I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

I’m a big WoW fan and think it is an awesome game. However, the pvp in GW2 is clearly more skilled based. WoW is just about pawning people with lower gear than you and being carried by healers.

There are a few people who have similar gear at top levels or if you turn your xp off at level 60 or 70, but the vast majority of the pvp in that game boils down to who has better gear. That is before you even look at the mechanics of the games, where in GW2 you have active dodging, a deeper condition mechanic, more complex interaction between classes due to various fields, portals, etc, and greater tactical advantages through terrain.

GW2 pvp also promotes a different mindset. Players who enjoy gear-grind are drawn to WoW, whereas in GW2 spvp is more about a skill-grind. You start on an even footing, with only skill and coordination separating good and bad players. People who really like pvp, as opposed to gear-grinding, can flourish in this game.

Just think about the pvp experience when you finally get to level cap in WoW. You play bgs and use your skilz to beat some players, then some overgeared player just stomps you. The only thing you can take from that is “I have to gear up”. There is no skill development here. Not skill based.

Now consider GW2 spvp. You log into the game and almost straight away you can start pvping on an equal footing to everyone else. You get in game and BAM, some thief teleports, backstabs, turns you to stone, and then HS you to death. Many people complain about this, but there is a fundemental difference between this and the WoW experience. The difference is you can only change the outcome of future games by getting more skill and experience in GW2-gearing up is not going to save you.

Simple. GW2 is skilled based pvp, WoW pvp is a kind of semi-pve gear-based grind.

For all that I believe WoW is a great game, if you think WoW pvp is more skill based than GW2 you are highly delusional I’m afraid.

*applause. I think he has nailed it. Said it better then I couldve. Thank you my friend

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

i decided last night to give WOW 1 more chance at impressing me. but nope it failed. i dont know if its the 20 year old graphics or the 2 min long matches or the fact that they say they won or lost before it starts and are 100% right everytime just by seeing the comp. or maybe its the fact that they all talk about how everyone runs AI programs to be able to compete.

idk maybe its all of the above but whatever it is and im srry WOW fans but i just cant watch it. Soccer is very famous also and has the most viewers in the world but other then ESPN highlights i cant sit down and watch a soccer game either.

Gw2 will get more viewers and it will go esports simply because it is fun to watch. maybe we just need more streamers.

guild wars 2 isn’t entertaining to watch either lol

Something people dont understand is boring for them to watch. I used to play WoW but watching someone pvp is so boring. All it is is skill clicking and jumping. So boring im sorry lmao.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

even if you made wow population the same size as guild wars 2, the wow PVP scene would be much bigger by a large margin

Well thats because skill based pvp tends to draw people away because they cant steam roll anyone because of gear or etc. Thats why the pvp here is not liked so much because in all reality people aren’t as great at mmo pvp until they are put to the true test of skill based pvp.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: condiments.8043


Say what you want about WoW but if you played it for the PvP you would know it rewards skill and team work you cannot advance in the ratings unless you win against other high rated teams lose and you drop rating.

I dont know what the game is like now but I played it from launch into being a top rated arena player for years. GW2 is a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind on skill based pvp sadly Anet seems like they want the games pvp to die they are sticking to the farm based system for PvP. I just dont understand what they are thinking, who are they listening too what ‘pvpers’ are telling them the QP system is fine? The people that like the QP system dont like real competition just garbage farmers.

The WvW is not even as good as DAoC, DAoC had points you could earn only by doing RvR to buy pvp skills for classes improving their power.

No long term rewards for WvW zero rewards for Tpvp or even a basic ladder/ranking system = a slow death in what could of been a great pvp MMO.

i cant wait for a rating system and a flood of great players and the dissaperence of QP points.

nobody is coming back sorry bro. I know this is your first pc game but mmo players rarely return to a game that fails so hard and takes too long to fix.

Is this YOUR first PC game, because you clearly and consistently have shown in every single post you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Every single MMO since the launch of MMOs has taken months/years to get into a functional state. Most of them have failed or barely sustained because of that fact, either going free to play to prey off those who will spend tons of money on virtual cosmetics, or fading to oblivion. WoW has survived for as long as it had, because for most it was their Blizzard kiddies first MMO. It was an epic failure for months, having to refund their customers money because servers couldn’t handle the strain of the population. Endgame and PvP infrastructure was still in a fragile barely coherent state by the time the first expansion rolled around, forcing players to give up their lives to achieve worthwhile in the game. Despite all this vanilla WoW was still a great game and many stuck with it because it was fun to play despite the “intolerable” conditions. It wouldn’t have got to where it is today if people stopped playing because of how fundamentally broken everything was. It was just fun.

Listen here and listen good. There is no greener grass. ESO will fail to live up to expectations as will ever single MMO that precedes it. Its just the typical MMO player has become a content locust, consuming everything in their path like a fast food consumer, quick and easy.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: morrock.8629


The only problem I have with GW2’s game mode is the length. It’s too short to really coordinate anything, or do anything except run from point to point. It doesn’t allow you to present much depth. I really like the chieftan and Svanir in Niflhelm, clearly an attempt at something like Dragon in League of Legends. But why should I kill him? The 30 seconds it takes to kill one of them is an eternity in a 4 minute match.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: waka.9826


even if you made wow population the same size as guild wars 2, the wow PVP scene would be much bigger by a large margin

Well thats because skill based pvp tends to draw people away because they cant steam roll anyone because of gear or etc. Thats why the pvp here is not liked so much because in all reality people aren’t as great at mmo pvp until they are put to the true test of skill based pvp.

You can’t honestly believe that’s the reason why not many people PVP in gw2 right?

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


i agree that ppl dont like this game because it is skill based. in fact some ppl i talked to told me they like having better gear they want that advantage.

me i like GW2 system. everyone can make equal builds and comps.



I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


You can’t honestly believe that’s the reason why not many people PVP in gw2 right?


i agree that ppl dont like this game because it is skill based. in fact some ppl i talked to told me they like having better gear they want that advantage.


everyone can make equal builds and comps.

Hate to break it to you, but the game’s barely unique in that regard.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


i agree that ppl dont like this game because it is skill based. in fact some ppl i talked to told me they like having better gear they want that advantage.

me i like GW2 system. everyone can make equal builds and comps.

Sounds like WoW talk right there wanting better gear to beat the other players to show how “good they are”

Hate to break it to you, but the game’s barely unique in that regard.

You’re only breaking yourself buddy because everyone shares different views whether its the majority or the minority.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


With the difference this is a fact and not a point of view, bud.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


With the difference this is a fact and not a point of view, bud.

A “fact” under your view and others that shares it. Don’t even try to argue it because you already lost plain and simple.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Umm it is a fact dude, theres a ton of games that allow people to make equal comps and builds…
Also, things are , or are not facts, regardless of what people think about them.
He might be wrong that it is a fact. But its not an opinion that something is a fact. IT is the case (which makes it a fact) or it isnt (which means its not ).

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Now you guys getting way too carried away with facts or whats not facts scenario. Is it hard to say this is how I view it?

The only thing that will be a fact is that this game needs to provide more features and that’s about it. You will get that type of response from any regular player that isn’t so fixated small stuff like comparisons between games.

Overall not many players aren’t going to care whether the game is good or bad. If you play it then you must like it. If not then stop playing it…


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Shrug i mean sure this game needs work, Most people would agree.
Thats a fact.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: condiments.8043


While I hardly want to get into semantic argument his phrase regarding “equal/builds and comps” can easily be reference to equal baseline everyone shares in terms of stats along with the ability to change builds and classes easily, thus an equal playing field. This is actually quite a diversion from the norm in MMOs which usually require to grind to top level and then grind even more for adequate PvP gear. It presents a significant barrier to entry when trying out new things in a PvP scenario.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Nier.2478


Skill-based when Ele and Mesmer are face-roll at full potential? Please. Apply what you learned to a Warrior or an Engi and let me see if your QPs actually help. Because chances are you’re going to fail extremely hard.

And if you think everyone having an equal opportunity on making comps with the typical Ele and/or Mesmer being actually helpful for the game’s success, then this is where you are wrong. People want variety, this game lacks it A LOT.

And this is part of the reason why this game is a dead POS because you can’t simply play a character you feel like playing.


I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


it takes very little time to gear up in wow haters need. to stop using that as an excuse.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace