arent cap maps like maybe some 2v2 maps or 3v3 maps? Dont hate me its just a suggestion.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


I think it would be cool to see some dueling going on in the Mists and maybe some new maps that arent cap maps like maybe some 2v2 maps or 3v3 maps? Dont hate me its just a suggestion.

I mean, it shouldn’t even have to be suggested. It’s absolutely obvious that this should already be in the game. The mist should be this great place where PvP thrives, people discuss builds and practice against each other. I would say that currently you only hear crickets in the Mist, but I think even they left.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


Wait up a second guys. I tihnk we are letting the argumentative side get the best of us:

Instead of clamoring for OMG REMOVE 8V8 for 5v5, why don’t we just have some 8v8, some 5v5 servers? That way people have their options.

No not 5v5 custom servers that you have to pay for, but 5v5 hotjoin along with 8v8. Everybody’s happy.

I fear that the presence of 8v8 hotjoins will perpetuate and reinforce the wrong kind of understanding – the kind of team dynamics and map understanding that comes with 5v5 matches.

Anet claimed that it would like to take the sPvP of this game into e-sport level, and tPvP is the only format capable of reaching that level. With 8v8 hotjoins around, the transition for players to tPvP will be difficult. Currently, in 8v8s we see, in comparison to 5v5s, only a small amount of team dynamics, coordination and map utilization. And we have probably already seen relatively less experienced PvPers joining 5v5s for the first couple of times and playing it like a hotjoin.

If left the way it is, I foresee a segmentation in the community with people only playing 8v8s or 5v5s. Returning to the notion of Anet’s aspiration of e-sport, this works against it. For tourneys to work well, we need a bigger playerbase. If community is segmented, there’s too little new blood to support tourneys.

We can still have 8v8s, yes, but preferably only in custom modes. At least by default, players will join a game that is setup as 5v5 so that they can begin to understand and learn the sPvP that Anet has been trying to portray. Although, arguably, people will likely still play the way we see in 8v8s. However, that leads to a whole other line of argument regarding rank points, glory points and the point system.

The whole sPvP structure has to be more streamlined. Think mobas – there’s only 1 mode and one mode only – we can still ahve and need other maps, but 5v5s have to be there across the board as the standard

(edited by Chriswck.6490)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


What I am afraid of is that if dueling was implemented, queue times would increase dramatically because people would just be dueling their friends rather than playing the tournies.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


What I am afraid of is that if dueling was implemented, queue times would increase dramatically because people would just be dueling their friends rather than playing the tournies.

Totally concur with the premise. Would like to add another argument for it.

If dueling is added – even worse, added to tourneys – I foresee major dissonance in the community regarding skill balance. Let’s face it, certain classes are inherently better in 1v1s, other classes are better in team fights. And that’s the way it is and has to be. Having players proposing skill balance changes on the basis of 1v1s would decimate the proper 5v5 tourneys if such skill changes were made.

In short, stick with 5v5s first and foremost, and solve the imminent concerns. Certain things have to give, and as of right now, dueling has to be put on extremely frozen ice. Let dueling simply be there through (to-be) custom servers. Adding dueling formally is a net cost to the 5v5s, and consequently proper tourney plays – because we’re still going for the e-sport direction, right?

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


^You guys are way overthinking this.

Just give us the ability to duel in the mists or whatever and people will do it inbetween tourney queues, just like they do in every other game that has casual dueling in addition to ladder formats (i.e. most MMO’s outside of this one).

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Beonebee.7385


This post is kind of changing my whole perspective on Anet’s pvp division. They say they listen to their playerbase… apparently 50+ pvpers agreeing with the OP means nothing. Keep us in the loop; don’t mock us with irrelevant replies. Change is a must for pvp to stay afloat.

If pvp is balanced around 5v5, why is hot join 8v8? The maps were designed for 5v5, no?

(edited by Beonebee.7385)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: TheZeus.8617


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


The way you Q now John it is broken.. 8v8 hot join is garbage period…. We would like a little more feedback than you can already do this.. I thought you guys were going to gives us more info… or at least that is what i remember from previous posts…. you would give us more detail than you did. As it stands now we don’t hear crap from devs about what is going on with PVP.. Yet you hear all KINDS of crap about the new zone coming in on the 15th.. we get one map and no details at all for the pvp side of things… I thought this game was pvp oriented, not pve.. Yet PVP has broken crap since release and no future plans on a fix for the matchmaking system anytime soon.

We are constantly doing the same over and over. Same maps yet pve you can do a wide variety of things whether it be go for legendary to make weps ect. What do we get besides the same boring 500-500 point capture system and a broken paid/free tourney system? Teams like PZ are top on leader boards b/c they keep facing random kitten teams that they stomp to kitten and piss. Yet everything is working as intended right? Yeah it is i guess.

O and IN b4 my post is deleted by a mod.

Athena War Goddess
[TWIN] Anvil Rock

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Lol where is the pvp community goiing to go? The mmo market is pretty small. Those who want WOW pvp are probably playing it already.

Back to their previous MMOs, if they feel the GW2 PvP has not met expectations, or new games like Planetside 2 and I’ve noticed in the case of many “pro” teams, seem to hold the competitve element above all else and many can be spotted playing games like LoL or DOTA 2 now.

Oh I agree somewhat. I decided today that if I was going to do spvp, I would rather play LOL than Thief Wars 2.

Planetside 2 eh? Will check it out. But for traditional MMO pvp. GW2 only has one real competator.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: ilr.9675


I avoided PvP like the plague in GW1 even though I was an avid FPS’er 15 years now where the only online activity available (before Borderlands & L4D which honestly I still haven’t played) … was in your Face PvP. About the only GW PvP I think I spent anywhere close to 100 hours in was Fort Aspenwood which was about as far as you could get from structured. I tried Codex and I honestly tried to love it too but… no ladder = no quality control.

First week of launch, my friends wanted to sPvP so I came with them for a Tourney. First match was a completely lopsided Steamroll for us. Second match was against KOSS … no explanation needed on how that one went…

So yeah… It was exactly what I expected from all of my GW1 experiences. I haven’t sPvP’d since and I’m not going to either until they stop throwing casual players to the wolves. 7 straight years of this pattern is no way to pad and retain lots of new PvP’ers.

(edited by ilr.9675)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Ecliptica.7509


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


The lack of professionalism that you are showing here it’s quite stunning.

Not only you don’t respond to the thread, you respond a comment with 5 words and wrong.

I hope you reconsider.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: SlimJim.3087


Gonna throw in my say to prove how the PVP system is buggered all to hell. The other day I solo queued, and it put me on a team with one guy, which is all good, but then bam a pre-made pops in and the guy im with logs out. What happens, the stupid game keeps going and expects me to face 1v5 by myself…. I couldnt log out or do anything, I had to sit there and take the beating to get out of it… exiting my game and coming back just ported me back into the beating…

Bad enough this game makes solo queue ppl get there kitten handed to them against pre-mades… it even thinks ppl should be bale to 1v5 apparently. So I have my hopes up for the 15th, but if PVP doesnt get better there seems to be no point in playing as PVE is utterly pointless unless you wanna grind for 50000 hours…

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Wreck.2634


Yes matchmaking and stronger rewards would definitely improve sPvP.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


A far-fetched thought:

Actually, given the potential I have seen with GW2 and its capability of being a standalone IP:

I would not mind if Anet takes the sPvP down, make amendments, add core infrastructures, polish it and sell it back out as a separate and distinct competitive title, supported by a separate and independent team of people. Basically, spin-off the PvP division

1, Conflicts of game mechanics between PvP and PvE will be removed.

2, Audiences of the game will be dedicated PvP players.

3, Players will come to the game with a different/correct set of expectations not that of MMOs – as I am vaguely beginning to picture the perpetually incongruous demands between PvE and PvP players.

4, Basic assets are all there from game engine to concept art and model designs. Further cross-utilization is also viable.

5, Opens up the ability to create a proper lobby platform like those of, say, MOBAs

(edited by Chriswck.6490)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Lolana.9413


I just wanted to chime in, as a casual sPvP player and say that I am only spending a few hours a week doing Hot Joins and as I leveled in rank I did become a more skillful player. As a guardian I was learning to survive longer, comprehend and tweak my build, and was really enjoying this environment ANet has created for sPvP.

BUT it also does get very discouraging when a more skillful player, or a thief, continue to down me ridiculously fast. I can tell the difference between someone with the same skill level as me and someone way more versed and even confirm my theories when I see the scoring at the end where it displays their rankings next to their name.

And when I do try to find people interested in free tourneys, the lobby always seems quite dead. I even try to spark up a group but only get 1 interest. For being such a new game, and for me to only enter the lobby once every few days and see this, is very discouraging. I can only imagine others who are interested in learning sPvP coming into a dead lobby area and joining Hot Joins with a scattered/unequal match-up.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Chriswck.6490


Seems like the PvE division is getting way more say in pull of resources. C. Johanson mentioned a while back that they have a massive live team dedicated to new content. Perhaps the original philosophy has changed, and management is now assigning much more assets to PvE. Which is fine. But with PvP struggling due to lack of resources, it could potentially mar the brand.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Everything is dead in this game. Anything I tried to do while I was still playing seemed pointless.

- Guilds mean nothing, community means nothing. I felt detached from the rest of the players.

- Dungeons mean nothing. They don’t provide a real challenge, they provide no interesting mechanics nor satisfying rewards. Basically “nothing happens” when you do complete them. They are awkward and feel incomplete.

- Dynamic events mean nothing. They just repeat over and over again. And just the same as the dungeons, they provide no challenge due to zergs, no interesting mechanics and no satisfying rewards. This game is just too shallow.

- Hearts mean nothing. You do these tedious tasks, and for what?

- WvWvW means nothing. No real impact on anything, no satisfying rewards. Everyone is anonymous, and the zergs really kill all the potential fun one could have.

- sPvP/tPvP means nothing. No matchmaking, no satisfying rewards, the downed state, no variety in builds, skills, maps, game modes.

- Core game dynamics are off. Like I said for sPvP/tPvP there are no variety in builds and skills, classes don’t feel unique enough, you are very limited in what you can do, everything is too simplified and shallow.

- Crafting means nothing. It is also awkward and no fun at all, offers no variety.

- TP means nothing. Awkward as hell.

Way to fix some of it: give us open world PvP. Merge WvWvW and the PvE environment, lose the “green invader” crap and show our real names, come up with gear and title progression system and make guilds mean something in this game.

(edited by Raging Bull.5048)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


In my humble opinion the best quick-fix for the whole problem would be to introduce single/duo queue free tournaments (or just single games) with a strong matchmaking mechanic.

Best regards Pray

Great post and this part is a great idea. Simple, quick solution while they iron out a good ladder system. This way, queues will still be somewhat quick since many many people queue solo or with 1 other friend, and you won’t have to get throat punched in Khylo anymore!

You can already do this.


insert random rant along with the hint that mocking your community while disregarding/misinterpreting a constructive post is kind of antisocial behaviour

No, you can not already do this.

Speaking of misinterpretation, everyone here must have. He is telling you, you can que for free tournaments by yourself, I do it all the time.

You can pug free tournaments.

Pug free tournaments.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock