GW2 team: change a key philosopy
I have a feeling you’re about to get a rush of negative reaction.
Guild Wars 1 was one of the best PvP games of its time…and it had a similar structure. There’s no way the PvP community here would sit still for this. No way at all.
This is just stupid. This is a backwards approach to things. You’re simply wanting to go back to a grinding MMORPG. You essentially just want to beat up new players who wouldn’t have decent stuff (We are talking about sPvP right? I’ll assume so).
You want to throw out the idea where skill comes into play and people simply rely on the amount of time that has been put it in to outweigh the need for skill by having better stats then other people.
Warcraft? remember how this is not a WoW clone? and that GW tries to take a different approach to the MMORPG genre.
People are leaving WoW, therefore GW2 needs to be more like the game people are leaving?
@OP, there is a format in GuildWars already that uses this format. Go into World vs World (WvW). Here you are scaled up to 80, but only for your base stats, all other unlocked, gathered, bought, and level rewarded upgrades make up your character in WvW. The sPvP scene is the way it is so that it can provide an equal playing ground for a player vs player competition format.
Warcraft? remember how this is not a WoW clone? and that GW tries to take a different approach to the MMORPG genre.
No, not really, unfortunately. From a long players perspective GW is moving more and more into the direction of generic MMORPG content, be it WoW or w/e other you want to drag in… Actually not for long I expect ANet to start working on an expansion due to popular demand, and when doing so ‘up’ the level limit by 10 levels, introduce Legendary Crafting as a grind tool to get us there, as well as several 80-90 maps with raid content.
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
GW pvp has always been max level / max gear. Unlike other games where gear and level skew the game, GW pvp is tended to be equalized. Allowing for skill to be the determining factor, which I personally approve of. While it is not perfect, I find GW pvp to be much more enjoyable than say… WoW’s version. I do not think they need to change this aspect of it. More mode types, yes. But not that it is intended to be on equal footing.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
No thanks.
I like how a smart lvl 2 can beat up a clumsy lvl 30.
that’s the definition of balance, at least on that layer of pvp.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Pvp with gears are just for people who do not have the skills to deal with other people om equal footing. It makes unskilled win against others. Go back to wow if you want that kind of gameplay.
It is better here because it requires skills and active dodging.
Builds need diversity though.
@OP if you think that system is better, go play WoW, AoC, WAR, Wildstar, or any other MMO that uses that system. No judgement, but that is exactly what GW and GW2 have never been about, and I hope that it remains the case.
Working in your leveling, and working in battlegrounds for gear. As a reward you are stronger than people who don’t like to work for it, or people with new chars leveling up.
How about: Working on your Skill – and as a reward you are stronger than people who don’t like to work for it?
What kind of sportsmanship is that? “I invested more time in killing mobs so I should faceroll you”?
You want to benefit people in PvP for actually NOT doing PvP. That won’t ever happen. Thank god.
Not supported. PvP is all about skill > gear. If you want to stomp underlevelled newbs with your Exotic/Ascended gear, go roam in WvW.
Not supported. PvP is all about skill > gear. If you want to stomp underlevelled newbs with your Exotic/Ascended gear, go roam in WvW.
Yeah get a mate and head to ETOM and stomp noobs for hours.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)