Jon Peter's please read....

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: NovaBlue.2460



Right you have recently posted in a ranger forum saying this

“There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.”

this is crazy if i am correct ( which i may not be ) you have just 2 people working on the balance of the game. If this is true no wonder bugs are STILL not fixed.

In light of this i would ask if you intended to make this an esport then why have you only placed 2 people to work on it ?
Because how ever much you say it will become and esport if you put this little commitment into balancing you will and are have more problems with the community.

[TSU] NovaBlue/Fattest Ele EU – Tsunmai’s Ele/founder and leader

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: Ziggy.7319


I bet you those two play Thief and Warrior

(also in before thread deletion like the other one in general forums, lol at trying to clean this up)

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


Jon Peters isn’t responsible for resource allocation at ArenaNet. Go point your pitchforks elsewhere.

Durrrrr [EU]

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: NovaBlue.2460


Jon Peters isn’t responsible for resource allocation at ArenaNet. Go point your pitchforks elsewhere.

Im not necessarily blaming him i just want to know whats going on ?

[TSU] NovaBlue/Fattest Ele EU – Tsunmai’s Ele/founder and leader

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: Edell.1286


I don’t know and I don’t care if they’re only 2 working on balancing that game.

However I think it wouldn’t hurt if Anet was selecting a few “Profession senator” among the very best players of each classes (could be a public vote for each, idk), just to have direct and reliable feedback, instead of having to sort all the BS and the truth going on in these forums.

The Prof Senators would ofc have to discuss with the community and see which issues should be brought to the game designers.

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: NakNak.5840


Maybe anet managers should think about whether it is worth to make a bad copy of existing pve games instead of fixing pvp.

My respect for Jon and the other guy doing the balancing. Although I’m quite disappointed with the patch, this is a fundamental management fail and not caused by bad game designers.

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: NovaBlue.2460


Maybe anet managers should think about whether it is worth to make a bad copy of existing pve games instead of fixing pvp.

My respect for Jon and the other guy doing the balancing. Although I’m quite disappointed with the patch, this is a fundamental management fail and not caused by bad game designers.

Ye i agree kudos to those 2 guys probably working there kitten of and putting up with a load of community bullkitten from people.

[TSU] NovaBlue/Fattest Ele EU – Tsunmai’s Ele/founder and leader

Jon Peter's please read....

in PvP

Posted by: denyitbattle.2609


Yea, I could agree more. If there is really just two of you working on balance and esport feature, you are truly working your kitten off.

On the other side… that is an incredible lack of buy-in, and heck, even honesty on the part of Anet regarding the role of PvP in their game.