Hundred Blades is not okay.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Situational? Maybe. But so was Pistol Whip. Giving any profession the ability to basically “global” someone from full health to zero is not balanced. No matter what the circumstances are.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.


Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


It’s the same guy who complained in the Warrior forums about Warriors not getting nerfed in the last patch.

Just move along, this thread’s going nowhere.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


You know what else is unbalanced? Teleporting.

Motion to remove shadowstepping from Thieves.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Renics.9763


Learn counters? You can for sure roll away.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


i think the issue is when you are busy fighting other people, when a 3rd dude pops his frenzy and globals you, leaving you thinking “WTF RAGE” …that’s not fun PVP

Atleast frenzy should have some bigger indicator like a light flash or character turns color so that everyone can see even if they don’t have them targetted.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Boloth.6879


While it’s true hundred blades can be avoided that’s not what the OP is upset about.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


In my experience if you build your warrior to be able to global someone in a single HB then it means you built your warrior fully glass canon and he’ll be extremely fragile, and always in the open so you end up being globaled more than you global others. It’s a noob build for killing other noobs but you spend half your match rezzing. Otherwise HB feels pretty well balanced in a balanced greatsword warrior build.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.

100 blades is fine. Unlike the thief or mesmer build burst warriors do actually give up ALOT.

Perspective of a necro that has been killed by 100 blades… I dont like getting killed so fast but I do have a good chance of winning the fight. Thiefs I dont see coming and even if I live past the burst and can kill the thief they just leave the fight come back in a few seconds too kill me there is nothing I can do about it, mesmer same thing.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.

100 blades is fine. Unlike the thief or mesmer build burst warriors do actually give up ALOT.

Warriors have really high toughness and vitality still. My Ranger power build has medium armor and really low armor/hp pool…with nothing remotely close to Hblades in terms of raw face melting skills. It’s just revolving back to how little effort a player puts into downing and stomping another in a matter of seconds. Any ability that does this is not okay, and forces everyone who wasn’t special enough to have high base hp and toughness to build pure defense. Things like this are ruining a lot of the build freedom, but what else would you expect? Of course people will find the cheapest/easiest/“tactical” thing to use and do well with…happens in every game. Some people, who like the challenge of playing a difficult class are still out there…

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrow.2785


In my experience if you build your warrior to be able to global someone in a single HB then it means you built your warrior fully glass canon and he’ll be extremely fragile, and always in the open so you end up being globaled more than you global others.

Compared to other classes, warrior glasscannon is all cannon no glass. Over 2k armor and over 21k hp as glass?


Admiral Mournn, Tarnished Coast

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


pistol whip = teleport + ministun + lots of dmg + rooted on place

hundred blades = lots of dmg + rooted on place

do you see the difference why pistol whip needed much more nerf then hundred blades? HB works only in combination with another skill, just dodge it, blind warr when he tries to stun you, use some invulnerability, you have time to react

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


pistol whip = teleport + ministun + lots of dmg + rooted on place

hundred blades = lots of dmg + rooted on place

do you see the difference why pistol whip needed much more nerf then hundred blades? HB works only in combination with another skill, just dodge it, blind warr when he tries to stun you, use some invulnerability, you have time to react

Actually Pistol Whip doesn’t have a teleport. That’s the Thief using Infiltrator’s Strike right before activating Pistol Whip. That said, Hundred Blade is as strong as it is clumsy. It’s easy enough to evade and flank the user. Wonder what it’d be like it HB was what it was after they remade it in GW1, changing from a quick AoE to a buff that makes all your attacks AoE for a few seconds.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


100 blades really isn’t the issue you’re annoyed by. It’s quickness, which doubles the speed of everything the person does. DOUBLES. That is so stupidly overpowered that I actually feel embarrassed for the people who thought it up and signed off on it in a PvP game.

You take a class that deals DPS as high as anyone in the game and then DOUBLE it, and everyone is shocked that it’s brokenly overpowered. Quickness is simply a broken game mechanic that should be disabled in PvP and WvW.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Sonnet.9840


While it’s true hundred blades can be avoided that’s not what the OP is upset about.

Penny Arcade nailed it again. Devs should really watch that episode.

Oh and 100b is boring, simple minded skill where you press a button and cross your fingers to see that red bar turn to darker shade.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


True that Sonnet, but that is caused by the lack of viable options warriors have in pvp. We are pretty much forced to be the one trick pony and we have to bait the opponents so hard to use that trick.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: xiv.7136


Situational? Maybe. But so was Pistol Whip. Giving any profession the ability to basically “global” someone from full health to zero is not balanced. No matter what the circumstances are.

I did WvW for 4 hours yesterday.

I was 100bladed probably around 20-30 times. Most of them with quickness running.

Not one of them landed more than a hit or two on me. If I get stunned, I usually stunbreak and dodge retreat. If I get immobilised, I remove condition and dodge retreat.

Seriously, it is so simple, it’s gameplay 101.

Dodge dude. It is so easy to avoid, if you’re getting hit by it at this stage, it means you are just bad at the game.

These 100b warriors are usually glass cannons too, so you can turn around after they are spent and just down them with autoattacks.

Every competent player already knows how to dodge 100b, and because GS warriors are built (too much imo) around that 1 predictable ability, it makes fighting against them very simple.

I like pizza

(edited by xiv.7136)

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

While I don’t really have a problem with 100 Blades (I don’t really see it used that often) I agree with the OP that balance shouldn’t come down to such binary elements.

Only because you can dodge and mitigate 100% of 100 Blades doesn’t make it ok to virtually one-shot people. The same reasoning applies to the Backstab combo. Only because you can dodge it, doesn’t mean it’s ok to deal 14k damage in 2 seconds.

I mean you can practically dodge every ability in GW2 so by that logic every ability is balanced because it is possible to avoid.

But balance is a little more complex than that.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


100b is balanced, even combo’d with evis it is balanced… quickness is the plague that allows some GC builds to kill people too fast. As for warriors what I believe IS overpowered is whirlwind attack. It is very hard to evade and it does FAR too much damage for in combination with the other GS attacks.

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Sonnet.9840


True that Sonnet, but that is caused by the lack of viable options warriors have in pvp. We are pretty much forced to be the one trick pony and we have to bait the opponents so hard to use that trick.

Yes, I think that versatility in builds and combat is more healthy for pvp than huge boring bursts. I play 100b warrior myself sometimes and it just seems so… stale, so different from my hammer warrior in GW1 ( I mean the overall feeling of playing a melee class, not comparing the game mechanics). I hope that all classes get more good viable builds in the future.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


100b deals 7-10k damage in sPvP. Not really a one-shot.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


100b deals 7-10k damage in sPvP. Not really a one-shot.

I’ve seen a full channel 100b do 19k-25k. And this is not me just pulling figures out of the air.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


HB are free kills…just like every full burst spec, and warriors are not going to be nerfed no matter if they’re broken or not…and we all know why (If you know what i mean) …so learn how to deal with them, it’s not so hard, if you are waiting for anet nerf something on wars you’ll become old while waiting…

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


Compared to other classes, warrior glasscannon is all cannon no glass. Over 2k armor and over 21k hp as glass?


And, compared to other classes, when warriors are kited they’re not hitting their target, so warriors need the burst when they actually manage to pin down their target, which is not so easy considering the high amount of passive CC protection in this game.

A 22k, not full defense, warrior is too glassy in my experience. You spend too much time at the graveyard, you can get killed by AOE or pets alone if not careful, and in 1v1, if you miss your burst you’re too weak to survive an extended fight in most cases.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


How is Hundred Blades not okay?
It effectively roots the warrior to the ground, simply walk away and all the damage has been mitigated.
Pistol Whip was nerfed because it was / is spamable, with a stun attached.
Hundred Blades is just Hundred Blades, and the warrior has to effectively give up an entire utility slot, maybe even 2, to land a good Hundred Blades once every millenia.
This is a non-issue.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


While it’s true hundred blades can be avoided that’s not what the OP is upset about.

I’ve always thought the main reason the game was more enjoyable during the beta weekends was the fact that the developers had counter-play in the forefront of their minds when they were designing warriors and elementalists, and those were the most powerful/popular professions at the time.

Thieves and mesmers, which were finalized later in the process when ideas were getting stretched thin, time was running out, etc. do not provide as many opportunities for counter play. They have less visual tells in their animations, burst combos that are more difficult to avoid or interrupt, frequently used skills that do high burst damage while simultaneously being a gap closer or providing evasion/immunity, more frustrating mechanics like stealth and clone spam etc. All of which reduce the number of viable/interesting counters the opponent can employ.

Lack of thought provoking reactive play is a big problem in GW2, but I actually think Warrior for the most part is one of the better designed classes in that regard.

(edited by nurt.5401)

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


if you think some guy is overpowered.. go try out his build.. or.. check how well he is actually doing kill/pointwise.. most the time glass cannons do crap.. because they are too reliant on simple tactics too be adaptable. anyone who goes for a 100b,bullscharge,haste build is gonna be 100% obvious unless hes legitimately skilled at baiting dodges etc..

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Distaste.4801


How is Hundred Blades not okay?
It effectively roots the warrior to the ground, simply walk away and all the damage has been mitigated.
Pistol Whip was nerfed because it was / is spamable, with a stun attached.
Hundred Blades is just Hundred Blades, and the warrior has to effectively give up an entire utility slot, maybe even 2, to land a good Hundred Blades once every millenia.
This is a non-issue.

The problem is the amount of damage that hundred blades does. I understand that rooting is bad, but there are other skills that do the same thing and do not offer the same damage. Mesmer sword #2 I believe roots them and doesn’t do near the same damage. There are many skills in the game that put the user at a disadvantage for using them and don’t do the damage of 100b.

As for giving up a utility slot, every class does this for certain builds. The thief backstab build you want the % damage signet. 100b want’s bolas or bullscharge(preferably with frenzy). Play some other classes and you’ll quickly learn that the damage on 100b is insane compared to other skills that risk just as much for no where near the reward.

I’m all for making 100b not root the player because it is bad for melee, but the damage needs to come down to reasonable levels. All of the big burst skills need to come down in damage so skillful play wins fights and not sure fire combos.

Also, if I see one more person say “dodge it” I might blow a gasket. Following that logic we just need to give every player 1 hit abilities, but hey it’s balanced because you can dodge it. Every ability can be dodged and that should have no basis on the balance of the ability. Don’t get me wrong, there should be hard hitting attacks that you want to avoid but shouldn’t be dodge or die.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Just pointing out, Blurred Frenzy does less damage then Hundred Blades, but it also buffs the Mesmer with Distortion, making the Mesmer invicible while performing the skills. As Hundred Blades has no inherent defense and no way to make way to hold its victim in place without the aid of a CC, the skill is very easy to counter. Couple that with the fact that the fact that many warriors use Frenzy with HB and the skill becomes a weak point which anyone with a understanding of evading, stun breaks can take advantage of.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


Yea, warrior would be overpowered if there weren’t thief and mesmers probably.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Frenzy: Stance. For 8 seconds you attack 33% faster and take double damage

GW1 frenzy

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Yea, warrior would be overpowered if there weren’t thief and mesmers probably.

Just Mesmers and Trebuchets now tbh. Anything other than Kyhlo is Necro.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


100b is perfectly fine…quickness/Zeph/Haste is not…honestly if they would remove these abilities a lot of classes could be buffed/balanced so much more easily

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Birdrock.1697


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

You could have dodge rolled and mitigated 100% of pistol whip as well.

100 blades is fine. Unlike the thief or mesmer build burst warriors do actually give up ALOT.

Perspective of a necro that has been killed by 100 blades… I dont like getting killed so fast but I do have a good chance of winning the fight. Thiefs I dont see coming and even if I live past the burst and can kill the thief they just leave the fight come back in a few seconds too kill me there is nothing I can do about it, mesmer same thing.

Contrary to your misinformed opinion, a shatter build mesmer gives up quite a bit in other areas. As I’ve said in other threads, I play a very much not shatter based mesmer build, but have played several shatter permutations, before. I understand the mesmer trait trees pretty well. In order to put up large numbers with shatters, a mesmer must build very glassy. There is quite a bit of compromise to achieve this. Further, even when this is done, I don’t find it to be a problem. Shatter builds are pretty easy for me to deal with because I understand the mechanics of mesmers and know how to counter them. Perhaps you should do the same instead of continuing to spout the same company line. Repeating something doesn’t make it true, no matter how superior it makes you feel.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


Situational? Maybe. But so was Pistol Whip. Giving any profession the ability to basically “global” someone from full health to zero is not balanced. No matter what the circumstances are.

The issue with pistol whip was that it could be used several times in a row with initiative restoring utilities, and when those were gone initiative regenerates pretty fast on its own. Even with 3 stun breaks it becomes impossible to escape. A 100b build warrior has one knockdown utility and the one knockdown from shield. Even if the burst is successful, the warrior still has to down the opponent afterward, which is pretty kitten hard in tPvP when you have a burst build. His only chance in a team fight is to stomp while quickness is still up while activating his stability utility, assuming the team hasn’t already start wrecking him and isn’t already near death.

However, the build is quite alright on its own:

Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

Only one source of damage? Do you even play warrior? The only argument I could see this applying to is breaking down an experienced bunker in a reasonable amount of time.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Amityel.5324


remove haste from the game then you will have balanced classes….till its in game classes cant be balanced.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Division.9618


The problem is the amount of damage that hundred blades does. I understand that rooting is bad, but there are other skills that do the same thing and do not offer the same damage. Mesmer sword #2 I believe roots them and doesn’t do near the same damage. There are many skills in the game that put the user at a disadvantage for using them and don’t do the damage of 100b.

As for giving up a utility slot, every class does this for certain builds. The thief backstab build you want the % damage signet. 100b want’s bolas or bullscharge(preferably with frenzy). Play some other classes and you’ll quickly learn that the damage on 100b is insane compared to other skills that risk just as much for no where near the reward.

I’m all for making 100b not root the player because it is bad for melee, but the damage needs to come down to reasonable levels. All of the big burst skills need to come down in damage so skillful play wins fights and not sure fire combos.

Also, if I see one more person say “dodge it” I might blow a gasket. Following that logic we just need to give every player 1 hit abilities, but hey it’s balanced because you can dodge it. Every ability can be dodged and that should have no basis on the balance of the ability. Don’t get me wrong, there should be hard hitting attacks that you want to avoid but shouldn’t be dodge or die.

Mesmer sword #2 also makes you invincible while using it and doesn’t keep you rooted as long. So does pistol whip with an added stun and spammability. The only other melee move that keeps you rooted while using it is the warrior sword burst, and that roots the enemy. No other class skill gives up as much as 100b does.

I play a lot of classes. Thief, ranger, warrior mostly. 100b is powerful but it’s also very annoying to pull off. First of all bolas are very easy to dodge because of their slow movement, and you have to bola them at close range because the root time is just enough for a 100b. At this point they’re still allowed to use attacks, so not only can they break the immobilize, they can just CC you out of your ridiculously long channel time. Even if they don’t have any CC you’re still vulnerable to attacks from other people, so in a group setting you’re going to take a lot of damage and probably die.

Without bulls charge + frenzy you have no guarantee of safely pulling off 100b, and if you do use them then you only have 1 utility slot left over. Then there’s the problem of bulls charge being slow and easy to dodge, and the fact that you can use a stun breaker to escape and destroy the warriors 60 second CD burst. Unlike thieves warriors can’t run away easily.

There’s a difference between telling someone to dodge a thief backstab combo and telling someone to dodge a warrior. Dodge is in the game for a reason, and devs expect you to be able to dodge things which are easy to see coming, like bulls charge.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Fiesbert.9816


Hundred Blades is fine. Quickness + Hundred Blades, like Quickness + anything isn’t.
The issue is Quickness and I’m baffled that they still didn’t adress it but bandaid around the real issue, a +100% attack speed ability.

Necro autoattack/minion DPS
DS battle tank

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I like how these idiots complain about quickness when there are more broken things like teleport stun breaks such as spectral walk or most other mesmer stun breaks. Not to mention the fact that some classes are already hard to catch in the first place. By nerfing quickness, you are potentially buffing other classes. This is why games shouldn’t be balanced around legit low skill players. Because all you people do is ask for buffs on classes that shouldn’t really get buffed (I.E Necro, Mesmers, Engis).

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Being able to dodge roll and completely mitigate your only source of damage is also unacceptable.

Except when they catch you in one of their knock downs and then one shot you like 90% of the warriors do…

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


a realistic fix would be to lower the dmg and allow it to be used on the move.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Akumetsu.8591


i only can tell you from an s/tpvp point of view but as a glass cannon thief 100 blades hits me for 12k BUT that is me with 0 toughness. this skill is fine learn to roll/teleport/block it. Have better awareness of what is around you and you will be fine. Yeas sometimes i die to it when i get surprised and have no cds up but that was my fault. and warriors built for 100 blades are glassy as hell. after they pop haste they cannot dodge go all out crazy on them right after and they will drop real quick

One hope, One dream, One Dagger Thief
K U R A Enguard [ENG], Pretty Princess Squad [MEN]

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


i only can tell you from an s/tpvp point of view but as a glass cannon thief 100 blades hits me for 12k BUT that is me with 0 toughness. this skill is fine learn to roll/teleport/block it. Have better awareness of what is around you and you will be fine. Yeas sometimes i die to it when i get surprised and have no cds up but that was my fault. and warriors built for 100 blades are glassy as hell. after they pop haste they cannot dodge go all out crazy on them right after and they will drop real quick

You are getting your Quickness abilities confused mate. A warriors frenzy doesn’t drain all of their endurance like the thieves haste ability does. Frenzy makes the warrior take double damage for the duration, whereas the thieves ability Haste drains all their endurance.

I personally don’t have a problem with 100B, I don’t get hit with it anymore I learned to react quickly with a stun breaker, but I do think it’s not ok that thieves damage is getting nerfed because their backstab chain is high, when kill shot, eviscerate and other warrior abilities are the same thing.

Minus shadow refuge thieves don’t bring anymore group utility than warriors so I don’t understand why people say “Damage/Burst Damage is all we have!” That’s really all a thief has is damage. Stealth is there but warriors can have 2x’s endure pain plus shield stance for a long time of immunity, so idk. I just feel if you are nerfing one class because the damage is too high, you should probably do it to all the classes that can practically insta gib players.

Anywho I play a warrior and a thief so I really don’t have any stake in this, just my 2 cents.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


They should actually buff hundred blades. It’s kitten without quickness. The damage is pretty low for the time the warrior has to stand still :/

Usually HB doesn’t even kill a squishy with it’s 3.5 second rooted channel, HB isn’t a hard hitting ability (Like backstab, mind wrack or killshot). The only thing which makes HB some sort of strong is quickness.

I mean, it’s not only that you have to stand in melee range, HB is also so easy to interrupt.

So, to land a strong HB you need:
2. A stun or root
3. The enemy has no interrupt and no stunbreaker ready (or is just bad).

Im times in which mesmer can shatter 80% of your lifebar and thieves which can oneshot you HB is probably too weak >→

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


If you think that Hundred Blades needs to be buffed because the damage isn’t enough, I’m not sure if you’ve played other classes.

Hundred Blades is not okay.

in PvP

Posted by: Filthy Irishman.5048

Filthy Irishman.5048

Check out my video, I love hundred blades