How's matchmaking now?

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


My enjoyment of the Tournament system peaked right before they removed tickets.

I liked the 3 round system, because it felt rewarding to win gold and it made item rewards more valuable. Tickets as an entrance barrier filtered out players with low ranks and no clue of how the game works: keep losing = go to hotjoin to learn and earn glory for tickets.
But I understand it was problematic for the top tier players who didn’t find matches.

Currently, I am stuck at the 96% rank. I only solo queue.

I have trouble finding people to play with for multiple games and simply don’t see the benefit in adding to the chances of facing top premades, because I queued up with a party without voice chat…

My win/loss ratio is steadily falling towards 50%. I’ve experienced the same as described above: premades, smurf accounts, leavers, low ranks, …

Winning a match means I automatically lose the following one.

Matchmaking, as I observe it, pits me against top player premades for a game I always lose, followed by game(s) against unexperienced pugs, soloquers with leavers, … which I win or lose based on my own random team composition.

At this point, I believe it has little to do with my own abilities or the abilities of my random teammates or opponents.

I am just caught in a repeating cycle solely influenced by the invisible matchmaking rating. One I can only break by miraculously performing far beyond my own capacity so as to offset the tremendous chance based odds for multiple games in a row and eventually single-handedly beat an organised, practised pro team to have a chance of gaining rating.
I am trying. :’)

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

(edited by Stof.9584)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Gandara,EU, rank40, mostly yolo qeue. I normaly hover over 80%, low 72%, highest 92% i think. was 85-90 at the moment.

I saw an improvement, good games, with poeple who actualy read team chat, getting close to a 50/50 win ratio, which means this should be my ranking zone.

Up till today xD.
I had a few games with low team meambers. Followed by some unlucky loses (downlevel against r10 premade). I kid you not, 10 IN A ROW with leaver on my team.
Im rated at 56% now, i think i made a 1-20 loses today xD.

I dont care about my ladder rank. The problem im having is that in lower %, there are bad playing poeple, whihc means i need to now grind with a team to get to the fun zone again -.-

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


@Flumek, ha well that’s worse than me, and I notice that extremely unluckiness as well. They really have to do something against leavers because when I wasn’t playing against a premade and it was a solo que team, and you only have 4 people on your team or someone ragequit its very frustrating to have a fair game go wrong because 1 person got angry and ragequit, then your next game is unfair. That really makes me want to quit, I’m tired of unfair matchups and IT ISNT hard to fix.
- If you have 2 people r10 solo queing, you put 1 on each team. None of this one team gets shafted by r10s
- If you have 2 premades that are 3 people team and 2 people team make it so theres a 2 people team on one team and 3 people team on the other so its fair, none of this 2 team 3 team premade on same team vs random solo que.
- Just because 1 guy is rank 100 in your solo que team and everyone else is 60% doesn’t mean I should be facing rank 100 premades.
- If a leaderboard rank 10 team is que’d make other people 300 leaderboard ranks wait near him as well until a team is formed and if waited 10 mins and nothing, have them wait additional 5 mins while it finds the best premade to go against them. No solo que team should be facing a high ranking leaderboard team unless all solo que’rs are also high rank leaderboard players. Just because 1 guy is r100 doesn’t mean you have to drag 4 70% leaderboard solo ques with him to there deaths against an impossible team. Have the best premade available go against them, they are likely to learn something and put up a game rather than a solo que team getting triple capped crushed and sitting in spawn area because they aren’t coordinated and big skill difference between them, at some point you cannot learn anything because you die instantly due to coordinated team.

The biggest flaw I see with this system is that it likes to stack up one team and solo que team is left defenseless. You shouldn’t have 1 lone r40 on a team with people r20s and r10 while other team is complete r40s, it needs to even it out. The system needs to register not only leaderboard ranking, but in game ranking as well. Also needs to balance those 2 team 3 team 4 team premades, I don’t mind solo queing and being with premades, but I hate facing 2 or 3 premades and my team is all solo que.

@Stof Yes the game was a lot better with tournament tickets because it did a good job at keeping the inexperienced out of it. Also people cared a lot more about winning.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Played some games later than usual tonight. Match making seems to be much better on Friday night than weekday mornings at the very least.

Part of the matchmaking system inefficiency is low population for sure. I did see the same team twice, but it was a win 1 lose 1 swap, so it seems that the algorithm does its job when enough people are on.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


The matches are definitely longer to launch but the only pre-mades were at most 3-off and their level of play was not too terribly high above the solo-ers. Otherwise the matches were pretty good all around.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


matchmaking is broken I’m at 70% and rank 1 is on my team. They didn’t fix JACK kitten!


How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: somsom.5201


Still terrible. Don’t waste your time unless you’re in a pre-made.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Time to throw in my 2 cents on this issue. Since the matchmaking change, I have found overall, that the number of balanced matches is somewhat greater than before. This change did not eliminate unbalanced match-ups, but in my experience, it has reduced them to a degree – and most evidently to me, I am, having more close or good quality matches than before.

I think it’s important to note that score or rank of the individual players is not always the best indicator of the match’s quality. In this vein, I have seen many more of my recent matches decided either in terms of win or loss by good or bad decision-making on the part of the players of a particular team – good plays – and less so by the sill level of the players. Obviously this isn’t always the case, but generally, it seems so more often now than previously.

I’ve collected scoreboard data, for a series of games over the first few days of the change, and will post that data here for those interested in doing some analysis of the effects of this change. I found of particular interest, even though it is rating and not player rank that is being used, that the total of all the ranks on the respect teams seems more often to be very close. I’ve included scoreboard shots where available from during some of the matches as well to give a sense of where momentum changed in some cases and show the back and forth that indicated a decent match.

Anyway, here’s the bomb. Note, if you just want to see the final match scores, if you look carefully at the thumbnail images, you can discern which are those shots – the are the ones with an evident solid color line at the bottom of the image. I would have pasted match shots together, but as it was. this took far too long for it’s dubious worth.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

(edited by Anthrage.2519)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


^ that is a wall of screenshots lol

btw, EU side, matchmaking so far has been fine during prime time
sure, I only played 3 matches, but I encountered no full premades
last game, for example, was 3 from the same guild on both teams, and 2 from different guilds, so I suppose it was 3+1+1 for both sides. Ratings were close as well, with both teams having people around 500-700 and outside of top 1000. So, maybe, something has changed. Will provide further feedback U.U

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


Personal rating does matter very little when you confront premade with a PUG. I would even dare to say that it gives the premade a general advantage. Becouse a premade made of low ranked players could loose with a PUG of high ranked players. But if the rating is similar for all players on the map, the premade will win 95% of the time (yeah, I know, number from my *, but still) thanks to good communcation alone. So solo queue remains the most urgent step to take.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


Matchups have been good so far from my experience, premades happen but even then a lot of the premades have been of equal skill level as the solo-q.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


The rank of a player doesn’t count, its their invisible rating. For example, my account is Rank 30ish. The account by the name TGSlasher.someothernumbers, is only rank 1. But if ever I play the other (which I don’t, pre-order gift for a friend) you would be like, oh only a rank 1, boo hoo :p. But I would be able to get my rating up quite quickly (compared to someone who just picked up the game).

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: kai.4629


i don’t mind having low rank players on my team and i understand matches are set based on ratings and not rankings but anet needs to at least set an exception for rank 1 players. it’s ridiculous playing in a match against lv40+ and have a rank 1 player with no experience on your team. anet should consider requiring new players to play hot join matches until rank 2 before joining a tournament match. this way new pvp players can at least learn how each map works before joining a tournament match.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


what if…

there were a “tournament training” achievement line which offered rewards and titles for successfully engaging tournent specific needs such as…

- an achievement for 25 wins for each map in rotation (each)
- an achievement for 100 kills vs each profession (each)
- an achievement for time spent within x range of an enemy node under attack
- an achievement for time spent within x range of a friendly node under attack
- an achievement for 250 over all kills while assaulting/defending
- an achievement for 25 revives

once all achievements are earned, the “tournament ready” title unlocks, and said player can queue for tourneys regardless of rank

this could be a series of challenges offered by a drill sergeant npc, and make a viable platform for progression based rewards

what if…

Great idea man!

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


As a player who yolo (and duo) qs constantly on EU and NA, have noticed a slight improvement in the last 24 hours (we may get the occasional ‘new’ player, but usually had decent allies to compensate). The ranks seem to fluctuate much less now, and I think that will only improve the situation in the future. The q takes longer to pop, but I didn’t see any ridiculous matchups after playing a considerable amount yesterday.

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


What annoys me now is the lack of volatility. I played for 4 hours yesterday, went 11-3 and went up a whole 2% playing against people of rating higher than me on most occasions.

While I agree before it was far to wild, now it seems like me playing and winning has no effect on my ranking.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


The rank of a player doesn’t count, its their invisible rating. For example, my account is Rank 30ish. The account by the name TGSlasher.someothernumbers, is only rank 1. But if ever I play the other (which I don’t, pre-order gift for a friend) you would be like, oh only a rank 1, boo hoo :p. But I would be able to get my rating up quite quickly (compared to someone who just picked up the game).

There’s alot less of that going on than what is being complained about.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


Desolation-EU, R46. My rating is usually between top 750 – 90%. Playing only solo. I feel the matchmaking is improved, havent seen a R1-R8 in any fights (around 30 games) since new patch. The fights seems more balaced.

However it feels much harder to get your rating up/down then before. I guess somthing like between how it was before and how is now is probably best.

And one more thing… do somthing with leavers please.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


what if…

there were a “tournament training” achievement line which offered rewards and titles for successfully engaging tournent specific needs such as…

- an achievement for 25 wins for each map in rotation (each)
- an achievement for 100 kills vs each profession (each)
- an achievement for time spent within x range of an enemy node under attack
- an achievement for time spent within x range of a friendly node under attack
- an achievement for 250 over all kills while assaulting/defending
- an achievement for 25 revives

once all achievements are earned, the “tournament ready” title unlocks, and said player can queue for tourneys regardless of rank

this could be a series of challenges offered by a drill sergeant npc, and make a viable platform for progression based rewards

what if…

Great idea man!

since you brought this back (and thanks!) i should also add – having had time to think more about it – that Anet could even restrict earning these achievements to hotjoin servers in the 100+ range which are all set to 5 man teams, ie: pseudo-tournaments.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


what if…

there were a “tournament training” achievement line which offered rewards and titles for successfully engaging tournent specific needs such as…

- an achievement for 25 wins for each map in rotation (each)
- an achievement for 100 kills vs each profession (each)
- an achievement for time spent within x range of an enemy node under attack
- an achievement for time spent within x range of a friendly node under attack
- an achievement for 250 over all kills while assaulting/defending
- an achievement for 25 revives

once all achievements are earned, the “tournament ready” title unlocks, and said player can queue for tourneys regardless of rank

this could be a series of challenges offered by a drill sergeant npc, and make a viable platform for progression based rewards

what if…

Great idea man!

since you brought this back (and thanks!) i should also add – having had time to think more about it – that Anet could even restrict earning these achievements to hotjoin servers in the 100+ range which are all set to 5 man teams, ie: pseudo-tournaments.


Lets make it so that the already small player population of GW2 doesnt grow by adding unneeded restrictions on joining tournaments. Not to mention nothing in hot join resembles what a tournament will play like, even 5v5 man servers.

That suggestion implies that players should learn how to play PvP in a different format before they are considered “good enough” for tournaments. While we are at it why dont we make them have all sorts of PvE titles too since that will translate just as well as hot joins! Or… we could just continue to improve match making and grow our player population so that players who are new will be more likely placed with other new players.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


what if…

there were a “tournament training” achievement line which offered rewards and titles for successfully engaging tournent specific needs such as…

- an achievement for 25 wins for each map in rotation (each)
- an achievement for 100 kills vs each profession (each)
- an achievement for time spent within x range of an enemy node under attack
- an achievement for time spent within x range of a friendly node under attack
- an achievement for 250 over all kills while assaulting/defending
- an achievement for 25 revives

once all achievements are earned, the “tournament ready” title unlocks, and said player can queue for tourneys regardless of rank

this could be a series of challenges offered by a drill sergeant npc, and make a viable platform for progression based rewards

what if…

Great idea man!

since you brought this back (and thanks!) i should also add – having had time to think more about it – that Anet could even restrict earning these achievements to hotjoin servers in the 100+ range which are all set to 5 man teams, ie: pseudo-tournaments.


Lets make it so that the already small player population of GW2 doesnt grow by adding unneeded restrictions on joining tournaments. Not to mention nothing in hot join resembles what a tournament will play like, even 5v5 man servers.

That suggestion implies that players should learn how to play PvP in a different format before they are considered “good enough” for tournaments. While we are at it why dont we make them have all sorts of PvE titles too since that will translate just as well as hot joins! Or… we could just continue to improve match making and grow our player population so that players who are new will be more likely placed with other new players.

sounds to me like the problem, then, is that “hardcore” tpvp’ers look down on hotjoin as a useless implementation.

which is an an incorrect perspective to have.

intramural and social sports leagues like indoor soccer, ringette, etc, in your point of view, have no benefit at all to people who admire or desire a place on a professional sports teams either.

how is hotjoin NOT a place to train people? because it is a zerg fest? is that the fault of the game or the players? I’ll give you a hint: it isn’t the game’s fault.

and in what world ought tournaments be made available to everyone, regardless of skill? isn’t the complaint the LACK of skill that new players have in tournaments?

doesn’t that make your argument contradictory to the theme of this thread?

by placing a quest based/reward system on the spvp hotjoin servers, and by restricting this quest system to smaller team sizes, the game would PROVIDE A STABLE AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE METHOD TO TEACH NEW PLAYERS HOW TPVP WORKS which is a necessarily tool, don’t you think?, given that tpvp is indeed, as you’ve been so quick to point out, different from spvp.

WHERE would you like new players to get their experience if they ought not be in tpvp until they’ve got it?

i have an idea, how about a series of quests they can undertake that give them specific goals to accomplish during their hectic zerg fest so that they can start to recognize and pick out of the millieu the priority targets or have the spatial awareness to know when to move from point to point.

how do you expect people to LEARN if you dont TEACH them?

are you privileged because you didn’t have to learn? well bully for you.

it seems to me like you forget the other several thousand people who play the game who could use a helping hand.

not only would my training idea prepare people for their first steps in to tpvp by ensuring they have conscientiously addressed every map, class, and basic game play technique before queuing for a tournament, it would also add in that much asked for reward system to give the placebo of progression to those who need it by granting more titles and rewards AND it would help ease new people in to the system by WELCOMING them with information and advice instead of an ungainly mess of hotjoin zerg servers and elitist condescending tpvpers that, currently, have very little in the way of explanation.

is my idea perfect? of course not, but it is certainly a good option.

personally, i think your understanding of what drives people away from pvp is misguided.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

(edited by nakoda.4213)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

In all respect nakoda, the so called “hardcore-tpvp-players” aren’t upset with hotjoin and its function to get ppl into the game or ppl that want to have fun. It’s more about the fact playing hotjoin provides a faster rank-gain than tournament-play, which is a silly reward-system and also destroys the whole rank-concept.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


In all respect nakoda, the so called “hardcore-tpvp-players” aren’t upset with hotjoin and its function to get ppl into the game or ppl that want to have fun. It’s more about the fact playing hotjoin provides a faster rank-gain than tournament-play, which is a silly reward-system and also destroys the whole rank-concept.


I personally like hotjoin as a way to try out new classes/builds, but they should never be more rewarding than rated play…

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213



your prejudice is blinding you to what I am saying.

you’ve mussed the point thrice now, so I wont bother trying again.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

sounds to me like the problem, then, is that “hardcore” tpvp’ers look down on hotjoin as a useless implementation.

I responded to that sentence. You talk about the system of hotjoin, while I talk about the rewards of it.

Furthermore you want a new system for hotjoin where ppl actually learn how to play proper. Fine, I have no problems with that. What me and thousands of other tournament players actually bothers is the fact that the higher and more competitive play is not more rewarded than hotjoin. I mean many of us invest lots of hours in tactical discussion and strategies. Basically we get nothing from it.

So yeah we kinda look down to hotjoin, not as a useless implementation, but as a factor to actually deny a proper-reward system, an incentive to rank-up as an indicator of tournament-experience and as brakes to a healthier competition.
And that has nothing to do with the players, just with the reward-system itself.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


So you’ve turned the debate from “nubs don’t know how to play tourneys” into “nubs are diminishing my personal rewards” without actually offering cogent feedback on how to fix the common problem in both those complaints: the nubs

I never suggested that new rewards are not an option for tourneys, or that a similar progression system with*IN* tourneys was impossible. our conversation hadn’t progressed that far because your personal stake and self interest keeps halting the discussion.

if they implemented a “training” system of achievements, they also ought to once again split free and ranked tournaments. I’ve argued in other places that rank ought to be earned only in tournaments, but with this idea it would be even more restricted to ranked tournaments, with glory being the reward for everything else.

I mean, who cares about rank in hotjoin? no one, and test we have this rank thing which isn’t even used in tournament matchmaking. wtf anet, why even have it?

the whole system needs a revamp. glory actually needs to be a currency for something tangible and rewarding. rank needs to reflect skill in tournaments, and continue to unlock rank specific rewards. rank also, then, needs to be adjusted not to take years to accumulate.

ps soz for typos, on my mobile.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

(edited by nakoda.4213)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

the whole system needs a revamp. glory actually needs to be a currency for something tangible and rewarding. rank needs to reflect skill in tournaments

That’s what I was talking about!
Stop overreacting on everything, when ppl respond to you. It’s coming in pretty rude to me. Also I have the feeling your English is not on a accurate level, so missunderstandings happen too easy.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


I think you may be reading too much in to my inflections.

overreacting? lol. goes both ways, no?

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


Hey all! Let’s make sure to remember that matchmaking is based off your rating and not your PvP rank. Players cannot currently see their ratings but our new matchmaking is much more efficient at pooling players together for matches. You should be experiencing much smaller rating deviations in games without a terrible sacrifice to queue time.

Be sure to give constructive feedback on how you feel the matchmaking is working for you.

All i want is a solo Que only button , is that really that hard to implement ?
Even if you made the perfect matchmaking system its not gone work until you split the premade groups and the solo Que players.

The minut a solo Que players smells a premade team he will leave ( or just not fight them/ goes afk ). ,
Now think about it. How you suppose a matchmaking system is gone fix this issue ? its not.

Solo Que players do not have voicechat / perfect team composition = no playable reaction times for tactics = fat chance of actually winning a team fight against premades with voicechat.

I remember that premades used to complain cause they had to face better premade groups to often. So you gave them easy targets to play against ( Fake Solo Que ).

I think its about time you did something for the solo Que players instead of the premade groups. ( a new player does not have a team yet , so his first experience in pvp will be bad , his second experience will be wurse , ……. he stops playing gw2 after giving it a month)

Hope a real Solo Que is comming , i would love to come back to gw2 if that ever happened , but untill that time , you will have more people leaving then there are newplayers added that arent alt accounts…..

cheerz Tripp

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


if (team roster != full) then SoloQ
else if (team roster == full) then PremadeQ
else SoloQ

(sorry if “==” is used wrong there, but you get the idea)

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

(edited by nakoda.4213)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Kugkug.8795


I expect matchmaking to be pretty horrible until they do something to encourage participation

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230



You misunderstand basically everything I have said…

Im not saying get rid of hotjoin, let people that enjoy playing there play there. That however will NOT help a new player learn how tournament games are played even if you force people to try and replicate a tournament setting as not everyone in that hot join is going to be trying to also ‘train’ for tournaments. Only playing in tournaments will help you learn how to play tournaments. Playing intramural soccer isnt all of a sudden going to make a good soccer player in a team setting where communication and positioning are key… something that, like hotjoin pvp, is lacking compared to competitive play.

How do I propose to fix that issue? Make matchmaking better, something they are continuing to do. Hotjoin should not be a prerequisite for tournaments in the exact way that PvE shouldnt be a prerequisite for PvP. They are completely different game play styles. If and when matchmaking is working correctly new players will play other new players in tournaments instead of being put with higher ranked players creating a mismatch in current skill. But expecting a new player to go into hotjoin and ‘learn’ how to play in a tournament setting is a joke, its just never going to translate.

Edit: You also have claimed that I have turned this argument into an issue of personal rewards… perhaps you should look at who you are responding to before making such claims as I have, aside from this post, posted a single time in this thread never once mentioning personal rewards as any type of issue.

if (team roster != full) then SoloQ
else if (team roster == full) then PremadeQ
else SoloQ

(sorry if “==” is used wrong there, but you get the idea)

Doesnt quite work like that, so I can bring 3 top friends with me but since our roster isnt full we can still troll soloQ with our 4 man premade team?

They already said they were working on soloQ and solo only as it is the most fair and if you start allowing partial teams where do you stop.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

(edited by Parisalchuk.9230)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

A reason why I rarely soloQ. How can a good premade as twg face a soloQ-grp?
Totally broken.

Thats the point, the playerbase is too low for a split que, we all saw it during the paid tournaments were online, huge queing time until game start.

low population? dead game is dead. i think its arenanets fault that the pvp playerbase did go so low…..

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


A reason why I rarely soloQ. How can a good premade as twg face a soloQ-grp?
Totally broken.

Thats the point, the playerbase is too low for a split que, we all saw it during the paid tournaments were online, huge queing time until game start.

low population? dead game is dead. i think its arenanets fault that the pvp playerbase did go so low…..

Clearly not dead enough for you to not post that, and by all accounts growing.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


More feedbacks -> system is still awful, long queue and I get 2 different premades in a row, my whole team isn’t even in top1000 (EU), while solo queing.
I seriously hope soloQ is going to be implemented on the 25th.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


More feedbacks -> system is still awful, long queue and I get 2 different premades in a row, my whole team isn’t even in top1000 (EU), while solo queing.
I seriously hope soloQ is going to be implemented on the 25th.

They been looking into it for like 3- 4 months now , seems to me they just do not want to support the solo Que players. Its the sole reasons why i haven’t done a single Tournament in the past 3 months.

Everything anet has done is only to make the premade groups happy, that’s all.

- refusing to give custom arenas a " no down state options" = only to keep the premade teams happy.

- refusing to put a REAL solo que = only to keep the premade teams happy

- and so on and so on …..

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: cuasilk.6927


So this morning I go inand play 3 tournies. First one was ok, though the queue was about five minutes or a bit more, but it’s a weekday during the morning, so I think that was fine. Second one the queue was much shorter but we faced a pre made. Ended up losing 500 to 494 and only because we lost total coordination at the end, so I don’t think this was bad either. Then I play my last one, queue was around five minutes, and this happened:


(edited by cuasilk.6927)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Make ratings visible. This way we will be able to see if it works properly or not.

Up Rerroll

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

They been looking into it for like 3- 4 months now , seems to me they just do not want to support the solo Que players. Its the sole reasons why i haven’t done a single Tournament in the past 3 months.

Everything anet has done is only to make the premade groups happy, that’s all.

- refusing to give custom arenas a " no down state options" = only to keep the premade teams happy.

- refusing to put a REAL solo que = only to keep the premade teams happy

- and so on and so on …..

I think you’ve missed your guess here. The premade teams are not “happy” with the state of the game, nor are they getting preferential treatment from A-net that I can see.

I don’t currently have a team (my play times are erratic making me an impractical option for a real team), but I have subbed with a number of teams that are high leaderboard qulity and talk with guys in that realm regularly. Many of the “premade” crowd wanted the multi-team tournaments to be re-worked and improved. Instead they got deleted. The “no downed state” option for custom arenas is hardly a premade issue. I don’t give a flying kitten about whether it is an option for CA, and neither do any of the serious types that I talk to. I can’t see this as being because of them. You assume that the teams don’t want a soloque implemented, but winning matches 500-<100 isn’t fun or interesting. What the competitors want is competetive play, and the majority understand that a true solo-que will be a breeding ground for more teams that will ultimately spawn the competition that they want.

This development has taken way too long and there are various reasons for it and plenty of places to point your finger, but pointing at the premade teams is misplacing the blame in my opinion.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


They been looking into it for like 3- 4 months now , seems to me they just do not want to support the solo Que players. Its the sole reasons why i haven’t done a single Tournament in the past 3 months.

Everything anet has done is only to make the premade groups happy, that’s all.

- refusing to give custom arenas a " no down state options" = only to keep the premade teams happy.

- refusing to put a REAL solo que = only to keep the premade teams happy

- and so on and so on …..

I think you’ve missed your guess here. The premade teams are not “happy” with the state of the game, nor are they getting preferential treatment from A-net that I can see.

I don’t currently have a team (my play times are erratic making me an impractical option for a real team), but I have subbed with a number of teams that are high leaderboard qulity and talk with guys in that realm regularly. Many of the “premade” crowd wanted the multi-team tournaments to be re-worked and improved. Instead they got deleted. The “no downed state” option for custom arenas is hardly a premade issue. I don’t give a flying kitten about whether it is an option for CA, and neither do any of the serious types that I talk to. I can’t see this as being because of them. You assume that the teams don’t want a soloque implemented, but winning matches 500-<100 isn’t fun or interesting. What the competitors want is competetive play, and the majority understand that a true solo-que will be a breeding ground for more teams that will ultimately spawn the competition that they want.

This development has taken way too long and there are various reasons for it and plenty of places to point your finger, but pointing at the premade teams is misplacing the blame in my opinion.

might have to clear up what i mean with the premade teams.

i dont mean the hardcore premades that made the other premades QQ in payed tourney’s back in the days.

i’m talking about the premades that QQ’ed cause they had to face better premades…..over and over.
( mostly they are the once against a real Solo Que , afraid they’ll have to face better premades again )

And 4+ months = clear sign that anet sides with the QQpremades .
Else why take so long to make the split again. The longer they wait the more people leave the gw2 pvp scene.

would love to see anet’s numbers of how many people left gw2 pvp scene in the past 4 months and what’s the staying time of a new pvp player.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: xehn.3420


Matchmaking is a bit better, but the queue time has considerably increased.
I have to wait 5 to 15mn before a game pops.
I solo queue between top700 and 90ish percentile.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Still not quite working better. Que times seem to be increasing since the new algorithm was introduced.


How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The system is still rubbish….9 times out of 10 I play with complete scrubs, always me fighting to the death again 3 people and 3 scrubs from my team sitting on a point on their own, you still need good team to do anything, I can’t carry 4 total scrubs with no concept of teamplay , strategy or even the map

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


It’s better. I haven’t done that too many tpvp match since it was implemented, but every game I’ve been in so far everyone was +30r. Only thing is I have to wait a little longer, but I’m fine with that.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Asia Skyly.7198

Asia Skyly.7198

Still not quite working better. Que times seem to be increasing since the new algorithm was introduced.

I am seeing a lot of this as well. I know they are going by ranking, but in reality, I would feel a lot better if they were by PvP level first, THEN by ranking. The current system allows for a lot of mismatches.

Yesterday a group of us, all in the teens, got placed against a bunch of 30+ some almost 40. Needless to say we got destroyed. Hard.

It is absolutely no fun at all when you are mismatched from the get go.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Still not quite working better. Que times seem to be increasing since the new algorithm was introduced.

I am seeing a lot of this as well. I know they are going by ranking, but in reality, I would feel a lot better if they were by PvP level first, THEN by ranking. The current system allows for a lot of mismatches.

Yesterday a group of us, all in the teens, got placed against a bunch of 30+ some almost 40. Needless to say we got destroyed. Hard.

It is absolutely no fun at all when you are mismatched from the get go.

This makes no sense. PvP level is an artifical statistic that has no bearing on your ability in tournaments. It should have NO bearing on who you get matched with. The issue is that most r10- dont have the skills to play yet with high rated players, but I have played plenty of teams whose r30s and r40s clearly came from hot join and didnt belong against my team either. That is why rating is far far far more important. The issue is when new players start to tournament where do you rank them. That is the system they need to improve so that players with say 10 tournament games arent going against players with 200+.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


the only way to really do it is to start players with a mean rating that lowers when you lose and raises when you win.

0 games = 1000
a loss = 950
a win = 1000
another win = 1050

and so on.

without knowing the actual formula (and without being able to SEE the ratings), we will never be able to give a certain answer as to why things work the way they do.

i really miss the days when devs were actually allowed to talk to us, even if they said something that tasted like crow, at least they were accountable for it and looked after their communities.

now it’s like a daycare buddy system, players going two by two holding hands, skipping along to the sound of the pied piper.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

the only way to really do it is to start players with a mean rating that lowers when you lose and raises when you win.

0 games = 1000
a loss = 950
a win = 1000
another win = 1050

and so on.

without knowing the actual formula (and without being able to SEE the ratings), we will never be able to give a certain answer as to why things work the way they do.

I suspect that this is exactly the problem actually. The matchmaking rating system is placing players that have no experience artificially high in the system and causing some seriously fail competition in a large number of matches.

A proper solution is to assume that a player with fewer than 50 ranked games is at somewhere around the 10th percentile and continue to rate them as such until there is a large enough sample size to make a sensible rating for them that will not be wildly volatile with every win/loss. Without knowing the rating forumla I can’t say what a reasonable sample size would be, but I can tell from seeing the matchups that have been posted continuously in this thread that the algorithm is not using one and is likely placing new players at the 50th percentile or so to start and allowing wild fluctuations with the small sample size, so God forbid one of the brand new tourney players catches a decent group and wins their first match or two they wind up getting thrown to the wolves.

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


how is it artificially high to begin at the baseline, with players with fewer points (more losses) below you, and players with more points (more wins) above you.

the argument falls to the fact that a player with 10 wins and 10 losses, sitting at the baseline, has 20 maps more real experience than the new player. this can only be corrected by 1) promoting hotjoins as a means to facilitate familiarity with the maps and core pvp systems, and 2) by permitting this player to then join tournaments at the baseline with the expectation that they are a competent player so that they may begin accruing tournament experience.

the only way to get tournament experience is by playing in tournaments. if you start new players too far down the list, you make the game artificially easy and more frustrating as the challenge increase. if you start them too high on the list, frustration begins at the outset.

Even though the 10-10 player has twenty maps experience, their experience isn’t as meaningfully put to use as the team that is 15-5 or 20-0 or even 11-9. As such, a new player with no tournament experience, but a solid foreground in basic pvp (map layout, class abilities and tells, basic awareness of nodes and ancillary objectives) will have an acceptable challenge before them.

Then, matchmaking is tiered in to brackets of points, and each team must be within the same bracket, determined by (the sum of the team’s points/5). This way, a low rated player will never be queued with a team or group of so high a rating difference that the match is laughable. Furthermore, a system such as this negates the problems associated with premade vs soloq because the queue system will seek within the bracket for players, and a soloq team will always be in the same bracket as a premade, and have a fair chance at winning.

i do not understand why Anet is having such difficulties putting together a functioning queue system for solo and team players. it is not as though this is brand new technology we are dealing with. just because gamers crave innovation does NOT mean that something as simple as a leader board needs to be reinvented.

just make it work.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

(edited by nakoda.4213)

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


After playing more days with this “new system” I can confirm. Still same rubbish, being farmed by premades all week long. Why cant understand that putting premades and solos into same sack is a total nonsense? So you match using hidden rating? Well OK. But lets assume that your system works perfectly and it will match two teams. One premade with average player rating of 1500 and one PUG zerg with average player rating of 1500. Who do you think will win this match? At this moment the question of increasing your rating is based on few factors. Skill will surely by one of them but another would be RNG lottery of how often you get matched vs. premades. In other words, complete bullkitten. Can you outplay a premade with PUG? I guess you can. I win occasionally vs. a premade. Like once per 15 tries. PUG vs PUG are more often than not quite balanced but almost all matches vs. a premade are lost before the gates are even open. Fail.