These are in no specific order just what came to mind first, but they are ALL important. If you work on improving at these you will definitely notice an increase of success in solo Q. If you have any questions of my "off the top of my head while at work* list I made, please feel free to ask. Also if you would like to add to the list be my guest.
1. You call the target
2. Whenever You pop your Water Attunement, use your Healing Turret, etc. try to be near your teammates so they benefit too.
3. Peel for teammates (#2 can also go in here), Peeling for teammates means when you see someone in trouble go to them, and use CC, Heals, Dmg, or whatever you can to get the enemies off of them.
4. For #3 to work you also need to pay attention to the Whole fight, not just the target you are choosing to go for.
5. Be aware of respawns, if you know that people on the opposing team are dead and you see some teammates far, those teammates will be needing help shortly. This can also be useful for knowing that an enemy on respawn could possibly be heading to your home point, and you can watch for it and possibly avoid a decap.
6. Dying is almost always worse than allowing a decap, not having you available to the team for about 45 seconds (This includes 15s respawn, possible time bleeding out, and time it took you to run back) is much worse than you keeping the decap in MOST situations. So instead of dying, you can just run away and reset and hopefully someone would have helped you by then.
7. This continues #3 and adds to #4, be aware when your teammate is going to go down, and when he does, be ready to revive him. Please learn the difference between a revivable ally and an ally you will die in the process of reviving.
8. If you have no stomping skill to use (Such as stability, invuln, etc) don’t even bother stomping. You will be much more useful cleaving the target rather than trying to stomp and failing. Sometimes it might be worth while to forces a mistform from an ele in downstate, or a teleport from a thief or mesmer, but if it’s not one of those classes, always just cleave.
9. Rotations: Knowing how to rotate I like to think is a summary of this whole list. what it means to “rotate” is to know exactly where to be and when. For example, off respawn knowing to run home rather then going to a winning fight in mid, or going home to support an ally defending the point. You will learn this mostly through experience, or by watching Backpacks video
10. Know your role:
DPS: Make sure you are targeting the right target, and remember that you are the “squishiest” ones out there. Try your best to avoid as much damage as possible. Never be afraid to 1 a fight, (1’ing a fight means to help a teammate that is 1v1ing usually guaranteeing a quick kill) actually in Solo Q I suggest that you always try to +1 fights if you aren’t needed anywhere else, play as if your team will lose every even fight.
Bunker/Support/Tanks: you guys will play point holder or “point stayer-oner”. Your job will to always try to be on the point, and holding it for as long as possible(Of course this always won’t be the case). Usually being one of the tankier people the field, your job will be to Revive, and Stomp when possible, Peel for teamates, CC/Attack the target, etc. Staying alive is one of the more important objectives, again as I said earlier, staying alive is almost always better than dying.
11. I’ll add to this list as I think of more, or as someone else suggests more, but the last and most important rule is to play the game as if your teammates have never heard of any of the concepts listen in #1-10. Play as if your teammates are monkeys only told to run to a point and fight. Of course this doesn’t mean to treat them as such, still try to communicate with them, but what i’m trying to say is that if you mentally prepare for the worst in your teammates it will hopefully prevent you from raging as hard and appreciating when they actually do something well. Even if that thing they did well is second nature to you.
Click my name below to see Part 2
Suggestions from comments below (My comments in bold)
(edited by Bitty.1409)