Hello, I’m making this post to express how the “new” PvP Matchmaking feels to me now that Devs apparently stopped touching the system (algorythms, etc…). This is just my little piece of feedback (TL;DR at the end).
At first, when the new system launched it was awkward to everyone cause Match Making needed to settle (or something like this?) and I think devs added Profession MMR so it was even worse. I don’t know if they got rid of that metric or not, but eventually Matchmaking felt good, I could mantain 50% win ratio going SoloQ. Sometimes it returned to feel bad but I guess it was time frame issues (like playing at 1am or, let’s call it “bad hours” where not many players are logged and playing PvP).
Lately, I guess the last one week or so, when I queued Solo, I’ve been having losing streaks (i.e. 3 lose- 1 win, I think I even arrived at a 7 loses in a row). I’m not saying the same thing everyone says (“Omg team of total PUGs facing full premade team GG MM”), no, I’m not saying that (even though I had some matches like that, but I don’t care, these are a minority). What I want to express is that MatchMaking seems to work improperly, at least lately (Or maybe I just have a really low MMR or a really high MMR and I’m the baddie, I don’t know).
Everyone has stated this several weeks ago, that it felt odd, but I’m saying this now because it’s now when I’m facing this “problem”: the “drop” in quality of games. I just feel like I’m the only one who knows how to move on the map (but clearly in those losing streaks not every game was bad and, as well, I mess up games sometimes, I’m not the best player in the world). Everything said until now happens when I’m queueing Solo.
When I TeamQ (I’m not refering to a full 5 premade, but to 2 or 3 premade) I tend to win more games, obviously because it gives you an advantage (even if we are not in TeamSpeak and other voice-chat services) and with this large Solo losing streak I tend to win way more games when I’m playing with some friends. I know too, as some Devs have stated already, they want players to queue up together and form teams, because it’s a team game (and I’m totally fine about that).
TL;DR: lately PvP Matchmaking started to feel odd when I queue Solo and generally it feels the same when I TeamQ. These are just feels and perceptions of my games: when I SoloQ I feel that sometimes in the games I play, my team is at a lower level than me (and therefore we get crushed). No complains about TeamQ. As said before, MatchMaking still needs to be tweaked (and maybe more important, a part of the players needs to change their mindset in the games).
I think that I’ve said everything I wanted to say, sorry for the long post and the surely bad english. If you haven’t understood something I wanted to express, feel free to ask and I’ll try to explain it better. One more time, the post is about my feelings about PvP Matchmaking, to give my little piece of feedback for Devs so they can improve this and continue doing their awesome job. Thanks.