If we have 15 stacks of Burning, 2 stacks of Bleeding and 1 stack of Vulnerability and we use a skill that clears 1 condition, very often we will clear that 1 stack of vulnerability instead of those 15 stacks of lethal burning.
Another example would be this: if we are Immobilized and we have 1 stack of Bleeding and 3 stacks of Vulnerability our priority is to remove that immobilize, but very often we will clear Bleeding or Vulberability, rimaining Immobilized.
This system promotes free “ticks” of damaging condies and powerful cc’s like Immobilize.
Obviously we don’t want conditions become useless, so, here are my proposals:
First of all, we should make a distinction between:
-Damaging Conditions: Burning, Torment, Confusion, Bleeding, Poison;
-Non-Damaging Conditions: Vulnerability, Weakness, Blind, Slow, Taunt, Fear;
-Movement-Impeding Conditions: Cripple, Chill, Immobilize;
At this point the condition-removal should be adapted to these 3 classifications.
“Shake it off!”: Cure a condition on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns.
will become
“Shake it off!”: Cure a Damaging Condition and a Movement-impeding Condition on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns.
Simple,right? Another example can be:
Cleansing Wave: Heal yourself and nearby allies, curing a condition.
can be
Cleansing Wave: Heal yourself and nearby allies, curing a Damaging Condition.
And so on….
Therefore there will be very useful skills/traits to remove Damaging Conditions, other skills/traits very useful to remove Movement-Impeding conditions and other skills/traits perfect for Non-Damaging Conditions.
Another important thing is the “condition removal priority”. If we have 10 stacks of burning and 2 stacks of Torment of course we want to remove the Burning. This is why conditions should be removed in order of “dangerousness”. This will include the base damage of the condition and the number of stacks, of course.
1 stack of Burning is more damage than 1 stack of Bleeding SO a skill that removes a Damaging Condition will remove the Burning.
1 stack of Burning is less damage than 10 stacks of Bleeding SO a skill that removes a Damaging Condition will remove the Bleeding.
In my opinion this will promote less condi spam, especially in pvp and roaming, and more reliant condition removals for everyone.
Resistance: "Conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration. "
can be
“Damaging-Conditions and Movement-Impeding Conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration. "
This means that you are still maintaining a good defense against condies, but you can also be taunted or feared if you are not running with Stability. This seems right to me.
What do you guys think about these ideas?