Glaring sPVP issue
In addition to that you do not get the points for the achivemetns.
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP
I kinda agree with the auto balacing. They should impant a 20min lock if you leave the map before the game is over. its so bloody annoying to have a full team and then after 2min its only 2 left
Arenanet really need to address this tbh. Ive had this happen to myself on so many occasions and its really frustrating.
I think that the auto balance feature should be locked when a team approaches 400 points to make it fair on those who have been playing the entire game. Those who get switched teams should be chosen based on how long they have been in the battle and or their performance during the game (points earned).
Maybe implement a small penalty on those who have left a match because of a losing game? half glory and rank earned next match? no idea.
This is a pretty huge issue. I think the best fix would be to lock people into the game with an option of leaving for the first 60 seconds of joining. The deserter penalty from WoW penalizes people with bugs/disconnects too much and people will still leave. Lock ’em in and make ’em win.
While I agree that auto-balance is annoying, please do not assume to make it one of the most important issues in GW2 pvp. . . it doesn’t even effect tournaments.