Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I agree, I could have not.

But dungeons were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

DEs were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

PvP was announced as really awesome, which it turned out not to be.

So no, I don’t have a crystal ball nor am I psychic. I trusted the company so many people “vouched” for, based on GW1 experiences. And it’s the last time I bought a game straight upon release. I should know better to wait for reviews and try the game myself first.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


You don’t need a crystal ball, you could’ve just watched the hundreds of youtube videos that had in-depth information about every aspect of the game. Yes, they did show the dungeons, the de’s, and the PvP. You can really only blame yourself for not taking the time to make an educated purchase choice.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

hauskamies, I did watch the videos and I’ve read all the articles I could find online.

You are simply not right, man. It’s one thing to take second-hand opinions based on some short-term experiences of those who emit them, and maybe some of them were even on the whole marketing campaign of GW2 (paid reviews). It’s completely different to try the game yourself.

The game had tons of hype. I knew it won’t all be true. But I didn’t expect that NONE will be true at all. So stop it.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


You don’t need a crystal ball, you could’ve just watched the hundreds of youtube videos that had in-depth information about every aspect of the game. Yes, they did show the dungeons, the de’s, and the PvP. You can really only blame yourself for not taking the time to make an educated purchase choice.

If he had watched sPvP from beta videos, he’d of seen paid tournaments being functional.

Not the case now.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: gene helo.1590

gene helo.1590

You don’t need a crystal ball, you could’ve just watched the hundreds of youtube videos that had in-depth information about every aspect of the game. Yes, they did show the dungeons, the de’s, and the PvP. You can really only blame yourself for not taking the time to make an educated purchase choice.

Watching someone play isn’t playing the game..
You don’t watch someone speed run a game of Castlevania, and claim you beat it…do you?

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


Are you really saying that you buy everything blind because you can’t figure out anything from videos? Now, let’s count all the things I got from youtube without ever playing the game: Renown hearts are glorified quests, the same boring things still. I knew that dynamic events wouldn’t really change anything nor would they branch out in different meaningful ways. I knew dungeons wouldn’t drop any special loot, that they would be hard and that you would have to grind tokens a lot. I knew that the pvp was unbalanced. Also talking about tournaments, a huge chunk of the time they actually weren’t working. How is this different from playing the actual game? The only thing that I didn’t actually figure out was what the personal story would be like in the end.

Watching someone play isn’t playing the game..
You don’t watch someone speed run a game of Castlevania, and claim you beat it…do you?

Strawman argument much? When did I say that? Oh, I didn’t. I was talking about making an educated purchase choice. I can actually infer whether I will enjoy a game beforehand 95% of the time. I can’t remember when I last purchased a game I didn’t enjoy.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


What’s with the “this game isn’t a month old” ever-popular line?

A month old isn’t referring to the development process, it’s referring to how long people have had official access to live servers. Most games today, other than DOTA 2, are not E-Sports until a month or two after launch (technically DOTA 2 is still in beta). Most PvPers should have the intelligence and common sense to not expect full E-Sport capability of any game at its launch.

What good is an E-Sport with exploits, bugs and profession imbalances? Had the E-Sport tools been available since launch people may have put the game off as too buggy and imbalanced for E-Sports. This would have more of a detrimental effect for this game’s E-Sport viability than where we are now.

All this discussion is moot because there’s no subscription fee to GW2 and no grind to sPvP. People leave and come to other E-Sports all the time, GW2 will be no different.

(edited by Gilgamesh.2561)

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Untouch.2541


You don’t need a crystal ball, you could’ve just watched the hundreds of youtube videos that had in-depth information about every aspect of the game. Yes, they did show the dungeons, the de’s, and the PvP. You can really only blame yourself for not taking the time to make an educated purchase choice.

If he had watched sPvP from beta videos, he’d of seen paid tournaments being functional.

Not the case now.

Except paid tournies were free in beta, weren’t even working in BWE1 and 2.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: gene helo.1590

gene helo.1590

Strawman argument much? When did I say that? Oh, I didn’t. I was talking about making an educated purchase choice. I can actually infer whether I will enjoy a game beforehand 95% of the time. I can’t remember when I last purchased a game I didn’t enjoy.

I don’t think you know what a strawman argument is.

You’re implying that watching X amount of videos and reading X amount of articles about a game from other people’s opinions will ultimately decide you will enjoy the game before playing it. I’m sorry but whatever you enjoy doesn’t work that way until you try it out yourself.

Their opinion isn’t yours.They are playing it, and not you. Everything can sound so great on paper, and that is why Raging Bull is disappointed with the game. Everything sounded and looked exactly what he would probably enjoy, but the execution wasn’t what he expected, and that is why hes disappointed.

I don’t see what is so difficult to understand here..

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


I don’t think you know what a strawman argument is.

I never said watching someone play is equivalent to playing the game yet you still tried to refute my point by implying I did say that. Not a strawman? Do you know what it means?

Also, Raging Bull said “But I didn’t expect that NONE will be true at all.” None. Zilch. Nada. Zero. Whatever he saw or heard about the game wasn’t true. He was being lied to by the “paid reviews” and every single video in youtube. He couldn’t find a single piece of reliable information on the internet. I can’t believe I need to break this down to you. Let me say it again: None. And do you seriously think people take everyone’s opinions as their own like a sheep? Have you ever heard of critical thinking? And guess what, there were plenty of videos with negative feedback too. I wonder why no one magically took their opinions as their own.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


When GW1 launched all they had was HA I believe. If you guys really think that this game is going to get old fast because they aren’t implementing other options right away, then just look how GW1 did. It lasted years, it did begin to crash in the last couple years but that’s because Anet was focusing more energy to GW2. If you can’t handle waiting for a game that has a promising future in e-sports then you should just leave. New people will always start playing GW2, we don’t neeeeed you guys complaining and kitten.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


When GW1 launched all they had was HA I believe. If you guys really think that this game is going to get old fast because they aren’t implementing other options right away, then just look how GW1 did. It lasted years, it did begin to crash in the last couple years but that’s because Anet was focusing more energy to GW2. If you can’t handle waiting for a game that has a promising future in e-sports then you should just leave. New people will always start playing GW2, we don’t neeeeed you guys complaining and kitten.

Please remember me when was GW1 ever popular? Yeah. Never.

“Oh you guys just wait yadayada” … game has been in development for ages and now we just have to wait a few precious more until it delivers what was promised? Great!

I was waiting for an e-sport mmo and i knew i would not get it the closer the release came to be. The problem now is not that GW2 has literally nothing e-sport related, the problem is that PvP in general gets COMPLETELY ignored. Dev’s don’t even bother to lie anymore, it’s that bad. I’ve heard soon quite a few times to many from other developers to know that in 95% of the cases it’s nothing more but an empty phrase and it seems the same way with ANet, i mean seriously ~2weeks now for a kitten blog post that states what they are currently working on? It’s just sad in general as again GW2 in an mmo with promising PvP yet gets destroyed by the inability of few in charge.

Also the whole youtube case pretty much made clear that ANet lived in a dungeon the last 5years and has literally no idea about e-sport. Same thing for “hurr metagame has to develop before we introduce ladder”.

And no, people are not going to wait. If you followed any “wow-killer” mmo in the last 10 years you would know that people actually want to have a game that is in a somewhat finished state or they will simply quit. If you buy a car today you not only expect it to drive but to have heated seats and navigation and whatnot, arguing “well they didn’t have that 10years ago so why should we have it now” is nonsensical and shows of how little you understand of both business and human psyche.

It is not ok to release an mmo without endgame and even less ok to release an “e-sport pvp mmo” without any actual kind of pvp besides zerg battlegrounds and a “tournament” that does nothing but form random heaps of 8 groups and didn’t even work properly for the majority of time.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


Don’t let the door hit you on your way out. And remember to hold on to your principles when the features are added. You said you won’t wait so no coming back. Ok?

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Zyd.4352


We all know the potential of the game, is up to the ArenaNet to make the change needed, and they need to do it fast, GW2 is less watched than Minecraft on Twitch, and that’s mainly because the 80% of GW2 streams are PvP and there’s nothing interesting to watch other than people doing Free Tournaments wich is completly boring to play and watch.

Zyd – Zydness – Anvil Rock

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Angelus.1042


GW2 = Screw all good ideas and things that worked in GW1 PVP
GW2 = Lets focus on PVE and Zerg V Zerg which gets boring after a few days (WvW) and forget about the real PVP.

I am disappointed. I loved GW1.

I bet sites like arenajunkies are regretting their decision to support GW2 now for sPVP…There blog post about them saying GW2 holds promise lol…that may be changing in a few weeks.

(edited by Angelus.1042)

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


Still no news ? regarding spvp changes the clock is ticking cmon.

play hard , go pro.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


lets hope for today´s blog post. Im starting to be really nervous as there is still no direction and i would really like to know where we are going? What will be next steps? What “fast fixes” we can expect?

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: illdeath.9617


i find this games pvp way better then any i have ever tried. it actualy takes strategy, builds and compositions unlike the normal “focus the healers” kinda pvp in most other pvp oriented mmos. look its very simple if you dont like the game then dont buy it. there is no reason to beg for attention on forums about how this sucks and that sucks. look you waste 60 bucks well im sure its not the 1st time GW2 maybe isnt your thing you tryed it didnt work out well o well that sucks but you sitting here going on and on about what sucks and why you hate it isnt getting anything fixed especialy when millions of other people are happy with where the game is at and wheres its heading. anyway im really excited for these changes keep up the work anet!

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


we dont want to give empty promises… next few days

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


the direction is Esports and competitive PvP play thats there goal but it will not happen overnight the game could of been in beta for another year and you would still have all these things needing to be ironed out a game of this magnitude wil never be perfect and you have to accept that.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: shiNn.2571


just push this thread.
maybe Anet forgot to write the blogpost!
It isnt that important. Plz fix first pve. pvp can be changed in 95738975months. its ok.

Mighty Shinn
Jealous Much [JM]

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


the direction is Esports and competitive PvP play thats there goal but it will not happen overnight the game could of been in beta for another year and you would still have all these things needing to be ironed out a game of this magnitude wil never be perfect and you have to accept that.

I’m pretty sure that 1 more year of beta would’ve helped it immensely. Like we wouldn’t have it launch WITHOUT A LADDER SYSTEM LOL

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpy.8397


I also have many friends thinking of quiting the game due to the lack of pvp content, i.e. ladders and payed tpvp

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

just push this thread.
maybe Anet forgot to write the blogpost!
It isnt that important. Plz fix first pve. pvp can be changed in 95738975months. its ok.

Yes conquest can wait, arah got bugged today and didn’t let anyone enter as a group.

People cannot even get their skillpoints from bugs either.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aelona.8572


Any ETA for that blog article since you guys clearly said that it’d be coming “in the next few days” ?

-Aelona / -Sygmaelle / -Ghinbi

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


would like to know as well.. where is the blog post?
sorry i know you have lot of work but im not enjoying anything else except of PvP. and since im not facing opponents that are same level as im – then im getting bored..

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Jonthh.6319


im getting bored like hell because there is no ranking system, and the kitten is so unbalanced…. all spells like frenzy and kitten need to be taken away… those spells ruins the game..

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


I agree, I could have not.

But dungeons were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

DEs were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

PvP was announced as really awesome, which it turned out not to be.

So no, I don’t have a crystal ball nor am I psychic. I trusted the company so many people “vouched” for, based on GW1 experiences. And it’s the last time I bought a game straight upon release. I should know better to wait for reviews and try the game myself first.

i feel sorry for you that you do not feel that any of the features you listed in gw2 are good, i personally feel the DE are amazing and i love the pvp(barring class imbalances) i have never been a huge dungeon fan but the dungeons here are enough to make me want to go back and do them over again which no other game has been able to do including WoW which was supposedly the best for dungeon crawling. so in my opinion this game has completely lived up to what it claimed you just dont like it!

That is ok and completely valid I am so glad we live in an age where people are free to share there opinion!

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


where is my blogpost

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


where is my blogpost

they have more important stuff to do like fixing pve

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


Blog post in a few days…. been over a week :|


Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: shiNn.2571


OVER 2 weeks u mean

Mighty Shinn
Jealous Much [JM]

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpy.8397


And so we keep on waiting and get no response

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Tomahorc.9607


Having started pvping about 2 weeks ago, I am now starting to get a little bored of it. A bit of this might be due to burnout as I’ve played a lot, and also the fact that after finding a good team to play with, a few of the members have got bored also and no longer come online much, and I can now feel myself reaching that point too. In all honestly, there’s very little point to pvp-ing without some sort of ladder system in tournaments. The current rank is meaningless as all it proves is you’ve got more time than other people (vanilla wow high warlord anyone?).

I do still like the pvp a lot, and find the good games enjoyable, but without some sort of matchmaking system, and with map exploits being used by dubious characters (jump at the start so you can miss being teleported to the starting waypoint?) it is becoming a bit stale & tedious now. This combined with some opponents just being idiots and rubbing your nose in it when you lose, or just cussing you off when you win, is really starting to put me off the game.

The fact that there are still so many profession bugs and connection issues after a month is also a little bit annoying, and having had our whole team dc in the middle of the final map today is VERY annoying (somehow we still won that game but still…), and then later to have one member get kicked out half way through a final game that we were winning is also very annoying, especially when at the end the opposing team had the cheek to call us “scrubs” in map chat when we played the 2nd half of the game with 4, and only lost by 50 points.

Like many have said already, no decent premade wants to rollover some random pug anymore, it really isn’t fun at all.

One change you could make to improve the current free tournament system would be to make it for pre-made groups only, and change 8v8 zergfest into 5v5 so people who want to test out builds etc can use that instead of just going into free tourneys to test, not caring about winning or losing.

Also, split all the glory at the end of a tournament round evenly between all team members, the current system is stupid, it’s a team game, when we win or lose we do it together, one should not be rewarded more just because he’s playing the roamer in the team.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Fed.8594


GW2 = Lets focus on PVE and Zerg V Zerg which gets boring after a few days (WvW) and forget about the real PVP.

There are issues in WvW that are not being addressed either. I think the patch yesterday was mainly devoted to PVE, with only one line PVP related… I just don’t understand it… GW2 seemed to be a pvp focused MMO with pve added on. And Anet are treating it like it’s the other way round?

For example, free server transfers are badly affecting WvW populations… but they are keeping them in because PVE guesting is not yet up… it’s like they have made a decision that most of their customers are doing PVE and they need to address that first.

Spvp and WvW needs Anet feedback. It’s been a month since launch and everything thus far seems to be very PVE focused in terms of their priorities.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


atm rank 32 and getting pretty boring to stomp pug’s in Tpvp…

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


will today be the day of the blogpost??

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Glowdeggel.2613


“Chaplan will be putting out a blog post in the next few days.”
One week later still no blog post…

How about giving us some information?

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Bless.9854


I’ll go and play Moba-Games like 90% of my other mates did, until any sort of ranking is released

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Eir.6921


[Quote]it’s like they have made a decision that most of their customers are doing PVE and they need to address that first.[/quote]
gosh i wonder how that is possible
you can basicly put the PvP community in 2 categories.
1: left the game cause it got boring, and sometimes logging on or not…
2: went doing PvE in hope PvP got fixed soon

so even more people doing PvE but thats alos cause the PvP is lacking….

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


im pretty sure, there is more teams and therefore PVE and PVP, both can get love.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Tyrfang.1709


Yeah, because League of Legends launched with a ranking system and a spectator mode and… Oh wait!

LoL had an elo system in place all the way back in beta, although it wasn’t openly visable.
By the time it “released,” it was visable to all. The old elo rankings were shuffled into unranked matchmaker rankings.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Fed.8594


Still no word on PVP plans.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


new week.. new hopes??

can we get the blogpost today please? or.. wait.. im not really sure if im interested anymore in reading blogpost that will probably only announce another comming soon feature. so.. let me change my question..

Can we get competitive PvP this week please?

(edited by Aragiel.6132)

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: shiNn.2571


don*t want to make empty promises

the more I read this, the more funnier it is.

Mighty Shinn
Jealous Much [JM]

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I agree, I could have not.

But dungeons were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

DEs were announced as really awesome, which they turned out not to be.

PvP was announced as really awesome, which it turned out not to be.

So no, I don’t have a crystal ball nor am I psychic. I trusted the company so many people “vouched” for, based on GW1 experiences. And it’s the last time I bought a game straight upon release. I should know better to wait for reviews and try the game myself first.

Sorry but all of these are just YOUR OPINION. With which quite frankly i wholeheartedly disagree.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: wuzzle.1368


Hmm, how do I phrase it?
There is a huge potential for GW2 sPvP. My worries are that AN is failing to use that potential since the hype is over now and people like me, who don’t like the PvE aspect of any game that where super happy to get a competitive PvP without the need of farming equip or grinding levels, start losing the urge to login due to competitive PvP not being competitive at all.

It’s a huge problem for me that it’s either “HotJoin for Glory-farming”, “Solo queueing FTs to be paired up with the ones I stomped in the Hotjoins and getting destroyed by organized teams” or “Finding a team with a bit of coordination to just flatten everything that lurks in FTs”. Neither of those things is fun to me.

This is not about raging that I want something that was promised. Or that I need something or I’ll quit or any raging bullkitten. This is about ArenaNet losing the momentum and the chance to establish an E-Sport or an e-sport worthy basement to build upon. I’m simply worrying that ANet will fail. And I really like their whole game model and their philosophies.
But please don’t miss the chance. This niche is so unique and desperately wanted (atleast by me) that the success could be immense.
When people are losing interest in a game they won’t easily come back. As you can see with Diablo3. Blizzard screwed up big times. I don’t know how it works now but their leveling after leveling may be the thing that was missing. But I’ll never find out since I’ve completely lost interest in that game. The D3 funding model is not too far off from the GW2 one. An nowadays I know hardly anybody that logs into D3 anymore.

Ok, enough philosophy for now. I can’t really say new things. The obvious has been stated often enough.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: uncop.5073


I presume Anet will have a few bags full of money just for the occasion that they feel sPvP is ready to be an esport. There’s nothing like some real-world prizes to get people’s mouths watering again.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Shahiel.8342


It’s starting to feel like they are failing to capitalize on the hype around sPVP.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


Ppl already stopped spamming for tpvp grps in the mists. We need that blog post asap.

play hard , go pro.