I don't like Conquest Mode
I wouldn’t say no one likes it. We just need a change.
I like conquest.
Conquest is a good mode and it is fine, but I would like to see new game modes that do not need to have an emphasis on point control abilities… aka AoE spam
Conquest does have several advantages:
1. It promotes diversity in team comp—there’s no need for roamers in TDM, for example.
2. It promotes team splits, giving duelists a chance to shine.
3. It’s easy to understand (and given how much the playerbase still struggles with it, I honestly couldn’t recommend adding a more complex mode)
AoE and bunkers are even more important to TDM than to conquest, so I don’t think that’s really a solution. I do think there’s a lot of potential in 2v2/3v3 type annihilation matches in a tightly-controlled area like courtyard (or the beach of Niflhel, etc). Larger spaces would just promote disengaging at will, like roamers in WvW do.
TDM is fun for a quick lul, but there would be outrage if it was included in the tPvP rotation.
Nobody likes conquest mode???
Who are you to tell us what we like? People complaining about conquest mode usually are the guys who just donĀ“t understand the mode. Deathmatch may be fun for half an hour, but i definetly prefer some strategical component that forces the team to split. Everything else is just zerg vs. zerg, and thats not much fun at all.
Learn how to rotate and you will like it as well.
At least for me:
Conquest > TDM
I’ve to admit, I haven’t been on any kind of “professional” TDM server, but as soon as a TDM server has more than 10 players on it, it sucks pretty hard.
Not to mention, that the map is so tiny, it’s just spawn → fight & kill → die → respawn → repeat.
The whole tactical component of “where to go?” from conquest is missing.
I like conquest. TDM is not enjoyable, we need objectives. Off the top of my head:
How about a KotH central node, with secondary objectives that decap or fullcap the node.
Or a 10 sec channeling point in the enemy base to win the match, with secondary objectives to get defenses on the base or something.
How about running a banner to the enemy base, the flag stacks a buff that kills the carrier when it reaches 10 (like the hammer fractal)
How about a game mode where every class but warrior uses hammer and warriors have to survive for 15 minutes with no stability (my favorite)
It cant be that hard
I like conquest becasue this game is filled with escape abilities. If you win a fight you actually win a fight because you cap the point, not have to chase some little kitten warrior with zerker stance and gs/sword around the map for 5 hours just for 25 points. You still get all the good fights, fights at tranq, sidepoint 1v1s, midpoint fights etcetcetc.
I don’t know why you’re complaining, you have Courtyard right now and it’s pretty fun, and there’s always been people organizing duel servs and 2v2/3v3’s like blu
really bad engineer