Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO
(edited by BLUna.7928)
Heyo everyone! We’re here today to announce the GW2PvPTV 2v2 Tournaments! This is something that we at PvPTV have been organizing for a bit, and were just about ready to start! Starting on the first official date, we will be having these on a weekly or biweekly basis giving you guys plenty of opportunity for competition. The first tournament will be held on the 23rd of November! Starting at 2PM EST Anyone is welcome to sign up. The tournament will have 16 teams and run on the following format:
We’re also proud to announce that this tournament will have regular prizing provided by ArenaNet! The winning team members will each receive one 2000 gem card and second place team members will also be receiving one 800 gem card.
We have a set of rules that players must follow. Please keep in mind these rules only apply to this specific tournament (2v2 #1) and that the rules may change for future tournaments. Please make sure to abide by them to ensure maximum flow and fun for all competitors:
And that’s about it guys! Sensotix and I are looking forward to casting this and seeing some intense action! The tournament will be live on PvPTV . If you would like to sign up, all you need to do is fill out the form at the bottom of this post. We will be choosing teams randomly to give everyone a fair chance to compete. Good luck to all and were looking forward to seeing you live!
(edited by BLUna.7928)
Nice job putting this together, Blu.
Having the duels held in the cave room on Temple is an interesting idea. Definitely a lot more obstacles you could use to LOS and kite around. Will be an interesting change up from the normal beach fights on Forest.
I’m also looking forward to seeing Sensotix cast. He’s a great player and could bring some good analysis to these types of events.
I cant make it thanksgiving > videogames
I noticed that the tournament does not allow builds that rely heavily on passive play and passive abilities. In the same spirit, can you also ban Healing Signet from the competition?
Define “Bunker”.
What about rez utilities? Are they allowed?
My opinion is they shouldn’t be.
Please change the map to beach of Forest. The bottom of Temple is horrible for 2v2’s, lots of camera angle problems.
Maybe this could be attempted in a number of locations? Beach gets really tired with its lack of objects to use as line of sight and relatively straightforward layout. So in that regard, I like the idea of using the bottom of temple. Maybe there are other locations that can be used for the 2v2s? You could possibly have the tournaments rotate maps from week to week or even between matches?
We just had a 2v2 tourney with Temple as the map. Majority of us agreed that it isn’t the best map for 2v2’s. Camera Angle issues, classes with heavy AoE can hit you from under the bridge. LoS is nice, but this area has so much pathing problems. Alot of rubberbanding. Forest is plain, but it’s the best for 2v2’s. Maybe try Khylo at Blue Spawn?
We just had a 2v2 tourney with Temple as the map. Majority of us agreed that it isn’t the best map for 2v2’s. Camera Angle issues, classes with heavy AoE can hit you from under the bridge. LoS is nice, but this area has so much pathing problems. Alot of rubberbanding. Forest is plain, but it’s the best for 2v2’s. Maybe try Khylo at Blue Spawn?
im sorry but beach is the WORST place in the game for anything remotely competitive
We just had a 2v2 tourney with Temple as the map. Majority of us agreed that it isn’t the best map for 2v2’s. Camera Angle issues, classes with heavy AoE can hit you from under the bridge. LoS is nice, but this area has so much pathing problems. Alot of rubberbanding. Forest is plain, but it’s the best for 2v2’s. Maybe try Khylo at Blue Spawn?
im sorry but beach is the WORST place in the game for anything remotely competitive
Hmm, we need to discuss maps later. Master Splinter
Hey guys just wanted to update. In regards to the map after speaking to a few people about it I am going to be keeping it on Temple for now but as this is the first of many tournaments we will probably changing the map up from week to week. In regards to what is defined as a bunker I am going to update the OP later with more specifics on that.
For those that have signed up check your emails/challonge accounts now! Signups are still open but those that signed up have been added to the bracket. Email was sent to team member 1. You MUST confirm your participation on Challonge! If neither team member recieved a message feel free to contact me in game and we can sort it out.
Also, brackets currently on challonge are NOT what they will be on the date of the tournament. The brackets will be shuffled before the tournament starts
(edited by BLUna.7928)
Way to kill Petting Zoo team for no reason.
oh, and you should also ban all mesmers, theifs, guardians, and anybody who uses rock dog for their runes. that is the only way that this tournament is fair.
I don’t know why people are complaining about Minion Master Necro/Spirit Rangers. Heavy AoE destroys all their AI. Then after that they’re vulnerable.
exactly. they are part of the game. to take it out i just dont understand
I say let us Petting Zoo play… Things to know about the team:
- No stability between either character.
- Only 1 stun break between both players, which causes sacrificing a minion to do.
- Huge weakness to AoE. (And CC)
- “Trickable” Ai when using ground leverage.
Please let us play.
I think Blu means you can run Spirit Ranger or Minionmancer, you just can’t run Spirit Ranger and Minionmancer in the same comp.
I could be wrong, though.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
I say let us Petting Zoo play… Things to know about the team:
- No stability between either character.
- Only 1 stun break between both players, which causes sacrificing a minion to do.
- Huge weakness to AoE. (And CC)
- “Trickable” Ai when using ground leverage.Please let us play.
he’s only banning that comp spirit + mm/// he is letting you play that’s why he banned all the ai///passive.. so you can play!
jokes aside i dont know if that comp warrants… banning i mean mesmers are the real kings of Ai— marvin and loli’s comp that last tourny…lol stealth spam—either way less ai builds doesnt bother me
(edited by Reevz.2617)
I say let us Petting Zoo play… Things to know about the team:
- No stability between either character.
- Only 1 stun break between both players, which causes sacrificing a minion to do.
- Huge weakness to AoE. (And CC)
- “Trickable” Ai when using ground leverage.Please let us play.
he’s only banning that comp spirit + mm/// he is letting you play that’s why he banned all the ai///passive.. so you can play
jokes aside i dont know if that comp warrants… banning i mean mesmers are the real kings of Ai— marvin and loli’s comp that last tourny…lol stealth spam—either way less ai builds doesnt bother me
^_^ my comp is fine…don’t worry.
I say let us Petting Zoo play… Things to know about the team:
- No stability between either character.
- Only 1 stun break between both players, which causes sacrificing a minion to do.
- Huge weakness to AoE. (And CC)
- “Trickable” Ai when using ground leverage.Please let us play.
he’s only banning that comp spirit + mm/// he is letting you play that’s why he banned all the ai///passive.. so you can play
jokes aside i dont know if that comp warrants… banning i mean mesmers are the real kings of Ai— marvin and loli’s comp that last tourny…lol stealth spam—either way less ai builds doesnt bother me
^_^ my comp is fine…don’t worry.
LETS BE HONEST. condi mesmer uses AI more than anything :P
he’s only banning that comp spirit + mm/// he is letting you play that’s why he banned all the ai///passive.. so you can play!Im sorry, but me and High Warlord Sikari practiced A LOT with our spirit rannger MM necro comp and succeeded well with it. by telling us we can play your saying “Hey you guys can play but sorry we are giving u a disadvantage by only banning your comp.” I even spoke to some people who are hosting this tourney and they don’t seem to care… this makes me and a lot of people I know sad. if u dont change it i have no respect for whoever made this tourney.
you’re complaining about your ridiculous ammount of pets set up in a game which lets be honest needs less ai and passive play. i wouldnt mind if they banned condi and phantasm mesmer/ and turret engineer.
ALSO, can we please ban moa?
Also, ban tool kit and elixir gun.
I say let us Petting Zoo play… Things to know about the team:
- No stability between either character.
- Only 1 stun break between both players, which causes sacrificing a minion to do.
- Huge weakness to AoE. (And CC)
- “Trickable” Ai when using ground leverage.Please let us play.
Wow, didn’t quite expect that much support to get a star thumbs up, maybe that will help him change his mind? I’d love to be able to run our original comp. We’re currently planning on doing MM+Support guardian, which honestly will probably be just as effective, but its just not “us”.
i just feel like banning anything is taking away from the game. each class and playstle was put in the game for a reason, so banning something because you dont like it is unfair to everybody. as ronpierce said, the MM necro spirit ranger comp is highly susceptible to CC AND AOE.
The issue is that, by and large, it’s easier for people to say something is banned rather than letting a 2v2 meta develop or evolve. This is just a simple case of that short-sightedness. Admittedly, so is Reevz asking for a Moa ban, even though you can block/blind/dodge/interrupt it.
Exactly… I mean through practice we’ve lost quite a few times (and even in the last tourney we lost at least once in most match ups we had), its far from unbeatable. It’s not a mess to watch neither as long as shout casters turn minion name tags off. Most people just don’t do that and then complain when they see name clutter all over the place. The clutter isn’t bad at ALL even necro vs necro mm if you jut turn off the enemy names but turn on Player names.
Granted; because its such an issue and people never learn when I explain this to them, they need to just make a default setting turning all minion names off in PvP (pets/spirits/spirit weapons/elementals/minions etc.)
Not to mention; Moa 1 shots all of my pets, and I wasn’t saying ban mesmers, even though THAT is considered a bug. :/ You just learn to deal…
The issue is that, by and large, it’s easier for people to say something is banned rather than letting a 2v2 meta develop or evolve. This is just a simple case of that short-sightedness. Admittedly, so is Reevz asking for a Moa ban, even though you can block/blind/dodge/interrupt it.
you can also stealth and cast it or cast it out of line of sight and then blink into line of sight. great counterplay amirite? better block every time they stealth!
it’s a gimmick that will often win you the fight by landing it
Just updated the post to clarify a few things:
And beyond that guys things are shaping up nicely! We only have 2 spots left! So sign up now! To add one last thing in response to the controversy surrounding the banning of the “petting zoo” composition: please keep in mind that this is the first of many PvPTV 2v2 tournaments, and while the rules may not change for this specific one, it is possible it will be altered in future versions of this tournament as I plan to hold it on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.
(edited by BLUna.7928)
Moa gives tankier comps opportunities to shine since they can just line up their damage during the window. That’s super boring though, kiting around for 180 seconds if it misses etc. Moa should def be banned.
I would also like to ban coordination.
^ says it all. good luck everybody with terrible rules
Final Two Spots have been filled and the bracket has been shuffled. If you would still like to sign up feel free to do so and you will be added to a waiting list if we have teams drop out and/or no show.
here is a link to the brackets:
You should probably ban res. utilities and engineers.
Moa gives tankier comps opportunities to shine since they can just line up their damage during the window. That’s super boring though, kiting around for 180 seconds if it misses etc. Moa should def be banned.
The same could be said for many elites (tanky comps stalling until its back up). For consistency one could ban all elites with cooldowns of 180 seconds or greater
Or; just don’t ban anything because the FML 2v2 tourney was missive amounts of fun and no one was playing build police. People came to have fun not be bossed around… And guess what happened? People had fun and there were a lot of nail biting plays and unique comps…
Or; just don’t ban anything because the FML 2v2 tourney was missive amounts of fun and no one was playing build police. People came to have fun not be bossed around… And guess what happened? People had fun and there were a lot of nail biting plays and unique comps…
There are plenty of 2v2s and 3v3s that have no rules. If we really want good, fair competition, then we have to impose some balance restrictions. Moa and some other skills aren’t balanced for 2v2 or 3v3, but 5v5.
(edited by Supcutie.2538)
Moa really isn’t that OP in 2v2. Its okay, but to be honest the no rule tourney went over just fine. None of the winners were 100% of the time blazing through. Even us as Petting Zoo lost several times along the way.
Instead of temple, why not the middle of Skyhammer? Nice big area, no drop floors, good usage of LOS and elevation…
(and no Lyssa Runes!)
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Dunno why you don’t just run spirit guard and spirit ranger instead
Call your team “We’ve got spirit” or something
Because I’ve played MM for 9 months. Its pretty much all I know how to play with the time and dedication invested. Which is how I know all the people who complain about AI are full of it usually and just have a lack of knowledge on how to deal with them. (Last tourney we faced off as MM+Spirit ranger vs MM+Spirit, both were rank 60 players and we still beat them. It wasn’t even remotely hard to follow what was going on. People just panic when they see more than 1 enemy, and don’t turn off minion names, so they get overwhelmed. But they’re really not that big of a deal.) Also we considered playing Venom Share MM, but we just decided eventually to skip this tourney all together and wait for the next FML tourney.
Final Two Spots have been filled and the bracket has been shuffled. If you would still like to sign up feel free to do so and you will be added to a waiting list if we have teams drop out and/or no show.
here is a link to the brackets:
You should throw that up in the OP
Okay guys were just a little over one day from getting started! As a quick reminder for those participating, if you have any circumstances that would prevent you from participating this saturday PLEASE remember to let me know in game so we can try to fill your spot and avoid any byes. See you on Saturday!
Little more than 12 hours to showtime! Just a few quick things before we go live guys!
And thats about it guys! Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!
This tournament is live at:
Moving this to Structured PvP for the duration of the tournament. Feel free to discuss.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.