Interrupt playstyle
In S4 Interrupt is fine. Though you’ll get more traction out of some interrupt builds over others. I feel team fight interrupt is all around better than dueling based.
So Dueling/Illusion/Chrono staff sw/shield, or Dueling/Chaos/Chrono same weps. Rabid ammy. Mistrust. MoD, blink, nullfield.
(build in vid has destroyers, chaos setup with CI)
If you wan’t more of a dueling setup you can run scepter/pistol sword/shield. Rabid, carrion, or a hybrid like vipers etc. I like Chaos with evasive mirror what with all the projectiles, but w/e.
I think Domination is mes’ weakest line in S4. Stick with condi/hybrid interrupt over the best power setups.
Naaah, not condi interrupt . It’s a bit cc spam prone then power. Still trying to make out power mesmer with power block.
Naaah, not condi interrupt
. It’s a bit cc spam prone then power. Still trying to make out power mesmer with power block.
Then good luck.
One of the best Interrupt Mesmer out there, just gave you two build that could be viable but are not.
It’s the best you could play for that play style.
If you want to interrupt, DH are better now.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Tbh I’m not seeking build/class to play in preferred playstyle (ty for advice though). Mostly wanna anet employees or forum specialist to read this topic and ponder how to facilitate such gameplay (for all classes and not in spammable manner) . Things like I suggested above – unified animation elements of skills, mb less “evade during cast skills”, etc
Tbh I’m not seeking build/class to play in preferred playstyle (ty for advice though). Mostly wanna anet employees or forum specialist to read this topic and ponder how to facilitate such gameplay (for all classes and not in spammable manner) . Things like I suggested above – unified animation elements of skills, mb less “evade during cast skills”, etc
Unfortunately with the introduction of HoT we also saw the dawn of the stun break epidemic, coupled with the interviewed stability proc epidemic, and this in conjunction with the overabundant sustain skill nightmare.
So what you’re asking is to land a stun in between stability procs while overcoming an excess of stun breaks, and landing a power burst past a evade, block, or invuln animation. Then hoping you did enough burst to down them because if not, then we gotta get started in on the heals XD
So pretty much this
(Take note of the 1:19 mark)
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)