I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


so for the last hour for the first time in my life i watched WOW on twitch. i have never played WOW or watched any pvp before because most of you know im a console player and am new to pc.

but after playing and watching Guild Wars 2 i truly and 100% utterly believe Guild Wars 2 is better in every way. the game mode we have is way better the game last longer. its easier to understand whats going on. (could be easier if i played WOW maybe)

why did i watch WOW you might ask. well earlier i played GW2 with a 3000+ in WOW so i just wanted to see why if he is so good at that game why is he here. well now i understand.

my hope for GW2 going Esport just increased 100x

i think the reason i like guild wars 2 so much is my main game i was pro in was Gears Of War and these 2 have the same fill to it.

anyways i dont know what kind of responses i want from this so lets just talk about why there is only 2 mesmers left in the game and 1 million trap rangers please nerf chewbaca on endor



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Vgman.4019


I’ve been playing wow off and on (mostly on) since the last tir of burning crusade (the first expansion, their have been 4 total now). I can honestly say that I feel GW2 is better in every single way. Yes it has a lot of kinks to work out but there is an amazing amount of potential for this game. The dodge mechanic is simply wonderful and truly dose make the game feel more skill based with clutch dodges screwing over your opponents burst/combo/control/whatever.

Spvp pretty much defines everything I ever wanted from wow pvp. A place where I can come home log on and kill some dudes (or rage and throw things irl) without needing to worry about some crazy gear grind and needing to pvp for a month+ before I’m in the gear I need to be in before I’m allowed to start having fun.

All that said wow dose have its redeeming qualities like being more polished since its had 8 or so years to get that way but still I’m really interested to see what direction GW2 will go from here.

PS: Id rather fight and loose to trap rangers all day than fight and win against mesmers, god those things irritate me.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


whats the point of this thread? WoW at least has/had a much more active competitive scene. GW2 isnt even close yet.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


whats he point of this thread? WoW at least has/had a much more active competitive scene. GW2 isnt even close yet.

Not to sound antagonistic, but the point is that saatarcoeny posts under the assumption his opinion is “top tier.” These types of threads happen often.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Nanashi.5704


most of you know im a console player and am new to pc

never even heard of you.

i think the reason i like guild wars 2 so much is my main game i was pro in was Gears Of War and these 2 have the same fill to it.

a over the shoulder shooter and an mmo with the same FEEL, seems legit.

please nerf chewbaca on endor

go home, you’re drunk.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


yet gw2 has about the amount of active pvpers as wow has on 1 server

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

you know after reading all your post most of the time i tougth u were trolling and playing dumb but now that u say gears of war and that u just play console games yea it all makes sense.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Fernling.1729


WoW PvP is harder to follow for sure, but WoWs PvP has fun on its side.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: condiments.8043


yet gw2 has about the amount of active pvpers as wow has on 1 server

Using population numbers to draw some sort of qualitative comparison judgement is not the best route for argumentation though admittedly the easiest within the frame of one sentence.

I loved playing WoW’s PvP on my mage and rogue since vanilla where PvPers had to scrap the bottom of the barrel so harshly their fingers would fill with splinters. It was fun which is kept me playing for so long, but WoW remains a PvE focused game. GW2 will continue a similar legacy if the much touted features don’t amount to much.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kagato.4061


Don’t knock it if you haven’t played it.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


whats he point of this thread? WoW at least has/had a much more active competitive scene. GW2 isnt even close yet.

Not to sound antagonistic, but the point is that saatarcoeny posts under the assumption his opinion is “top tier.” These types of threads happen often.

lol true. i fell that when a person has a thought, they should put it up for everyone to discuss. and at this point in the day i had a thought about how boring watching wow is and felt like we needed to talk about it.

in my defense ppl tell me they love reading what i write “it keeps them from getting angry at all the repetitive QQ posts”



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


you know after reading all your post most of the time i tougth u were trolling and playing dumb but now that u say gears of war and that u just play console games yea it all makes sense.

u know 2013 was the first time i heard of a META a friend of mine named kryshade told me what it was. but hey i should be an inspiration for new ppl to games. or maybe console takes more skill then pc so thats why im so good. but thats another forum post for later…



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


Don’t knock it if you haven’t played it.

im not really knocking it i got mad respect for that game but just from an outside standpoint watching GW2 and WOW i would pick GW2 all day.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

thats good 10-15 min. from what i watched today it was 2-3 min everyone was ranked like 2700 or something and they were such defeatists. the second they seen the opponets they would say we lost they are kfc or we win they have blah blah blah. i would never play a game were i knew i was going in to lose with no chance.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brennus.1435


I did some WoW arena. This game’s pvp is just better. At least in the world.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: drazzar.3042


Comparing an 8 year old game with a game that’s 6 month old – smart idea
It’s like saying DAoC rvr > GW2 W3 – of course thats true, but you have to see the time the game is on the market.

[void] – GH

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


WoW is actually pretty fun, played it since before the first expansion,
the pvp feels alot more rewarding,
theres no one shotting,
theres no class like the mesmer spamming an army of clones,
the warriors can actually take a hit without crumbling like paper,
and theres the beloved holy trinity,

that being said, theres also a gear=skill factor which sucks, and a subscription fee.
i’m sticking with GW2 for now hoping the devs throw pvpers a much needed bone

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


WoW is actually pretty fun, played it since before the first expansion,
the pvp feels alot more rewarding,
theres no one shotting,
theres no class like the mesmer spamming an army of clones,
the warriors can actually take a hit without crumbling like paper,
and theres the beloved holy trinity,

that being said, theres also a gear=skill factor which sucks, and a subscription fee.
i’m sticking with GW2 for now hoping the devs throw pvpers a much needed bone

you MMO folk and all this rewarding and we need a prize and all this and that nonsense is silly. the reward for winning is winning.

the phrase “1 shotted” means to insta kill someone correct? so GW2 doesnt have 1 shotting either. with the down state its impossible to one shot correct?

i watched the 3v3 in it but i saw 20+ things on the field so someone was spamming something?

warriors in this game can take a hit also. noone said you have to go pure glass if you dont know how. (try using solder amulet and a hammer, lewdog used to destroy ppl on his warrior before he had to work)

dangit i have no responce for the holly trinity. GW2 doesnt have any classes that can heal and condi clear (ele,engi) nor does it have any bunkers (everything with a solder amulet) and dps (nope aint seen none those around)



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


WoW is actually pretty fun, played it since before the first expansion,
the pvp feels alot more rewarding,
theres no one shotting,
theres no class like the mesmer spamming an army of clones,
the warriors can actually take a hit without crumbling like paper,
and theres the beloved holy trinity,

that being said, theres also a gear=skill factor which sucks, and a subscription fee.
i’m sticking with GW2 for now hoping the devs throw pvpers a much needed bone

you MMO folk and all this rewarding and we need a prize and all this and that nonsense is silly. the reward for winning is winning.

I don’t think he means needing a prize, he says “feels alot more rewarding”, some gameplay can feel more rewarding than others, e.g – gameplay with instagibbing, that is simplistic, spammy, etc can feel cheap, one dimensional and unrewarding.

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Ishan.5189


I stopped reading and laughed a little to hard when I read ‘console might be harder than PC’.

No, but to the main topic, I think both games are rather crappy where it stands now. In defense of WoW, I can’t say I ever got bored of the PvP in that game. The different battlegrounds, then came the arenas.. was a wonderful time.

In defense of GW2, if I must give it, the dodging mechanic on the right path, and the lack of a need to grind for gear is a good thing to have. That is, unless you want to look sexy. ^_~

Before the rage, yes, this is my opinion. I absolutely despise the PvP in GW2, and that’s why I stick to Smite for my PvP sensations. I may pop in once in a while just to try it out, only to realize that the PvP in this game just makes me want to kill myself. : (

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


I stopped reading and laughed a little to hard when I read ‘console might be harder than PC’.

No, but to the main topic, I think both games are rather crappy where it stands now. In defense of WoW, I can’t say I ever got bored of the PvP in that game. The different battlegrounds, then came the arenas.. was a wonderful time.

In defense of GW2, if I must give it, the dodging mechanic on the right path, and the lack of a need to grind for gear is a good thing to have. That is, unless you want to look sexy. ^_~

Before the rage, yes, this is my opinion. I absolutely despise the PvP in GW2, and that’s why I stick to Smite for my PvP sensations. I may pop in once in a while just to try it out, only to realize that the PvP in this game just makes me want to kill myself. : (

well at least you are still with us on the forums. maybe next i will watch some smite pvp and give you my important opinion on that aswell



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: LiuliRenai.3928


yet gw2 has about the amount of active pvpers as wow has on 1 server

You are -obviously- discounting WvW.

Liuli – Mesmer – Piken Square

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

you know after reading all your post most of the time i tougth u were trolling and playing dumb but now that u say gears of war and that u just play console games yea it all makes sense.

u know 2013 was the first time i heard of a META a friend of mine named kryshade told me what it was. but hey i should be an inspiration for new ppl to games. or maybe console takes more skill then pc so thats why im so good. but thats another forum post for later…

yeah cover and shoot games are really hard

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Gw 2 looks better and has better combat, but wow is overall a lot better game atm. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


WoW is actually pretty fun, played it since before the first expansion,
the pvp feels alot more rewarding,
theres no one shotting,
theres no class like the mesmer spamming an army of clones,
the warriors can actually take a hit without crumbling like paper,
and theres the beloved holy trinity,

Wait a second… did you just speak of the holy trinity as something good?

all is vain

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


Gw 2 looks better and has better combat, but wow is overall a lot better game atm. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

i dont think someone can be wrong on an opinion on which game they find more entertaining? like if i asked u what soda u like more pepsi or coke you say coke then i tell u that you dont know what your talking about???

also i dont think WOW is a overall better game you don’t even know what you’re talking about.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: possante.8310


someone is drunk. what GW2 have similar to Gear of War????!!! nothing…..is like saying GW2 is a action game like God of War.

what this three games have in common? great graphics and the letter “G” and “W” and nothing more……

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Gw 2 looks better and has better combat, but wow is overall a lot better game atm. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

i dont think someone can be wrong on an opinion on which game they find more entertaining? like if i asked u what soda u like more pepsi or coke you say coke then i tell u that you dont know what your talking about???

also i dont think WOW is a overall better game you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

You are a MMO scrub, playing a cheapest class in GW 2 badmouthing a game you never played because you don’t know any better.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Why do you even respond seriously ?Isnt it obvious he is trolling hard?
And while i love reading Sataarcoenys post i have no idea why this is still here :P

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Why do you even respond seriously ?Isnt it obvious he is trolling hard?
And while i love reading Sataarcoenys post i have no idea why this is still here :P

Don’t care if he is trolling i just don’t like the guy.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Why do you even respond seriously ?Isnt it obvious he is trolling hard?
And while i love reading Sataarcoenys post i have no idea why this is still here :P

I have read some of his other posts, I am not sure he is trolling to be honest. Sataar really does think he has an amazing insight into gaming, then goes and gets everything wrong and understands almost nothing.

Not forgetting his legendary response to being caught out BSing “i had bad childhood”, which was the funniest thing I have ever seen.

But OT; No your talking crap yet again. WoW has flaws, dear god is has so many flaws I and many other arena players could write a collection of books about it, but from a pure PVP perspective, its a better game. But its has a huge headstart if you compare the two, and GW2 is still pretty new. The fact you said its rubbish but have never played it is a little suspect, but claiming consoles are better sealed the deal.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


Please tell me this is a troll thread?!

Someone who is new to MMOs and PC games in general who has played a grnad total of ONE MMO comes in and states that, that ONE MMO he has plain is better then Wow a game which he has NEVER played and only watched on twitch………..

That’s like me watching a runescape video and calling it the best mmo ever based of ONE freaking video. OP seriously just don’t post on forums if you know nothing about mmos and you are actually new really.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


someone is drunk. what GW2 have similar to Gear of War????!!! nothing…..is like saying GW2 is a action game like God of War.

what this three games have in common? great graphics and the letter “G” and “W” and nothing more……

gw2 similar to Gears of war 2

1. the name is just so similar.

2.both teams have 5 ppl

3. dodge rolling out of danger

4. you have your skilled range ppl and your close range ppl

5. positioning is so important.

6. down state and you can revive teammates if they dont get executed.

7. the look and fill to it are the same.

8. i played execution mostly but king of the hill is crazy similar to guild wars 2

9. ppl QQ on gears of war also if they lose

10. SAtaarcoeny is amazing at both.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


Gw 2 looks better and has better combat, but wow is overall a lot better game atm. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

i dont think someone can be wrong on an opinion on which game they find more entertaining? like if i asked u what soda u like more pepsi or coke you say coke then i tell u that you dont know what your talking about???

also i dont think WOW is a overall better game you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

You are a MMO scrub, playing a cheapest class in GW 2 badmouthing a game you never played because you don’t know any better.

if i say pepsi is better then coke is that really badmouthing it? i think you are being silly (thats my opinion not bad mouthing you incase you get confused)

“a cheapest class”? from the forums i take it every class is “a cheapest class” but that still doesnt change my opinion on what i seen and it really doesnt make any sense and isnt realivant to this topic??



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

thats good 10-15 min. from what i watched today it was 2-3 min everyone was ranked like 2700 or something and they were such defeatists. the second they seen the opponets they would say we lost they are kfc or we win they have blah blah blah. i would never play a game were i knew i was going in to lose with no chance.

gw2 would be even worse if they added death matches. 3 ele gg we lose. this whole thread is funny you would pick the game that you play and desperately want to be popular but never will be over a game you have never played and cant follow.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


yet gw2 has about the amount of active pvpers as wow has on 1 server

Using population numbers to draw some sort of qualitative comparison judgement is not the best route for argumentation though admittedly the easiest within the frame of one sentence.

I loved playing WoW’s PvP on my mage and rogue since vanilla where PvPers had to scrap the bottom of the barrel so harshly their fingers would fill with splinters. It was fun which is kept me playing for so long, but WoW remains a PvE focused game. GW2 will continue a similar legacy if the much touted features don’t amount to much.

lol this game sold multi millions and cant even get 40 people to queue for tournament outside a 3 hour window. its a joke. knock wow pvp all you want it’s fun and has more options and gearing is not that big of a hurdle and I dont even play wow.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Gw 2 looks better and has better combat, but wow is overall a lot better game atm. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

i dont think someone can be wrong on an opinion on which game they find more entertaining? like if i asked u what soda u like more pepsi or coke you say coke then i tell u that you dont know what your talking about???

also i dont think WOW is a overall better game you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

You are a MMO scrub, playing a cheapest class in GW 2 badmouthing a game you never played because you don’t know any better.

if i say pepsi is better then coke is that really badmouthing it? i think you are being silly (thats my opinion not bad mouthing you incase you get confused)

“a cheapest class”? from the forums i take it every class is “a cheapest class” but that still doesnt change my opinion on what i seen and it really doesnt make any sense and isnt realivant to this topic??

I kinda feel sorry for you now. GL man.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Apollo.7389


so for the last hour for the first time in my life i watched WOW on twitch. i have never played WOW or watched any pvp before because most of you know im a console player and am new to pc.

but after playing and watching Guild Wars 2 i truly and 100% utterly believe Guild Wars 2 is better in every way. the game mode we have is way better the game last longer. its easier to understand whats going on. (could be easier if i played WOW maybe)

why did i watch WOW you might ask. well earlier i played GW2 with a 3000+ in WOW so i just wanted to see why if he is so good at that game why is he here. well now i understand.

my hope for GW2 going Esport just increased 100x

i think the reason i like guild wars 2 so much is my main game i was pro in was Gears Of War and these 2 have the same fill to it.

anyways i dont know what kind of responses i want from this so lets just talk about why there is only 2 mesmers left in the game and 1 million trap rangers please nerf chewbaca on endor

First-stop making useless post

Second-stop talking about what you don’t know…you never played it so you don’t know anything about it…end of discussion

Third-there are a bunch of mesmers and a lot of them better than you. You would be one of the best ONLY if you had an attitude overhaul…maybe a self induced coma might be a good start.

Fourth-Rangers are not OP they are just strong. Stop with the nerf this nerf that crud. Just buff other classes which they ALREADY said they would.

Fifth-How about that self induced coma? It would do you worlds of good and us a vacation from you.

FYI not a rage just my opinion. Take it or leave it I don’t care.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

thats good 10-15 min. from what i watched today it was 2-3 min everyone was ranked like 2700 or something and they were such defeatists. the second they seen the opponets they would say we lost they are kfc or we win they have blah blah blah. i would never play a game were i knew i was going in to lose with no chance.

gw2 would be even worse if they added death matches. 3 ele gg we lose. this whole thread is funny you would pick the game that you play and desperately want to be popular but never will be over a game you have never played and cant follow.

An easy fix: Limit number of classes per a team IE – you couldnt run Ele/Ele/Ele but could run Ele/Guard/Thief or something. no Thief/Thief/Thief abusing stealth either.

WoW does several aspects of PvP better in my opinion -

More Maps: Simple really, more maps and you wont get bored as fast.

More Game Modes: Capture The Flag, Team King Of The Hill, ect would be cool to add. Something other then just the the same old

Balance AI: This is for The Forrest map mostly if you add AI mobs make them a challenge. Take a look at Altac Valley kinda similar though in wow its 40Vs40 but you would NEVER see someone soloing even the first boss let alone the end boss in the map. Make it so that AI mobs NEED teamwork and are a challenge and not something that people can solo. Also make the doors ALOT stronger

I very much enjoyed WoW PvP when i played it. I would say both have positives and negatives and saying that one or the other is “so bad” is kinda sad especially when most people that say its sucks havent even played it, watching a few videos doesnt count.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


so for the last hour for the first time in my life i watched WOW on twitch. i have never played WOW or watched any pvp before because most of you know im a console player and am new to pc.

but after playing and watching Guild Wars 2 i truly and 100% utterly believe Guild Wars 2 is better in every way. the game mode we have is way better the game last longer. its easier to understand whats going on. (could be easier if i played WOW maybe)

why did i watch WOW you might ask. well earlier i played GW2 with a 3000+ in WOW so i just wanted to see why if he is so good at that game why is he here. well now i understand.

my hope for GW2 going Esport just increased 100x

i think the reason i like guild wars 2 so much is my main game i was pro in was Gears Of War and these 2 have the same fill to it.

anyways i dont know what kind of responses i want from this so lets just talk about why there is only 2 mesmers left in the game and 1 million trap rangers please nerf chewbaca on endor

First-stop making useless post

Second-stop talking about what you don’t know…you never played it so you don’t know anything about it…end of discussion

Third-there are a bunch of mesmers and a lot of them better than you. You would be one of the best ONLY if you had an attitude overhaul…maybe a self induced coma might be a good start.

Fourth-Rangers are not OP they are just strong. Stop with the nerf this nerf that crud. Just buff other classes which they ALREADY said they would.

Fifth-How about that self induced coma? It would do you worlds of good and us a vacation from you.

FYI not a rage just my opinion. Take it or leave it I don’t care.

its ok you will beat me one day and be happy. im sorry my random map chat pugs beat you so you form silly opinions on me. i will stop going to the gym and get rid of my family and move into a basement and get wealfare and then my attitude would change for you. being confident is over rated anywayz thank you apollo for making me realize this. also please tell the better then me mesmers to msg me in game so i can L2P better and not be skill capped.

ps if your telling someone to go into a coma then i think you might need to take a break for a while. ppl online shouldnt make you that upset especially when they talk about there opinion on what they seen on twitch. built up frustration is dangerous but i guess if i get rid of my girl i might experience it also



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

thats good 10-15 min. from what i watched today it was 2-3 min everyone was ranked like 2700 or something and they were such defeatists. the second they seen the opponets they would say we lost they are kfc or we win they have blah blah blah. i would never play a game were i knew i was going in to lose with no chance.

gw2 would be even worse if they added death matches. 3 ele gg we lose. this whole thread is funny you would pick the game that you play and desperately want to be popular but never will be over a game you have never played and cant follow.

An easy fix: Limit number of classes per a team IE – you couldnt run Ele/Ele/Ele but could run Ele/Guard/Thief or something. no Thief/Thief/Thief abusing stealth either.

WoW does several aspects of PvP better in my opinion -

More Maps: Simple really, more maps and you wont get bored as fast.

More Game Modes: Capture The Flag, Team King Of The Hill, ect would be cool to add. Something other then just the the same old

Balance AI: This is for The Forrest map mostly if you add AI mobs make them a challenge. Take a look at Altac Valley kinda similar though in wow its 40Vs40 but you would NEVER see someone soloing even the first boss let alone the end boss in the map. Make it so that AI mobs NEED teamwork and are a challenge and not something that people can solo. Also make the doors ALOT stronger

I very much enjoyed WoW PvP when i played it. I would say both have positives and negatives and saying that one or the other is “so bad” is kinda sad especially when most people that say its sucks havent even played it, watching a few videos doesnt count.

i used to want a limit on the classes u could bring into a game and i made a post about it a long time ago to make sure no teams abused op classes but latley after talking to ppl im on the fence. if they restrict 1 class per team or dont i dont care either way.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


WoW pvp actually is terrible. I was watching I think it was a Blizz con, and between SC matches I checked out some WoW arena pvp. It was truly stupid. The match lasted something like 10-15 minutes, team death match, and literally not a single person died during that time. At the end, they had to decide the winner by which team did the most damage. Boring to watch, kitten gameplay.

thats good 10-15 min. from what i watched today it was 2-3 min everyone was ranked like 2700 or something and they were such defeatists. the second they seen the opponets they would say we lost they are kfc or we win they have blah blah blah. i would never play a game were i knew i was going in to lose with no chance.

gw2 would be even worse if they added death matches. 3 ele gg we lose. this whole thread is funny you would pick the game that you play and desperately want to be popular but never will be over a game you have never played and cant follow.

An easy fix: Limit number of classes per a team IE – you couldnt run Ele/Ele/Ele but could run Ele/Guard/Thief or something. no Thief/Thief/Thief abusing stealth either.

WoW does several aspects of PvP better in my opinion -

More Maps: Simple really, more maps and you wont get bored as fast.

More Game Modes: Capture The Flag, Team King Of The Hill, ect would be cool to add. Something other then just the the same old

Balance AI: This is for The Forrest map mostly if you add AI mobs make them a challenge. Take a look at Altac Valley kinda similar though in wow its 40Vs40 but you would NEVER see someone soloing even the first boss let alone the end boss in the map. Make it so that AI mobs NEED teamwork and are a challenge and not something that people can solo. Also make the doors ALOT stronger

I very much enjoyed WoW PvP when i played it. I would say both have positives and negatives and saying that one or the other is “so bad” is kinda sad especially when most people that say its sucks havent even played it, watching a few videos doesnt count.

i used to want a limit on the classes u could bring into a game and i made a post about it a long time ago to make sure no teams abused op classes but latley after talking to ppl im on the fence. if they restrict 1 class per team or dont i dont care either way.

I was talking if they added a Death Match mode like 3vs3 or something for S/TPvP i think its fine without the limit its been ALONG time since i saw groups with like 5 Thiefs or anything

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: mega.7816


I seriously disagree with pvp being bad. As in for how you get gear yes it sucks that you have to traverse to pve to get some pieces that make you competitive. But really it wasn’t that much of a problem if you are in a premade. Matter of fact it completely eliminates being on a gear curve if you have a good premade. You and 90% of the time steamroll over your opponents.

Also, gw2 pvp will never be as good as wow if they don’t add in more game modes. Wow had AB, AV, EoTS, SotA, and WG. They have options. I like options. I don’t want to play the same thing over and over again.

Don’t get me wrong gw2 has a nice start. But add some more modes, and not just conquest. And actually WSG from wow i began to hate because its all there was. Now they have options. GW2 needs to follow suit.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


I don’t think he means needing a prize, he says “feels alot more rewarding”, some gameplay can feel more rewarding than others, e.g – gameplay with instagibbing, that is simplistic, spammy, etc can feel cheap, one dimensional and unrewarding.

exactly what i meant :-3
playing the same game mode over and over to get a millimeter of a bar of “rank” which will lead to 9 more bars before finally you get a couple more sets of armor,
its not about prizes but it currently feels entirely unrewarding,

to put it in perspective, its like the scene in Labyrinth where she’s running down the corridor and the end of the corridor just keeps getting further and further as she runs.

if they’d give us the ability to buy ALL armor (for increasingly higher glory costs based on appearance) we’d have goals, something to aim for, not the endless corridor or rank farming.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


I don’t think he means needing a prize, he says “feels alot more rewarding”, some gameplay can feel more rewarding than others, e.g – gameplay with instagibbing, that is simplistic, spammy, etc can feel cheap, one dimensional and unrewarding.

exactly what i meant :-3
playing the same game mode over and over to get a millimeter of a bar of “rank” which will lead to 9 more bars before finally you get a couple more sets of armor,
its not about prizes but it currently feels entirely unrewarding,

to put it in perspective, its like the scene in Labyrinth where she’s running down the corridor and the end of the corridor just keeps getting further and further as she runs.

if they’d give us the ability to buy ALL armor (for increasingly higher glory costs based on appearance) we’d have goals, something to aim for, not the endless corridor or rank farming.

ok got ya. but have you seen the QP ladder bored isnt that the only rewarding thing you need to work for?



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: NeedCoffee.1402


I stopped reading and laughed a little to hard when I read ‘console might be harder than PC’.

No, but to the main topic, I think both games are rather crappy where it stands now. In defense of WoW, I can’t say I ever got bored of the PvP in that game. The different battlegrounds, then came the arenas.. was a wonderful time.

In defense of GW2, if I must give it, the dodging mechanic on the right path, and the lack of a need to grind for gear is a good thing to have. That is, unless you want to look sexy. ^_~

Before the rage, yes, this is my opinion. I absolutely despise the PvP in GW2, and that’s why I stick to Smite for my PvP sensations. I may pop in once in a while just to try it out, only to realize that the PvP in this game just makes me want to kill myself. : (

smite is honestly one of the best games online.
you point out some of gw2 important features, but I feel like your making lite of them. the dynamic level system plus no gear grind is so important. all you wow fans talk all you want about wow pvp, but it will never be balanced. the first step toward balance in mmo style PvP is separate pvp and pve. I know spvp gets stale after a while, but I feel arena net at least understands what needs to be done. no other game company cares to do the things arena net is doing with gw2. abolishing the broken trinity, dynamic leveling, no gear grind, waging war on hackers. these reasons alone warrant any PvP fan to at least stick around and see what they will do next.

Asus RIVE * i7 3820 E @4.7 Ghz (on air) * Asus GTX 670 * Asus VG248QE * 16gb G-Skill Ripjaw z 2133

(edited by NeedCoffee.1402)

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I don’t think he means needing a prize, he says “feels alot more rewarding”, some gameplay can feel more rewarding than others, e.g – gameplay with instagibbing, that is simplistic, spammy, etc can feel cheap, one dimensional and unrewarding.

exactly what i meant :-3
playing the same game mode over and over to get a millimeter of a bar of “rank” which will lead to 9 more bars before finally you get a couple more sets of armor,
its not about prizes but it currently feels entirely unrewarding,

to put it in perspective, its like the scene in Labyrinth where she’s running down the corridor and the end of the corridor just keeps getting further and further as she runs.

if they’d give us the ability to buy ALL armor (for increasingly higher glory costs based on appearance) we’d have goals, something to aim for, not the endless corridor or rank farming.

ok got ya. but have you seen the QP ladder bored isnt that the only rewarding thing you need to work for?

qp rewards time played not skill

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Say what you want about WoW but if you played it for the PvP you would know it rewards skill and team work you cannot advance in the ratings unless you win against other high rated teams lose and you drop rating.

I dont know what the game is like now but I played it from launch into being a top rated arena player for years. GW2 is a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind on skill based pvp sadly Anet seems like they want the games pvp to die they are sticking to the farm based system for PvP. I just dont understand what they are thinking, who are they listening too what ‘pvpers’ are telling them the QP system is fine? The people that like the QP system dont like real competition just garbage farmers.

The WvW is not even as good as DAoC, DAoC had points you could earn only by doing RvR to buy pvp skills for classes improving their power.

No long term rewards for WvW zero rewards for Tpvp or even a basic ladder/ranking system = a slow death in what could of been a great pvp MMO.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


Say what you want about WoW but if you played it for the PvP you would know it rewards skill and team work you cannot advance in the ratings unless you win against other high rated teams lose and you drop rating.

I dont know what the game is like now but I played it from launch into being a top rated arena player for years. GW2 is a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind on skill based pvp sadly Anet seems like they want the games pvp to die they are sticking to the farm based system for PvP. I just dont understand what they are thinking, who are they listening too what ‘pvpers’ are telling them the QP system is fine? The people that like the QP system dont like real competition just garbage farmers.

The WvW is not even as good as DAoC, DAoC had points you could earn only by doing RvR to buy pvp skills for classes improving their power.

No long term rewards for WvW zero rewards for Tpvp or even a basic ladder/ranking system = a slow death in what could of been a great pvp MMO.

i cant wait for a rating system and a flood of great players and the dissaperence of QP points.