Guardian has bad downed spells.
Pro Tip: Don’t get downed ALL of the time.
Pro Tip: Don’t get downed ALL of the time.
Its kind of going to happen. That’s how the game works. If your fighting a boss you will naturally be downed if you are tanking it. But guardians have no way to get themselves back up easily like most other classes. Or in pvp you can just get cced down. So be helpful or don’t post.
Well, #2 doesn’t work for any of the classes against Stability (with exceptions like ele and thief that move themselves). #3 is fairly effective and brings you back up a fairly good amount (though it needs a lower CD). Just don’t get downed so much, the downed skills in general aren’t supposed to be good.
Well, #2 doesn’t work for any of the classes against Stability (with exceptions like ele and thief that move themselves). #3 is fairly effective and brings you back up a fairly good amount (though it needs a lower CD). Just don’t get downed so much, the downed skills in general aren’t supposed to be good.
I’ve never had 3 really heal me out of any situation I wasn’t going to be fine anyways. They might not be meant to be good but the other classes are just better for the most part. Just seems very imbalanced when a games been out for 3 years.
They are terrible yes.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Pro Tip: Don’t get downed ALL of the time.
Its kind of going to happen. That’s how the game works. If your fighting a boss you will naturally be downed if you are tanking it. But guardians have no way to get themselves back up easily like most other classes. Or in pvp you can just get cced down. So be helpful or don’t post.
PvE, don’t care its PvP forums. Gaurds have lots of access to stab so getting “cced down” means your bad. What other classes can easily get themselves back up?
And to be helpful so I am allow to post. Practice Gaurds are good.
Pro Tip: Don’t get downed ALL of the time.
Its kind of going to happen. That’s how the game works. If your fighting a boss you will naturally be downed if you are tanking it. But guardians have no way to get themselves back up easily like most other classes. Or in pvp you can just get cced down. So be helpful or don’t post.
PvE, don’t care its PvP forums. Gaurds have lots of access to stab so getting “cced down” means your bad. What other classes can easily get themselves back up?
And to be helpful so I am allow to post. Practice Gaurds are good.
Just because a class has access to something does not mean we are running it since there are many different builds. So your logic is pretty failed again. I run 1 ability that removes cc but if they stack it on after that all it takes is a cripple and its pretty easy to die in pvp if your team isn’t there. Unless you can show me on your record you have 0 deaths as a guardian because your apparently god and can just avoid death. Please shut up.
Pro Tip: Don’t get downed ALL of the time.
Its kind of going to happen. That’s how the game works. If your fighting a boss you will naturally be downed if you are tanking it. But guardians have no way to get themselves back up easily like most other classes. Or in pvp you can just get cced down. So be helpful or don’t post.
PvE, don’t care its PvP forums. Gaurds have lots of access to stab so getting “cced down” means your bad. What other classes can easily get themselves back up?
And to be helpful so I am allow to post. Practice Gaurds are good.
Just because a class has access to something does not mean we are running it since there are many different builds. So your logic is pretty failed again. I run 1 ability that removes cc but if they stack it on after that all it takes is a cripple and its pretty easy to die in pvp if your team isn’t there. Unless you can show me on your record you have 0 deaths as a guardian because your apparently god and can just avoid death. Please shut up.
I am not a God, but I am pretty amazing. Ask anyone.
Gaurds also have access to blinds, blocks and invuls. Remember you can also dodge! Unless you are running around with no skills on your bar I have to conclude.
Gt gd m8.
Sorry, I have to be helpful. Go on play a good build. Get comfortable with a “meta” build, then explore alternatives. Remember, you will not be able to face tank 5 people for ever, play a zerk ele for that. You can always add me ingame and ill help you out.
Oh, and we get so many stunbreaks its not funny,
Stab: 8 seconds. Including RF
Stunbreaks: 4. Including RF
Lots of blocks
3 sec invul
You can remove fear from condi removal. Which you have heaps of.
I have to go out, but you get the point.
Personally I think guardian down skills are among the better ones…
Skill 2 will knock back enemies buying enough time to get rezzed unless they have stability.
SKill 3 in the heat of battle helps you rez faster while healing those trying to rez you who are mostly likely being AoE’d for trying to rez you.
You should try mesmer, creating a clone that dies to aoe before appearing on screen is next to useless, also thief teleport is useless against Mediguards, Thieves and Eles and mesmers with quick reflexes. Even necros can pull it off if the thief ports near a flesh wurm by mistake.
….. And Elementalist.
I main guard i think they have one of the better downed in the game besides necro or ranger
I have to agree. Guardian down skills are terrible. The only one just as bad is probably Mesmer.
I dont understand you at all!
The guardian can change whole fights in downstate. Number 2 pushes back the whole team, other classes like war, engi, nec and rev can only intterupt 1 opponent. Stability also works against all of them. The skills where you port or mist away are a bit different there, but if you go into mistform or port, ppl also cant rez you or banner you. I did see quite a few decaps because of guardian number 2. Copare it to mesmer, he gets portetd and stealthed, but cant decide where. And if two players stomp you starting the stomp at different times you get hit any way.
Number two is surely in the upper third of the skills, talking about pvp.
Number 3 is even better. You can damage and rez at the same time, and also — very very important — heal ppl that are trying to get you up in cleve damage. Also the pulses help to get rid of blinds to use skill number 2 at the right time.
If there is any need to balance this (its just a very small part of gameplay and imo can get adjusted by skills outside the downstate) guardian is dooing quite well.
Did you every play all classes frequently and with good teams??
you think those are bad try playing engineer
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
For pvp I feel ele is by far the worst. Being able to mist only delays the inevitable. It’s very rare that using it actually helps the situation. For pve it’s great. And the 3 skill is complete trash for any game mode.
If you can use the mesmer portal, its very strong.
For pvp I feel ele is by far the worst. Being able to mist only delays the inevitable. It’s very rare that using it actually helps the situation. For pve it’s great. And the 3 skill is complete trash for any game mode.
ele is unquestionably the best one actually in pvp. It is the only one which has guaranteed stomp protection (even mesmer can be stomped 1st try in some cases). All other classes except ele, mes and thief can be stability/blind stomped (or even bodyblocked) and if you have teleport you can stomp the thief first try.
Ele can move in downstate which is the best thing you can ask from the downstate (thieves can move too but much shorter range), you can move to your teammates, move on the point (or off in some cases when its beneficial), move out of AoEs to make rez easier, even portal away to safety (people use this a lot nowadays). The 3rd skill is a bit weak, but 2 is so good it doesnt matter.
For pvp i would order them : Ele, Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, Guard, Engi, Necro, War. If necro is running marauder i would move him up (awesome dmg) but for all other builds its pretty bad. And its not really the power-necro downstate that is good its the traits/sigils you are procing. War Vengence – out of 100 times you get downed, you wont use it 96 times, 3 times you will use it and hurt your team and 1 time you will be successful.
Ranger can be pretty awesome with chain interrupts, pet helping rez and ranger wins most down vs down fights (except vs power necros and warriors with stability ready when they get up), but still i think that first-stomp prevention trumps all and mes/thief are better at it then the ranger.
For pve ranger is way above everyone.
(edited by Stilgar.6437)
Guardians thinking their downed skills are bad :/
Whats the world coming to.
For pvp I feel ele is by far the worst. Being able to mist only delays the inevitable. It’s very rare that using it actually helps the situation. For pve it’s great. And the 3 skill is complete trash for any game mode.
ele is unquestionably the best one actually in pvp. It is the only one which has guaranteed stomp protection (even mesmer can be stomped 1st try in some cases). All other classes except ele, mes and thief can be stability/blind stomped (or even bodyblocked) and if you have teleport you can stomp the thief first try.
Ele can move in downstate which is the best thing you can ask from the downstate
(thieves can move too but much shorter range), you can move to your teammates, move on the point (or off in some cases when its beneficial), move out of AoEs to make rez easier, even portal away to safety (people use this a lot nowadays). The 3rd skill is a bit weak, but 2 is so good it doesnt matter.
For pvp i would order them : Ele, Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, Guard, Engi, Necro, War. If necro is running marauder i would move him up (awesome dmg) but for all other builds its pretty bad. And its not really the power-necro downstate that is good its the traits/sigils you are procing. War Vengence – out of 100 times you get downed, you wont use it 96 times, 3 times you will use it and hurt your team and 1 time you will be successful.
Ranger can be pretty awesome with chain interrupts, pet helping rez and ranger wins most down vs down fights (except vs power necros and warriors with stability ready when they get up), but still i think that first-stomp prevention trumps all and mes/thief are better at it then the ranger.
For pve ranger is way above everyone.
You’re insane. Yea it prevents you from getting stomped for another 2 seconds. Your team can’t Rez you while in mist form. The amount of times I’ve been rezzed because of mist form are much more rare than other professions. It really only helps against terrible players that will send 2+ to stomp the Ele. It’s only upside is to get the other team to waste that 2 seconds on you which can be done by other professions as well with interrupts or push backs. I rather stomp an ele than any other profession. Many others like Mesmer or thief I just attack down because they teleport around the place before you finish stomping half the time.
5/8 dont prevent at all vs stability, which is often the case, people save stability for stomps. Teammates dont need to rez you while in mist, they can use the time to heal up, put pressure on the other team. Rez until stomp is nearly done (or cleave too strong), then safely reposition while the rezer can take a break, then continue rezing. How is that not better then CC thats blinded, bodyblocked, ignored (stab/traits)? Died off point while kiting? no problem, get back on it and get rezed without loosing the point, got mesmer – portal to other side of the map and rez, etc. In teamfights your entire team can use the mist time to move and prepare for 3-4x rez under stab/protection/cc/healing fields/stealth etc.
Thief and ele 2-skill do basicly the exact same thing (move away from stomp) except ele is imune to teleport stomps and has a much larger area to move to (and can do stuff like climb stairs, use portals), how is that not outright better every single time? (ok maybe well timed long immobilize, but thats pretty rare)
Same with mesmer – stealth + reposition except you dont have control over where you land and depending on timing you can just get stomped on the first try.
Engi/War/Necro are the really bad ones, with very slow, obvious, easy to blind, single target CC (even a projectile on war/engi, you can just stand behind a pet or something).
Guard and ranger are better cause they AoE CC, so even if the stomper has stab, they CC the cleavers and make it easier to rez. And they have good 3-skill especially the ranger (+ pet CC).
(edited by Stilgar.6437)
Tanking a boss? wrong game kid
man, just compare yours to warrior. you can push back multiple foe but warrior can do only single target xD
Guardian;s downed skill isnt bad at all. I think ranger and Rev’s downed skill is the most OP though.
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
5/8 dont prevent at all vs stability, which is often the case, people save stability for stomps. Teammates dont need to rez you while in mist, they can use the time to heal up, put pressure on the other team. Rez until stomp is nearly done (or cleave too strong), then safely reposition while the rezer can take a break, then continue rezing. How is that not better then CC thats blinded, bodyblocked, ignored (stab/traits)? Died off point while kiting? no problem, get back on it and get rezed without loosing the point, got mesmer – portal to other side of the map and rez, etc. In teamfights your entire team can use the mist time to move and prepare for 3-4x rez under stab/protection/cc/healing fields/stealth etc.
Thief and ele 2-skill do basicly the exact same thing (move away from stomp) except ele is imune to teleport stomps and has a much larger area to move to (and can do stuff like climb stairs, use portals), how is that not outright better every single time? (ok maybe well timed long immobilize, but thats pretty rare)
Same with mesmer – stealth + reposition except you dont have control over where you land and depending on timing you can just get stomped on the first try.
Engi/War/Necro are the really bad ones, with very slow, obvious, easy to blind, single target CC (even a projectile on war/engi, you can just stand behind a pet or something).
Guard and ranger are better cause they AoE CC, so even if the stomper has stab, they CC the cleavers and make it easier to rez. And they have good 3-skill especially the ranger (+ pet CC).
I feel like all of the down states are actually pretty well balanced but balanced differently. Ele mesmer and thief are all very hard to stomp on the first try. Thief is the easiest of the three, but also the most likely to avoid multiple stomps thanks to its 3 (I think my record was like 6 stomps avoided just by having enough time to switch between using the 2 and 3 downed skills between stomp attempts, with allies periodically attempting to res who eventually got me up). However these three are all also the weakest in downed vs. downed battles and if they go down against another class 1v1 they will most likely lose.
Ranger, necro, and warrior, are all easy to stomp first try, but they are much more dangerous in downed vs. downed scenarios, which can actually be very useful. Guardian is some where in the middle of these 2 groups, their knock back is aoe, and difficult to dodge, and they will wreck a mes, thief or ele in downed vs. downed but they won’t beat necro, ranger, or warrior (vengeance though might just make warrior a draw in a sense).
Engi is the only class in my opinion with noticeably weak downed skills all around, though like thief, they have the potential to avoid multiple stomps if they get enough time to use #3 which can be quite valuable (and it can knock enemies off ledges in downed vs downed or skyhammer).
If I had to vote on the best overall downed state though, I would have to say mesmer. It is nearly guarenteed to avoid the first stomp (barring the odd reveal skill which is rare, or bad timing on the mesmer’s part). And if they still have illusions up they have a good chance to win many downed vs. downed battles.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA