The masses fight about the pros and cons of downed system, when what should be talked about is what the Downed state truly affects, the Rally system.
It is without a resounding doubt that most players are unable to swallow the hard pill called the downed state. A loud cry from most of the community beg for it to be removed, the other applaud its extremely innovative and fresh breath it has done to the online world of PVP. I respect both parties. This is not my game, i just play it.
However lets analyze some facts about downed state:
Downed state player has ability skill set different from players build and classes.
(e.g. Player has no utility knockback in skill slots but when downed, he has one ;
If one class utility (number 2 downed) is single target, and another is aoe.. it is imbalanced. enough said. If a mesmer can stealth and create a clone and blink in one ability, but a thief can only blink … it is imbalanced. enough said. if a necro has single target fear but a guard…… if an elementalist has no…. )
Downed state player hp is normalized and different from players build
(E.g. warrior hundred blades 3 second downs a player from 100% to downed. Warrior hundred blades again (hypothetically , ignore the 8 sec. cd) downed state glass cannon enemy, drops from 100% to 50 % … warrior scratches head wondering why it takes longer to kill an enemy in downed state than in up state)
The above examples , are NOT important but identify one thing, downed state is imbalanced. But here is whats the saddest part, it detracts the biggest issue of spvp, and wvw… Players are being RALLIED in your down state system.
You cannot introduce rally, without a counter , yes the fight is not over if he is downed, but amazingly, he can also be brought back to life WITHOUT rezzing. wait what?!
Biggest cause and effect this brings is : Proper tournament / wvw organized pvp team play is inhibited . (e.g. a smaller team that is more organized cannot circumvent a larger group even though utilizing better tactics. simple scenario, 3 v 5 , 3 players down 3 , going for last 2, one of their teammates drop, and gets pelted by 3 downed foes , enemy rallies, fight becomes 2 v 5) You cannot stomp because, of down state abilities, enemy kback or boon stripping your stability, their bodies are too far apart, etc etc.
The downed state is imbalanced yes, but your rally system, the direct result of downed state, is inhibiting competitive Player vs Player.
You have to introduce the demoralize system , a direct response to your rally system. Its effect is this. If in 1v1, no change, you drop to zero you are downed. In larger numbers, subsequent “down” beyond number 1, triggers the demoralize system for your team resulting into instant death to downed state member.
Example: 5v5, (team A vs Team , TeamA downs 1 member of TeamB , 5v4 (+1 downstate) , Team A downs 2nd member of Team B , 5v3) demoralize system kicks in, 1st down state player is immediately killed . (5v3 +1 downed state, 1 already dead)
Second effect of demoralize system: ALL downed ability 2 from every class is REPLACED with " Hopeful Rally" ability. 15 second cd, able to be used immediately on down , 3 second non- interruptible channeling ability. If teammate is downed during hopeful rally, you are not instantly killed.
Finally downed state players are no longer just mashing buttons or interrupting fools, but have to ACTIVELY watch the fight progression and ACTIVELY defend themselves for a rally, instead of praying for someone to be killed fully.
For PVE , it can be identical. Stop abusing players who kill themselves just to heal up again, and teach players to actively channel abilities to keep themselves alive in downed state , instead of just spamming 1 while monsters are hitting teammates.
TLDR: downed state imbalances is not the MAIN issue , Rally system is. Demoralize system is actually a Rally system that works backwards for the aggression team. Down State System is a TRULY amazing and innovative breath of fresh air.