How would you rank the professions?

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Lytro.9305


Hey everyone, with the recent updates, I was wondering how are the current professions performing in pvp. Rank them from 1 to 8, or 9 if you want to include the revenant.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Skooma.3459


Honestly think all professions have a good spot right now; depending on build. Some builds do much better than others but there isn’t 1 class that is always top dog or underdog.

Mesmer 1. Utility, burst, mobility…mesmer team vs no mesmer team is pretty 1 sided.
Warrior 2. Has a few builds that are very strong.
Necro 3. The damage/utility depending on build is so good. Still lacks mobility tho.
Guard 4. Burns. That is all.
Ele 5. Roll face on keyboard for mass condi clears, boons, mobility, and still decent damage.
Ranger, thief and eng all around the same.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


1. ele (dd)
2. mesmer (PU)
3. thief (SA)
4. necro (cele)
5. guard (bunk)
6. warr (rampage dps)
7. engi (soldier/zerk)
8. ranger (zerk/traps)


How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285



“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


1. Elementalist – Dagger/Dagger
2. Mesmer – PU Shatter
3. Guardian – Bunker
4. Engineer – Soldier Rifle
5. Necromancer – Celestial Signet
6. Warrior – GS/Hammer
7. Thief – Dagger/Pistol
8. Elementalist – Celestial Staff
9. Guardian – Meditation DPS Variant
10. Engineer – Marauder Rifle
11. Ranger – Power Survival
12. Guardian – Burst Burning
13. Engineer – Rabid Flamethrower
14. Engineer – Double Kit Condi
15. Ranger – Carrion Survival
16. Ranger – Condition Survival
17. Necromancer – Standard Power Necro
18. Warrior – Greatbow
19. Warrior – Mace/Sword Lb Condition
20. Warrior – Shoutbow
21. Necromancer – Minion Master
22. Necromancer – Terrormancer
23. Elementalist – S/F Fresh Air
24. Thief – Sword/Dagger
25. Revenant

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790




tiger uppercut.
tiger shot.
tiger genocide.
tiger destruction.

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Blackmoon.6837


1. Elementalist
2. Thief
3. Guardian
4. Mesmer
5. Engineer
6. Necromancer
7. Warrior
8. Ranger

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: IDICERI.4268


I ranked it on the difficulty I have facing professions on my thief and guardian (Most to least difficult to face in pvp).

1. Mesmer – Kills you and you don’t see it coming (little time to react). Can stall for help by removing conditions or you’re just killing yourself.
2. Elementalist – You see it coming, but there is nothing you can do about it(you get out of their way or you burn to death).
3. Guardian – If you don’t have multiple condition removal, don’t even bother fighting them. They burn you to death.
4. Necromancer – Either kills you really fast or tanks for days while their teammates kill you.
5. Warrior – Stuck somewhere in the middle. If you can outlast rampage, you can win the fight.
6. Ranger – See’s you coming from far away whittles your hp bar down as you come closer (If he doesn’t you just kill him). Sends pet to hunt you down. Pet has 80% chance to intercept shadow shot. Forces you to dodge roll out of the pets way to use shadow shot (making you a perfect target for rapid fire). If you don’t waste most of your skills getting close to him you have a decent chance to kill him.
7. Thief – 50/50 as a thief depends on who hits who first. I started playing as guardian honestly they really don’t give you any trouble mid and low tier.
8. Engineer – Remove the cc and just kill them.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


As it was stated before, I think every profession is in a good place, with one particular ele build being over-performing and ranger still being a bit lackluster in team fights. If I had to rank the professions, I’d say the following:

1) Elementalist
2) Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian, Thief
3) Warrior, Engineer
4) Ranger

Notice that every profession but ranger sees a lot of use in major tournaments. Anet: fix dd ele, give ranger a valuable, skillful team fight mechanic, and you’ll achieve your best balance so far.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Spurrlock.3219


You’re asking me to compare apples and oranges. That being said…

Roamer (dps / +1 / mobility / backcap)
1) Thief
2) Mesmer
3) Warrior
4) Ranger

Bunker (Contest point until roamer arrives / sustainability)
1) Ele
2) Engi
3) Necro
4) Guardian
5) Ranger

Ranger is listed under both roles, a testament to its versatility. Ranger is last on both lists, as it is outperformed in every role.

These of course are not the only two roles in any team, but any other role is a sub-category of the two. This is also based on the conquest game mode. Stronghold is another thing entirely.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Nizio Nightblade.8109

Nizio Nightblade.8109

You’re asking me to compare apples and oranges. That being said…

Roamer (dps / +1 / mobility / backcap)
1) Thief
2) Mesmer
3) Warrior
4) Ranger

Bunker (Contest point until roamer arrives / sustainability)
1) Ele
2) Engi
3) Necro
4) Guardian
5) Ranger

Ranger is listed under both roles, a testament to its versatility. Ranger is last on both lists, as it is outperformed in every role.

These of course are not the only two roles in any team, but any other role is a sub-category of the two. This is also based on the conquest game mode. Stronghold is another thing entirely.

I disagree with that since almost every class is if u don’t play this one build your useless.

Talon Nighthawk [Edge] (DB Server)

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


1. Ele
2. Thief

3-6. Necro, Engi, Guard, Mes

7-8. Ranger, Warrior


How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

As it was stated before, I think every profession is in a good place, with one particular ele build being over-performing and ranger still being a bit lackluster in team fights. If I had to rank the professions, I’d say the following:

1) Elementalist
2) Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian, Thief
3) Warrior, Engineer
4) Ranger

Notice that every profession but ranger sees a lot of use in major tournaments. Anet: fix dd ele, give ranger a valuable, skillful team fight mechanic, and you’ll achieve your best balance so far.

I’d say this is probably the most accurate list. The balance right now is probably the best the game has ever seen, but Eles and Rangers are outliers. D/D Celementalist needs some toning down (in what specifically is a much trickier question, though) and Ranger needs a real teamfight presence. With cleanse spamming, sorry, but Entangle just doesn’t cut it.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: eksn.7264


As it was stated before, I think every profession is in a good place, with one particular ele build being over-performing and ranger still being a bit lackluster in team fights. If I had to rank the professions, I’d say the following:

1) Elementalist
2) Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian, Thief
3) Warrior, Engineer
4) Ranger

Notice that every profession but ranger sees a lot of use in major tournaments. Anet: fix dd ele, give ranger a valuable, skillful team fight mechanic, and you’ll achieve your best balance so far.

I’d say this is probably the most accurate list. The balance right now is probably the best the game has ever seen, but Eles and Rangers are outliers. D/D Celementalist needs some toning down (in what specifically is a much trickier question, though) and Ranger needs a real teamfight presence. With cleanse spamming, sorry, but Entangle just doesn’t cut it.

I agree with this list as well, but I think the celestial meta was overall more balanced even if it wasn’t for the right reasons.


How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: hisorange.3957


Please consider some problem with the OP post.

  • For what role?
  • Solo Q or team Q?
  • 1v1 or team support?

Also many angry thread in the forum because DD cele elementalist are considered to be the best on almost all front atm, but the truth is all the trait what makes ele OP now are made to work with the elite specializations, we will see a huge change in the meta when we finaly get the elites unlocked, so this list would be really really temporary.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Firebird.8324


From the perspective of someone who has played in nearly every esl, wts qualifier, monthlys, etc.

Ele (in moderation, don’t stack 3)
RAMPAGE WARRIOR (makes people kitten themselves)
Bunker guard (Ohh yaa baby)
if I missed something, it’s late, and I forgot………

Over Powered Necro [dk] (Bird of Fire)
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Ele (dd) – too much of everything, close to no downsides: can bunker point, can 1vsX for extended period of time, can rotate fast between points, have great team support, rezzes etc.; stacking them is profitable. Flame me all you want but fire trait line needs massive nerfing.

Mesmer (various builds)- high burst, decent moblity + unparalleled portplays, high CC uptime, absurdly high surival for such bursty roamer. Stacking them up to 2 can be profitable.

Rampage war – can wipe half team if you don’t have tools to deal with rampage. High dmg, high on land moblity, decent survival, ok CC (if running hammer). Can be kited however, still gets countered well by blinds.

Staff ele, i am surprised nobody mentioned them. They are close to unkillable atm, may be not as mobile as dd but are really good point holders. Wouldn’t suggest to stack them though (low moblity etc.)

Thief (questionably) – only viable if played by really good player. Low surival, can’t 1v1 most classes atm, can’t hold points, can’t contest them, has however group stealth, really good team rez, great moblity (vertical as well) which keeps them in meta. Good thief can be extremely helpful to keep enemy points decapped, securing buffs and setting up kills for teammates, however bad/average thief is huge liability and having one of team might lose you a game. Stacking them increases losing chances exponentially.

Burn guard, bunker guard, engi, necro – put them all in one tier. They are all quite strong however since they all have weakness they get heavily outshined by eles or mesmers (depending on role). Exception is necro that can be used to counter eles however due to lack of moblity and stability they can die pretty fast under focus fire.

Ranger – became extremely annoying due to pet taunt but still suffers from same issues as pre-patch.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


1. Ele

Grimkram [sS]

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


Tier 1
Ele, Mesmer, Thief, Eng

Tier 2
Guard, Necro

Tier 3
War, Ranger

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Hard… I would rank my profession as hard

Burn Guard, please realize your engagements. Watch the double Ele and Necro comp. Especially if it is zergy team vs team but that’s easier said than done.

Can’t speak for others, but I’d say we’re a borderline 5th pick due to numerous condi cleanses as well as a respectable need for a +1.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: chibbi.3706


As it was stated before, I think every profession is in a good place, with one particular ele build being over-performing and ranger still being a bit lackluster in team fights. If I had to rank the professions, I’d say the following:

1) Elementalist
2) Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian, Thief
3) Warrior, Engineer
4) Ranger

Notice that every profession but ranger sees a lot of use in major tournaments. Anet: fix dd ele, give ranger a valuable, skillful team fight mechanic, and you’ll achieve your best balance so far.

I’d swap necro and engi but this.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


mesmer on bottom its nerfed now their even nerfing our chronomancer before it had a chance to shine i loved the bubble now we can stability which we already have as mantra.
there are tons of builds which facetank mesmer burst like its nothing.
Atleast i got the title before the nerf so in yo face haturz.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: flarezi.9381


I would put it like this by my experience on pvp right now.

1) shatter Mesmer
2) dd/cele Ele
3) Engi, Guard, Warrior, Necro
4) Ranger, Thief

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


God Tier
D/D ele (anyone who ranks anything other than ele as #1 doesn’t play the game or is living in some fantasy world)

OP Tier
Shatter Mesmer

Decent place
necro, guard, warrior,

Needs some help
ranger – Their trap spec is total aids and works well in another other than high end play
Engi – No real reason to take an engi right now. Other classes are better. No one specifically wants an engi on their team. Super talented players can make it work though.

thief – Super valuable in a well coordinated team. Not great otherwise

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Tongku.5326


1. Ele – D/D
2. Mesmer / Necro – PU shatter for mes, cele and lifesteal bunker for necro (i play both)
3. Guard / war – seem same ranked to me – bunker and burn for guards, stances for war (i play burn guard)
4. engi – burn
5. thief
6. ranger

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


As it was stated before, I think every profession is in a good place, with one particular ele build being over-performing and ranger still being a bit lackluster in team fights. If I had to rank the professions, I’d say the following:

1) Elementalist
2) Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian, Thief
3) Warrior, Engineer
4) Ranger

Notice that every profession but ranger sees a lot of use in major tournaments. Anet: fix dd ele, give ranger a valuable, skillful team fight mechanic, and you’ll achieve your best balance so far.

I’d swap necro and engi but this.

I’d rather swap necro and Warri but that list is indeed quite accurate.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


1. Ranger
2. Necromancer
3. Engineer
4. Warrior
5. Guardian
6. Thief
7. Mesmer
8. D/D Elementalist


[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.