Okay so i know there is a lot of discussions about thief’s and mesmers and i can totally understand that.
1: as you can see in my screenshot, i was having a duel with a elementalist, it was very balanced and we both used all our skills and used everything we got. We was fighting for i would guess 1-2 minute, then all of a sudden all my HP goes down and im dead (2 secounds) . WTF happend? Ohh, a thief.
This scenario is okay with me, the thief is a glasscanon him self and uses stealth to get the enemy down.
But its not in a proper balance, i would say it was ok if a thief did that amout of damage on me if I had 50K HP.
I think i have around 25k HP, witch means that if two thief’s jumped me and only used one skill, "second skill with dagger (heart stopper?) 4500hp/hit. and they can use it 4 times in a row. 4500hp x 4hits x 2 thief’s = 36000 in 2 or 3 secound’s. How would i react to that? Use my deathshroud…..? still would be dead. This damage must be to hight if you have like 2-3 seconds to react before you are dead.
It is ok i a class have a very high damage output, but not x4, and not when there is no way to counter that attack.
2: Mesmers omfg, how many illusions, mirrors, reflections and stuff can they have. As a necro i use “Well of suffering” witch kills alot of there minions, but then they just spawn new ones, with like 0,5 reuse time?
Ok: they are killable, but as for my necro I have put over 300hours in to learning this class, and what skills to use and when to use them. Then i get killed by a pvp lvl1 mesmer. How can you think that this is balanced.
3: I have played alot of MMORPGS and for me there are basically two ways to define a good mmorpg. PVP, and teamplay (dungeon/pvp/siege)
With the current build, I cant sPVP in Gw2 it just kitten es me off because of the inbalance. Im cool with having classes do large amount of damage, but the other class has to be able to counter that attack/dmg output. This is not the case in Gw2 right now.
Dungeons: Yeah… do i need to say more. Everyone is asking for mesmer, warrior…. I like the way guildwars2 removed all the specific roles in team playing. But then, if you do one or two classes over powered. Why would anyone want a class that has lower dps with nothing special to add to the group.
4: I tryed playing a thief for a few pvp matches and i did not even read the description on the traits. I get the same amout of points on my thief as on my necromancer. Then what is defining the pvp level? 300hours gameplay vs 1hour?
5: As for the necro, the down skills on this character is a joke. The fear skill works one out of ten. Why cant we summon 5 fleash golams that are defending us, and the all use charge?
6: I love they way that you made Heart of the mist, with pvp gear and all of that. Everone have equal stats on there armor. I think its a shame because it is so well done and then the unbalance between classes ruin it all.
Please, please do something about this unbalance. I know im not the only one feeling this way. I really love this game, one of the best mmorpgs i have played…. But the unbalance is so lame that i cant play it, i just get mad and sad.
With some small tweaks, this would be awsome.