If you want to win solo queue....
Completely agree with you. Heck I use to play a sumo bunker engy that requires skills, but ever since they nerfed automated response by 50% I’ve just been playing this no skill bunker build instead. Now I bunker better and deal good damage at sametime!
Thanks anet for me not having to do much and bunkering better and annoying the enemy with a bunch of npc turrets. So much easier than having to time dodges and staying alive under 25% hp so my automated response would work. But ever since you nerfed it to 50% its not viable but now this build is viable and its a million times better!
Could you guys please post the turret engi build. I’ve seen different variants posted by Jebro and others but I don’t know what to run.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
It’s funny because it’s true. Turret engis = soloQ champions.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
I’m sorry my frands but Turret Engineers are pretty useless! Take it from me! Vee Wee! Retired #1 Engi NA! If you want to play Engineer, don’t put any points into the Inventions tree! It’s pretty awful!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
The engis are playing turret builds because it works. We can’t handle condi classes so we need AI
So much easier than having to time dodges and staying alive under 25% hp so my automated response would work.
Yes, when I assault a point that has a turret Engineer on it I actually consider it a personal victory if I can get them to dodge at least once. If they dodge twice then I have truly won against the build even though there is zero chance I am actually going to kill them and take the point.
It is especially awesome if I can get them to drop their Supply Crate. Nothing like having more turrets on a point than the actual number of players you have on the map!!
It’s the little things sometimes that mean so much…
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
linkk full build plz for turrent engie and bird engie
staff eles like this thread
Actually…even if you build this supposedly unbeatable bunker engi, and you place your butt on close point, you wont have your assured win, cause even if you bunker a point your team might still loose teamfight mid, specially if they have a roaming comp and they fight 4v5 mid.
This way you’ll find your team with only close point, while enemy team will have close and mid.
This said, if they are smart, at the proper time they’ll rush far with 2 or 3 ppl to shut down that engi quickly, and its not that impossible since that build only got 1 breakstun with kitten cd, only 1 condition removal on heal with 20s cd, and it does totally nothing without turrets, so the way to go is AoE dmg (with stability if melee), conditions and CC.
The build might be something like this:
Guess what, 2 widely used specs have got what you are looking for: Hambow and DD ele, both have stability, CC, area dmg, and burning and they can mutually stack might with eachothers combo fields/finishers.
Tourette* Engi.
Maybe it’s just my luck but when I tried it I had enemy classes destroying my fortified turrets pretty quickly and then coming after me.
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
Turret Engi works well in Solo Q not because it’s OP, but because Solo Q are full of people with Hot Joiners mindset, which have almost 0 communication or team work.
When facing coordinate teams, they can usually spend 2 people and chain CC/ immobilize the turreter and spike him down very quickly due to the lack of invulnerable, lack of block, lack of stealth, blink/movement skill, and lack of stability,
The turreter will have half of it’s dps cut in around 40 seconds.
I’d still say it’s more of a L2P issue than turreters being OP.
It does make condition class a lot more difficult to perform well, which is actually a good thing consider how OP they already are in PVP.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
What’s with all the hate? If a build works, people will play it. And then they’ll play the anti-build (anything with AoEs, here).
Wonder why there are so many hambow wars currently? And a sudden increase in assassins?
When facing coordinate teams, they can usually spend 2 people and chain CC/ immobilize the turreter and spike him down very quickly due to the lack of invulnerable, lack of block, lack of stealth, blink/movement skill, and lack of stability,
The turreter will have half of it’s dps cut in around 40 seconds.
Lack of invulnerable:
Elixir S
Self-Regulating Defenses
Lack of block:
Static Shield
Gear Shield
Armor Mods (gives Aegis)
Gadgeteer (gives Aegis upon Throw Mine)
Lack of stealth:
Toss Elixir S
Cloaking Device
Various smoke fields plus blast/leap finishers
Lack of movement skill:
Elixir H (randomly)
Elixir B
Drop Stimulant (with Med Kit)
Elixir F (with Elixir Gun)
Toss Elixir B (randomly)
Infused Precision
Speedy Kits
Experimental Turrets (upon using Net Turret)
Lack of stability:
Elixir X
Rumble (tool belt skill for Thumper Turret)
Toss Elixir B
Yep, they sure are lacking access to any of those… Only a few traits and skills for them…
Now it is true that a Turret Engineer won’t have access to ALL of those, but they are not as vulnerable or as lacking as you are thinking they are.
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”
When facing coordinate teams, they can usually spend 2 people and chain CC/ immobilize the turreter and spike him down very quickly due to the lack of invulnerable, lack of block, lack of stealth, blink/movement skill, and lack of stability,
The turreter will have half of it’s dps cut in around 40 seconds.Lack of invulnerable:
Elixir S
Self-Regulating DefensesLack of block:
Static Shield
Gear Shield
Armor Mods (gives Aegis)
Gadgeteer (gives Aegis upon Throw Mine)Lack of stealth:
Toss Elixir S
Cloaking Device
Various smoke fields plus blast/leap finishersLack of movement skill:
Elixir H (randomly)
Elixir B
Drop Stimulant (with Med Kit)
Elixir F (with Elixir Gun)
Toss Elixir B (randomly)
Infused Precision
Speedy Kits
Experimental Turrets (upon using Net Turret)Lack of stability:
Elixir X
Rumble (tool belt skill for Thumper Turret)
Toss Elixir BYep, they sure are lacking access to any of those… Only a few traits and skills for them…
Now it is true that a Turret Engineer won’t have access to ALL of those, but they are not as vulnerable or as lacking as you are thinking they are.
I’m not talking about the general engineer’s skill list, but as being a turreters.
They sacrifice 2~3 slots for turrets, so they literally have no space for invulnerable, invisibility and stability. They also need one kit to activate kit re-generator.
Also a Hybrid Celestial engineer is using a rifle mostly, thus you won’t have block.
Why do you bring out a full list that turreters don’t usually use?
Are we talking about the same subject or are you talking about different engineer set?
I do play turret eng now in solo Q since my main is engineer anyway.
And I did encounter situation that I mentioned above, being chained CC by warrior while another class dps me heavily.
Also swiftness =/= movement skill.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
When facing coordinate teams, they can usually spend 2 people and chain CC/ immobilize the turreter and spike him down very quickly due to the lack of invulnerable, lack of block, lack of stealth, blink/movement skill, and lack of stability,
The turreter will have half of it’s dps cut in around 40 seconds.Lack of invulnerable:
Elixir S
Self-Regulating DefensesLack of block:
Static Shield
Gear Shield
Armor Mods (gives Aegis)
Gadgeteer (gives Aegis upon Throw Mine)Lack of stealth:
Toss Elixir S
Cloaking Device
Various smoke fields plus blast/leap finishersLack of movement skill:
Elixir H (randomly)
Elixir B
Drop Stimulant (with Med Kit)
Elixir F (with Elixir Gun)
Toss Elixir B (randomly)
Infused Precision
Speedy Kits
Experimental Turrets (upon using Net Turret)Lack of stability:
Elixir X
Rumble (tool belt skill for Thumper Turret)
Toss Elixir BYep, they sure are lacking access to any of those… Only a few traits and skills for them…
Now it is true that a Turret Engineer won’t have access to ALL of those, but they are not as vulnerable or as lacking as you are thinking they are.
a turret build literally will only use 2 of those, 3 at maximum, you do understand that a turret engi has to drop trait points into turret traits and take turrets right?
also you can take gadgeteer and armour mods since they are both gm traits, you don’t use any elixirs in a turret build, using any of the many blast finishers means blowing up a turret which means less damage, you can’t take any traits to improve survivability in inventions since they are needed for turrets, turret engineers don’t use elixir x or mortar, even if you count the p/s defensive options they have a lengthy cooldown which anyone can easily take advantage of.
now I’m not defending turret engineers but atleast make some sense when you make an argument
No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.
No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.
Basically you’re a horrible player.
The only reason turret engi isn’t a massive problem is bc good players refuse to run it and the people who do are horrible at it (hence the no dodging BS)
If you find a turret engi on a point range then until you get help if your a class without aoe power attacks or just let then have the point and go take the other two 5v4 since that engi isn’t going to be much help on those. Similar to how you would deal with an MM. Although I would a argue MM is easier to beat by leashing the minions and abusing z axis.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.
Basically you’re a horrible player.
The only reason turret engi isn’t a massive problem is bc good players refuse to run it and the people who do are horrible at it (hence the no dodging BS)
good players don’t run it because its not very good as far as competent players goes, however its literally the best scrub destroyer ive ever seen
A good player running turret engineer could cause problems even against strong players. It’s not optimal, but, just like most troll builds in the game, it can be effective at all levels by leaving the burden of skill on the other player. They kitten up once, they die. You kitten up twenty times, you still kill them. Nobody’s perfect.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Turrets are too prone to being countercomped. Sure you can kill my ranger when your drop crate, but I’ll swap to d/d ele or staff ele and make your turrets sad.
From the perspective of another engi, the key is to stop playimg defensive builds in solo queue. You don’t need both elixir s and toolkit, nobody is on ts screaming to focus the engi. Bombs are so good against ai builds. Bomb when their reflects are up, nades inbetween
It is so straight forward and easy to deal with this build.
No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.
Basically you’re a horrible player.
The only reason turret engi isn’t a massive problem is bc good players refuse to run it and the people who do are horrible at it (hence the no dodging BS)
May be when you come to top 1000 you will see how people deal with turret engi
is turret engi really such a big thing in soloq? i see them in teamq now and then and they usually just get steamrolled. i’ve taken some down by myself (i’m playing grenade power engi), even with granades this turret cluster is cleaned up pretty fast since the bubble only lasts some seconds. should be even easier with bombs.
(edited by zaced.7948)
BTW Anton, Moobs is at 149 on team queue boards right now. Just an FYI.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
BTW Anton, Moobs is at 149 on team queue boards right now. Just an FYI.
really? http://www.gw2score.com/PvP thinks different
Erm…. shows 149 for me too lol
Same website doesn’t seem to show Anton anywhere… maybe it’s broked.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Erm…. shows 149 for me too lol
Same website doesn’t seem to show Anton anywhere… maybe it’s broked.
but anton is eu. It shows highest soloq ~500, highest team que ~300.
He’s on NA. Current rank 149. Highest rank 66.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Oh weird, did they reset rankings? Says my top is 17, should be 1.
I think this is largely a l2p issue. If you go face tank a turret engi you will die. But, atm, it seems the spec is easily outplayed. Granted, the number of “good” players in this game is very low and I bet a “good” turret engi could be a force to be reckoned with. However, that can be said about any spec.
Am I good?… I’m good.
“Highest rank is the highest rank since 28-1-2014”
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
http://c2n.me/iugcvu.jpg something intresting with that site
What is interesting….. lol I did forget to look at EU… but that does explain the attitude
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
true the most skillless build ever
Actually…even if you build this supposedly unbeatable bunker engi, and you place your butt on close point, you wont have your assured win, cause even if you bunker a point your team might still loose teamfight mid, specially if they have a roaming comp and they fight 4v5 mid.
It’s a game of chances. What would you say is more likely: meeting a competent roamer comp that can coordinate in solo queue or meeting an average (random) 1 close 4 mid comp ?
Over one thousands solo queue games (the biggest the sample, the more significant the results) you will notice that your success rate is much higher with a turret engi.
Besides turret engi stack, the more you have the better, even if you already have 4 turret engis in your party you won’t have to reroll as opposed to, let’s say, 4 mesmers.