Best Mercenary Guardian you can find to fill your last slot.
Keep Calm and PVP Hard.
finish the sentence ^^^^
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But…IT’S SUCKS!
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much. Not in the sense of having fun, but ignore players with real concerns and don’t seem to take their duties seriously. They also come up with silly excuses why they must take months and months to change or even fix obviously broken things. They also lack the ability to make game-saving changes to the game mechanically, so players know we’re stuck with a kitten game and rely on balance to fill the fun-void in our hearts, not yet knowing that even with better balance we’re still at a loss because GW2 simply could have been so much more if not for pride covering up poor design choices.
Gw2 pvp is great but skyhammer and spirit watch are still in soloq rotation
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… posts like this should turn everything around and get the game fixed in record time -_-
For me, gw2 is actually has really good combat system !! really love it. BUT.. sims to me only really few developers working on pvp. like couldn’t they hire ppl back from gw1 to help in gw2 ?! i duno but yeahhh getting things working at a quicker speed would definitely reduce all of these NEAGATIVE post in the fourm anet. YES ANET i am talk to u DIRECTLY i HOPE U READ THIS <—————————————————- :< (P off face)
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… I still can’t use Quaggan Tonic in HOTM.
It’s great ! But I hate being loaded up with a plethora of conditions, cleansing them with all my clears, being effortlessly loaded up with conditions again, then seeing my health drop quickly with no way to save myself.
I absolutely hate dying to conditions and I’m a Staff Ele with Diamond Skin.
GW2 pvp is GREAT ! But .. if you dont play a warrior the game sucks!
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… (___________)
“need more game modes & better rewards”
GW2 pvp is GREAT ! But… i will be too old when it will be patched.
GW2 pvp is GREAT ! But ..Arenanet need finally to realize they allready shiped the Game and we are not in a Beta anymore. We are no Beta Testers … we payed for the Product.
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much.
i’ve been hearing this a lot lately. i wonder is gigly bunch at recent ReadyUp reflect badly upon dev team image.
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much. Not in the sense of having fun, but ignore players with real concerns and don’t seem to take their duties seriously. They also come up with silly excuses why they must take months and months to change or even fix obviously broken things. They also lack the ability to make game-saving changes to the game mechanically, so players know we’re stuck with a kitten game and rely on balance to fill the fun-void in our hearts, not yet knowing that even with better balance we’re still at a loss because GW2 simply could have been so much more if not for pride covering up poor design choices.
It feels like people are only playing the game because there’s nothing else to play. Real alternatives aren’t released yet but I think once that happens GW2 will lose the majority of their players. It’s sad since the game has a lot of potential.
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much. Not in the sense of having fun, but ignore players with real concerns and don’t seem to take their duties seriously. They also come up with silly excuses why they must take months and months to change or even fix obviously broken things. They also lack the ability to make game-saving changes to the game mechanically, so players know we’re stuck with a kitten game and rely on balance to fill the fun-void in our hearts, not yet knowing that even with better balance we’re still at a loss because GW2 simply could have been so much more if not for pride covering up poor design choices.
eww wow ron u totally hit the nail on the head dude. I mean that’s pretty much everything lol.
At a certain point, you just get tired of arguing or flipping out and play something else lol. All exaggeration aside, all my good friends including my brother all own GW2 and do not play it except for me. They are all avid pvp gamers and just cant get past the problems in GW2. The korean hardcores wont touch it. heavy sigh
I was super excited when this game was released. I had a lot of interest and yes, expectations. I mean okay, it’s not going to get everything right; but no game does. Isn’t that telling you something? Might that not tell you the issues are eclipsing the enjoyment of the game. It’s like maybe Anet gave up a long time ago XD It’s all down-hill from here. :P
GW2 sPvP is GREAT! but.. Has nearly no shape of balance atm. Too many things to list. but heres a few:
Too many pets (zoo’s): Just too many. Can’t even hope for viewers to understand what the hell is happening in a 5v5 when there are a million AI pets running around.
Too much invisibility and game-breaking mechanics: To many spammable and prolonged invisibility skills. Throws the flow of teamfights off, if not completely reset them. Hard CC is given too generously as well imo
Skyhammer: Just replace this map with an “I win button” where the sh panel is. Or near every glass flooring. Skyhammer can even be fixed. But I don’t see that happening. The map is too game breaking, causing too much continuous focus and importance on an objective in a pvp map.
Just plain imbalance. Players can work around a lot of things but the game doesn’t allow much else than op trolling in some fashion or another. Exploiting the imbalance at every turn. Exploiting a mechanic (such as conditions or invis or watever) as much as possible. If they would just tone down all this stuff… just tone it down XD
And finally.. build diversity. This kinda goes hand n hand with balance issues. I for one like to go against the normal flow of the herd when it comes to builds. But I think most people do. Though eventually people get tired of getting beat and conform to the strict build options or play something else :P
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! Buttons are GREAT too!!!
yay buttons!
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much. Not in the sense of having fun, but ignore players with real concerns and don’t seem to take their duties seriously. They also come up with silly excuses why they must take months and months to change or even fix obviously broken things. They also lack the ability to make game-saving changes to the game mechanically, so players know we’re stuck with a kitten game and rely on balance to fill the fun-void in our hearts, not yet knowing that even with better balance we’re still at a loss because GW2 simply could have been so much more if not for pride covering up poor design choices.
eww wow ron u totally hit the nail on the head dude. I mean that’s pretty much everything lol.
At a certain point, you just get tired of arguing or flipping out and play something else lol. All exaggeration aside, all my good friends including my brother all own GW2 and do not play it except for me. They are all avid pvp gamers and just cant get past the problems in GW2. The korean hardcores wont touch it. heavy sigh
I was super excited when this game was released. I had a lot of interest and yes, expectations. I mean okay, it’s not going to get everything right; but no game does. Isn’t that telling you something? Might that not tell you the issues are eclipsing the enjoyment of the game. It’s like maybe Anet gave up a long time ago XD It’s all down-hill from here. :P
GW2 sPvP is GREAT! but.. Has nearly no shape of balance atm. Too many things to list. but heres a few:
Too many pets (zoo’s): Just too many. Can’t even hope for viewers to understand what the hell is happening in a 5v5 when there are a million AI pets running around.
Too much invisibility and game-breaking mechanics: To many spammable and prolonged invisibility skills. Throws the flow of teamfights off, if not completely reset them. Hard CC is given too generously as well imo
Skyhammer: Just replace this map with an “I win button” where the sh panel is. Or near every glass flooring. Skyhammer can even be fixed. But I don’t see that happening. The map is too game breaking, causing too much continuous focus and importance on an objective in a pvp map.
Just plain imbalance. Players can work around a lot of things but the game doesn’t allow much else than op trolling in some fashion or another. Exploiting the imbalance at every turn. Exploiting a mechanic (such as conditions or invis or watever) as much as possible. If they would just tone down all this stuff… just tone it down XD
And finally.. build diversity. This kinda goes hand n hand with balance issues. I for one like to go against the normal flow of the herd when it comes to builds. But I think most people do. Though eventually people get tired of getting beat and conform to the strict build options or play something else :P
GW2 pvp is GREAT ! But… Warriors are still overpowered, and they will continue to be overpowered because a number of developers who are responsible for balance play Warriors as their mains.
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